Posted November 21, 200717 yr Translated Windows Sidebar addon request topicOK I have had these requests before and I have done them unofficially but now its official, anybody who wants the Windows Sidebar addon translated into your language request it here and I will see what I can do.Here is what you need to provide me:1- The Windows Sidebar folder with all the files and gadgets (ziped and uploaded) from the specific language Vista you want me to translate it into.2- The localized Accessories folder name for your Windows Sidebar shortcut (example Spanish XP is Accesorios)3- I need to know what "Language:" appears when you are modifying your Windows CD example4- (Otpional) Translate the following Blue prompt text from english into your language:InsTitle ="Windows Sidebar Installer"InstQuest="Do you want to install the Windows Sidebar?"InsFinal ="Congratulations the Windows Sidebar was installed successfully. Please reboot your computer."RepTitle ="Windows Sidebar Repair"RepQuest ="The following will re-register Windows Sidebar, repair Gadget Installer and also restore any Shared Gadgets you may have uninstalled."RepFinal ="The Windows Sidebar, Gadget Installer and Gadgets were all restored & repaired successfully."UninTitle="Windows Sidebar Uninstaller"UninQuest="Are you sure you want to uninstall the Windows Sidebar from your computer?"UninFinal="Congratulations the Windows Sidebar was uninstalled successfully."OthrTitle="Gadgets Uninstaller"OthrQuest="Do you want to also uninstall Gadget Installer and delete all your Windows Sidebar Gadgets and their settings?"NoAlky ="You need to (re)install Alky for Applications v1.1. | Tip: You can use the [Change] button in Add or Remove Programs to re-register the Windows Sidebar."ChangeMsg="Use the [Change] button to fix any Windows Sidebar problems you may be having."5- Also can you tell me if there is a Office MRU Gadget in your language HERE so I can add itThats all i need
November 24, 200717 yr OK I will do a Klingon version tonight Splendid idea, only misses matching theme visuals Might try German later on, if time allows it.
December 10, 200717 yr So here's my request in the name of all german users. I built my own w/o W-Lan API ( it's in the german HotfixPack ) and with my prefered Gadgets - but an official "made by ricktendo64" addon will be great for all the Deutschlanders here :thumbsup_anim: 1. The whole 7zipped Sidebar folder ( Vista rtm ) Windows_Sidebar_de-DE.7z2. Localized "Accessories" folders name is "Zubeh Edited December 10, 200717 yr by chris.b
December 25, 200717 yr Hello Rick!I used your german Sidebar-Addon for nlite but when I installed it on a VM I receive this message:In English:National Language Support Downlevel APIs Update is not installed. New installation of Alky for Applications could solve the problem.What does this message mean?Just for info. I created a XP.iso with nlite and used the hotfix-pack from the german-nlite-forum (in this hotfix pack all the necessary Hotfixes for your Addon are integrated). As well I removed all language files (except English and German).Thanks in advanceHuberer
December 25, 200717 yr Author OK let me explain that warningIn my INF file before it registers the windows sidebar, it checks the registry to see if NLSDL (national language downlevel api) is installed. If its not you will get that error.Just because the registry entries are not present does not mean its not installed, so if you want to stop this you can integrate a Internet Explorer addon that has nlsdl or you can change the INF for this one that does not check
December 25, 200717 yr Thanks for the info Rick.Will install with your .infHubererEdit: Everything worked fine. Just tested it in a VM. Thanks again :thumbsup_anim: Edited December 25, 200717 yr by Huberer
January 3, 200817 yr hi, thanks for everything...1. Windows Sidebar tr-TR2. Localized "Accessories" folders name is "Aksesuarlar"3. 4.InsTitle="Windows Kenar Edited January 3, 200817 yr by Acces Netdede
January 3, 200817 yr Das is gut ya hahahhaha Rick soll ich mal in Deutsch schreiben btw you spell ja with a "J" not "Y"But the rest is very good :thumbsup_anim:
January 4, 200817 yr very very thanks for translate is sidebar...can i turkish sidebar runing on windows xp pro 64bit (x64) Edited January 4, 200817 yr by Acces Netdede
January 15, 200817 yr Hello Rick,I'm going to provide stuff to make italian version.Just a question:is correct if I take sidebar files from a Vista Ultimate 32-bit installation with all windowsupdate patches installed? Can I install also the rc release of sp1 or is it better to don't do that?Thanks a lot
January 15, 200817 yr Author Yes the updated gadgets would be niceAs for the 6.0.6001.17xxx sidebars they don't work with alky, they crash (Rafael is on it tho, along with gadgets uninstall fix, all vista games compatibility and x64 shell extension)
January 15, 200817 yr Thanks for the info Rick Do you think it's better to wait a fix for SP1 Sidebar and release the add-on directly with the updated version?
March 27, 200816 yr Windows Sidebar v6.0.6000.16386 German (de-DE)MD5: 136789C03EEAFCA946A8F00AB0EE0CC6Size: 17.7 MBThis is the exact same as my current english windows sidebar addon. The windows sidebar, default MS gadgets and Office 2007 MRU gadget are translated to german (the rest are still english) all shortcuts, cpl properties and info tips are also translated into german (by using the windows sidebar's own MUI's )Das is gut ya? Hey, any chance of getting this updated with the latest version of your English sidebar?Or, any instructions on how to do this myself?
March 28, 200816 yr Author Helmi the text I need translated has changed slightly (see 1st post) so if you re-translate it (only a few small changes were made) then I will update the de-DE version with the latest AlkyBTW if you don't want the RTM Sidebar (its the only german sidebar I have) plz provide me with a SP1 version of the Sidebar and its GadgetsThis goes for anybody who may want their langs updated
March 28, 200816 yr Hi, can you make windows sidebar nLite addon for my czech language?Here is a link for download patched and fully working sidebar on xp sp2. This is a Windows Sidebar v6.0.6000.16386 download you must click on Windows Sidebar.exe Here is a non patched SP1, its original sidebar. I do not patched the sidebar style.... Only original copied from Windows vista 6.0.6000.16386, because, i have not got a sp1 for vista in czech language... in czech = Př
March 29, 200816 yr Author George King can you translate the blue text from the 1st post also?Also... Just send me the entire Windows Sidebar folder with gadgets, I don't want that installer, just need the Gadget files
March 29, 200816 yr George King can you translate the blue text from the 1st post also?Yes, here is it InsTitle ="Instalace programu Windows Sidebar"InstQuest="Opravdu chcete nainstalovat program Windows Sidebar?"InsFinal ="Blahopřeji, program Windows Sidebar byl
March 29, 200816 yr Helmi the text I need translated has changed slightly (see 1st post) so if you re-translate it (only a few small changes were made) then I will update the de-DE version with the latest AlkyRoger that, I'll get to it!BTW if you don't want the RTM Sidebar (its the only german sidebar I have) plz provide me with a SP1 version of the Sidebar and its GadgetsHow would I go about that one?I do have a German Vista DVD here as well as the SP1, however, neither is currently installed (could do so in a VM if required).Can I extract the needed files (could you list/name them, please?) from the install source or does it need to be installed first?Thanks again!EDIT:Here cometh the translation:InsTitle ="Windows-Sidebar-Installationsprogramm"InstQuest="Wollen Sie die Windows Sidebar installieren?"InsFinal ="Gl Edited March 29, 200816 yr by Helmi
March 30, 200816 yr Also... Just send me the entire Windows Sidebar folder with gadgets, I don't want that installer, just need the Gadget filesIn the installer are czech gadgets and bonus gadgets in czech language.... You must extract my installer with winrar. After extracting installer you must extract sidebar.exe and in sidebar.exe are all original gadgets in folder Gadgets and in folder Shared gadgets are my bonus gadgets....
March 30, 200816 yr Author Helmi here you go, you are going to have to make due with the RTM version of the sidebar (since this is the only de-DE version I have)Download: King yours is next
March 31, 200816 yr At time I have the German Sidebar Build 17052, that works with Alky 1.1Download: original Sidebar 17052 patched with Alky 1.1- Sidebar 17052 with noSkin, patched with Alky 1.1- unpatched Files- "de-De" Folder- new German Gadgets, see : RegSidebar.cmd and UnRegSidebar.cmdHave fun!
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