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I'm new in these forums but I have been checking for updates for a while. And now I want to give you a little sand grain with the Vista Sidebar spanish files. I took them from Vista Home Basic N x64 (but I think I took x86 files). ricktendo64 I will post your needs in order as you described in post1:

1- Windows Sidebar spanish, ver 6.0.6001.18000: http://www.megaupload.com/es/?d=0MGRJMHH

2- Spanish localized "Accesories" folder is, as you wrote in the first post, "Accesorios".

3- Language is:


4- Blue text translation to spanish:

InsTitle ="Programa de instalaci

Edited by XibaD

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Here is the Spanish one for you http://www.wincert.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=1442

How I speak Spanish in addition to the normal gadgets also I translated a couple other gadgets for you, like Office MRU, Recycle Bins (XP and Vista), Vista Calculator, Digital Clock, Gadget Spacer

BTW make sure you find a way to integrate KB940541 either in a updatepack or some other form

Hello Mr. ricktendo64. :)

It is a file and a translation necessary for releasing a Japanese version.

Japanese might be special.

I am sorry for pressing troublesome work against you.

1- Windows Sidebar japanese, ver 6.0.6001.18000: Windowssidebar_Japanese.7z

2- Japanese localized "Accesories" folders name is "アクセサリ"

It is a place changed to Japanese referring to es-ES.

OptionDesc ="Windows サイドバー"

Tip ="個人用に設定したスライドショー、ニュースフィードおよび他のカスタマイズされた情報をデスクトップに表示します。"

HKLM,"%NAME_SPAC%\{37efd44d-ef8d-41b1-940d-96973a50e9e0}",,,"Windows サイドバーのプロパティ"

LNK_NAME="Windows サイドバー"

:excl: It is a font adopted for Vista Japanese version.: meiryo.7z

   It is used for property and the gadget.

3- Language of the XP is "Japanese (Japan)" so the locale is "ja-JP"

4- Blue text translation to Japanese:

InsTitle ="Windows サイドバー インストーラ"

InstQuest="Windows サイドバーをインストールしますか?"

InsFinal ="おめでとう、Windows サイドバーは、正常にインストールされました。コンピュータを再起動してください。"

RepTitle ="Windows サイドバー の修復"

RepQuest ="Windows サイドバーに、ガジェットインストーラの修復と再登録をします。さらに、アンインストールされた ガジェットの復元をします。"

RepFinal ="Windows サイドバー、ガジェットインストーラとガジェットのすべては、正常に修復および復元されました。"

UninTitle="Windows サイドバー アンインストーラ"

UninQuest="コンピューターから Windows サイドバー を削除しますか?"

UninFinal="コンピューターから Windows サイドバー は削除されました。"

OthrTitle="ガジェット アンインストーラ"

OthrQuest="ガジェットインストーラをアンインストールして、全てのWindows サイドバーとガジェットの構成セッティングを削除しますか?"

NoAlky ="Alky for Applications v1.1を再インストールする必要があります。| 情報:Windows サイドバーを再登録するには、プログラムの追加と削除の<変更>を使用することができます。"


5- Office MRU Gadget is from a Japanese site.: Office MRU Gadget Japanese

Please continue your favors toward a Japanese version please. :P

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This is going to be a hard one, I tried installing support for japaneese for my english XP but this is all I can copy and paste

InsTitle ="Windows ????? ??????"
InstQuest="Windows ?????????????????"
InsFinal ="??????Windows ???????????????????????????????????????"
RepTitle ="Windows ????? ???"
RepQuest ="Windows ????????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????"
RepFinal ="Windows ?????????????????????????????????????????????"
UninTitle="Windows ????? ????????"
UninQuest="????????? Windows ????? ????????"
UninFinal="????????? Windows ????? ?????????"
OthrTitle="????? ????????"
OthrQuest="??????????????????????????Windows ????????????????????????????"
NoAlky ="Alky for Applications v1.1??????????????????| ??:Windows ??????????????????????????<??>?????????????"

Hello Mr. ricktendo64. :)

Even if a Japanese font is installed, is it impossible?

However, the file was prepared though it did not understand whether to become a resolution of a question. : Sidebar.inf

Office MRU Gadget cannot be installed in XP Japanese environment.

I think it is good in English when it doesn't go well.

My best regards though the hardship is multiplied.

I'm sorry.

It made a mistake in the file and it transmitted.

Edited by fenix

Hello Mr. Rick. :)

Mr. Rick thinks that it confirms it with US English XP.

The code system such as JIS, Shift-JIS, and EUC was flooded, and OS of Microsoft adopted Shift-JIS for the character-code of Japan in that for years since MS-DOS until Unicode was defined.

And, the internationalization was held by the appearance of Unicode.

As for Windows XP Japanese version, Unicode(UTF-7,UTF-8,UTF-16...) was adopted from SP1, and there was no garble and it came to be able to read the document in the environment of the each country version.

However, present XP doesn't correspond still completely and have the file that should be written with Shift-JIS in a part of document such as installers.

This INF file hits it.

Therefore, please release it after trying to encode the character-code to Shift-JIS immediately before though it works by UTF-8 in the environment of Mr. Rick and it doesn't care.

Otherwise, it is not correctly installed in the environment of a Japanese version because it garbles.

The software used for the Shift-JIS conversion was prepared.: http://rapidshare.com/files/106382210/maru...signed.exe.html

Sidebar.inf of new add-on was done in UTF-8 and prepared.: http://rapidshare.com/files/106384584/Sidebar.inf.html

When having confirmed it with Sidebar.inf before it converted it, everything was operated without trouble.

My best regards above.

JIS = Japan Industrial Standards

Hi, here the stuffs to make italian version.

1- The whole zipped Vista Sidebar folder: Windows_Sidebar_6.0.6001.18000_it-IT.zip

2- Localized "Accessories" folders name is "Accessori";

3- Language of the XP is "Italiano (Italia)":


4- Localized strings:

InsTitle ="Windows Sidebar Installer"

InstQuest="Vuoi procedere all'installazione di Windows Sidebar?"

InsFinal ="Complimenti Windows Sidebar

Edited by Sheiklan

Thanks Sheiklan for fixing the errors :)

I have some suggestions about the translation of strings.

Can I write them here? If it's not a problem for you ;)

Edited by Provolino

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Can you guys send me a patched with alky sidebar.exe (with fade skin too), sbdrop.dll and wlsrvc.dll (I also need the manifests files)

I am no longer on XP but am on Vista and I do not have the memory req to install it on VMware

EDIT: the tooltip is done automatically by the MUI files and sorry the other gadgets have to stay, it will take me hours to redo the INF file and delete thousands of PNG files

Thanks Sheiklan for fixing the errors :)

I have some suggestions about the translation of strings.

Can I write them here? If it's not a problem for you ;)

Oh, ok! ;) No problem!

Can you guys send me a patched with alky sidebar.exe (with fade skin too), sbdrop.dll and wlsrvc.dll (I also need the manifests files)

Here the patched files, Rick! :)

Edited by Sheiklan

Hi Rick,

here is the link for patched files you requested (I tried the ones posted by Sheikaln and sidebar.exe doesn't seem to work, it has wrong file size):


Also here is a better translation for the localized strings :)

Sheiklan translation is good but this version is more Microsoft-style (I used same words of Office and Windows installations) so it makes it looking more "original" ;)

Italian strings:

InsTitle ="Installazione di Windows Sidebar"

InstQuest="Installare Windows Sidebar?"

InsFinal ="Congratulazioni, Windows Sidebar

Edited by Provolino

  • 2 weeks later...

Hello Mr. ricktendo64.

Can you translate your installation program in french please ?

1. Windows Sidebar files in french (en fran

  • 3 weeks later...

GREEK Language Request:

First of all a big thanks to ricktendo64 (and anyone who may have involved) for the great work at the Windows Sidebar project.

Below are the necessary details for the Greek el-GR Localization:

1- Windows Sidebar folder: WS-ELL.7z


2-The localized Accessories folder name for your Windows Sidebar shortcut :"Βοηθήματα" or ":C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu\Προγράμματα\Βοηθήματα"

3-"Language:" that appears when modifying Windows CD :"Greek"


Windows Sidebar :"Πλευρική εργαλειοθήκη των Windows"

InsTitle ="Εγκατάσταση Πλευρικής εργαλειοθήκης των Windows"

InstQuest="Θέλετε να εγκαταστήσετε την Πλευρική εργαλειοθήκη των Windows?"

InsFinal ="Συγχαρητήρια η Πλευρική εργαλειοθήκη των Windows εγκαταστάθηκε με επιτυχία. Παρακαλώ κάντε επανεκκίνηση του Υπολογιστή σας."

RepTitle ="Επιδιόρθωση Πλευρικής εργαλειοθήκης των Windows "

RepQuest ="Η ενέργεια αυτή θα καταχωρήσει εκ νέου την Πλευρική εργαλειοθήκη των Windows, θα επισκευάσει τον Εγκαταστάτη μικροεφαρμογών και επίσης θα επαναφέρει τις Κοινόχρηστες μικροεφαρμογές που μπορεί να έχετε απ-εγκαταστήσει."

RepFinal ="Η Πλευρική εργαλειοθήκη των Windows, ο Εγκαταστάτης μικροεφαρμογών και οι Μικροεφαρμογές επανακαταχωρήθηκαν και επισκευάστηκαν με επιτυχία."

UninTitle=" Απεγκατάσταση Πλευρικής εργαλειοθήκης των Windows "

UninQuest="Είστε σίγουροι ότι θέλετε να απεγκαταστήσετε την Πλευρική εργαλειοθήκη των Windows από τον Υπολογιστή σας?"

UninFinal="Συγχαρητήρια η Πλευρική εργαλειοθήκη των Windows απεγκαταστάθηκε με επιτυχία."

OthrTitle=" Απεγκατάσταση μικροεφαρμογών "

OthrQuest="Θέλετε επίσης να απεγκαταστήσετε τον Εγκαταστάτη μικροεφαρμογών και να διαγράψετε όλες τις Μικροεφαρμογές της Πλευρικής εργαλειοθήκης των Windows καθώς και τις ρυθμίσεις τους?"

NoAlky ="Χρειάζεται να (επαν)εγκαταστήσετε το πακέτο Alky for Applications v1.1. | Σημείωση: Μπορείτε να χρησιμοποιήσετε το κουμπί [Αλλαγή] στην Προσθαφαίρεση προγραμμάτων καταχωρήσετε εκ νέου την Πλευρική εργαλειοθήκη των Windows."

ChangeMsg="Χρησιμοποιήστε το κουμπί [Αλλαγή] στην Προσθαφαίρεση προγραμμάτων προκειμένου να διορθώσετε τυχών προβλήματα που αντιμετωπίζετε με την Πλευρική εργαλειοθήκη των Windows."

Thanks again, and looking forward to the release.

OK now I need a sidebar and gadgets from each of you two...In the language you want


The file: WS_el-GR.7z above contains the Windows Sidebar version 6.0.6000.16386 for the Greek "Ελληνικά" Language.

The updated version 6.0.6001.18000 is part of the Vista SP1 (Windows6.0-KB936330-X86-wave1.exe).

The extracted files are available here:


As soon as I do not have vista installed, you can tell me if you need any additional extracted file from the SP1 package.


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wn8su I will wait until you have Vista SP1 installed, so you can send me the proper Windows Sidebar folder...the RTM sidebar and those files aren't going to do it because I already have a old RTM (v6000) Greek Sidebar addon

wn8su I will wait until you have Vista SP1 installed, so you can send me the proper Windows Sidebar folder...the RTM sidebar and those files aren't going to do it because I already have a old RTM (v6000) Greek Sidebar addon

Here you go..

The proper folder


They should be ok, notify me if they are not.


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Hello Rick i didn`t understant what sidebar you need to do the ad-on pack in PT....is it possible to integrate sidebar in English to a Portuguese OS?

Thank you.

Yes you can use english sidebar on any language

And Yes If you want a pt-BR version of the sidebar you have to get one and upload it for me

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