May 17, 200816 yr I found this .... in the mean while i will try to integrate the Sidebar in English...Thank you, Rick
May 27, 200816 yr Sidebar Portugues Brasil com instalador em pasta correta em acess Edited May 27, 200816 yr by manuelportuga
May 29, 200816 yr Author @manuelpotruga I have been trying to download that file from Rapidshare for days now with no success, it always gets stuck at 99%I dont need all that crap you are sending, all I need is the original/unpatched Windows Sidebar folder from Vista SP1. Its about 7 MB total I think, leave all the other crap and just upload the sidebar plz
June 17, 200816 yr Live Search gadget For Turkey
June 27, 200816 yr Translated Windows Sidebar addon request topicOK I have had these requests before and I have done them unofficially but now its official, anybody who wants the Windows Sidebar addon translated into your language request it here and I will see what I can do.Hi ricktendo! have a question If I install WINXP Pro from English distr and after install MUI pack with my native lang, could I request you to make addon in this case or it works only if I have my lang version distr? rgdz
June 28, 200816 yr Author Is your language Russian btw?I have no Russian sidebar files in my addonAnd yea the INF will detect the language of your operating system and copy the files I told it to copy for that language...If your language is not supported, it will install the English version of the sidebar
June 28, 200816 yr Is your language Russian btw?I have no Russian sidebar files in my addonAnd yea the INF will detect the language of your operating system and copy the files I told it to copy for that language...If your language is not supported, it will install the English version of the sidebaryeah, russianmirror1 ="Установка боковой панели Windows"InstQuest="Вы действительно хотите установить боковую панель Windows?"InsFinal ="Поздравляем, боковая панель Windows установлена успешно. Пожалуйста перезагрузите компьютер!"RepTitle ="Восстановление боковой панели Windows"RepQuest ="Следующий шаг переустановит боковую панель Windows и установщик гаджетов, а также восстановит все удаленные гаджеты."RepFinal ="Боковая панель Windows, установщик гаджетов и гаджеты успешно восстановлены."UninTitle="Удаление боковой панели Windows"UninQuest="Вы действительно хотите удалить боковую панель Windows?"UninFinal="Поздравляем, боковая панель Windows удалена успешно!"OthrTitle="Удаление гаджетов"OthrQuest="Хотите ли Вы также удалить установщик гаджетов, все гаджеты боковой панели Windows и их установки?"NoAlky ="Вам необходимо (пере)установить Alky for Applications v1.1. | Совет: Используйте кнопку [Изменить] в "Установке и удалении программ" для повторной регистрации боковой панели Windows."ChangeMsg="Используйте кнопку [Изменить], чтобы исправить любые неполадки, возникшие с боковой панелью Windows."Office MRU RUS installed in Sidebar archive or;bt=1&pl=1rus folder name Accesories "Стандартные", but true path C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu\Programs\AccessoriesI took WindowsSidebar ru-RU files from ENG VIsta Ultimate with russian language pack installed via windows updatenLite also show me English (United States) during SP3 integration... into XPmay be I have a chance? hope so...[uPD] I took rus files I uploaded for you and put them into Windows Sidebar folder * into XP SP3 with English version of SB integrated* - it works! Edited June 28, 200816 yr by Verso
July 12, 200816 yr Hello Mr. ricktendo64.Can you translate your installation program in Arabic please ?1. Windows Sidebar files in Arabic (باللغه العربية)WindowsSidebar.rar Download: Localized "Accessories" folders name is "البرامج الملحقة"3. Language of the XP is ar-SA4. Localized strings in sidebar.infInsTitle ="تركيب ويندوز الشريط الجانبي"InstQuest=" سوف يتم تثبيت ويندوز الشريط الجانبي؟"InsFinal ="تهانينا ، ويندوز الشريط الجانبي تم تركيب بنجاح. اعادة تشغيل الكمبيوتر"RepTitle ="اصلاح ويندوز الشريط الجانبي"RepQuest =" ستكون اعادة تسجيل الشريط الجانبي ويندوز ، واصلاح الاداه المثبت وايضا استعادة أي الأدوات المشتركة قد تكون لديكم دون تثبيت."RepFinal =" الشريط الجانبي ويندوز ، برنامج التثبيت وجميع الادوات ، قد تم اعادة اصلاحها بنجاح "UninTitle="الغاء تثبيت ويندوز الشريط الجانبي"UninQuest="هل انت متأكد من انك تريد الغاء تثبيت الشريط الجانبي ويندوز على جهاز الكمبيوتر.؟"UninFinal="تهانينا. ويندوز تمت ازالة الشريط الجانبي بنجاح"OthrTitle="الغاء تثبيت الادوات"OthrQuest="هل تريد إلغاء تثبيت الاداه ايضا المثبت وحذف كل ما تبذلونه من ويندوز الشريط الجانبي والادوات الاعدادات؟"NoAlky =" v1.1 لتثبيت تطبيقات alky (انت بحاجة الى (اعادة "" نصيحه : يمكنك استخدام زر [تغيير] في إضافة أو إزالة البرامج لاعادة سجل النوافذ الجانبية |"ChangeMsg="استخدام زر [تغيير] لتصحيح اي مشاكل ويندوز الشريط الجانبي."ACCESSOR ="البرامج الملحقة"CPL_NAME ="خصائص الشريط الجانبي"LCID ="ar-SA"LNK_NAME =" ويندوز الشريط الجانبي"ThxMerciشكرا لك
July 13, 200816 yr Author OMG sorry russian dude, I totally did not see your post until just nowAnyway I will try to work on both these request tomorrow, I have been wanting to release a version of the sidebar with the manifest files integrated into the sidebar.exe and other librariesSo ma
July 30, 200816 yr Author hello pls Windows Gedgets Bulgarian Versiyon for Windows Xp Sp3 pls translates What you think I speak Bulgarian to translate?And where is the Bulgarian version of the Sidebar?Do what I ask and I may do what you request, its that so hard to understand?Off-Topic Comment(Click to Show) BTW if I sound a bit callous its because this guy does not understand, I told him days ago that for me to make a Bulgarian version of the sidebar for him he has to translate the text and upload the bulgarian sidebarHere is the chat log7/28/2008 3:52:17 PM (li)(li)(li) Turkish RaP(li)(li)(li) *help R i c a r d o(M) hello 7/28/2008 3:52:27 PM (li)(li)(li) Turkish RaP(li)(li)(li) *help R i c a r d o(M) ricktendo64 7/28/2008 3:52:30 PM (li)(li)(li) Turkish RaP(li)(li)(li) *help R i c a r d o(M) pls help 7/28/2008 3:52:32 PM (li)(li)(li) Turkish RaP(li)(li)(li) *help R i c a r d o(M) for me 7/28/2008 3:52:38 PM *help R i c a r d o(M) (li)(li)(li) Turkish RaP(li)(li)(li) hello 7/28/2008 3:52:41 PM *help R i c a r d o(M) (li)(li)(li) Turkish RaP(li)(li)(li) how can i help 7/28/2008 3:52:50 PM (li)(li)(li) Turkish RaP(li)(li)(li) *help R i c a r d o(M) PLS BULGARIAN 7/28/2008 3:53:06 PM (li)(li)(li) Turkish RaP(li)(li)(li) *help R i c a r d o(M) Windwos Sidebar 7/28/2008 3:53:07 PM *help R i c a r d o(M) (li)(li)(li) Turkish RaP(li)(li)(li) only speak english 7/28/2008 3:53:09 PM *help R i c a r d o(M) (li)(li)(li) Turkish RaP(li)(li)(li) oh 7/28/2008 3:53:10 PM *help R i c a r d o(M) (li)(li)(li) Turkish RaP(li)(li)(li) yea 7/28/2008 3:53:18 PM *help R i c a r d o(M) (li)(li)(li) Turkish RaP(li)(li)(li) you have to give me more than that 7/28/2008 3:53:29 PM *help R i c a r d o(M) (li)(li)(li) Turkish RaP(li)(li)(li) need sidebar and translations 7/28/2008 3:53:39 PM (li)(li)(li) Turkish RaP(li)(li)(li) *help R i c a r d o(M) sory 7/28/2008 3:53:43 PM (li)(li)(li) Turkish RaP(li)(li)(li) *help R i c a r d o(M) need 7/28/2008 3:53:45 PM *help R i c a r d o(M) (li)(li)(li) Turkish RaP(li)(li)(li) i sent you a pm 7/28/2008 3:53:45 PM (li)(li)(li) Turkish RaP(li)(li)(li) *help R i c a r d o(M) > 7/28/2008 3:53:50 PM *help R i c a r d o(M) (li)(li)(li) Turkish RaP(li)(li)(li) with a link 7/28/2008 3:53:56 PM (li)(li)(li) Turkish RaP(li)(li)(li) *help R i c a r d o(M) pls 7/28/2008 3:54:00 PM *help R i c a r d o(M) (li)(li)(li) Turkish RaP(li)(li)(li) what the **** 7/28/2008 3:54:02 PM *help R i c a r d o(M) (li)(li)(li) Turkish RaP(li)(li)(li) i told yo 7/28/2008 3:54:06 PM *help R i c a r d o(M) (li)(li)(li) Turkish RaP(li)(li)(li) u* 7/28/2008 3:54:10 PM (li)(li)(li) Turkish RaP(li)(li)(li) *help R i c a r d o(M) no 7/28/2008 3:54:15 PM (li)(li)(li) Turkish RaP(li)(li)(li) *help R i c a r d o(M) ricekndo64 7/28/2008 3:54:17 PM (li)(li)(li) Turkish RaP(li)(li)(li) *help R i c a r d o(M) pls 7/28/2008 3:54:21 PM *help R i c a r d o(M) (li)(li)(li) Turkish RaP(li)(li)(li) you are pissing me off 7/28/2008 3:54:35 PM (li)(li)(li) Turkish RaP(li)(li)(li) *help R i c a r d o(M) windwos sidebar 7/28/2008 3:54:37 PM *help R i c a r d o(M) (li)(li)(li) Turkish RaP(li)(li)(li) YOU NEED TO GIVE ME A VERSION OF THE BULGARIAN SIDEBAR 7/28/2008 3:54:39 PM *help R i c a r d o(M) (li)(li)(li) Turkish RaP(li)(li)(li) **** 7/28/2008 3:54:40 PM (li)(li)(li) Turkish RaP(li)(li)(li) *help R i c a r d o(M) bulgarian 7/28/2008 3:54:51 PM *help R i c a r d o(M) (li)(li)(li) Turkish RaP(li)(li)(li) AND MAKE SOME TRANSLATIONS 7/28/2008 3:54:59 PM (li)(li)(li) Turkish RaP(li)(li)(li) *help R i c a r d o(M) to 7/28/2008 3:54:59 PM (li)(li)(li) Turkish RaP(li)(li)(li) *help R i c a r d o(M) me 7/28/2008 3:55:03 PM *help R i c a r d o(M) (li)(li)(li) Turkish RaP(li)(li)(li) yes YOU 7/28/2008 3:55:30 PM *help R i c a r d o(M) (li)(li)(li) Turkish RaP(li)(li)(li) 7/28/2008 3:55:34 PM *help R i c a r d o(M) (li)(li)(li) Turkish RaP(li)(li)(li) this is what i need 7/28/2008 3:55:45 PM *help R i c a r d o(M) (li)(li)(li) Turkish RaP(li)(li)(li) BTW do you use nLite and stuff 7/28/2008 3:55:46 PM (li)(li)(li) Turkish RaP(li)(li)(li) *help R i c a r d o(M) ok 7/28/2008 3:56:00 PM *help R i c a r d o(M) (li)(li)(li) Turkish RaP(li)(li)(li) or you just manually install it 7/28/2008 3:56:19 PM (li)(li)(li) Turkish RaP(li)(li)(li) *help R i c a r d o(M) thx 7/28/2008 3:56:29 PM (li)(li)(li) Turkish RaP(li)(li)(li) *help R i c a r d o(M) ricektendo 7/28/2008 3:56:30 PM (li)(li)(li) Turkish RaP(li)(li)(li) *help R i c a r d o(M) 64 7/28/2008 3:56:30 PM *help R i c a r d o(M) (li)(li)(li) Turkish RaP(li)(li)(li) do you use nLite? 7/28/2008 3:56:33 PM (li)(li)(li) Turkish RaP(li)(li)(li) *help R i c a r d o(M) yes 7/28/2008 3:56:35 PM *help R i c a r d o(M) (li)(li)(li) Turkish RaP(li)(li)(li) ok 7/28/2008 3:56:35 PM (li)(li)(li) Turkish RaP(li)(li)(li) *help R i c a r d o(M) nlite 7/28/2008 3:56:50 PM *help R i c a r d o(M) (li)(li)(li) Turkish RaP(li)(li)(li) if you want a Bulgarian version of the sidebar 7/28/2008 3:56:58 PM (li)(li)(li) Turkish RaP(li)(li)(li) *help R i c a r d o(M) yes 7/28/2008 3:57:05 PM *help R i c a r d o(M) (li)(li)(li) Turkish RaP(li)(li)(li) you need to get me a bulgarian sidebar 7/28/2008 3:57:35 PM (li)(li)(li) Turkish RaP(li)(li)(li) *help R i c a r d o(M) need 7/28/2008 3:57:36 PM (li)(li)(li) Turkish RaP(li)(li)(li) *help R i c a r d o(M) ? 7/28/2008 3:58:08 PM (li)(li)(li) Turkish RaP(li)(li)(li) *help R i c a r d o(M) for bulgarian sidebar ? 7/28/2008 3:58:39 PM *help R i c a r d o(M) (li)(li)(li) Turkish RaP(li)(li)(li) yes i need YOU! to get the sidebar (in bulgarian) from a friend and upload it for me 7/28/2008 3:58:52 PM (li)(li)(li) Turkish RaP(li)(li)(li) *help R i c a r d o(M) 7/28/2008 3:58:53 PM *help R i c a r d o(M) (li)(li)(li) Turkish RaP(li)(li)(li) then translate the text on that site 7/28/2008 3:58:58 PM *help R i c a r d o(M) (li)(li)(li) Turkish RaP(li)(li)(li) thats the only way 7/28/2008 3:59:05 PM (li)(li)(li) Turkish RaP(li)(li)(li) *help R i c a r d o(M) no need pls 7/28/2008 3:59:14 PM *help R i c a r d o(M) (li)(li)(li) Turkish RaP(li)(li)(li) i dont have a bulgarian sidebar or speak bulgarian to translate 7/28/2008 3:59:18 PM (li)(li)(li) Turkish RaP(li)(li)(li) *help R i c a r d o(M) ricktendo64 7/28/2008 3:59:20 PM *help R i c a r d o(M) (li)(li)(li) Turkish RaP(li)(li)(li) **** 7/28/2008 3:59:24 PM *help R i c a r d o(M) (li)(li)(li) Turkish RaP(li)(li)(li) you are dumb 7/28/2008 3:59:32 PM (li)(li)(li) Turkish RaP(li)(li)(li) *help R i c a r d o(M) ok 7/28/2008 3:59:33 PM (li)(li)(li) Turkish RaP(li)(li)(li) *help R i c a r d o(M) no 7/28/2008 3:59:36 PM (li)(li)(li) Turkish RaP(li)(li)(li) *help R i c a r d o(M) translates 7/28/2008 3:59:37 PM *help R i c a r d o(M) (li)(li)(li) Turkish RaP(li)(li)(li) you still dont understand 7/28/2008 3:59:40 PM (li)(li)(li) Turkish RaP(li)(li)(li) *help R i c a r d o(M) bulgarian 7/28/2008 3:59:43 PM *help R i c a r d o(M) (li)(li)(li) Turkish RaP(li)(li)(li) ok 7/28/2008 3:59:53 PM *help R i c a r d o(M) (li)(li)(li) Turkish RaP(li)(li)(li) sorry but i cannot help you 7/30/2008 12:37:40 AM (li)(li)(li) Turkish RaP(li)(li)(li) *help R i c a r d o(M) Hello 7/30/2008 12:37:47 AM (li)(li)(li) Turkish RaP(li)(li)(li) *help R i c a r d o(M) rickendo64 7/30/2008 12:38:06 AM *help R i c a r d o(M) (li)(li)(li) Turkish RaP(li)(li)(li) if you ask me for a bulgarian sideba once more i will block you 7/30/2008 12:38:47 AM (li)(li)(li) Turkish RaP(li)(li)(li) *help R i c a r d o(M) rickendo64 ist me no perfect english 7/30/2008 12:39:32 AM (li)(li)(li) Turkish RaP(li)(li)(li) *help R i c a r d o(M) ? 7/30/2008 12:40:06 AM *help R i c a r d o(M) (li)(li)(li) Turkish RaP(li)(li)(li) If you want a bulgarian sidebar then get me one 7/30/2008 12:40:40 AM (li)(li)(li) Turkish RaP(li)(li)(li) *help R i c a r d o(M) rickendo64 turksih lanluage 7/30/2008 12:40:41 AM (li)(li)(li) Turkish RaP(li)(li)(li) *help R i c a r d o(M) ? 7/30/2008 12:42:52 AM (li)(li)(li) Turkish RaP(li)(li)(li) *help R i c a r d o(M) rickendo 64 sidebar bulgarien 7/30/2008 12:42:54 AM (li)(li)(li) Turkish RaP(li)(li)(li) *help R i c a r d o(M) no 7/30/2008 12:43:03 AM (li)(li)(li) Turkish RaP(li)(li)(li) *help R i c a r d o(M) block 7/30/2008 12:43:03 AM (li)(li)(li) Turkish RaP(li)(li)(li) *help R i c a r d o(M) me 7/30/2008 12:43:10 AM (li)(li)(li) Turkish RaP(li)(li)(li) *help R i c a r d o(M) ? 7/30/2008 12:45:03 AM *help R i c a r d o(M) (li)(li)(li) Turkish RaP(li)(li)(li) busy 7/30/2008 12:45:09 AM *help R i c a r d o(M) (li)(li)(li) Turkish RaP(li)(li)(li) what do you want? 7/30/2008 12:45:15 AM *help R i c a r d o(M) (li)(li)(li) Turkish RaP(li)(li)(li) sidebar in bulgarian? 7/30/2008 12:47:30 AM *help R i c a r d o(M) (li)(li)(li) Turkish RaP(li)(li)(li) what can i do for you? 7/30/2008 12:47:43 AM (li)(li)(li) Turkish RaP(li)(li)(li) *help R i c a r d o(M) second [Close]
June 11, 200915 yr please add Ukrainian language.for fist time not need translate, you can use ru-RU russian translation.locale: uk-UA, code: 0422
January 31, 201015 yr A lot of people use this sidebar in my country so it would be great to have it in polish right from the start Here's everything you need:1- The Windows Sidebar folder with all the files and gadgets (ziped and uploaded) from the Polish Vista - LINK2- The localized Accessories folder name for polish Windows Sidebar shortcut is Akcesoria3- The language which appears when modifying a PL Windows CD is Polish4- Translation of the Blue prompt text from english into polish:InsTitle ="Instalator Paska Bocznego Windows"InstQuest="Czy chcesz zainstalować Pasek Boczny Windows?"InsFinal ="Gratulacje, Pasek Boczny Windows został zainstalowany pomyślnie. Uruchom ponownie komputer."RepTitle ="Naprawa Paska Bocznego Windows"RepQuest ="Pasek Boczny Windows zostanie zarejestrowany ponownie, Instalator Gadżetów zostanie naprawiony oraz odzyskane zostaną Gadżety, które zostały odinstalowane."RepFinal ="Pasek Boczny Windows, Instalator Gadżetów oraz Gadżety zostały odzyskane i naprawione pomyślnie."UninTitle="Deinstalator Paska Bocznego Windows"UninQuest="Czy na pewno chcesz odinstalować Pasek Boczny Windows ze swojego komputera?"UninFinal="Gratulacje, Pasek Boczny Windows został pomyślnie odinstalowany."OthrTitle="Deinstalator Gadżetów"OthrQuest="Czy chcesz również odinstalować Instalator Gadżetów i usunąć wszystkie Gadżety wraz z ich ustawieniami?"NoAlky ="Musisz zainstalować Alky for Applications v1.1. | Wskazówka: Możesz użyć opcji [Zmień] w Dodaj/Usuń Programy w celu ponownej rejestracji Paska Bocznego Windows."ChangeMsg="Użyj opcji [Zmień] aby naprawić problemy związane z Paskiem Bocznym Windows."5- There is no Office gadget in polishHope you're still working on it Edited January 31, 201015 yr by automizzer
January 31, 201015 yr Author Can you redo the translation and you use "Pasek boczny systemu Windows" where "Windows Sidebar" goes instead?Its what is listed in sidebar.exe.mui as the official polish name for the sidebar
January 31, 201015 yr In polish translation 'Windows Sidebar' is 'Pasek Boczny Windows', it's quite not elegant to replace such an original name to a word-to-word meaning but it's like that anyway in my language. And due to declension in polish 'Pasek Boczny Windows' gets a form of 'Paska bocznego Windows' (like 'Windows Sidebar's Window' would be 'Okno Paska Bocznego Windows')so this translation is accurate and I wouldn't change anything I'm not sure if that's what you ment about that but i think so... Correct me if I'm wrong
January 31, 201015 yr Author The final name of the polish Windows Sidebar will be Pasek boczny systemu Windows because that is what is in the sidebar.exe.mui, so in order to for the dialogs to match I need you to fix your translation to use the same name as the sidebar.exe.muiAlso if you want Polish SlideShow Gadget fixed for XP you can provide this info
January 31, 201015 yr OK, now I get it. I didn't know that you're getting all names from .mui (sorry about that ) so here is the translation which uses 'Pasek boczny systemu Windows' everywhere just like you wanted InsTitle ="Pasek boczny systemu Windows - Instalacja"InstQuest="Czy chcesz zainstalować Pasek boczny systemu Windows?"InsFinal ="Gratulacje, Pasek boczny systemu Windows został zainstalowany pomyślnie. Uruchom ponownie komputer."RepTitle ="Pasek boczny systemu Windows - Naprawa"RepQuest ="Pasek boczny systemu Windows zostanie zarejestrowany ponownie, Instalator Gadżet
February 4, 201015 yr hey rick i just got one question does the files that you need must be from a sp2 version?cause i have an arabic version but sp1 i installed it in the VM and it will start updating but it's a lot of updates i will leave it until it finishes but i wanted to know if you need the sp2 or sp1 should do the trick ?
February 14, 201015 yr it took me some time to get the files and install Sp2 i had to re-download it couple of timeshere is what you need1- The Windows Sidebar folder with all the files and gadgets (ziped and uploaded) from the specific language Vista you want me to translate it into.Here2- The localized Accessories folder name for your Windows Sidebar shortcut (example Spanish XP is Accesorios)it's named : "البرامج الملحقه"3- I need to know what "Language:" appears when you are modifying your Windows CD exampleArabic (Saudi Arabia)Ar-Sa4- (Otpional) Translate the following Blue prompt text from english into your language:InsTitle ="مثبت الشريط الجانبى لWindows."InstQuest="هل تريد تثبيت الشريط الجانبى لWindows؟"InsFinal ="تهانينا الشريط الجانبى لWindows قد تم تثبيته بنجاح. ارجوك قم اعاده تشغيل الجهاز ."RepTitle ="تصليح الشريط الجانبى لWindows"RepQuest =" الاتى سوف يقوم باعاده تسجيل الشريط الجانبى لWindows و تصليح ادوات المعلومات وسيقوم باعاده اى ادوات معلومات مشتركه ربما قد تكون ازلتها."RepFinal ="الشريط الجانبى لWindows و مثبت ادوات المعلومات وادوات المعلومات تم اعادتهم جميعهم وتصليحهم بنجاح."UninTitle="مزيل الشريط الجانبى لWindows"UninQuest="هل انت واثق انك تريد ازاله الشريط الجانبى لWindows من جهازك؟"UninFinal="تهانينا لقد تم ازاله الشريط الجانبى لWindows بنجاح."OthrTitle="مزيل ادوات المعلومات"OthrQuest="هل تريد ازاله مثبت ادوات المعلومات ومسح كل ادوات المعلومات الخاصه بالشريط الجانبى لWindows واعدادتها؟"NoAlky ="عليك ان تقوم (اعاده)تثبيت "Alky for Applications v1.1"| معلومه : يمكنك استخدام زر [تغيير] فى مزيل او مثبت البرامج لاعاده تسجيل الشريط الجانبى لWindows."ChangeMsg="استخدم زر [تغيير] لتصليح اى مشكله يمكن ان تكون لديك فى الشريط الجانبى لWindows."and about the file path you want from xp just give me some time until i install the arabic version on a VM and i will get the path you want Edited February 14, 201015 yr by DaRk MaDnEsS
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