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EMCO Malware Destroyer is a unique malware removal tool with a new and faster scanning engine!

It only takes about ~10 seconds to scan your whole computer for over 10000 real targeting definitions.

The current version supports most types of malwares like, adware, Browser Helper Objects (BHO), hijackers, keyloggers, drives-by-downloads, Layered Service Providers (LSP), parasitware, rats, retrospies, scumware, searchpage hijackers, snoopware, spam, surveillance software, thiefware, trojans, worms, spyware and dialers.

EMCO Malware Destroyer is a marvelous addition in the category of virus scanning and removal. The main idea is to keep your machine clean from different viruses with just one click. Users of EMCO Malware Destroyer can also request for the addition of new virus definition to the database if that virus definition doesn't already exists. In this way you can save a lot of money that you waste on buying virus scanner for your networks. Why go for expensive antivirus tools when you can get you machine secured in much less price. The main thing that you must keep in mind is that EMCO Malware Destroyer is not a real time scan engine rather it's basic purpose is to check for the existence of any Virus, Warms, Trojan and Aware and to clean them.

With the advancement of technology, along with a lot of facilitation different threats are popping in day by day. When you connect to internet and visit some unknown websites or download any free software (including small utilities, toolbars, desktop enhancements etc.) there is a better chance of your machine to be infected by some Spyware, Adware or any virus; that may result in a slower and unstable system.

For a smoothly running a machines you are required to scan your computer from time to time to make sure that your computer isn't infected by any Adware, virus or Spyware. For this there are tones of tools available in the market but each of them have some limitation that result in a limited functionality and you may not be cent percent satisfied with their performance.

But now you don't need to worry any more, EMCO Software has brought an intuitive and powerful tool know as EMCO Malware Destroyer; that enables you to scan and clean your computer. It may look as an upgrade to its predecessor known as EMCO Malware Destroyer that is a freeware from EMCO Software with a bit limited functionality.

Features of EMCO Malware Destroyer :

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