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  • 1 month later...

Hi Ricktendo64, your tutorials are great & your knowledge of infs is astounding. Just wondering if it's possible to make an office 2007 addon in the same manner that you demonstrate in the videos with imgburn. I am about to give it a try even though it has been done before as it is for my own xp install CD.

Thanks for all the information you make available.

  • 11 months later...
  • 1 year later...

hi friend

i have problem on create shortcut,when the target file have space in the file name dont create shortcut.and make link to

target file and open folder.so please help on this.

Name = Show Desktop
CmdLine = 16422,"Utilities\ShowDesktop",Show Desktop.exe
SubDir = Utilities
WorkingDir = 16422,Utilities,ShowDesktop
InfoTip = "Show Desktop button and Aero Peek"

complete inf

Signature=$Windows NT$
CopyFiles = CopyShowdes,CopyShowdesC
Addreg = ShowDesktop.addreg
ProfileItems = dektop
[Optional Components]
OptionDesc = "ShowDesktop For XP"
Tip = "ShowDesktop"
Modes = 0,1,2,3
CopyFiles = CopyShowdes,CopyShowdesC
Addreg = ShowDesktop.addreg
ProfileItems = dektop
1="Notepad2 Install Files","ShowDe.cab",,"i386"
CopyShowdes = 16422,"Utilities\ShowDesktop"
CopyShowdesC = 16412,"Ceiiular\Show_Desktop.exe_Url_cszrhgmsvhupvp4i4tlw2pjbhakhgx3l\"

Show Desktop.exe,Ssktop.exe
Name = Show Desktop
CmdLine = 16422,"Utilities\ShowDesktop",Show Desktop.exe
SubDir = Utilities
WorkingDir = 16422,Utilities,ShowDesktop
InfoTip = "Show Desktop button and Aero Peek"
HKLM,"%RemoveM%\ShowDesk","Comments",0,"Show Desktop button and Aero Peek for Windows XP, Windows Vista, and Windows 7."
HKLM,"%RemoveM%\ShowDesk","DisplayIcon",0,"%16422%\Utilities\ShowDesktop\Show Desktop.exe"
HKLM,"%RemoveM%\ShowDesk","DisplayName",0,"Show Desktop V1.0.42.1"
HKLM,"%RemoveM%\ShowDesk","Publisher",0,"Copyright Ceiiular © 2009"
HKLM,"%RemoveM%\ShowDesk","ParentDisplayName",0,"UltraPacK Software V3.0"
HKLM,"%RemoveM%\ShowDesk","ParentKeyName",0,"UltraPack Software"
HKLM,"%RemoveM%\ShowDesk","UninstallString",0,"rundll32.exe advpack.dll,LaunchINFSection UltrMona.inf,dektopuninstall"
RemoveM ="SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall"

BeginPrompt = BeginUnInsPromptdektop
EndPrompt = EndUnInsPromptdektop
RunPreSetupCommands = Kill.oz:1
DelReg = ShowDesktop.addreg
DelFiles = CopyShowdesC,CopyShowdes
AddReg = dektopreg.addreg
DelDirs = dektop.DelDirs
ProfileItems = dektop.DelShortcut,dektop.DelShortcut2
TASKKILL /F /IM Show Desktop.exe
tskill Show Desktop.exe
HKLM,"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnceEx\UltraPacK","Delete45",0,"cmd /c RD /S /Q ""%programfiles%\Utilities\ShowDesktop"""
HKLM,"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnceEx\UltraPacK","Delete46",0,"cmd /c RD /S /Q ""%userprofile%\Local Settings\Application Data\Ceiiular"""
Name = Show Desktop,0x00000002
SubDir = Utilities
Name = Show Desktop,0x00000003
SubDir = Utilities
Prompt = %UninsQuestdektop%
Title = %UninsTitle%
ButtonType = OKCANC
Prompt = %UninsFinaldektop%

Edited by mona

  • Author

I cant remember off the top of my head who came up with this trick (I think it was DaRk MaDnEsS) but here is the fix for you

Name = Show Desktop
CmdLine = 16422,"Utilities\ShowDesktop\Show Desktop.exe",
SubDir = Utilities
WorkingDir = 16422,Utilities,ShowDesktop
InfoTip = "Show Desktop button and Aero Peek"

Its basically the same way you do a shortcut for a folder, only with a folder you need to specify a iconpath/index...but because this is a exe the .LNK automatically picks up on this

More info

BTW you could also use the 8.3 filename of the file

CmdLine	= 16422,Utilities\ShowDesktop,SHOWDE~1.EXE

  • 2 months later...

hi rick

i need a way to break line for install & uninstall question

so dialog get more height instened of wide message when is to long.

UninsQuestpowerm = "Do You Want Uninstall PowerMenu?xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"

UninsFinalpowerm = "PowerMenu was successfully uninstalled!xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"

ok also i forgot about this.

i try to make addon of InstEd but when right-click msi file and select Inst&Ed It!

dont open it or it go to small window that need orginall setup file


sorry i bad say to you

i say i installed my addon (InstEd)then right click on any msi file wont open it

just right click not work but if launch program its work

i want know this bug for software or my addon

also this problem available in Orca And Super Orca

orca and other tools have some registry like below and i thinks it just work on my pc

so when disable it right click not work




can you try this and see rightclick work or not?



Edited by mona

so it work?

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