Posted March 20, 200816 yr Questo programmino l'ho fatto leggendo un post di un ragazzo che chiedeva aiuto per un pass gen... .... ECCOLO !p.s. una volta fatta la pass con alt+1 la scrivi dove vuoi ....#cs YZA_K 4 Staff .... since 1982 to 2008 LOL Greeting to:dkdk_it,Max,romsempire,BAT,serassone,nonno fabio,mf3imp,Taliesin,kontini e specie al grandissimo OnePiece!!!#ce;#include <GUIConstants.au3>HotKeySet("!1", "alt1") DIM $naDIM $NBdim $adim $bdim $c dim $x dim $passworddim $K = ""GUICreate("Password Generator '08",260,180)GUICtrlCreateLabel ("La lunghezza deve essere da 4 a 20 caratteri "&@CRLF &"Scegli la tua lunghezza....."&@CRLF &"By YZA_K , o",10,36)GUICtrlCreateLabel ("SCRIVI LA PASS CLICCANDO -> ALT+1",10,86)$NA = GUICtrlCreateCombo ("", 10,10)GUICtrlSetData(-1,"QUATTRO CARATTERI|CINQUE CARATTERI|SEI CARATTERI|SETTE CARATTERI|OTTO CARATTERI|NOVE CARATTERI|DIECI CARATTERI|UNDICI CARATTERI|DODICI CARATTERI|TREDICI CARATTERI|QUATTORDICI CARATTERI|QUINDICI CARATTERI|SEDICI CARATTERI|DICIASETTE CARATTERI|DICIOTTO CARATTERI|DICIANNOVE CARATTERI|VENTI CARATTERI","") GUISetState ()$NB = GUICtrlCreateButton ("GENERA LA PASSWORD",15,108)GUISetBkColor (0xEE1E3EE); LOLWhile 1 $msg = GUIGetMsg() If $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE Then ExitLoop if $msg = $nb Then $K = GUICtrlRead($nA) YZAK() $RISUL=GUICtrlCreateInput($password,15,148) EndIfWendEXITFunc AZmai() $x =random(1,3,1) If $x = 1 Then AZmaix() endif if $x = 2 Then azminx() endif if $x = 3 Then anumx() endIfEndFuncFunc AZmaix() $a = Random(1,26,1) If $a = 0 Then ;$b = Chr(32) Else $b = Chr($a + 64) EndIfEndFuncFunc azminx() $a = Random(1,26,1) If $a = 0 Then ;$b = Chr(32) Else $b = Chr($a + 96) EndIfEndFuncFunc anumx() $a = Random(1,10,1) If $a = 0 Then ;$b = Chr(32) Else $b = Chr($a + 47) EndIfEndFuncFunc alt1() sleep (288) send ($password)EndFuncFunc YZAK() $password="" Switch $K case $K = "QUATTRO CARATTERI" for $i=1 to 4 AZmai() $password=$password&$b next case $K = "CINQUE CARATTERI" for $i=1 to 5 AZmai() $password=$password&$b next case $K = "SEI CARATTERI" for $i=1 to 6 AZmai() $password=$password&$b next case $K = "SETTE CARATTERI" for $i=1 to 7 AZmai() $password=$password&$b next case $K = "OTTO CARATTERI" for $i=1 to 8 AZmai() $password=$password&$b next case $K = "NOVE CARATTERI" for $i=1 to 9 AZmai() $password=$password&$b next case $K = "DIECI CARATTERI" for $i=1 to 10 AZmai() $password=$password&$b next case $K = "UNDICI CARATTERI" for $i=1 to 11 AZmai() $password=$password&$b next case $K = "DODICI CARATTERI" for $i=1 to 12 AZmai() $password=$password&$b next case $K = "TREDICI CARATTERI" for $i=1 to 13 AZmai() $password=$password&$b next case $K = "QUATTORDICI CARATTERI" for $i=1 to 14 AZmai() $password=$password&$b next case $K = "QUINDICI CARATTERI" for $i=1 to 15 AZmai() $password=$password&$b next case $K = "SEDICI CARATTERI" for $i=1 to 16 AZmai() $password=$password&$b next case $K = "DICIASETTE CARATTERI" for $i=1 to 17 AZmai() $password=$password&$b next case $K = "DICIOTTO CARATTERI" for $i=1 to 18 AZmai() $password=$password&$b next case $K = "DICIANNOVE CARATTERI" for $i=1 to 19 AZmai() $password=$password&$b next case $K = "VENTI CARATTERI" for $i=1 to 20 AZmai() $password=$password&$b next EndSwitch EndFunc
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