Posted March 27, 200816 yr Necessita estrarre il dopo copiare dentro jre-*-windows-*.exe, dopo cliccare sul Create_Java_SVCPACK_AddOn.cmd per creare oppure il Kels_Java_Silent_Installers.exe come indicato dal Kelsenellenelvian http://www.wincert.n...ent-installers/ Create Java Silent_Installers Svcpack AddOn Aggiornato (16 Ottobre 2013) Aggiornato (16 Ottobre 2013) Aggiornato (16 Ottobre 2013) Aggiornato (16 Ottobre 2013) Aggiornato (16 Ottobre 2013) Aggiornato (16 Ottobre 2013)Hash MD5 EDB7CAA558669A72E8FF65DC8E1F133EFilesize: 753 KB (771655 bytes)Ragazzi come si capisce, il creatore crea tutti i addon sia x32 sia x64 e non necessita aggiornarsi dovra essere OK anche per ogni nuova release, potete metterli anche tutti insieme (per Creare un Java AddOn AIO) esempio io steso sono in Windows x64 e per adesso io uso\tengo in sistema proprio tutti ehhhhh, cosi dentro la cartella copio sempre jre-6%Ver%-windows-i586.exe + jre-6%Ver%-windows-x64.exe + jre-7%Ver%-windows-i586.exe + jre-7%Ver%-windows-x64.exe, il AIO AddOn in questo caso viene cierca 35 MB piu che bene direi ;D , comunque il Creatore crea o include nel addon ogni setup di java che trovera ne direttori cosi scegliete da vuoi che mettere\usare li, esempio potete mettere\usare anche solo questi ( jre-6%Ver%-windows-x64.exe + jre-7%Ver%-windows-i586.exe) ect ect ectdopo che il Creatore avra finito il suo lavoro (questione di pochi secondi) nel direttori troverete sia il (che potere integrato con nLite RVMi in Windows NT5.x XP/2003 oppure con WInNT6.x True Integrator in Windows NT6.x Vista/Seven) sia il Kels_Java_Silent_Installers.execome sempre prima e meglio verificare qui che state usando ultime releaseRiguardo alle nuove release cominciando dal Java 8 Update 20Ragazzi sembra che Java a aggiornato i suoi setup, sembra che Java non vuole piu che il suo setup sia modificato da terzi parti (sembra che a gia disabilitato la installazione amministrativa e molto altro in setup.msi) ed a forzato il uso del setup exe, cosi adesso per essere sempre 100% sicuri e meglio usare il jre-*-windows-*.exe direttamente, del resto e tropo facile per fare subito un addon, anzi sembra che non ce piu bisogno per un installazione administrtiva del setup msi per vincere spazio, sembra gia tutto Ok, ecco come sempre basta copiare le jre-*-windows-*.exe nella stesa direttori dove e il file cmd, e dopo eseguire il file cmd @ECHO offSET WORKDIR=%~dp0CD /D "%WORKDIR%"MD "OnePiece_Java_SvcPack_AddOn\SvcPack"::MOVE /Y "*jre-*-windows-*.exe" "OnePiece_Java_SvcPack_AddOn\SvcPack"COPY "*jre-*-windows-*.exe" "OnePiece_Java_SvcPack_AddOn\SvcPack" /Y ECHO ;####################################################################################################################### > "OnePiece_Java_SvcPack_AddOn\Entries_Java.ini"ECHO ;This section contains version information to nLite and RyanVM Integrator and WinNT6.x True Integrator Entries_Java.ini >> "OnePiece_Java_SvcPack_AddOn\Entries_Java.ini"ECHO ;# a huge thanks to all guys of WinCert Forum >> "OnePiece_Java_SvcPack_AddOn\Entries_Java.ini"ECHO ;# This file contains a list of all necessary entries to add in the various installation >> "OnePiece_Java_SvcPack_AddOn\Entries_Java.ini"ECHO ;# files of Windows for the integration of OnePiece Java SvcPack AddOn. >> "OnePiece_Java_SvcPack_AddOn\Entries_Java.ini"ECHO ;####################################################################################################################### >> "OnePiece_Java_SvcPack_AddOn\Entries_Java.ini"ECHO. >> "OnePiece_Java_SvcPack_AddOn\Entries_Java.ini"ECHO ;This section contains version info for RyanVM nLite and RyanVM Integrator and WinNT6.x True Integrator >> "OnePiece_Java_SvcPack_AddOn\Entries_Java.ini"ECHO [general] >> "OnePiece_Java_SvcPack_AddOn\Entries_Java.ini"ECHO builddate=2014/08/25 >> "OnePiece_Java_SvcPack_AddOn\Entries_Java.ini"ECHO description=%%JAVATip%% >> "OnePiece_Java_SvcPack_AddOn\Entries_Java.ini"ECHO language=%%LANGNAME%% >> "OnePiece_Java_SvcPack_AddOn\Entries_Java.ini"::ECHO ServicePack=SP3 >> "OnePiece_Java_SvcPack_AddOn\Entries_Java.ini"ECHO title=Java(TM) Platform SE binary>> "OnePiece_Java_SvcPack_AddOn\Entries_Java.ini"ECHO version=2014 >> "OnePiece_Java_SvcPack_AddOn\Entries_Java.ini"ECHO website= >> "OnePiece_Java_SvcPack_AddOn\Entries_Java.ini"ECHO Windows=ALL >> "OnePiece_Java_SvcPack_AddOn\Entries_Java.ini"ECHO. >> "OnePiece_Java_SvcPack_AddOn\Entries_Java.ini"ECHO ;WinNT6.x True Intgrator Optional info >> "OnePiece_Java_SvcPack_AddOn\Entries_Java.ini"ECHO ;;processorArchitecture=x86 >> "OnePiece_Java_SvcPack_AddOn\Entries_Java.ini"ECHO ReleaseType=SvcPack AddOn >> "OnePiece_Java_SvcPack_AddOn\Entries_Java.ini"ECHO Customizedby=OnePiece >> "OnePiece_Java_SvcPack_AddOn\Entries_Java.ini"ECHO Copyright=Sun Microsystems, Inc. >> "OnePiece_Java_SvcPack_AddOn\Entries_Java.ini"ECHO Company=Sun Microsystems, Inc. >> "OnePiece_Java_SvcPack_AddOn\Entries_Java.ini"ECHO InstallPackageName=Java.exe >> "OnePiece_Java_SvcPack_AddOn\Entries_Java.ini"ECHO LastUpdateTime=2014-08-25T11:22:33Z >> "OnePiece_Java_SvcPack_AddOn\Entries_Java.ini"ECHO. >> "OnePiece_Java_SvcPack_AddOn\Entries_Java.ini"ECHO. >> "OnePiece_Java_SvcPack_AddOn\Entries_Java.ini"ECHO [EditFile] >> "OnePiece_Java_SvcPack_AddOn\Entries_Java.ini"ECHO I386\SVCPACK.INF,SetupHotfixesToRun,AddProgram>> "OnePiece_Java_SvcPack_AddOn\Entries_Java.ini"ECHO. >> "OnePiece_Java_SvcPack_AddOn\Entries_Java.ini"ECHO. >> "OnePiece_Java_SvcPack_AddOn\Entries_Java.ini"ECHO [AddProgram] >> "OnePiece_Java_SvcPack_AddOn\Entries_Java.ini"IF EXIST "OnePiece_Java_SvcPack_AddOn\SvcPack\*.exe" FOR /F "USEBACKQ DELIMS==" %%I IN (`DIR /A-D /OGN /B "OnePiece_Java_SvcPack_AddOn\SvcPack\*.exe"`) DO ECHO %%~nxI /s >> "OnePiece_Java_SvcPack_AddOn\Entries_Java.ini"ECHO. >> "OnePiece_Java_SvcPack_AddOn\Entries_Java.ini"ECHO. >> "OnePiece_Java_SvcPack_AddOn\Entries_Java.ini"ECHO [Strings] >> "OnePiece_Java_SvcPack_AddOn\Entries_Java.ini"ECHO LANGNAME = "INTL" >> "OnePiece_Java_SvcPack_AddOn\Entries_Java.ini"ECHO LANGUAGE = "INTL" >> "OnePiece_Java_SvcPack_AddOn\Entries_Java.ini"ECHO JAVATip = "Java is a programming language originally developed by James Gosling at Sun Microsystems" >> "OnePiece_Java_SvcPack_AddOn\Entries_Java.ini"ECHO. >> "OnePiece_Java_SvcPack_AddOn\Entries_Java.ini">"OnePiece_Java_SvcPack_AddOn\JavaAddOn.dif" ECHO .option explicit>>"OnePiece_Java_SvcPack_AddOn\JavaAddOn.dif" ECHO .set DiskDirectoryTemplate=.>>"OnePiece_Java_SvcPack_AddOn\JavaAddOn.dif" ECHO .set CabinetNameTemplate="..\">>"OnePiece_Java_SvcPack_AddOn\JavaAddOn.dif" ECHO .set SourceDir=.\>>"OnePiece_Java_SvcPack_AddOn\JavaAddOn.dif" ECHO .set RptFileName=nul>>"OnePiece_Java_SvcPack_AddOn\JavaAddOn.dif" ECHO .set InfFileName=nul>>"OnePiece_Java_SvcPack_AddOn\JavaAddOn.dif" ECHO .set MaxDiskSize=999948288>>"OnePiece_Java_SvcPack_AddOn\JavaAddOn.dif" ECHO .set Compress=on>>"OnePiece_Java_SvcPack_AddOn\JavaAddOn.dif" ECHO .set Cabinet=on>>"OnePiece_Java_SvcPack_AddOn\JavaAddOn.dif" ECHO .set CompressionType=LZX>>"OnePiece_Java_SvcPack_AddOn\JavaAddOn.dif" ECHO .set CompressionMemory=21>>"OnePiece_Java_SvcPack_AddOn\JavaAddOn.dif" ECHO.>>"OnePiece_Java_SvcPack_AddOn\JavaAddOn.dif" ECHO "Entries_Java.ini">>"OnePiece_Java_SvcPack_AddOn\JavaAddOn.dif" ECHO .Set DestinationDir="SvcPack"IF EXIST "OnePiece_Java_SvcPack_AddOn\SvcPack\*jre-*-windows-*.exe" FOR /F "USEBACKQ DELIMS==" %%I IN (`DIR /A-D /OGN /B "OnePiece_Java_SvcPack_AddOn\SvcPack\*jre-*-windows-*.exe"`) DO ECHO "SvcPack\%%~nxI" >> "OnePiece_Java_SvcPack_AddOn\JavaAddOn.dif"CD /D "%WORKDIR%\OnePiece_Java_SvcPack_AddOn""%SystemRoot%\System32\MAKECAB.exe" /f "%WORKDIR%\OnePiece_Java_SvcPack_AddOn\JavaAddOn.dif"CD /D "%~p0"RD /S /Q "OnePiece_Java_SvcPack_AddOn"Exitusando il jre-8u20-windows-i586.exe (79.9 MB) & jre-8u20-windows-x64.exe (91.6 MB), 71 MB, come si vede e lo stesso dimensione di sempre, sembra chiaro che nemmeno serve piu usare la installazione administrativa del setup.msi per diminuire la dimensione diciamodi default e stato usato il "/s", ma come tutti sapete java setup supporta anche altro, cosi potete personalizzarlo come volete il comando del silent esempio/s JU=0 JAVAUPDATE=0 AUTOUPDATECHECK=0 etc etc etcCiao a Edited August 26, 201410 yr by OnePiece
April 25, 200816 yr Author Ragazzi addon gia aggiornato, il Java Runtime Environment e passato alla versione (vole dire in Update 6), ciao a tutti.
July 10, 200816 yr Author Ragazzi addon gia aggiornato, il Java Runtime Environment e passato alla versione (dire meglio a Update 7), ciaoa tutti Edited July 10, 200816 yr by OnePiece
July 28, 200915 yr Author Ragazzi addon già aggiornato, il Java Runtime Environment e passato alla versione (dire meglio a Update 15)Ciao a tutti. Edited July 28, 200915 yr by OnePiece
February 26, 201213 yr Author Ragazzi addon già aggiornato, per di piu guardate il primo postCiao a tutti.
October 8, 201212 yr For those of you who are having problems understanding the instructions provided at the top of the post here they are again in proper english. No offence inteneded OnePiece :worthy:1. Dowloaded jre-7u7-windows-x64.exe or whatever version from Copy the downloaded file to the same folder as Create_Java_Silent_Installers_Svcpack_AddOn.exe3. Execute Create_Java_Silent_Installers_Svcpack_AddOn.exe4. Done! Edited October 8, 201212 yr by dotfusion
October 12, 201212 yr Just one question. I use both 64 bit (Waterfox) and 32 bit browser (Firefox)If I create jre-7u7-windows-i586 and jre-7u7-windows-x64 can I integrate and install both at the same time?Edit: I think I can do this with the Silent Installer instead of the Packed CAB. Edited October 12, 201212 yr by dotfusion
October 12, 201212 yr Author Yes, you can do it by Kels_Java_SvcPack_AddOn and also from Kels_Java_Silent_Installers.exeCiao.PS: However I also recommend the use of Flash Player ActiveX Microsoft Silverlight DirectX End-user Runtime (software like Media Player Classic ect ect need this ect ect ) Edited October 12, 201212 yr by OnePiece
October 12, 201212 yr Yes, you can do it by Kels_Java_SvcPack_AddOn and also from Kels_Java_Silent_Installers.exeThank you. I used the silent nstallers as my base and then used your example for the entries.ini and created a SVCPACK addon for each Architecture. PS: However I also recommend the use of Flash Player ActiveX Microsoft Silverlight DirectX End-user Runtime (software like Media Player Classic ect ect need this ect ect )I downloaded your Flash Player ActiveX and Silverlight Addons last week. They are already integrated and working fine. OnePiece_Directx_End-User_Runtime is for XP SP3? I downloaded your DirectX for integration and noted it was for XP SP3 only, so I deleted from my addon folder. Does it work in Win7 x64?Thank you for this great tool. I get this error when I run the command. 1 file(s) copied. 1 file(s) copied. 1 file(s) copied. 1 file(s) copied.The system cannot find the file specified. 1 file(s) copied. 1 file(s) copied. 1 file(s) copied. 1 file(s) copied. 1 file(s) copied.The system cannot find the file specified.Cabinet Maker - Lossless Data Compression Tool13,933,864 bytes in 3 filesTotal files: 3Bytes before: 13,933,864Bytes after: 4,809,964After/Before: 34.52% compressionTime: 22.69 seconds ( 0 hr 0 min 22.69 sec)Throughput: 599.68 Kb/secondCabinet Maker - Lossless Data Compression Tool16,730,362 bytes in 9 files92.64% - (9 of 9)ignore it, and everything is OKhowever make sure you always have latest version, I think you've already installed yesterday latest version 11.4.402.287 right? Edited October 12, 201212 yr by dotfusion
October 12, 201212 yr Author I downloaded your Flash Player ActiveX and Silverlight Addons last week. They are already integrated and working fine. OnePiece_Directx_End-User_Runtime is for XP SP3? I downloaded your DirectX for integration and notice it was for XP SP3 only, Is this correct?Nonno Fabio wroteThis DX WinNT6.x Integrator addon is compatible with Windows Vista and 7 x86 (32 bit) versions (for XP/2003 you must use latest releases of RVM Integrator or Nlite).Ciao.
August 25, 201410 yr Author Riguardo alle nuove release cominciando dal Java 8 Update 20 Ciao a tutti.
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