Posted April 28, 200816 yr Can anyone make an addon from this installer?Download link:
April 29, 200816 yr directx 10 for xp is a warez scam that was started on the vietnamese-hosted rapidsh*t spamming farm known as additionally, it is completely unnecessary because:1. spend a decent amount of time searching on torrent and game sites, and youll find that there are patches for just about every one of the small number of vista-only games out there.2. this may come as a shock to a few of you, but directx 10 is WORSE than directx 9. there are a few proof-of-concept propaganda images floating around the 'net showing off dx10's alleged "superiority", but in reality this propaganda is simply not the case (they are not actual screenshots from games, but rather artist renditions). much in the same way the WMA encoder distorts audio by reducing the dynamic range and amplifying the volume of the high and low-frequency tones in an audio stream to create the false sense of higher quality, directx 10 uses a similar method to "amplify" physics and colorization: color contrast is boosted slightly in the attempt to make graphics look more "real" but in reality yield an image that looks more cartoonish than it would on directx 9. the changes in physics are more complicated, but essentially a small amount of blur is added during periods of motion...directx 9 processes and displays motion more naturally, while directx 10 exaggerates motion, giving it a bit of artistic flair. finally, take into consideration the small number of graphics cards that support dx10, and the even smaller number that will be out when dx10.1 is released...and since a large percentage of these cards are manufactured by NVIDIA, i dont think there is much room to argue that directx 10 isnt a complete kind of a waste of time.
April 30, 200816 yr hi i found dx 10 for xp does work.. but you need a graphic card that supports dx 10 in the first place...try this link for info on new dx 10 rc2 fix 3
April 30, 200816 yr so basically what youre saying is that some random warez releaser managed to get emulation for directx 10 working, accomplishing what the ENTIRE LINUX COMMUNITY has been struggling to get WINE/Cedega to do with ANY version of directx for over a decade.checking the setup information links this back to someone called AxMan, and to a website that releases "leecher mods" for bittorrent and emule. this whole thing seems really suspicious, and i would advise anyone who is actually considering installing it to test it in a virtual never know what nasty little surprises are going to pop up down the road when you use something from the warez scene, especially an exe.@dude-uk: how can you be sure it works if youre running vista ultimate in the first place? Edited April 30, 200816 yr by runningfool
April 30, 200816 yr @ runningfool my main pc is running vista ultimate with sp1 with dx 10.1 , and i have another 4 pc's running xp.. the dx 10 will only work properly on xp if your video card is supported with dx10,which gives more clearer graphics for gaming which has been tested by quite a few friends and myself...
April 30, 200816 yr okay well here's my mindset:option 1 - i can trust a single executable from a random warez site to install "supposed" subpar directx 10 files, which will then take priority over legitimate directx filesoption 2 - on the off-chance that i want to buy one of the handful of "vista-only" games, i can download a patch for that game from a release groupim all for freedom of information, but unless theres some analysis done on this (and subsequent PROOF it isnt a complete hoax), i think it might be time for a thread cleanup.
May 11, 200816 yr i belive the newest version for xp is 'direct x 10 rc2 fix 3' with dx 10.1 includedOne of the most exciting developments in Windows Vista is the groundbreaking graphics technology. Many of the newest Windows games take full advantage of the next-generation graphics technology in Windows Vista called DirectX
May 12, 200816 yr^a total of 21 games utilize directx 10, all of which have patches available for them that let you play them on xp. anyone that wants to overwrite the entire graphical framework for windows with files written by a guy who poisons bittorrent networks with ratio cheating clients is obviously free to do so, but personally i try to stay away from warez and malware.
May 13, 200816 yr "written by a guy who poisons bittorrent networks with ratio cheating clients "just wondering where you got this info...and how is this much different from wanting the sidebar on XP? Edited May 13, 200816 yr by hngovr1
May 14, 200816 yr "written by a guy who poisons bittorrent networks with ratio cheating clients "just wondering where you got this info...^this is the link to the newest "XP" version of directx 10. almost everything on the site is either a torrent/emule client leecher mod or some form of warez. someone has also been spamming other forums with rapidshare links for "directx 10 for xp".and how is this much different from wanting the sidebar on XP?because the sidebar for xp installation doesnt overwrite any windows system files or inject itself into any important windows components. it only contains modified vista files and software that allows the sidebar to run under xp. "directx 10 for xp" adds files to the directx framework and fundamentally alters the way windows processes graphics. now ill be the first to point out that directx is basically a joke pieced together by microsoft to trick gamers into buying vista, but think about this for a second: when you really think about it, what are the odds that some random warez junkie managed to emulate directx 10 on windows xp, when Rafael and the Alky Project couldnt accomplish the same thing in well over a year?notice that no one has posted any screenshots or videos of this actually installed and working on an xp computer...
May 14, 200816 yr no offense, but you seem to be very oppininated over something you havent tried...^this is the link to the newest "XP" version of directx 10. almost everything on the site is either a torrent/emule client leecher mod or some form of warez. someone has also been spamming other forums with rapidshare links for "directx 10 for xp".and thats not the original source for the project, links can be found anywhere...because the sidebar for xp installation doesnt overwrite any windows system files or inject itself into any important windows components. it only contains modified vista files and software that allows the sidebar to run under xp. "directx 10 for xp" adds files to the directx framework and fundamentally alters the way windows processes graphics. now ill be the first to point out that directx is basically a joke pieced together by microsoft to trick gamers into buying vista, but think about this for a second: when you really think about it, what are the odds that some random warez junkie managed to emulate directx 10 on windows xp, when Rafael and the Alky Project couldnt accomplish the same thing in well over a year?i totally agree that dx10 is not superior to dx9 in anyway. but i would hardly call dx an important windows component. and funny how on that same page, they link to the alky project libraries/runtimes.notice that no one has posted any screenshots or videos of this actually installed and working on an xp computer...actually, my friends and i, have tested dx10 against dx9 on my website (holy sh**, with comparison screenshots). the visible differences are slight at best, but the main noticable effect of dx10 is an fps boost of ~10 fps. this isnt enough to convince me to use it, but let the gamers decide for themselves....
May 14, 200816 yr no offense, but you seem to be very oppininated over something you havent tried...coincidentally, im just as opinionated over rootkits, trojans, email spam, viruses, spyware and rogue software. but thats just me.and thats not the original source for the project, links can be found anywhere...then where did it originate? other than random rapidshare links and forum spam, ive never seen this anywhere other than the link i referred to.i totally agree that dx10 is not superior to dx9 in anyway. but i would hardly call dx an important windows component.ok, first lets go ahead and assume this directx10 for xp thing doesnt completely wreck the directx files that xp comes with, wreaking total havok on xp's graphical certain can you really be that these files arent doing something else? malware can sit in just about any folder and do damage, and personally i would rather not have any suspect files in a folder that is linked to core windows processes (which i believe would qualify directx as an important windows component. if you dont feel the same way, go ahead and yank out your graphics card).and funny how on that same page, they link to the alky project libraries/runtimes.that page also references several other pages, one of which was shut down due to a DMCA violation (the true mark of trustworthiness when installing any piece of software).actually, my friends and i, have tested dx10 against dx9 on my website (holy sh**, with comparison screenshots). the visible differences are slight at best, but the main noticable effect of dx10 is an fps boost of ~10 fps. this isnt enough to convince me to use it, but let the gamers decide for themselves....jessica alba is sitting in my lap right now, completely naked. and without any photographical proof, my statement holds just as much merit as yours.
May 14, 200816 yr wow, just wowif any wants a dx10 addon, PM me, and i'll gladly make it for you..... Edited May 15, 200816 yr by hngovr1
May 23, 200816 yr i downloaded the dx10 "updater" from the warez site installer is a single file, an Inno Setup Installer file. contents of the installer (once unpacked):d3d8.dll - version, which would be a downgrade from the latest version - 5.3.3790.3959, hashes DO NOT matchd3d9.dll - version, which would be a downgrade from the latest version - 5.3.3790.3959, hashes DO NOT matchd3d10.dll - not present on Windows XP, no version number or digital signature present. MD5 - 5E1CE5C4F48AD4C9D7B3949F08C57729d3dx9_33.dll - version 9.18.904.15 - same version, hashes matchd3dx9_34.dll - version 9.19.949.46 - same version, hashes matchd3dx9_35.dll - version 9.19.949.1104 - same version, hashes matchd3dx9_36.dll - version 9.19.949.2111 - same version, hashes matchd3dx10.dll - not present on Windows XP, version - 9.16.843.0, MD5 - 6F34F7405807DCBF0B9BF6811C94C6D9d3dx10_33.dll - version 9.18.904.21 - same version, hashes matchd3dx10_34.dll - version 9.19.949.46 - same version, hashes matchd3dx10_35.dll - version 9.19.949.1104 - same version, hashes matchd3dx10_36.dll - version 9.19.949.2009 - same version, hashes matchd3dx10d.dll - not present on Windows XP, no version number or digital signature present. MD5 - 7E9BEB2D726E6CF17D687F70F0B87278d3dx10d_33.dll - not present on Windows XP, no version number or digital signature present. MD5 - 7E9BEB2D726E6CF17D687F70F0B87278directx10logo.bmp - generic MS directx 10 logodxdiag.exe - version 5.3.2600.2180 - same version, hashes DO NOT matchdxgi.dll - not present on Windows XP, no version number or digital signature present. MD5 - 440C4456F3A77E8F8FFF2D1C607FA9A0Nucleus.dll - not present on Windows XP, no version number or digital signature present. MD5 - 1DAC69189EA3DDB6747E82634ECB8745xactengine2_10.dll - version 9.21.1148.0 - same verrsion, hashes matchinstall_script.iss - [Setup]AppName=DirectX10AppVerName=DirectX10 RC1DefaultDirName={sys}\OutputBaseFilename=Compression=lzma[Files]Source: "{app}\d3d10.dll"; DestDir: "{app}"; Flags: ignoreversion Source: "{app}\d3d8.dll"; DestDir: "{app}"; Flags: ignoreversion Source: "{app}\d3d9.dll"; DestDir: "{app}"; Flags: ignoreversion Source: "{app}\d3dx10.dll"; DestDir: "{app}"; Flags: ignoreversion Source: "{app}\d3dx10d.dll"; DestDir: "{app}"; Flags: ignoreversion Source: "{app}\d3dx10d_33.dll"; DestDir: "{app}"; Flags: ignoreversion Source: "{app}\d3dx10_33.dll"; DestDir: "{app}"; Flags: ignoreversion Source: "{app}\d3dx10_34.dll"; DestDir: "{app}"; Flags: ignoreversion Source: "{app}\d3dx10_35.dll"; DestDir: "{app}"; Flags: ignoreversion Source: "{app}\d3dx10_36.dll"; DestDir: "{app}"; Flags: ignoreversion Source: "{app}\d3dx9_33.dll"; DestDir: "{app}"; Flags: ignoreversion Source: "{app}\d3dx9_34.dll"; DestDir: "{app}"; Flags: ignoreversion Source: "{app}\d3dx9_35.dll"; DestDir: "{app}"; Flags: ignoreversion Source: "{app}\d3dx9_36.dll"; DestDir: "{app}"; Flags: ignoreversion Source: "{app}\directx10logo.bmp"; DestDir: "{app}"; Flags: ignoreversion Source: "{app}\dxdiag.exe"; DestDir: "{app}"; Flags: ignoreversion Source: "{app}\dxgi.dll"; DestDir: "{app}"; Flags: ignoreversion Source: "{app}\Nucleus.dll"; DestDir: "{app}"; Flags: ignoreversion Source: "{app}\xactengine2_10.dll"; DestDir: "{app}"; Flags: ignoreversion [Registry]Root: HKLM; Subkey: "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\DirectX"; ValueName: "Version"; ValueType: String; ValueData: ""; Flags: noerror [Icons]Name: "{group}\{cm:ProgramOnTheWeb,DirectX10}"; Filename: ""; [CustomMessages]NameAndVersion=%1,
May 24, 200816 yr I am closing this thread.IF DX10.1 for XP was a real thing I or others would have FOR SURE heard of and been using it.All I have heard of is messed up subsystems and warez sites....ALSO DO NOT LINK TO WAREZ SITES!!! This is grounds for a vacation if not banning.