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CCleaner v4.13.4693 (including CCEnhancer v3.9)

Info: Installs all shortcuts including Recycle Bin shell extension.

Support for German, Spanish, French, Italian, Dutch and Turkish languages (if your language is not supported it will install the English version)

Note: If you want me to add support for your language feel free to ask.

Download: http://adf.ly/1713566/ccleaner

MD5: 42f4fd0645380f5e21cb8610929e489b

Size: 2.17 MB

Website: http://www.ccleaner.com/

INF Editing Instructions (Optional)

You can edit the INF to customize the settings of the program, here are some quick instructions on how you do this (I may add more program options to edit in the future)

- Decompress the AddOn to a sub-dir (if you have WinRAR you can edit the INF file without decompressing)

- Now scroll down and locate the following section:

; Editable (optional) you change %YES% <-> %NO% & %SHOW% <-> %HIDE%[CCleaner.Options];  Settings%16422%\CCleaner\ccleaner.ini,Options,,Language=%LANG%                 ; Language ID%16422%\CCleaner\ccleaner.ini,Options,,UpdateCheck=%YES%               ; Automatically check for updates to CCleaner%16422%\CCleaner\ccleaner.ini,Options,,SecureDeleteType=%NO%           ; Secure Deletion%16422%\CCleaner\ccleaner.ini,Options,,WipeAlternateDataStreams=%YES%  ; Wipe Alternate Data Streams%16422%\CCleaner\ccleaner.ini,Options,,WipeClusterTips=%NO%            ; Wipe Cluster Tips%16422%\CCleaner\ccleaner.ini,Options,,SecureDeleteMethod=0            ; 0=Simple Overwrite (1 pass)|1=Advanced Overwrite (3 passes)|2=Complex Overwrite (7 passes)|3=Very Complex Overwrite (35 passes)%16422%\CCleaner\ccleaner.ini,Options,,WipeFreeSpaceDrives=%24%        ; Wipe Free Space drives%16422%\CCleaner\ccleaner.ini,Options,,WipeMFTFreeSpace=%YES%          ; Wipe MFT Free Space;  Cookies%16422%\CCleaner\ccleaner.ini,Options,,CookiesToSave=%COOKIES%         ; Cookies to Keep (you can add more under [Strings(.????)]);  Advanced%16422%\CCleaner\ccleaner.ini,Options,,DefaultDetailedView=%NO%        ; Show initial results in detailed view%16422%\CCleaner\ccleaner.ini,Options,,DelayTemp=%YES%                 ; Only delete files in Windows Temp folders older than 24 hours%16422%\CCleaner\ccleaner.ini,Options,,DelayRB=%NO%                    ; Only delete files in Recycle Bin older than 24 hours%16422%\CCleaner\ccleaner.ini,Options,,HideWarnings=%NO%               ; Hide warning messages%16422%\CCleaner\ccleaner.ini,Options,,AutoClose=%NO%                  ; Close program after cleaning%16422%\CCleaner\ccleaner.ini,Options,,BackupPrompt=%NO%               ; Show prompt to backup registry issues%16422%\CCleaner\ccleaner.ini,Options,,MinimizeSystemTray=%NO%         ; Minimize to System Tray;%16422%\CCleaner\ccleaner.ini,Options,,SkipUAC=%NO%                    ; Skip User Account Control warning (7/8 only);%16422%\CCleaner\ccleaner.ini,Options,,JumplistTasks=%YES%             ; Enable Windows Jump List Tasks (7/8 only);  Pop-Ups/Warnings%16422%\CCleaner\ccleaner.ini,Options,,MSG_WARNMOZCACHE=%HIDE%         ; You must close Firefox/Mozilla to allow Internet Cache to be cleaned. Otherwize this process will be skipped.%16422%\CCleaner\ccleaner.ini,Options,,MSG_CONFIRMCLEAN=%HIDE%         ; This will permanently delete files from your system. Are you sure you wish to proceed?
- You can also add any cookies you want to the keep list in this section:


[Strings.XXXX]...COOKIES ="msfn.org|ryanvm.net|wincert.net";<- Add your cookies HERE!...[/url]
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  • 1 month later...
  • 5 months later...
Shortcut on Destop and added Shell extention to Recycle Bin

Well Recycle Bin Shell extension is there but no Desktop shortcut? Rick could you check this (your first addon) again please? :blink:

  • 2 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

rick, have a look at the newest changelog. namely:

"Files winsys.ini and winreg.ini are now embedded in the EXE"




...so you can remove those 2 files from your addon. good news though, crap cleaner is one file away from being a single portable file! :thumbsup_anim:

  • 1 month later...

Since there has to be a special registry entry added to make the CCleaner entries for the Recycle Bin in the Start Menu show up normally, how about combining CCleaner with the Start Menu Recycle Bin addons? I love the idea used in combining nLite and WMP11 Slipstreamer!

my bad...didn't understand that the start menu recycle bin is what was meant by "Recycle Bin shell extension"...I think i read it too fast...

Edited by tap52384

  • 2 months later...
  • 1 month later...

I use many of your addons, all of them works perfectly. Thanks for good work to you - and all others who make addons.

I would like to add the file ccleaner.ini to the addon, I have some cookies I always "use" and want to prevent them from being deleted. Tried to add this file in the cab and in the ccleaner.inf, it gets copied to the disk, but the file contains the contents of the ccleaner.inf file. Can you please tell me how to add this file the correct way? I hope that it's OK to do it this way..

Added filname to these sections, but this was obviously not enough...













  ricktendo64 said:
That should have done it m8

That was what I believed too, but it does not work... I noticed that when you set "Save all settings to ini-file" in Options/Advanced all registry settings are deleted. I think it is related to that in some way, but I know too little about that to be sure. I will try to use registry settings, just adding som lines to the code, also the cookies to save. That will probably do the trick. It does not matter how it's done as long as it works. I will test it tonight - I think.. Any comments on the "registry-theory"?

Again, you addon-builders do a great job, btw. any chance for a verson of nLite plus with vLite integrated? Would be nice "all-in-one"...

  • Author

Yea you are correct m8 CCLeaner will delete the ini file is not set in the options, I will have to play with this to allow the user to copy his or her own config file

When I get some time

  • 4 weeks later...
  • Author

- Updated v2.06.567

- Major INF overhaul (see why bellow)

INF Editing Instructions (Optional)

You can edit the INF to customize the settings of the program, here are some quick instructions on how you do this

- Decompress the AddOn to a sub-dir (if you have WinRAR you can edit the INF file without decompressing)

- Now scroll down and locate the following section:

; Editable Advanced Settings (Optional. Just change %YES% <-> %NO% & %HIDE% <-> %SHOW%)[CCleaner.Options]%16422%\CCleaner\ccleaner.ini,Options,,AutoClose=%NO%               ; Close program after cleaning%16422%\CCleaner\ccleaner.ini,Options,,BackupPrompt=%NO%            ; Show prompt to backup registry issues%16422%\CCleaner\ccleaner.ini,Options,,CookiesToSave=%COOKIES%      ; Cookies to Keep (you can add more under [Strings])%16422%\CCleaner\ccleaner.ini,Options,,DelayTemp=%YES%              ; Only delete files in Windows Temp folders older than 48 hours%16422%\CCleaner\ccleaner.ini,Options,,FFDetailed=%YES%             ; Show detailed log of Internet Explorer temporary files%16422%\CCleaner\ccleaner.ini,Options,,HideWarnings=%YES%           ; Hide warning messages%16422%\CCleaner\ccleaner.ini,Options,,IEDetailed=%YES%             ; Show detailed log of of Firefox/Mozilla temporary files%16422%\CCleaner\ccleaner.ini,Options,,Language=%LANG%              ; Language ID%16422%\CCleaner\ccleaner.ini,Options,,MinimizeSystemTray=%YES%     ; Minimize to System Tray%16422%\CCleaner\ccleaner.ini,Options,,MSG_WARNMOZCACHE=%HIDE%      ; You must close Firefox/Mozilla to allow Internet Cache to be cleaned.

- You can also add any cookies you want to the keep list in this section:

[Strings]BLA_BLA="bla bla";----------------------------; O t h e r  S e t t i n g s;----------------------------LANG    ="1033"YES     ="1"NO      ="0"HIDE    ="False"SHOW    ="True"COOKIES ="msfn.org|ryanvm.net|wincert.net"  ;<- Add your cookies HERE!

  • Author

Minor Silent Update, I added another line that will hide another pop-up

%16422%\CCleaner\ccleaner.ini,Options,,MSG_CONFIRMCLEAN=%HIDE%	 ; This will permanently delete files from your system. Are you sure you wish to proceed?

I also added a DelReg directive that will delete the programs Registry settings (if present)

Same dl link just different hashes

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