April 29, 200816 yr Author I love your sig Moroccan Hak but sorry, it does not comply with the Forum Rules 5. Images in signatures should NOT exceed a total of 350x150px and 100kb in size. Flash and animated sigs are not permitted.
April 29, 200816 yr I love your sig Moroccan Hak but sorry, it does not comply with the Forum Rules Sorry Rick i didn't check forum Rules Before it's modified
June 21, 200816 yr Hi ricktendo64 ,Been using your addons for a long time and really appreciate it. However your latest AS one's MD5 doesn't match and is not working with nLite 1.4.6 . I am using like 30+ other ones and also dnld from RyanVM and same thing. Thought I'd let you know.-----While I'm writing this I am wrong. It doesn't work because I rename mine to the date they are released or posted by authors like you and then I add the dnld date to the end like this: WinCert-Ricks_CCleaner_2.08.588_AS_r05-30-08_d06-19-08.7zEven adding Addon at the end still doesn't let me do it:WinCert-Ricks_CCleaner_2.08.588_AS_r05-30-08_d06-19-08_Addon.7zor some other variations.I just like to know what forum I found the file from and the Author, release date and dnld date. If I slipstream a lot I can get a handle how often certain programs get updates.Anyway just curious why changed all of a sudden? Don't change this one on my account though.---Update. Now I got it to work with nLite with my above renaming scheme. Also the MD5 works, no idea why HashTab is seeing it correctly now. Just figured it out, looking at Foldersize 2.4 it missed downloading about 15kb twice somehow. Also got it to work with my naming scheme for the most part, this works: WinCert-Ricks_CCleaner-2.08.588_AS_r05-30-08_d06-20-08_AddOn.7zBut this doesn't (how I always do it): WinCert-Ricks_CCleaner_2.08.588_AS_r05-30-08_d06-20-08_AddOn.7z Edited June 21, 200816 yr by sb1
July 30, 200816 yr Rick,CCleaner update is available.v2.10.618--------------------------------------------- Added Type Library cleaning to Registry Cleaner.- Improved File Extension scanning in Registry Cleaner.- Added /SHUTDOWN command-line parameter to shutdown the computerafter cleaning. Only works with /AUTO.- Added Shutdown option to system tray menu.- Added support for Vista common dialogs.- Fixed bug in Uninstaller Tool where some items were hidden.- Fixed multi-monitor issue with dialogs.- Fixed incompatibility with Windows Search 4.0.- Added seconds to filename when saving .REG files.- Improved RegEdit location navigation.- Improved Google Earth cleaning and detection.- Memory usage optimizations.- Minor bug fixes.
August 2, 200816 yr Thanks a lot rick for this AddOn : it works like a charm. Automatically in French You made a nice job!Kal
August 10, 200816 yr Hello rick (CCleaner.inf ) in addon with fgcba Get error why**** FGCBA 0.897 * by n7Epsilon * [url="http://tinyurl.com/lslmm"]http://tinyurl.com/lslmm[/url] ****- Starting Logger "All your bug are report by me!!" -I: Date/Time of execution: 8/10/2008 12:00:31 AM UTCI: Specified Parameters: * C:\Documents and Settings\Wow\My Documents\Downloads\Addon\Ricks_CCleaner2.10.618_Intl_AddOn\CCleaner.inf * /log:C:\Documents and Settings\Wow\My Documents\Downloads\Addon\Ricks_CCleaner2.10.618_Intl_AddOn\log_CCleaner.txt * /QuirksMode * /useDII: Dump of ParamsTable (ArgumentParser v2): * quirksmode = * log = C:\Documents and Settings\Wow\My Documents\Downloads\Addon\Ricks_CCleaner2.10.618_Intl_AddOn\log_CCleaner.txt * usedi = I: ExtINFParser engaged, attempting read "CCleaner.inf" ** Reading INF file: CCleaner.inf...I: Read variables in [Strings] section: LANG = "1033" OPEN = "Open CCleaner" RUN = "Run CCleaner" LOCALIZE = "Default" YES = "1" NO = "0" HIDE = "False" SHOW = "True" COOKIES = "msfn.org|ryanvm.net|wincert.net" * Parsing [Optional Components] section... * Parsing [CCleaner] section... - Processing ProfileItems directive... - Processing CopyFiles directive... - Processing AddReg directive... - Processing DelReg directive... - Reading [CCleaner.AddShortcut] section... - Reading [Uninstall.AddShortcut] section... - Reading [Desktop.AddShortcut] section... - Checking [CCleaner.AddReg] section... - Checking [ShellExt.AddReg] section... - Checking [Options.DelReg] section...- Error: CopyFiles directive referenced a non-existant section: [%LOCALIZE%] in CCleaner.inf! * Parsing [SourceDisksNames.x86] section... * Parsing [SourceDisksFiles] section... * Parsing [DestinationDirs] section...- Warn: [%LOCALIZE%] referenced in CopyFiles directive but not in [DestinationDirs] section!- Error: Section [DefaultDestDir] referenced in [DestinationDirs] does not exist in CCleaner.inf!- Error: "CCleaner.exe" is specified in [SourceDisksFiles] but not in any of the CopyFiles sections in CCleaner.inf!- Error: "lang-%LANG%.dll" is specified in [SourceDisksFiles] but not in any of the CopyFiles sections in CCleaner.inf!- Error: "uninst.exe" is specified in [SourceDisksFiles] but not in any of the CopyFiles sections in CCleaner.inf!- Error: Number of files specified in [SourceDisksFiles] section is not equal to the total number of files specified in all sections specified in the [DestinationDirs] section in CCleaner.inf! [SourceDisksFiles]: 3, [DestinationDirs]: 0 !- 1 warning(s): - [%LOCALIZE%] referenced in CopyFiles directive but not in [DestinationDirs] section! !- 1 warning(s). !- 6 error(s): - CopyFiles directive referenced a non-existant section: [%LOCALIZE%] in CCleaner.inf! - Section [DefaultDestDir] referenced in [DestinationDirs] does not exist in CCleaner.inf! - "CCleaner.exe" is specified in [SourceDisksFiles] but not in any of the CopyFiles sections in CCleaner.inf! - "lang-%LANG%.dll" is specified in [SourceDisksFiles] but not in any of the CopyFiles sections in CCleaner.inf! - "uninst.exe" is specified in [SourceDisksFiles] but not in any of the CopyFiles sections in CCleaner.inf! - Number of files specified in [SourceDisksFiles] section is not equal to the total number of files specified in all sections specified in the [DestinationDirs] section in CCleaner.inf! [SourceDisksFiles]: 3, [DestinationDirs]: 0 !- 6 error(s). !!!!- Critical error(s) detected, process aborted.- Stopping Logger -
August 10, 200816 yr Author Of course, FGCBA has not been updated in a loooooong time and it does not know what to make of some of the new INF stuff thats been put into use since it has been updatedProbably will never have support for some of the special stuff either, may be too hard to implement...you are just going to have to trust me I know what I'm doing and also test it extensivelyOff-Topic Comment(Click to Show) This is why:;ricktendo64 and boooggy[Version]Signature="$Windows NT$"[Optional Components]CCleaner[DefaultInstall]DelReg =Options.DelRegCopyFiles =%LOCALIZE%AddReg =CCleaner.AddReg,ShellExt.AddRegProfileItems=CCleaner.AddShortcut,Uninstall.AddShortcut,Desktop.AddShortcutUpdateInis =CCleaner.Options,CCleaner.Config,CCleaner.RegScan[CCleaner]OptionDesc ="Crap Cleaner"Tip ="%ProgDesc%"Modes =0,1,2,3DelReg =Options.DelRegCopyFiles =%LOCALIZE%AddReg =CCleaner.AddReg,ShellExt.AddRegProfileItems=CCleaner.AddShortcut,Uninstall.AddShortcut,Desktop.AddShortcutUpdateInis =CCleaner.Options,CCleaner.Config,CCleaner.RegScan[SourceDisksFiles]CCleaner.exe=1uninst.exe=1lang-%LANG%.dll=1[SourceDisksNames.x86]1="Windows CD/DVD-Rom","CCleaner.cab",,"i386"[DestinationDirs]DefaultDestDir=16422,CCleaner[Default]CCleaner.exeuninst.exe[Translate]CCleaner.exeuninst.exelang-%LANG%.dll[Options.DelReg]HKCU,"Software\Piriform\CCleaner"HKCU,"Software\VB and VBA Program Settings\CCleaner"[CCleaner.AddReg]HKCR,"cclaunch",,,"URL: CCleaner Protocol"HKCR,"cclaunch","URL Protocol",HKCR,"cclaunch\shell\open\command",,,"""%16422%\CCleaner\ccleaner.exe"" /%%1"HKLM,"SOFTWARE\CCleaner",,,"%16422%\CCleaner"HKLM,"SOFTWARE\CCleaner","UpdateCheck",,"%YES%"HKLM,"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\ccleaner.exe",,,"%16422%\CCleaner\ccleaner.exe"HKLM,"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\ccleaner.exe","Path",,"%16422%\CCleaner"HKLM,"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\CCleaner","DisplayName",,"CCleaner (remove only)"HKLM,"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\CCleaner","UninstallString",,"""%16422%\CCleaner\uninst.exe"""; Recycle Bin ShellExtension[ShellExt.AddReg]HKCR,"CLSID\{645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E}\Shell\%OPEN%...\command",,,"%16422%\CCleaner\ccleaner.exe"HKCR,"CLSID\{645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E}\Shell\%RUN%\command",,,"%16422%\CCleaner\ccleaner.exe /AUTO"[CCleaner.AddShortcut]Name =CCleaner,8,2CmdLine =16422,CCleaner,CCleaner.exeSubDir =CCleanerWorkingDir=16422,CCleanerInfoTip =%ProgDesc%[Uninstall.AddShortcut]Name =Uninstall CCleaner,8,2CmdLine =16422,CCleaner,uninst.exeSubDir =CCleanerWorkingDir=16422,CCleanerInfoTip =%UninDesc%[Desktop.AddShortcut]Name =CCleaner,8,16CmdLine =16422,CCleaner,CCleaner.exeWorkingDir=16422,CCleanerInfoTip =%ProgDesc%; Editable (optional) you change %YES% <-> %NO% & %SHOW% <-> %HIDE%[CCleaner.Options]; Settings%16422%\CCleaner\ccleaner.ini,Options,,UpdateCheck=%YES% ; Automatically check for updates to CCleaner%16422%\CCleaner\ccleaner.ini,Options,,SecureDeleteType=%NO% ; Secure Deletion%16422%\CCleaner\ccleaner.ini,Options,,SecureDeleteMethod=0 ; 0=Simple Overwrite (1 pass)|1=DOD 5220.22M (3 passes)|2=NSA (7 passes)|3=Gutman (35 passes); Cookies%16422%\CCleaner\ccleaner.ini,Options,,CookiesToSave=%COOKIES% ; Cookies to Keep (you can add more under [Strings(.????)]); Advanced%16422%\CCleaner\ccleaner.ini,Options,,AutoClose=%NO% ; Close program after cleaning%16422%\CCleaner\ccleaner.ini,Options,,BackupPrompt=%NO% ; Show prompt to backup registry issues%16422%\CCleaner\ccleaner.ini,Options,,DelayTemp=%YES% ; Only delete files in Windows Temp folders older than 48 hours%16422%\CCleaner\ccleaner.ini,Options,,FFDetailed=%NO% ; Show detailed log of of Firefox/Mozilla temporary files%16422%\CCleaner\ccleaner.ini,Options,,HideWarnings=%YES% ; Hide warning messages%16422%\CCleaner\ccleaner.ini,Options,,IEDetailed=%NO% ; Show detailed log of Internet Explorer temporary files%16422%\CCleaner\ccleaner.ini,Options,,Language=%LANG% ; Language ID%16422%\CCleaner\ccleaner.ini,Options,,MinimizeSystemTray=%NO% ; Minimize to System Tray; Pop-Ups/Warnings%16422%\CCleaner\ccleaner.ini,Options,,MSG_WARNMOZCACHE=%HIDE% ; You must close Firefox/Mozilla to allow Internet Cache to be cleaned. Otherwize this process will be skipped.%16422%\CCleaner\ccleaner.ini,Options,,MSG_CONFIRMCLEAN=%HIDE% ; This will permanently delete files from your system. Are you sure you wish to proceed?; You can configure settings by changing %CHECK% <-> %UNCHECK% to check or uncheck the program option (they are presently set to the program's defaults)[CCleaner.Config];---------; Windows;---------; Internet Explorer%16422%\CCleaner\ccleaner.ini,Options,,(App)Temporary Internet Files=%CHECK% ; Temporary Internet Files%16422%\CCleaner\ccleaner.ini,Options,,(App)Cookies=%CHECK% ; Cookies%16422%\CCleaner\ccleaner.ini,Options,,(App)History=%CHECK% ; History%16422%\CCleaner\ccleaner.ini,Options,,(App)Recently Typed URLs=%CHECK% ; Recently Typed URLs%16422%\CCleaner\ccleaner.ini,Options,,(App)Delete Index.dat files=%CHECK% ; Delete Index.dat files%16422%\CCleaner\ccleaner.ini,Options,,(App)Last Download Location=%CHECK% ; Last Download Location%16422%\CCleaner\ccleaner.ini,Options,,(App)Autocomplete Form History=%UNCHECK% ; Autocomplete Form History; Windows Explorer%16422%\CCleaner\ccleaner.ini,Options,,(App)Recent Documents=%CHECK% ; Recent Documents%16422%\CCleaner\ccleaner.ini,Options,,(App)Run (in Start Menu)=%CHECK% ; Run (in Start Menu)%16422%\CCleaner\ccleaner.ini,Options,,(App)Search Assistant Autocomplete=%CHECK%; Search Autocomplete%16422%\CCleaner\ccleaner.ini,Options,,(App)Other Explorer MRUs=%CHECK% ; Other Explorer MRUs;%16422%\CCleaner\ccleaner.ini,Options,,(App)Thumbnail Cache=%CHECK% ; Thumbnail Cache (Vista only); System%16422%\CCleaner\ccleaner.ini,Options,,(App)Empty Recycle Bin=%CHECK% ; Empty Recycle Bin%16422%\CCleaner\ccleaner.ini,Options,,(App)Temporary Files=%CHECK% ; Temporary Files%16422%\CCleaner\ccleaner.ini,Options,,(App)Clipboard=%CHECK% ; Clipboard%16422%\CCleaner\ccleaner.ini,Options,,(App)Memory Dumps=%CHECK% ; Memory Dumps%16422%\CCleaner\ccleaner.ini,Options,,(App)Chkdsk File Fragments=%CHECK% ; Chkdsk File Fragments%16422%\CCleaner\ccleaner.ini,Options,,(App)Windows Log Files=%CHECK% ; Windows Log Files%16422%\CCleaner\ccleaner.ini,Options,,(App)Start Menu Shortcuts=%UNCHECK% ; Start Menu Shortcuts%16422%\CCleaner\ccleaner.ini,Options,,(App)Desktop Shortcuts=%UNCHECK% ; Desktop Shortcuts; Advanced%16422%\CCleaner\ccleaner.ini,Options,,(App)Old Prefetch data=%UNCHECK% ; Old Prefetch data%16422%\CCleaner\ccleaner.ini,Options,,(App)Menu Order Cache=%UNCHECK% ; Menu Order Cache%16422%\CCleaner\ccleaner.ini,Options,,(App)Tray Notifications Cache=%UNCHECK% ; Tray Notifications Cache%16422%\CCleaner\ccleaner.ini,Options,,(App)Window Size/Location Cache=%UNCHECK%; Window Size/Location Cache%16422%\CCleaner\ccleaner.ini,Options,,(App)User Assist History=%UNCHECK% ; User Assist History%16422%\CCleaner\ccleaner.ini,Options,,(App)IIS Log Files=%UNCHECK% ; IIS Log Files%16422%\CCleaner\ccleaner.ini,Options,,(App)Hotfix Uninstallers=%UNCHECK% ; Hotfix Uninstallers%16422%\CCleaner\ccleaner.ini,Options,,(App)Custom Folders=%UNCHECK% ; Custom Files and Folders; %UNCHECK% any reg entries you dont want "Scanned for Issues" (all are %CHECK%'d by default)[CCleaner.RegScan]; Registry Integrity%16422%\CCleaner\ccleaner.ini,Options,,(App)Missing Shared DLLs=%CHECK% ; Missing Shared DLLs%16422%\CCleaner\ccleaner.ini,Options,,(App)Invalid File Extensions=%CHECK% ; Unused File Extensions%16422%\CCleaner\ccleaner.ini,Options,,(App)ActiveX and Class Issues=%CHECK% ; ActiveX and Class Issues%16422%\CCleaner\ccleaner.ini,Options,,(App)Applications=%CHECK% ; Applications%16422%\CCleaner\ccleaner.ini,Options,,(App)Fonts=%CHECK% ; Fonts%16422%\CCleaner\ccleaner.ini,Options,,(App)Application Paths=%CHECK% ; Application Paths%16422%\CCleaner\ccleaner.ini,Options,,(App)Help Files=%CHECK% ; Help Files%16422%\CCleaner\ccleaner.ini,Options,,(App)Installer=%CHECK% ; Installer%16422%\CCleaner\ccleaner.ini,Options,,(App)Obsolete Software=%CHECK% ; Obsolete Software%16422%\CCleaner\ccleaner.ini,Options,,(App)Run At Startup=%CHECK% ; Run At Startup%16422%\CCleaner\ccleaner.ini,Options,,(App)Start Menu Ordering=%CHECK% ; Start Menu Ordering%16422%\CCleaner\ccleaner.ini,Options,,(App)MUI Cache=%CHECK% ; MUI Cache; English (default or if locale not supported)[Strings];----------------------------------; L o c a l i z e d S t r i n g s;----------------------------------LANG ="1033"OPEN ="Open CCleaner"RUN ="Run CCleaner"LOCALIZE="Default"ProgDesc="Windows system cleaner."UninDesc="Remove CCleaner.";---------------------------; M i s c e l l a n e o u s;---------------------------YES ="1"NO ="0"CHECK ="True"UNCHECK="False"HIDE ="False"SHOW ="True"COOKIES="msfn.org|ryanvm.net|wincert.net"; 0C07 is the language ID for de-AT (German - Austria)[Strings.0C07];----------------------------------; L o c a l i z e d S t r i n g s;----------------------------------LANG ="1031"OPEN ="
August 10, 200816 yr Rick, can you add Dutch language support also? And i dont think this install the Jahoo Toolbar, does it?
August 10, 200816 yr Author Rick, can you add Dutch language support also? And i dont think this install the Jahoo Toolbar, does it?Yes it installs Yahoo, Goggle, MSN and Mega Upload toolbars....notBTW how about a little Dutch localization?ProgDesc="Windows system cleaner."UninDesc="Remove CCleaner."
August 11, 200816 yr Author - Added Dutch support- More program cleaning settings can now be edited- Some strings translation updates
August 26, 200816 yr Author Aug 25-08- Updated v2.11.636- Removed Desktop shortcutLook inside the INF for more on how to edit the default program settings
September 25, 200816 yr Hi Rick,CCleaner has been updated to v2.12.651Changelog:- Added Google Chrome support.- Improved cleaning security checks.- Improved recursive cleaning functions.- Fixed bug in INI FileKey evaluation routine.- Updated INI file processing engine.- Improved system info checks for modern CPUs.- Various language and translation improvements.- Minor GUI tweaks.
September 30, 200816 yr Thanks Rick for a hella fast update, keep up the great work on your addons :prop: :worthy:
October 27, 200816 yr Hi Rick,CCleaner has been updated to 2.13.720Changes in CCleaner 2.13.720:- Added support for Firefox 3.1.- Added right-click cleaning and analysis for individual items in the tree.- Added icons to tree parent items.- Added cleaning for Windows Error Reporting files.- Added Include/Exclude list editing.- Improved TypeLib registry cleaning.- Fixed Index.dat bug that could cause a crash.- Fixed bug with INI warning messages.- Internal architecture improvements.- Fixed minor GUI errors.Thanks,pck
October 27, 200816 yr Author PLZ re-download, fixed small typo for the Error Reporting settings (use MD5 to verify you have the latest version)
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