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[AddOn] Windows Media Centre Logon + Xpize Screen Saver. XP SP3 RTM 512

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Windows Media Centre Logon. Super Tweaked...!!

This Addon is based on Ricks Media Center Addon.


As we know that heavy file size takes more RAM resources.

What I did was installed Xpize to get Logonui.exe file... File Size = 2.66 MB

repatch LogonUI with some Gfx modifications and get it reduced to 378kb which is less than Original Microsoft LogonUI.exe 502 kb.

So this Addon takes less amount of RAM at windows starting than others... ;)

Xpize Screen Saver include in this Addon.




md5.png 315E9EF5810C3E3D37689367DCA44B9A

Edited by N1K

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Oops... It was 2.66MB actually.

Sorry but I did not get permission yet...! But I have seen these type of things in the past. It is for those people using Xpize.

You can remove this post if it goes against the site rules.

Edited by khan

Nice. this seems to be the MCE logon i should use. :D

Only 1 small problem. Wen i go to the download site i get a 7 digit number.. And you can only put in 4 numers.

Could you please upload it to a nother site Kel?

You have to enter only the numbers that contain the little cat symbol next to them.

You must omit the ones with the dog...

(yes, I know, it's stupid)

@ helmi. Thank for info about rapidshare!

No problem.

It's not working completely right now (not with this set of "stupid" CAT-CHAs), but otherwise I really recommend using JDownloader for RS.com and other OCHs.

Personally, I like it better than USD - it even contains a nice auto-update function and does not require to be installed anyhow (uses JAVA and is hence platform-independant).

Might make for a nice AddOn, if you ask me :D

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