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Had a brilliant moment:

Please try this for me:

Edit makeiso.cmd to this

@Echo Off
Start wscript "%~dp0makeiso.vbs" "%*"

And run this reg file:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Folder\shell\Make Bootable ISO\command]
@="C:\\Windows\\system32\\makeiso.cmd \"%1 /b\""

[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Folder\shell\Make Data ISO\command]
@="C:\\Windows\\system32\\makeiso.cmd %1\""

It was all in the quotes!

It works over here...

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tried it 2 times, doesn't work either, but thank you for the attempt.

may be you have another idea

BTW:- this is one of your best Addons I like most

Edited by qwesta

OK I fixed that locally but now the damned .vbs script moves the iso to different places...

pl See in C:\Windows may be there.Clean Reg before installing this.

Edited by J.S.Prasad

Thanks Sir, It is working fine in my system now.

hmm. just tested this on VB (new installation) and it doesn't work; at least make ISO.

is this working in your system?

hmm. just tested this on VB (new installation) and it doesn't work; at least make ISO.

is this working in your system?

make iso for data CD working well What's the problem with Urs System?

Make a makeiso.cmd



@Echo Off

Start WScript "%SYSTEMROOT%\SYSTEM32\makeiso.vbs" %~dp0%


copy and pestthis makeiso.cmd to Urs windows\System32 folder

and check again.

Edited by J.S.Prasad

copy and pestthis makeiso.cmd to Urs windows\System32 folder

and check again.

I have done already 2 times; normally when you right click any folder e.g on desktop, one should make an ISO of this folder (in this case on the desktop).

This doesn't work any more since version 15. can you try this on your system on any folder on the desktop and see if it works?.What works is when I make an iso in the system folder(with your workout )

NB:- I have a small knowledge of what this script is doing and it doesn't work as it used to work on version 14 (like charm)

Any suggestions will be highly appreciated.

Thank you

I have done already 2 times; normally when you right click any folder e.g on desktop, one should make an ISO of this folder (in this case on the desktop).

This doesn't work any more since version 15. can you try this on your system on any folder on the desktop and see if it works?.What works is when I make an iso in the system folder(with your workout )

NB:- I have a small knowledge of what this script is doing and it doesn't work as it used to work on version 14 (like charm)

Any suggestions will be highly appreciated.

Thank you

Sir, same thing happen when I when I right click a folder on desktop the line Make Data Iso vanish. For Make Bootable iso this error

Invalid argument<c:\Documents> The path is wrong This problem seems that %~dp% is not taking proper path. But indside except %USERPROFILE% Working well

Thanks again.

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Spent ALL morning on my crappy laptop.

Finally made a set of corrections that are reproduceable with good effects.

I tried from desktop, c: drive and d: drive, plus a handfull of random locations.

Please try the newest release.

I find some new codes on


I try in my system

1: editing Ubberpack.inf to


HKCR,"Folder\shell\Make Bootable ISO"

HKCR,"Folder\shell\Make Data ISO"

HKCR,"Folder\shell\Make Bootable ISO\command",,,"%11%\MakeISO.cmd ""%1"" BOOT"

HKCR,"Folder\shell\Make Data ISO\command",,,"%11%\MakeISO.cmd ""%1"" DATA"


2:Editing makeISO.cmd



TITLE Creating %2 ISO of %~nx1

SET "LABL=%~nx1"


ECHO/Removing possible attributes on %~n1 and its subfolders...

ATTRIB -R -H "%~f1" /S /D

ECHO/&ECHO/Removing any thumbs.db files from %~n1 and its subfolders...

DEL /S/A/F/Q "%~f1\thumbs.db" 2>NUL

ECHO/&ECHO/Creating %2 ISO...

IF "%2" EQU "DATA" (SET OPTN=-l%LABL:~0,32% -yd -n -x -o -m -d) ELSE (

SET OPTN=-l%LABL:~0,16% -j1 -m -o -b"%~dp0xpBoot.img")

"%~dp0CDIMAGE.EXE" %OPTN% "%~s1" "%~nx1.iso"

>NUL PING -n 11


It make Data and Boot ISO on DESKTOP

Thanks all

Spent ALL morning on my crappy laptop.

Thank you very much for all your time and contribution.

Please try the newest release.

I just tried to install as usual with *.inf; it is asking for xpBoot.img which is nowhere to be seen.

can you try to correct this too.

once more, thank you very much for the contribution and the time Muchas gra...

Spent ALL morning on my crappy laptop.

Finally made a set of corrections that are reproduceable with good effects.

I tried from desktop, c: drive and d: drive, plus a handfull of random locations.

Please try the newest release.

Thanks Kel for notable achievement.

At last You got it.One thing it is not working in right pane of explorer.I give xpboot.img path from I recently dnloaded file from msfn forum.

Edited by J.S.Prasad

I JUST checked the main site for hashcheck and I see no update... :questionmark: :unsure::blink:

Sir please check this site


HashCheck Shell Extension version 2.1.11 have ver dll file, same size but Ver and Date Different.

When I was installing Ubberpack by .inf there was a alert that sys32 have a newer ver

the above file I installed by SVCPACK.


Edited by J.S.Prasad

  • 3 months later...
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Ok I went for a different direction!

I am adding it to the sendto folder now.

Please grab the archive attached and un-rar then run the makeiso.exe

It will add the "ISO Creator" SendTo menu! Now remember a folder cannot have spaces in the name.

Try it out and let me know.

(I went this way because I never liked having the makeiso options appear EVERWHERE including the recycle bin!)

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Actually yes there is some news:

There is, a couple of programmers working on a better iso maker. The finishing touches SHOULD be done in like 12-16 hours. (We all need sleep)

I wasn't satisfied with the full methods of even the improved one I linked to.

Please check back in like a day for an updated version of the UberPacK!

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