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Unattending or silently installing MS Office System, has now become easier than ever. There are two ways to unattend your setup:

--> Option A (use it only if you got Office2007 thru SoftwareAssurance, which comes with activation stripped out).

--> Option B is for all the others (retail/OEM/academic/trial/etc). Both are colored differently below.

Option A:

1. Ensure you have an actual enterprise/corporate disc & product-key.

2. Notably, o2k7 uses setup patches (*.MSP) rather than transforms which previous versions used (*.MST). The below instructions will give you an MSP file, which is not accepted by non-corporate versions of o2k7. If you ignored point1 above, then you will end up wasting 15 minutes of your life which I'm not responsible for.

3. Now at the command prompt, type: setup.exe /admin

4. Choose the product for which you want to make a customization-patch.

5. Then go through all steps in the customization wizard (to install the reqd apps & remove junk & change default settings).

6. Be sure to have "completion notice" turned on & "suppress modals" turned off (this is to get to see errors, if any exist). Once you're done with testing, go thru the customization again to modify the MSP to disable completion notice & enable suppress modals.

7. Save the resulting patch file in the same folder as o2k7 setup files.

8. Now just execute this command (thru any method) for silent install: setup.exe /adminfile CUSTOM.MSP

Or if you have the Office 2007 Enterprise VLK, you could even drop the CUSTOM.MSP file in the "Updates" folder & setup will pick it up automatically (without any switches being used). For this, ensure you have WindowsInstaller 3.1 already installed.

*** For completely silent install, you MUST set the DisplayLevel to "none", either by MSP (accessible from step 6 above) or by xml, otherwise you'll get a confirmation dialog similar to the image shown in attachment below. (do this only AFTER testing, when you're sure it works)


Option B:

1. Go to the folder-path, "Office2007\Pro.WW" (or any ??????.WW folder for other editions such as standard/enterprise/etc)

2. Modify "config.xml", or copy it to somewhere else & modify it, using my posted code below as a sample.

3. If you modified it "in location", then setup will take up the changes automatically.

4. Otherwise, place the modified file in the same folder of setup.exe, as custom-uA.XML

5. This is the command to run setup with the customizations specified in custom-uA.XML: setup.exe /config custom-uA.XML

7. This method is also a great way to make changes to the defaults itself, so that you dont need to keep changing it upon every new time you install it. The sample XML here, makes setup fully silent, cuts down features rarely used by me, and reduces install footprint of Office 2007 Professional from 721 MB, to 303 MB (of course you can always add/remove components later); I've also removed lines that I found useless from it, you might like to keep many of the default lines & customize them. Also, be aware that the XML offers a way to chain updates & install them before or after o2k7 setup, but then you'll lose control over reboot parameters. By default, o2k7 setup wont cause an auto-reboot, so no need of "/noreboot" or "Reboot=ReallySuppress" properties. I intend this XML to be used for clean installs, with no previous version settings or profiles to be migrated. Use "start /wait" for silent installs. This file is for the main suite, you can modify it accordingly for the other component products, the options are commented with double-slashes. I obtained the OptionIds from setup.xml files, in each component folder.

Here's a tested/working config.xml file, to get you started with Option B:

(you need to put in your own key, and configuration-Product can be obtained from your current xml)

<Configuration Product="Pro">

<Display Level="none" CompletionNotice="no" SuppressModal="yes" AcceptEula="yes" />

<USERNAME Value="0wner" />
<COMPANYNAME Value="0wn Inc." />

<OptionState Id="ACCESSFiles" State="absent" Children="force" /> //access
<OptionState Id="OUTLOOKFiles" State="absent" Children="force" /> //outlook
<OptionState Id="PubPrimary" State="absent" Children="force" /> //publisher
<OptionState Id="AceRepl" State="absent" Children="force" /> //access db Engine replication
<OptionState Id="CAGFiles" State="Local" Children="force" /> //Clip Organizer
<OptionState Id="MSSOAP3" State="absent" Children="force" /> //SOAP toolkit
<OptionState Id="OsaNonBoot" State="Local" Children="force" /> //new,open office docu lnks
<OptionState Id="ProofingTools_1036" State="absent" Children="force" /> //french
<OptionState Id="ProofingTools_3082" State="absent" Children="force" /> //spanish
<OptionState Id="WISPFiles" State="absent" Children="force" /> //handwriting
<OptionState Id="DocServicesFiles" State="absent" Children="force" /> //docu update util
<OptionState Id="HTMLSourceEditing" State="absent" Children="force" /> //script editor
<OptionState Id="DocumentImagingUtils" State="absent" Children="force" /> //scanning,ocr,indexing
<OptionState Id="OISFiles" State="absent" Children="force" /> //picture manager
<OptionState Id="OSESupp" State="absent" Children="force" /> //sharepoint support
<OptionState Id="QueryFiles" State="absent" Children="force" /> //msQuery
<OptionState Id="VisioPreviewerFiles" State="absent" Children="force" /> //visio viewer
<OptionState Id="XDOCSFiles" State="absent" Children="force" /> //infopath

<!-- These are additionals from Enterprise RTM
<OptionState Id="GrooveFiles" State="absent" Children="force" /> //groove
<OptionState Id="OneNoteFiles" State="absent" Children="force" /> //onenote
<OptionState Id="RefIEBarFiles" State="absent" Children="force" /> //research explorer bar
<OptionState Id="WebDriveFiles" State="absent" Children="force" /> //hosted webs
<OptionState Id="VBAFiles" State="absent" Children="force" /> //VB for applications
<OptionState Id="OfficeDigitalSFiles" State="absent" Children="force" /> //vba certificates


The procedure is same for all other editions of Office 2007. The above is just a working sample, you'd need to put in an appropriate key & modify as per your needs.

If you downloaded a single SETUP.EXE (500-MB?) from MSDN, then you might need to extract it to some folder, to get the installation source.

setup.exe /extract:D:\o2k7

Courtesy: prathapml from MSFN

  • 5 weeks later...

what about hotfix integration?

I put sp1 content to update folder, but after sp1 hotfixes are not working with this way.

any idea for fully updated and unattended setup?


  • 3 years later...

Here is an example how to create your own Office 2007 silent installer.

Install Microsoft Office 2007 silently using 7zsd.sfx modified module and 7zip.


1 - Copy All your Office 2007 files inside a folder at the Operating System root: example: C:\OFFICE

2 - Install 7zip: 7z920.exe


3 - Download my files already created (7zsd.sfx [1.4.1]; config.txt; config.bat; config.xml examples): OFFICE_2007_2010.zip


French tutorials:





4 - Inside your CONFIG.XML file (using my example file) add your personnal values: key, Full name, company

You can add more changes, like the examples, given by N1K above

5 - Set inside C:\OFFICE folder the files you need: 7zsd.sfx, config.bat and config.txt for your Microsoft Office 2007 product (Enterprise or Standard Edition)!

6 - Download and extract SP3 for Microsoft Office 2007 with /extract switch to C:\OFFICE\UPDATES folder

7 - Create an Archive Office12.7z with 7zip (don't forget to select the options for 7z and lzma or more inside the program)

8 - Select all files insde C:\OFFICE exept: 7zsd.sfx, config.bat and config.txt. Right clic and select 7zip: Add to the archive...

9 - Name the Archive: Office12.7z and select options:

Create an archive with 7zip:

- Rename the file as Office12.7z inside 7zip
- Format: 7z
- Select: Compression level: Ultra
- Compression method: LZMA
- Dictionnary size: 64MB
- Word size: 64
- And OK

... Wait, because some time is needed...

10 - Once done, launch the config.bat file

11 - Your Microsoft Office 2007 SP3 (Office12.exe) is now created and fully unattended whithout switches.

12 - You can use your Office12.exe with a program like WPI, for example...

If Office 2007 is already installed on your computer and updated with SP3, and up-to-date, you can use a vbs script to download the SP3 file on the temp\Updates folder.



Download links SP3 files:



Because Office service packs are cumulative, you do not have to install Service Pack 1 or Service Pack 2 before you install Service Pack 3. Service Pack 3 includes all fixes which were included in Service Pack 1 and Service Pack 2.






I hope that help!

*Edit: New download link for OFFICE_2207_2010.zip.



Edited by myselfidem

  • 2 months later...
  • 2 months later...

Really, really strange..My folder "Office" has been removed a new time on MediaFire! :blink:

I give here a new link to MSN Skydrive to download the files needed:


Remember to uncheck: inside Internet Explorer =>

Tools | Options | Advanced: Do not save encrypted pages to disk

Or use this reg file:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings]
[HKEY_USERS\.Default\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings]


Edited by myselfidem

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