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XPtsp Translations

Translated by Rud :

Polish version off XPtsp v.1.3 with last amnesia's update "_Update.01.11.09".....

md5: B33D465B4C5AE1D75DD6637E9429693E

Size: 33,8 MB


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Name is appropiate, but Ricktendo said that you can keep the name of V'ISO, and since users already know about the patcher by that name I think it would be better to just keep it.

Once all the new resources are located in one place I will start to test them, otherwise searching page by page was crazy, lol.

Keep it up.

  • Author

well i kinda like this name better cause it suits what it does well. and i hope in the future to offer different theme styles than only vista-like appearances.

For the different styles I could help with my mod, and peraphs including some new icons I've been working on.

  • Author

great,well i think im done,this new version contains a complete theme replacement.but im not sure if the theme will appear correctly.i hope people can test.n e ways its wayyyy late and thats it for me.

edit;also need to check if the new title.wmv plays or not at begining of oobe and also if anyone can suggest a good background tune to repalce the default one.

Edited by bober

For the different styles I could help with my mod, and peraphs including some new icons I've been working on.

good luck rhors your new icons must be good like always i am waiting to test it ;)

Edited by ferigno1

The name is ok Bober!

Did you include the 2 fixes posted by Amnesia? I personally would have liked all the issues I raised to have been fixed before V'ISO was effectively re-launched as a v1.0.

I would like to raise the question/suggestion of what happens if something big, like a complete new set of icons, or a replacement theme is just included, and not offered as a seperate scripted package? i.e. I think it should be offered as a plug-in sfx with its own install script. Doing this means a user could mix and match Vista icons, and a supplied theme, or go for the default look, or install a new icon pack, and mix things up.

I personally think it would be a shame if this package completely changed its look every few weeks. We need a base package, and seperate theme, icon, and possibly a dialogue box pack, if the ones currently supplied by Amnesia suddenly change or get replaced. I for one, like the way V'ISO 8.3 looked.

Edited by Stimpy

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im re-uploading it so it does contain it.

about different themes/looks;

the "basic" look will prolly always be derived from vista,but i would love to see modified resource packs that a user could just drag and drop into the current sfx.

this way i think every one is happy and we can offer different styles than vista(some people may think; enough with the vista crap already).and with the coming of codename 7 ,im sure alot of new resources will come out and about.

Edited by bober

bober I've just noticed that regedit.exe is not being patched. I have gone through the bat and there is a goto regedit label but no patching routine for regedit. Looks like you have duplicated ntsd and not changed it to regedit.

set name=rcimlby
set ext=exe
set big=RCIMLBY
set com=EX_
if not exist "i386\%big%.%com%" set com=exe
if not exist "i386\%big%.%com%" goto regedit <--- No :regedit label in batch
%xp% "i386\%big%.%com%" "%tmp%\%name%.%ext%" >nul
if exist "i386\%name%.%ext%" Del "i386\%name%.%ext%" >nul
%rh% %ao% "%tmp%\%name%.%ext%", "%tmp%\%name%.%ext%", "%res%\%name%.%ext%.res",,,&echo patching %name%.%ext%
%pe% -c %tmp%\%name%.%ext% >nul
set com=EX_
%cab% /D CompressionType=LZX /D CompressionMemory=21 "%tmp%\%name%.%ext%" "i386\%big%.%com%" >nul
:ntsd <-- Assuming this should really be regedit
set name=ntsd
set ext=exe
set big=NTSD
set com=EXE
if not exist "i386\%big%.%com%" goto ntshrui
%cp% /v /y "i386\%big%.%com%" "%tmp%\%name%.%ext%" >nul
%rh% %ao% "%tmp%\%name%.%ext%", "%tmp%\%name%.%ext%", "%res%\%name%.%ext%.res",,,&echo patching %name%.%ext%
%pe% -c %tmp%\%name%.%ext% >nul
%cp% /v /y "%tmp%\%name%.%ext%" "i386\%big%.%com%" >nul
title XPtsp script Progress 62%%%...
set name=regedt32
set ext=exe
set big=REGEDT32
set com=EX_
if not exist "i386\%big%.%com%" set com=exe
if not exist "i386\%big%.%com%" goto regwizc
%xp% "i386\%big%.%com%" "%tmp%\%name%.%ext%" >nul
if exist "i386\%name%.%ext%" Del "i386\%name%.%ext%" >nul
%rh% %ao% "%tmp%\%name%.%ext%", "%tmp%\%name%.%ext%", "%res%\%name%.%ext%.res",,,&echo patching %name%.%ext%
%pe% -c %tmp%\%name%.%ext% >nul
set com=EX_
%cab% /D CompressionType=LZX /D CompressionMemory=21 "%tmp%\%name%.%ext%" "i386\%big%.%com%" >nul
set name=regwizc
set ext=dll
set big=REGWIZC
set com=DL_
if not exist "i386\%big%.%com%" set com=dll
if not exist "i386\%big%.%com%" goto remotepg
%xp% "i386\%big%.%com%" "%tmp%\%name%.%ext%" >nul
if exist "i386\%name%.%ext%" Del "i386\%name%.%ext%" >nul
%rh% %ao% "%tmp%\%name%.%ext%", "%tmp%\%name%.%ext%", "%res%\%name%.%ext%.res",,,&echo patching %name%.%ext%
%pe% -c %tmp%\%name%.%ext% >nul
set com=DL_
%cab% /D CompressionType=LZX /D CompressionMemory=21 "%tmp%\%name%.%ext%" "i386\%big%.%com%" >nul

Edited by Sm0k3r

  • Author

ah,you just unlocked why amnesia reported that regedit wasint getting patched.

1st post updated,fixed bat to add regedit.exe and delete the double :ntsd.exe label,this was also causing a skip in the order of process.

thx Sm0k3r

Edited by bober


i would also love to make an entries.ini(plugin) for the integrator to launch the pack after integration.

Well, a quick hack, but this should get the job done when integrating using the RVMIntegrator. I don't think nLite supports the entries.ini commands.

I haven't actually tried this yet. :rolleyes:

Create a folder "XPtsp", drop your patcher into it. Combine the folder and this .ini into an addon (7z, cab, zip, rar)

builddate = 07/03/2008
description = XP Theme Source Patch Automator - launches it during integrations.
language = Multi
title = XP Theme Source Patch Automator
version = 1.0
Windows = XP
website = http://www.wincert.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=3842





Edited by Mr_Smartepants

  • Author

hey this is really nice thx,ill try it tomorrow and prolly add an addon to wincert for the integrator.

but im wondering, since this patches the majority of the files in i386,if this gets integrated along other addons ,specially an update pack witch updates the source via the rvmtemp dir....this addon should prolly be ran on a 2nd session to ensure patching.

Edited by bober

Good point. Yes, you're right.

Well, typically the updatepack gets integrated first, then the addons, then the optimization.

But just to be on the safe side, this should be done after any updatepack.

BTW, the addon won't be unattended (unless you change the .bat file).

Edited by Mr_Smartepants

  • Author

yeah i know ,theres small changes to be made.

also, i could do a check in the rvmtempdir,warn user if there are files in it(possibly means theres an updatepack being integrated) ,and if no files are found then go straight to the patching process.

i have question,in the "[FileMove]" section,how would i define the root of the dir witch i386 is in?cause the script is made to be ran in the root of that dir

Edited by bober

Bober, something has gone wrong with the latest version. I have just downloaded it, and when I apply it to a nice fresh XP disc, I get a NTDETECT failure after the "press any key to setup Windows" prompt. If I use the original image, then it boots fine, but it will not work with an image patched with XPtsp.v1.0.exe

This error is during testing in VMWare Workstation 6.0.4 (as I don't want to risk this on a live system), and I have never had this error before. I can make this error happen every time.

Edited by Stimpy

i have question,in the "[FileMove]" section,how would i define the root of the dir witch i386 is in?cause the script is made to be ran in the root of that dir

Well the default "..\" is the root of the target i386. The syntax used is:

test.exe,..\* ; moves the source file from the working dir to %XPtarget%\ dir (root).
test.exe,..\i386\* ; moves the source file from the working dir to %XPtarget%\i386\ dir.
SVCPACK\test.exe,..\OEM\* ; moves the source file from the SVCPACK working dir to %XPtarget%\OEM\ dir.
SVCPACK\test.exe,..\$OEM$\* ; moves the source file from the SVCPACK working dir to %XPtarget%\$OEM$\ dir.

  • Author

Mr_Smartepants; %XPtarget% ah thats just what i needed,thx.

Stimpy; i formatted last night with XPtsp.v1.0 appliyed on source and all went fine.ill try the trial of vm ware and see if i cant reproduce the problem.

i really want to get this problem ironed out if its caused by the script.i recently had a problem liek this but it was caused by the new aio updatepack by onepeice,but it had gottent corrected.so, as you said ure testing on a fresh source with absolutely no addons/updates packs?

Edited by bober

bober I experienced same problem like Stimpy mention above, tested several times using VirtualBox v1.6.0 just to be shure and I can confirm his words. :sweatingbullets:

  • Author

ok well i look into it right away.

edit; i have no idea whats going on,re-tested and i cannot reproduce the problem,i have no idea how im gonna fix this if i cant reproduce it....

edit;can anyone try this bat instead.

and guys,in ure i386 dir,tell me what sp*.cab files you have.(if any)

well i got the addon working like i want it to(thx Mr_Smartepants) ...but i guess ill wait b4 releasing it till we get the problem fixed.


Edited by bober

I think your on to something here bober. I have no SPx.cab in my i386 dir. I think usually my CD only has sp3.cab.

I have to say that I'm using the Onepeice AIO sp3 update pack, but thats all. And windows installs fine if i dont apply this patch.

Just testing your patch... hold on...

No dice Bober, it still has the same problem. I wish I could see whats causing this. Could it be something to do with PE Checksum? But I have a real feeling that your on to something with your SPx.cab idea.

Edited by Stimpy

  • Author

well if youve used rvm integrator,then it incorporates any files in sp*.cab to driver.cab,and deletes any sp*.cab left behind.

can you test on an untouched source?dont integrate anything.

No problem bober. hold on... (I am starting to think that maybe Onepeice has done something funky with his SP3 AIO pack. That guy really knows his way around the RVMI. He could be doing something that has not been done before.)

We can rule out Onepeice as a possible source of this problem... I have just tried it out, and get the same NTDETECT error after the press any key bla bla prompt. My disc is an image sourced from MS, that contains a pre integrated SP3.

Edited by Stimpy

  • Author

humm, im booting of ubcd(made a custom iso)(boots of linux and then launched ntldr).ill try a test with a stock xp image,ill try sp2 then slip sp3 ontop and see if any of these things differs,mean while chek out the changelog and try to delete any files ive added,and/or any lines in the batch that are new.

oh and what was the last version that I made of the sfx that worked for you?this way i maybe able to pin point what changes may be creating this issue.(thx for ure help trying to fix this,lol its a damn shame something's wrong with it,i just finalized the addon ;[ )

edit; and i was thinking..do you have a "slow" pc?,since thers alot of commands given to reshacker, maybe some lines arent finished and the script just passes to the next and leaving damaged files...

also if you have the time,plz test with this batch, i have removed the whole ::I386:: section,and tell me if ure disc works;

edit2;also, in ure winnt.sif, is MsDosInitiated="1" or Yes ?

edit3;booting directly from a stock iso dosent change anything...every thing still works.

Edited by bober

No problem bober. hold on... (I am starting to think that maybe Onepeice has done something funky with his SP3 AIO pack. That guy really knows his way around the RVMI. He could be doing something that has not been done before.)

We can rule out Onepeice as a possible source of this problem... I have just tried it out, and get the same NTDETECT error after the press any key bla bla prompt. My disc is an image sourced from MS, that contains a pre integrated SP3.

Well I disagree with this Stimpy. I tested both versions Onepeice v1.3.2 and Ryan v0.9.1 and both went fine if I don't apply this patch. If I apply it I can't boot my CD. No errors it's just restarting after "press any key bla bla to boot from CD..."

Bober I have SP3.cab in my i386 folder,and last version that worked fine for me was V_ISO_b8.3.01.exe (MD5 3C489A0594B9A64A3C0F674B2D84382F) posted here

  • Author

ok thx for ure reply gorki.this will help me corner the problem.

i think i know what the problem is,can you guys try deleting from XPtsp the regedit.exe.res and/or del the :regedit line in the .bat.

Edited by bober

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