July 7, 200816 yr well this is to patch ure xp source file b4 burning them.Yes, but isn't this a switchless exec.? (e.g. double-click and go)?Thanks
July 7, 200816 yr Author Nice, thanks! BTW does it matter if I have Vista Inspirat Bricopack installed, or is it just another "mod-theme?"ure referring that you currently have that pack on ure system.im telling you that this is to patch files ure gonna burn so that when you install windows, you wont have the original look.hope this clarifies things,i have also edited 1st post for more explanation.if you want the addon plz read 1st post the link is there. Edited July 7, 200816 yr by bober
July 8, 200816 yr Thanks for the clarification - yup, I got the Brico installed which patches the shell32.dll, etc, and something tells me both would not be smart. Thanks again!
July 8, 200816 yr Author well if youve got an addon for it,then it el overwrite the changes made by xptsp for sure.and even if you use the xptsp addon it will still get overwritten cause the changes are applied b4 the ones prolly made by bricopack.unless bricopack installs the same way by directly patching the source files of ure win disc.
July 8, 200816 yr lolabout boot images,n lite and the integrator both use them,usualy via mkiso soft.so i bet mayeb nlite is screwing that process up.i always build my isos with an alredy made image,so when i integrate my self a new distro, i just copy the i386 folder into my allready made bootable iso,(of course prior i delete the allready present files/folder in the iso)you guys should try building an iso with nlite then replace the boot block(boot.bin)with ure fav iso manager(i use ultra iso)with a boot file uve created with an original bootable xp or u can extract one from an image.edit;so gorky,was nlite the problem for you too?Sorry fora late respond bober I did not have much time to test,I only tested it with RVMintegrator and NTDETECT error is also present for me when I apply the patch.
July 8, 200816 yr Author well this is strange i though it was nlite....can you test without using rvmi or n lites integrated iso builder,so take an sp3 iso,and use an iso manager/editor and add the modded files that way.
July 9, 200816 yr well this is strange i though it was nlite....can you test without using rvmi or n lites integrated iso builder,so take an sp3 iso,and use an iso manager/editor and add the modded files that way.I modified files using nlite and later on patched files BUT I DID NOT make (bootable) iso with nlite,Insted I used other method to make bootable .iso image from that same files,and after that ALL went fine, booted fine and windows ended setup error free. So now you know why you did not encunter these problems in the first place.
July 9, 200816 yr Author yeha i never ever use nlite or the integrator to make my bootable iso,cause i always apply driver packs after,so i manualy make my iso(ya i could still rebuild iso afterwards via either app but i dont).but would either integrator or nlite apply a cheksum to the iso? so if you edit it just b4 recompiling it it would chage this?i have no idea.
July 9, 200816 yr Hi Bober, just thought that I would post a list of issues that I have found while looking at the latest version.I have uploaded a .rar to rapidshare that contains screen shots of my findings...http://rapidshare.com/files/128476751/1.0.01_Errors.rar.html1.) icon too small.PNG = This is a warning dialogue box with a small icon used, it makes the box look wrong.2.) icon too small 2.PNG = again, wrong icon size used.3.) Speach panel.PNG = I have reported this one before, but here is a screen shot of what I am going on about.4.) Shutdown background.PNG = I personally prefered the coloured background that Amnesia put in here, instead of the grey. Also the icon graphics are not centralized. *** This is personal preference, but maybe Amnesia might like to release his .res file containing the background graphics***5.) Squashed icon2.PNG = Screenshot says it all, and again, the wrong size icon is being used.6.) sorry, no screenshot yet... The Windows shutdown screen (displayed after windows closes the desktop) text is basically left justified, instead of center justified, and looks small and ugly on a widescreen hi-res monitor.7.) Not sure about this one, so I am going to test this in a minite or 10, but im positive that the mouse pointer was animated in the last official V'ISO (8.2.1), and it is not animated now.8.) The graphics used to depict speaker setups are not accurate, and display the wrong speaker setups for the actual selected setups. Edited July 9, 200816 yr by Stimpy
July 9, 200816 yr Author but from witch resoruces?and the cursors werent animated im 100% positive.edit; took alook at rue screen shots, ill prolly be able to fix acouple of them but ,ure tour icon is wrong i have no idea where its commign form i dont have the same on my tests,ill chek the text out lound thing,the too small icon from the advanced inf prob is doable too and ill have to track down the squashed icon..but i ahve alot of other work to do so dotn expect this to be fix anytime soon.the shut down background is fine, its the same from the original viso,if you want to make one thats nicer feel free,if its to my liking ill add it,but ull have to produce a res file with it tho. Edited July 9, 200816 yr by bober
July 9, 200816 yr Hi Bober, I admit that I could be barking up the wrong tree with the animated cursor thing. So I am trying to find out right now. Will report back soon.
July 9, 200816 yr Author im 10000000% sure lol,the res are from user32.dll and it dosent support .ani cursors...trust me,animated cursors are added via themes.
July 9, 200816 yr I think you must be right Bober! I just have this idea in my head. I am just installing a few older versions, because I wont be able to sleep without being sure first! lol
July 9, 200816 yr Author okay..but im telling you;"im 10000000% sure lol,the res are from user32.dll and it dosent support .ani cursors...trust me,animated cursors are added via themes."yon can even try on ure own without doing any test builds ,try to add a .ani to user32.dll in the cursors section ull see.
July 9, 200816 yr I bow my head in shame now Bober! I was wrong, the mouse never animated during setup, and it was a theme replacement addon that was changing the mouse pointer to animated after GUI setup! My sincere apologies to you. But I think the rest of my observations stand. Edited July 10, 200816 yr by Stimpy
July 10, 200816 yr Author ok so ill see what i can do to fix ure reported errors in the coupel of days that follow
July 10, 200816 yr Thanks Bober.I don't expect you to single handedly fix all these issues, nor am a cracking a whip. I simply love this project, and want to do what I can to perfect it, and from time to time, contribute to it. You could call me an unofficial beta tester!Can you give me the name of the .Res file that controls the Shutdown graphics, then I will go and do some work, and you can have a look at the results. Edited July 10, 200816 yr by Stimpy
July 10, 200816 yr Can you give me the name of the .Res file that controls the Shutdown graphics, then I will go and do some work, and you can have a look at the results.- msgina.dll.res Edited July 10, 200816 yr by amnesia
July 10, 200816 yr Author like the 1st progress bar,and damn,also liek those avi's in the link u gave.
July 11, 200816 yr I also like the first bar, but to call it a 'progress' bar is a misnomer since it doesn't show how far you've gone or how much is left. It's more of an 'activity' bar. The second bar is a true 'progress' bar. Too bad we can't have both merged.
July 11, 200816 yr - msgina.dll.resBtw amnesia those look beautiful. I personally like XP so any of first 3 would be good if you ask me. It would be nice to stick with same colorur green or blue so everything would be similar.like the 1st progress bar,and damn,also liek those avi's in the link u gave.Darn I like that too! What do you guys thing of this desktop properties?. I don't have great skills to patch resources but if any of you are willing you can find all you need here or direct download