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god, still more crappy not paying attention mistakes again, found an other problem in my user image things,and fixed the system cpl thing.ill have to re-uplaod again, this is like my 3rd or 4th re uplaod of v1.0.05

ok thx for the info amnesia.

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ok so after many re-uploads and fixes v 1.0.05 is ok.so if uve dled in the past 24 hours,plz re-dl or chek hash.

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lol yeah i came this close of doing that but i didint want to up a version just cause i screwed up.

- the theme seems buggy to me and way too big (6.96 MB), just my 2 cents.

optional themes _14.Themes.rar 11.2 MB


- icon and bitmap for syssetup.dll.rar

- icon 127 for netshell.dll (network setup during install) ...

- netshell dialogs with thin progressbar during network setup.




Edited by amnesia

Thanks for update :)

Everything is fine , except 2 bugs.

Logon screen does not show UA pictures and in control panel->User Accounts they are lost too.

Shortcut arrow looks blurry, because resolution does not change if Large icons is used.

Edited by Proxis

My bad! :oops:

I forgot to leave default XP UA pictures before updating.

Until now I used to delete default XP UA pictures and integrated UA pictures from Vista.

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Thanks for update :)

Everything is fine , except 2 bugs.

Logon screen does not show UA pictures and in control panel->User Accounts they are lost too.

Shortcut arrow looks blurry, because resolution does not change if Large icons is used.

ill see what i can do for the arrows.

should those user bmps be 128x128 instead of 48x48 ? confused names on half of them ? no boobs ? :angry:

am i missing something ? :blink:

im not sure i understand;

resolution could be resised but they still fit/look fine.

and for the names,it has to be 8.3 name compliant.

also "- the theme seems buggy to me and way too big (6.96 MB), just my 2 cents."

how so? i use the current theme everyday and thers no weirdness or buggyness.


Edited by bober

...and for the names,it has to be 8.3 name compliant.







resolution could be resised but they still fit/look fine.

when in use, windows resizes them to 48x48 ?

anyhow, sorry for being pain in the neck :D

Edited by amnesia

My mistake :welcome:

There is verson of this logon with various XP text labels.

Links and picture fixed.

Just My toughts : Is there an easy way to automatically determine, which edition of XP is going to be processed to replace standart logon with correctly labeled Vistish logon?

Edited by Proxis

Is there an easy way to automatically determine, which edition of XP is going to be processed to replace standart logon with correctly labeled Vistish logon?

Yes, there are key files in your XP source disk that determine whether the source is Home/Pro or the license is Retail/OEM/VLK.





The files themselves are all named the same for each version, but the contents of the files are all different. Since XPtsp uses a batch file, I suppose the easiest method would be to check each files MD5 or CRC checksum then compare that to a list for possible match. Or (easiest for Bober) the user could be presented with a menu of choices "What source is being used: 1) Home 2) Pro" etc.

Wow Proxis, that login looks nice. I wonder if the author would agree to it's inclusion?

Edited by Mr_Smartepants

Thanks for ideas mr Smartpants :)

But there is 1 small problem. Using these logons You can change User Account pictures only with reshack.

Is there any solution?

I'll make contact with logon author tommorow.

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i checked the logon screens and the only thing that id add to xptsp would be the the actual bmp nothing more.so yeah if you could ask if i can use the bmp.or i can maybe make one.but im quite fond of the current image,i could just add an xp logo and writing....


yeah its on the 2 do list,once i get my crappy school work out of the way ill implement a way to chek versioning of xp and also add a gui to patch a live system.

so the addon will stay as it is but with the version chek and the standalone patcher will also have the same but ill try to also add a gui to choose between patching an xp cd source or patch a live system.so...again, its all on the 2 do list...just need some time to do it.

ways i think of using to determine versions of xp:

xp home and pro>>>chek for BOOTCFG.EX_ if exsist = xp pro,if not exsis = xp home

xp mce>>chek for CMPNENTS\MEDIACTR if exsist = xp mce

but i dont think ill give the user the choice to select their OS,cause it would complicate the batch wayyyy more.doing a simple check is much easyer for me and its more convenient for the addon too,i wouldint want to end up maintaining 3 seperate addons just for xp version's sake...

Edited by bober

It might be as simple as adding the code to the beginning of the .bat:

ECHO 1. Windows XP Professional
ECHO 2. Windows XP Home
ECHO 3. Windows XP Media Center Edition

set choice=
set /p choice=Please choose the Windows XP source version you are patching:

IF '%choice%' == '3' GOTO MCE
IF '%choice%' == '2' GOTO HOME
IF '%choice%' == '1' GOTO PRO

; do your file copy thing here
GOTO check

; do your file copy thing here
GOTO check

; do your file copy thing here
GOTO check

But it's your code, and ultimately your choice.

Whatever is easiest for you. We all have lives outside these forums. :)

Edited by Mr_Smartepants

I have tried your exe file and addon file and met the same problems during windows setup

When hardware installation ,it give me 5 tips like this


This software you are installing for this hardware

Battery / Secondary IDE Channel / Primary IDE Channel / Standard PCI to USB Host Controller /PCI to USB Universal Host Controller

has not pasted windows logo testing to verify its compatiblity with Windows XP


Below is one screenshot of them


Edited by bjfrog

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yes i am aware of :

Battery / IDE Channel

but usb host is new to me.

but its quite easy to fix this(problem is the edited files prolly dont have M$'s signature anymore due to the patching)

so open up winnt.sif and add these 2 lines:


It might be as simple as adding the code to the beginning of the .bat:

ECHO 1. Windows XP Professional
ECHO 2. Windows XP Home
ECHO 3. Windows XP Media Center Edition

set choice=
set /p choice=Please choose the Windows XP source version you are patching:

IF '%choice%' == '3' GOTO MCE
IF '%choice%' == '2' GOTO HOME
IF '%choice%' == '1' GOTO PRO

; do your file copy thing here
GOTO check

; do your file copy thing here
GOTO check

; do your file copy thing here
GOTO check

But it's your code, and ultimately your choice.

Whatever is easiest for you. We all have lives outside these forums. :)

thx(it is much simpler than i tought,i was thinking of doing it way more complicated but ure way would be better,altho i dont want to tripple the size of the batch by repeating the whole file copy sequence,the choice command would ultimately patch the few resources with any wording or bitmaps what has xp/home/mce in them and then simply passing on to the standard files)but i might end up not giving the user the choice cause i wouldint imagine why people would need to choose their OS if the batch can determine it by itself automatically.but it might still be an eventuality.id gladly welcome home and mce resources if anyone can whip some matching ones with the current look.

Edited by bober

all this logon screens business might be useless to people using classic-automatic logons to shorten their boot time.

it would be hard to satisfy everybody in one batch. there are plenty of gadgets and customizations on deviantart...

are we going to use them all ? and there is one called Windows Vista... fanciness or simplicity or a balance of both ?

do we want for XPtsp to grow to a size of OS ? i do not mean to offend anybody, but personally i'm very happy without

any fancy logins or OOBE. just an opinion ... :prop: i wonder, how it's going to work after WU, if MS will release patch for logon :g:

Edited by amnesia

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oobe and the login will stay the same for the time being.but does anybody have screenshots or soemthing to help me pinpoint the different files i would need to edit so i can change the bat so it patches xp home and mce files correctly.

well just figured I'd throw this out there:


makes me wonder how many people here have a legit windows :P

anywho, I was first weary about this because I used the addon first, but I tried it again and use the live version as the very last thing I did before I made the image, and it's still there. dont really care cause I activate it and it goes away. but there it is...

Thanks for all the great work

wouldn't build a CD without this

cya guys.

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