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I'm getting this error------> The selected folder does not contain the Xp installation source files! can u pls tell me how to fix this....

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Download: XPtsb_v1.0.10.9.exe

MD5: 5383C38208F962450868E2C1D2F27CEE, Size: 28.3mb

Changes in this version:

- All three previously mentioned problems are fixed.

- Implemented the AutoPlay copying code, as I forgot it in my inital release.

- Added a progress bar during compression so that the user won't be wondering what's going on...

- Realized that when a repatcher was written, it would need the tools that the archive came with, so XPTSP.INF has been updated to include those...

- Re-organized the code so that related functions would be grouped together.

- Moved some code from the script itself to XPTSP.INI for future expandability.... (yeah, I know it looks weird)

EDIT: Re-uploaded because the AutoPlay files were missing....

TreblA: Do you have a EULA.TXT file in your I386 folder? If not, the script won't pick up on it.... Is it English? Can you send it to me?

Edited by dougiefresh

Download: XPtsb_v1.0.10.9.exe

MD5: EB0F61BD0DD6B80B5AB200EBD3FF11A9, Size: 26.5mb

Changes in this version:

- All three previously mentioned problems are fixed.

- Implemented the AutoPlay copying code, as I forgot it in my inital release.

- Added a progress bar during compression so that the user won't be wondering what's going on...

- Realized that when a repatcher was written, it would need the tools that the archive came with, so XPTSP.INF has been updated to include those...

- Re-organized the code so that related functions would be grouped together.

- Moved some code from the script itself to XPTSP.INI for future expandability.... (yeah, I know it looks weird)

TreblA: Do you have a EULA.TXT file in your I386 folder? If not, the script won't pick up on it....

it has....the EULA.TXT IS THERE..... the link for XPtsb_v1.0.10.9.exe is not working, can u fix it

I looked at the EULA you sent and figured out the problem. The search phrase is on the SECOND line, not the first (like Home and MCE). I have fixed the problem and am uploading now....

EDIT: Upload has been finished. It will now recognize XP Pro as a valid OS....

Edited by dougiefresh

I looked at the EULA you sent and figured out the problem. The search phrase is on the SECOND line, not the first (like Home and MCE). I have fixed the problem and am uploading now....

k, thanks :)

downloaded the latest file but still not working it still has the error -----> The selected folder does not contain the Xp installation source files! :(

Edited by treblA

downloaded the latest file but still not working it still has the error -----> The selected folder does not contain the Xp installation source files! :(

Getting this same error with I'm using XP Pro VLK SP3 MSDN.

Here's the first 8 lines from EULA.txt






License Agreement ('EULA') is a legal

I assume you're script is searching for the string 'MICROSOFT WINDOWS XP PROFESSIONAL EDITION' in which case mine is on the 4th line.

Edited by Mr_Smartepants

Ok, I've been working on this all morning, so here's what's up at the moment. I've got the Browse button fixed, as well as rewrote the OS type detection code. It no longer looks for specific files, but looks at the EULA.TXT instead. I've fleshed out Page 6 and included code to create an ISO. I also replaced CABARC (which I put in there) with MAKECAB (which came with beta 7), mostly because CABARC was badly mangling my XP source. I'm working on testing the code right now, so please be patient. Thanks!

mr_smartepants: I did see your bug report. I have fixed the code so that it scans for "Home Edition", "Professional" or "Media Center". I just need to run another test, seeing as a recent addition to the code resulted in errors.... Give me about an hour. Thanks!

EDIT: It appears that I have to manually fix the WBEM problem, too.... This might take a little while longer than expected....

EDIT2: I've followed these directions to temporarily fix the problem during testing. I will try to incorporate the add-on by MrNxDmX into the script.

EDIT3: Installation is proceeding normally. I fixed the WBEM problem in the script, as well as included the INI files that were left out.

Edited by dougiefresh

I've actually had some time to test and correct bugs & problems as I found them, and I found some whoppers! I've fixed them and compiled the newest version. Here it is:

Download Link: XPtsp v1.0.10.10

MD5: CE5AF82A943149558754A431CAC85C65, Size: 27.7mb

I've got the WBEM fix coded in the script, as well as fixed the UXTHEME patching problem. I also saw duplicated AutoPlay files, so I removed all duplicated files from those folders and made sure the code was updated to reflect this. I don't think there are any more problems, however, please test this package and let me know if you encounter any problems. Thanks for your patience, everybody!

EDIT: Oh, yeah, I remember a report about Home and Pro files mixed in, I'm pretty sure I fixed that by pulling files from beta 7.

Edited by dougiefresh

Bober: I just looked at the install I did under MS Virtual PC 2k7 and I'm like "DAMN, that looks nice!" I like it better than XPize! Thank you very much for doing such a wonderful project!

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lol well thx, but im much more greatefull towards you for making such a sleek installer, i was so tired of the crappy batch script.

lets also not forget stimpy and amnesia who's work helped to make such a good result.Not to mention the work rick did by compiling all these resources and making the 1st script.

all in all it does give out a very nice look.and the best part, everything is editable.some apps thta are too commercial put too much hurdles for user to customise their own flavors.

Edited by bober

Thank you, stimpy and amnesia! I didn't mean to leave you out of my praise. Thanks, rick for starting the original V'iso project in the first place.

EDIT: Thank you, everybody who has contributed to this wonderful project!

EDIT2: I just received a report that XPtsp.inf isn't found during the GUI setup. I will look into this once I get home this afternoon (it's 3am here).

Edited by dougiefresh

I've got the WBEM fix coded in the script, as well as fixed the UXTHEME patching problem.

You might want to rethink that option. The latest RVM Integrator has the WBEM fix integrated as well. I think Nuhi is fixing nLite as well.

Here is the latest Beta...

Please give feedback.

WBEM fix is no longer needed! The integrator automatically handles this.

1.5.4 Beta3:

Added makecab.exe from vista x86. Hopefully this fixes the instability in earlier betas.

Or at least make the WBEM fix an option.

Yep Amnesia, these look great!

Thanks to Bober and Dougiefresh for your kind words. I hope to get the logo sorted out next week.

Dougie, I customize my Windows CD with nLite, and remove the setup.exe, as I never ever install Windows from the OS, always as a fresh CD. So my point being that your installer says that I do not have a valid Windows image to install XP-tsp on!!! Any chance you can remove the search for Setup.exe, for people like me? Then I will be able to do some testing for you.

Edited by Stimpy

I took a clean XP Home OEM source and integrated the XPtsp package with the resources and cursors included. I found the XPtsp.INF file in the I386 folder. I need to compile an ISO to see if I can reproduce the Setup error.

Mr_Smartepants: If you look at the discussion referenced (particularly towards the bottom), the add-on removes the WBEM "fix", then reapplies it. So if another program implements the fix, the patcher will unfix, then refix the WBEM problem. In essance, it does nothing to an already "fixed" installation.

My test was performed on a clean XP Home OEM source without an Update Pack or any add-ons, and I found that the WBEM bug is present. The WBEM fix needs to be in this patcher because someone who hasn't used the RVM Integrator or nLite (like in my test install) will encounter the WBEM bug and THAT is not desirable!

Stimpy: The patcher never searches for Setup.exe, only reads the EULA to determine OS type. Putting the EULA.TXT file in the source folder should allow the patcher to recognize which OS you're integrating into. I just figured out that TXTSETUP.SIF also contains the string I need to distingish between Home and Pro. Searching for MEDIACTR.CAB will distingish between Pro and MCE. I'll implement these changes once I test the new ISO.

Edited by dougiefresh

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thx amnesia for the files and translation, looks very nice.

dougie,im still having the brows to source files problem.and i think their maybe torubple witht he autoplay stuff you removed.

:o Sloppy, I seem to be. :unsure: I forgot that the Browse and Source code both contain the EULA.TXT code that doesn't work. I've changed the code over to the new stuff. I'm also not relying on EULA.TXT file anymore, instead I'm using the TXTSETUP.SIF because it also has the strings I'm looking for. This should take care of Stimpy's problem....

As for the AutoPlay, yep, I'm missing some files.... I'll put them back in. Sorry about that.

EDIT: Do you want the files amnesia provided in with the new release? Also, the WBEM code doesn't work.... I'll try to fix it b4 next release....

EDIT2: I've fixed the WBEM code. I included the path twice by mistake....

EDIT3: I just completed my ISO test. The GUI Setup found the XPtsp.inf file just fine. Of course, the WBEM bug was a smaller pain this time around (just because I knew what I was doing). The UXTHEME patch didn't take, though. So I have to fix it before the next release. Just thought I'd let y'all know.

Edited by dougiefresh

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yeah the 2 files amnesia posted are in the new b8,so plz do include them in the gui rel.

Thanks for working out the install issues Dougie! I am really looking forward to seeing the latest beta.

I really like the new work that Amnesia is posting, it looks great! I only hope that maybe we can slowly update all the older stuff to this new design, as it looks even more modern than the previous work, which I thought looked amazing before! lol

Dougiefresh, I was just wondering about your WBEM fix... I know that Siginet has implemented a new way of fixing the WBEM issue, which uses a totally different method to the previous methods used. So I was wondering if your different way of patching the WBEM problem would detect Sigi's new method?

Mr_Smartepants: If you look at the discussion referenced (particularly towards the bottom), the add-on removes the WBEM "fix", then reapplies it. So if another program implements the fix, the patcher will unfix, then refix the WBEM problem. In essance, it does nothing to an already "fixed" installation.

That's great. I wasn't aware of your workaround. Sounds like a smart move.

Looking forward to your latest fixed beta to play with. :)

Looking good guys. :)


amnesia is it possible to change that ugly looking mouse in upper right corner in something nicer? ^_^

Looking good guys. :)

amnesia is it possible to change that ugly looking mouse in upper right corner in something nicer? ^_^

It's the caution sign that gets me! lol

It makes me think that mouse is armed and don't touch it. ;-P

Edited by Stimpy

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