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Bober: Last night, I was trying to get the code I mentioned working. Well, I finally get it working after realizing that the TXTSETUP.SIF has multiple sections with the same name and AutoIt didn't pick up on it. I fixed it, expanded the resulting file, then compared it to the original. It's about 200-300kb larger than the original. But the strings didn't get put in the file, so maybe this will work after all! (Maybe we won't need multiple resource files for different languages!)

EDIT: Oops, it's not the string table, it's the dialog boxes that get changed.... They don't because they are different languages. Well, at least I got most of the non-language things to change.... It looks like we will need translated dialog boxes.

EDIT2: I could also patch files with resource files that are named something like XPSP1RES.DLL.041A.RES.... Just a thought!

EDIT3: 041A is the language ID for that file....

Kaylar: I will fix the GUI version this afternoon (it's about 4am here). Just need some time!

Edited by dougiefresh

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There's a bug in the batch-addon in "addrunonceexe.bat". I got a "file not found" error at ROE.

@echo off
title= adding OEM info generator to runonceexe
echo adding OEM info generator to runonceexe
FOR %%i IN (D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z) DO IF EXIST %%i:\i386\svcpack\oemgen.exe SET CDROM=%%i:

SET PP=%CDROM%i386\svcpack\

SET KEY=HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnceEx

REG ADD %KEY%\987 /VE /D "running OEM info generator" /f
REG ADD %KEY%\987 /V 1 /D "%CDROM%i386\svcpack\oemgen.exe" /f

What's with the SET PP ? %PP% isn't called anywhere...

Notice the lack of forward-slashes?

It should be this:

@echo off
title= adding OEM info generator to runonceexe
echo adding OEM info generator to runonceexe
FOR %%i IN (D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z) DO IF EXIST %%i:\i386\svcpack\oemgen.exe SET CDROM=%%i:

SET KEY=HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnceEx

REG ADD %KEY%\987 /VE /D "running OEM info generator" /f
REG ADD %KEY%\987 /V 1 /D "%CDROM%\i386\svcpack\oemgen.exe" /f

Also, oemgen.exe is missing from i386\svcpack\

Edited by Mr_Smartepants

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apparently im a moron and forgot that pp is the propram path and that infact the code should look like this(altho ure way is just as good):

REG ADD %KEY%\987 /VE /D "running OEM info generator" /f
REG ADD %KEY%\987 /V 1 /D %PP%\oemgen.exe" /f <<<<

"oemgen.exe is missing from i386\svcpack\ "

um no its not,its gets executed fine here,ive never had any problem and each "real" install i have done was modified by oemgen.exe.

"Notice the lack of forward-slashes?"

lol well it still worked but yeah it should have needed some

but anyways thx mr smartepants for the comment.

in :spcplui section at the end before the compression change set com=EX_ to set com=DL_

argh ... will fix.

on an other note i might not be able to update in the next few weeks as i have a program to make in VB for school.so if any other bugs or typoes are found ill be able to fix it if they are found by the end of the weekend.


yeah thats what i thought, the damn dialogs and strings will have to be manualy edited and be saved an a res file.my thoughts are thta the ptach process can be done as usual and depending on the lang selected the patched files could then ben ID patched afterwards and for the files that need translating a re patch could occure or it could be vice versa, it could be determined 1st,id lang patch the res files instead and include the dialog/string etc.. lang specific res file.

Edited by bober

I've added code to allow the patcher to first patch the file with the normal resources (ex: XPSP1RES.DLL.RES), then if necessary, patch it with another (XPSP1RES.DLL.041A.RES), containing the language-specific resources. Since the language strings won't be applied by XPSP1RES.DLL.RES, the second resource file (XPSP1RES.DLL.041A.RES) would take care of translated strings. There is one problem: how to deal with OS languages that aren't English by default. Let me think about how to deal with this a while longer.....

It looks like the batch file has been reorganized, so I'm going to have to parse it again. Unfortunately, my parsing script was lost. So I'll have to rewrite it. Shouldn't take long. I should be able to upload tomorrow.

Edited by dougiefresh

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well i just changed a couple of typos and also added some lines to the nr ie7 addon.other than tweaking nothing much has ben done.as stated a couple of posts earlier, the "major" changes are:


also i fixed the problems mention by kaylar (thx) so ill be reuploading. i have also added to the nrie7 section :nrie7iexplorem (patching of iexplore.mui.res)

and iexplore.exe.mui.res was renamed to iexplore.mui.res

also plz note that dvdplay has ben moved to the sp* section and that XPNETDG.EX_ has a different internal name > xpnetdiag.exe "

I've uploaded beta 15 of the GUI. Changes in the GUI version include an updated XPTSP.INI file. Code has been added and modified to patch other XPSP?RES.DLL files that are included in the XP source files. Unfortunately, non-English dialog boxes and strings cannot be updated with English resources. All resources have been sync'ed with batch beta 15a. XPNETDG.EXE.RES is renamed to XPNETDIAG.EXE.RES so that the GUI can deal with it easier.

Bober: Yeah, I know about the earlier post. I haven't been doing a good job keeping the XPTSP.INI file sync'ed with what the batch file is doing. Doing a comparsion with FC (cmd-line) yielded so many differences between the batch file I had and the latest that I gave up and wrote the parsing script (again) in order to sync the two. Had to do a small mod for XPNETDG.EXE in the parsing script to ensure everything goes as required by the batch file.

EDIT: Concerning glass toast, I don't think that he wanted to include the program, just to mod the tray notification stuff so that it looks like glass toast. Frankly, I think that the mod would be cool. But to include a buggy program, nah, not cool. Just my thoughts on it....

Edited by dougiefresh

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but it would be nice to find where the ballons are.

"XPNETDG.EXE.RES is renamed to XPNETDIAG.EXE.RES so that the GUI can deal with it easier."

if you want i can also change the the resourse name for update conveniance.but just to be sure were ont he same wave lenght:

the cabbed file = XPNETDG.EXE

and when uncabed = XPNETDIAG.EXE

on an other note im having probs with my mobo, in sata ide more the board only support 4 out of 6 sata ports.so idealy i have to install win on the ports in AHCI mode instead of ide,but the damn drivers are screwed up. i have tried almost every combination and i just cant get the system to install the drivers.my board has an nforce 780a chipset. so if anyone has the same chipset and was successful to install win on sata in AHCi mode please tell me how they did it.(tried adding drivers via driver packs .net(added the drivers to the pack)tried simply via f6 floppy,still a no go.tried adding manualy to txtsetup.sif and adding them to i386 and $OEM$\etc,again a no go,but driver packs were present so the setup may have took the drivers from driver pack instead.)

Edited by bober

What's wrong with notification balloons?

Wasnt it a good idea?

Just tell me which file (exe, dll, etc) is notification ballon, then ı will patch and share with you.


AltF4: My first impression is that there isn't anything is wrong with those ballons, it's the program itself that Bober seems to have a problem with. I think the look is very much in line with the project's goals. However, including a buggy program is not... I think it would be awesome to have that look in this project....

Bober: I know, I know, I got the internal name change for that file! :thumbsup_anim: :icon_cool: Renaming that file would make it easier in terms of updating my copy of the resources...

Off-Topic: Weird prob with the mobo. Wish I could help you with that....

Edited by dougiefresh

Mate, ı hope you understood me clearly.

I dont want to integrate this glass toasts program in project.

I want to replace bmps and icons with old one.

We can do that, cant we?

WGA_balloon.jpg>> glasstoast.jpg

Edited by ALtF4

yes understood.

but i do not know what file to edit.

Hmm, if we could find file, our work would be nicer and cool.

I will continue to search mate.


What do you think about adding Drive Indicator?

It's little and usefull program.

I am working on it.

I will share with you if you want to add your project. :)

And did you fix that inet.cpl.cpl.mui problem?

I still couldnt :(

Edited by ALtF4

  • Author

what ie7 addon r you using?

and im prety sure dougie could easely add his drive space indicator.

what ie7 addon r you using?

and im prety sure dougie could easely add his drive space indicator.

Yes, it's easier than us for him.

But ı am trying to integrate this program and add some performance registry keys by batch file.

I will also share these things with you if you want :)

And ı use NR_IE7

Edited by ALtF4

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ı use NR_IE7

well it is almost impossible that it dosent work ,there is a section in the batch that especially takes care of inetcpl:

set name=inetcpl
set name1=cpl
set ext=mui
%rh% %ao% "NRIE7en\%name%.%name1%.%ext%", "NRIE7en\%name%.%name1%.%ext%", "%res%\%name%.%ext%.res",,,&echo patching %name%.%name1%.%ext%
%pe% -c NRIE7en\%name%.%name1%.%ext% >nul

Sure, I can add it as well. I'll try to build a special Icon Theme for this edition as well.

no hurries.but thx.did you find a way to make icons faster?.. lol

Edited by bober

hi bober,

i just patched this tools to my new unattendent cd, but wondering no addon has successfully installed

i usually integrate couple of my favo themes, kels CPL bonus, boogy wmp11, onepience IE7, and ricks sidebar , gadget and hell lot of addons. ( prio,blue taskbar, glasstoast, screensavers, ccleaners and so on)

my steps are: ( using Nlite)

1) integarte sp3

2) integrate all the addons

3) remove, tweaks, and so one

4) XPtp by using gui mode to locate i386 folder

5) adding driverpacks

6) WPI

7) ISO

8) VMware for testing

but i found only thems and couple of addon has just intstalled, no ricks sidebar gadged has installed, WMP11, IE7, kels CPLbonus found after insatllation of xp.


am i doinf anything wrong? :confused02: :confused02:

please help me to figure out this, i want to integrate all the existing addons in my new fresh XPSP3 cd. :sweatingbullets: :sweatingbullets:



  • Author

seems xptsp.inf created by the gui breaks the install.meanwhile that a fix is made you can try one of the batch scripts instead.

hotplug.dll.res - icons changed

mmsys.cpl.res - some bitmaps changed

mstsc.exe.res - icons and bitmaps changed



thx man, will add.


can any one also confirm that inetcpl.mui or inetcpl.cpl.mui get patched(onepeice or nr ie7 addons) is getting patched or not thx.

Edited by bober

hi bober,

i just patched this tools to my new unattendent cd, but wondering no addon has successfully installed

i usually integrate couple of my favo themes, kels CPL bonus, boogy wmp11, onepience IE7, and ricks sidebar , gadget and hell lot of addons. ( prio,blue taskbar, glasstoast, screensavers, ccleaners and so on)

my steps are: ( using Nlite)

1) integarte sp3

2) integrate all the addons

3) remove, tweaks, and so one

4) XPtp by using gui mode to locate i386 folder

5) adding driverpacks

6) WPI

7) ISO

8) VMware for testing

but i found only thems and couple of addon has just intstalled, no ricks sidebar gadged has installed, WMP11, IE7, kels CPLbonus found after insatllation of xp.


am i doinf anything wrong? :confused02: :confused02:

please help me to figure out this, i want to integrate all the existing addons in my new fresh XPSP3 cd. :sweatingbullets: :sweatingbullets:



well i had this problem

but for some reason inf addons doesnt install

it just get copied to it`s right place but no more

this happened in Nlite

try using RVM intergator

and add this addon as well

it should be working fine

shafaet: Tell me, what options are you selecting on Page 4 (Options) of the GUI? Telling me this will probably allow me to narrow down the problem to a specific line or function.

EDIT: Make sure you apply the SYSSETUP patch BEFORE integrating the XPtsp resources! Xtremely important!!!(Source)

Bober: No, I haven't found/developed a way to build Icon Themes faster. I really haven't looked into it since the discussion.... I had gotten slammed by work, then this project kinda sidetracked/derailed the development of DSI....

Off-topic: You know, it's funny about the origins of the words "sidetracked" and "derailed", considering how they come from the railroad and related industries.... Kinda interesting...

DaRk MaDnEsS: Why the PatchAddon SYSSETUP InfSkip add-on? What does it do that may/would help with this situation?

Edited by dougiefresh

shafaet: Tell me, what options are you selecting on Page 4 (Options) of the GUI? Telling me this will probably allow me to narrow down the problem to a specific line or function.

EDIT: Make sure you apply the SYSSETUP patch BEFORE integrating the XPtsp resources! Xtremely important!!!(Source)

Bober: No, I haven't found/developed a way to build Icon Themes faster. I really haven't looked into it since the discussion.... I had gotten slammed by work, then this project kinda sidetracked/derailed the development of DSI....

Off-topic: You know, it's funny about the origins of the words "sidetracked" and "derailed", considering how they come from the railroad and related industries.... Kinda interesting...

DaRk MaDnEsS: Why the PatchAddon SYSSETUP InfSkip add-on? What does it do that may/would help with this situation?


i kept the default options in GUI mode, please see attached , but i couldn't find any SYSSETEP patch in ur given link, lots of patches overther, could u pls specified more. like full name.

thanks i haven't tried yet. i'll let u guys know abt the status.

really thx a lot for your helps.

shafaet :thumbsup_anim:



can any one also confirm that inetcpl.mui or inetcpl.cpl.mui get patched(onepeice or nr ie7 addons) is getting patched or not thx.

inetcpl.mui from onepiece is patched

shafaet: Download the 1.0.10b15 current release of the XPtsp GUI from here. That screenshot is from an older version. In addition, some changes to the package have taken place, so upgrading would be a very good thing! It may even solve your problem.... If not, let me know.

Regarding the SYSSETUP patch, the XPtsp program doesn't have the option to patch it. I don't know why it would help, so I'm not going to code for it without a good reason. Same thing about SFC (System File Checker). My response was intended to tell you where to put the patch in the order of integrations, and if you look 4 posts up, you will see the link DaRk MaDnEsS provides to the add-on.

I'll add the SYSSETUP patch if someone can give me a good explanation for what it does and why it would help.... (I detest unnecessary patches that are forced on people and I further detest forcing patches upon people without a damn good reason!)

Edited by dougiefresh

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