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RisingXun: Have you tried the GUI version?

Well i dont use the Gui Version because it takes too long (long as in getting to the point of patching ), i just want it to be integrated while its an addon so i dont need to do much work when making my CD as it is, also because i like to have the latest version of the .res files, which can also be updated very easily to my likings.

EDIT: Hold on, I reread your post. I'm sure that the Setup.exe program reappearing after it's been removed by nLite can be easily fixed!

Yeah its not just the Setup.exe. that was just an Example. This One Below is another one

set name=XPBalln
set ext=wav
set big=XPBALLN
set com=WA_
if exist "i386\%name%.%ext%" Del "i386\%name%.%ext%" >nul
echo replacing %name%.%ext%
%cab% /D CompressionType=LZX /D CompressionMemory=21 "%xtra%\%name%.%ext%" "i386\%big%.%com%" >nul

as you can see, the script just looks if the file is in "i386" folder to Delete. it wont stop it from adding the file to the i386 Source

EDIT: Well basically i just thought that having to look through a few hundred lines is much easier to do than ~6000 lines

I also looked through the XPtsp.ini In the GUI Version and wondered if these two lines where Errors.




Another thought:

Does your Script Shows if there was an Error Patching the Files?. i actually got the idea From ENU_USER ResHacker plugin for the RVM Integrator. If you Already used my XPtspScript, it creates a Checksum.txt and a ResPatch.Log. Just wondering, because we never know if there's errors or not.

Edited by RisingXun

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yeah the batch is not perfect, but i am very happy with the job dougie's gui is doing.

but im happy to see ure intrest in the project!.

here is a thought, integrate ure stuff with n lite,now use xptsp,after remove with nlite ure stuff ,then ure done!.

also: there are files that are being added that arent defaults,ive had a look at ure autoit script and there is a missing function for xp version specific file patching. also there are several files that need the deletion of the res objects in the destination file b4 receiving the res patch. at first glance the batch does appear to do same thing all the way thru.

Thanks for the info. The issue was: "UPDATE 1. Found a temp fix for the nLite problem... Go to the advanced settings under Bootable ISO, and change the ISO Engine setting from Default to Mkisofs and you will no longer get the boot issue when you use nLite to create an ISO./ edit:this problem should be fixed now, no need work arounds anymore.plz test and report. "

Is there an XPtsp with Blue Folders, or this is just done manually? Thanks.

mr fixit has remade the whole pack in blue;


Edited by bober

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a check for xp version can be done in the same manner as the batch files does;

check if a version specific file exists.

when i mean remove ,i mean remove resources in the file. then patch the said file with the wanted .res.

" If i take it through Xptsp before it goes through nLite, I would have to wait for a ~75mb Driver Folder to be Cabbed"

either way ure fu*ed. nlite has to decompress the cab file,and xptsp has to decompress the cab file.you cant really do it on the fly while n lite has it decompressed cause you cant be sure the update pack has ben processed 1st or not(well this is more of an rvmi thing as ure supposed to use it with the addon version).i have to say that i dont use nlite and dont care much for it either.that maybe explains the poor compability with the addon version of xptsp.(btw the only thing keeping it from being compatible with nlite is this):




the script adds :

windows sound scheme files <<cabbed

oobe files <<cabbed

user account bmps <<cabbed

.msc files <<nlite dosent touch these

theme <<cabbed

setup.exe and autorun resource folde

approx total size:9-10 mbs. so this means if you've removed all that you can with n lite and passed xptsp after, it will add that much on top of the size it would have produced after patching anyways.

nothing added by xptsp is in the sp*.cab or driver.cab files.so again why not pass the nlite removal after or do it manualy?

anyways case closed, its getting late.

Edited by bober

RisingXun: I've been working on so many other aspects of the GUI (not to mention DSI) that I forgot about completing the "/INTEGRATE" switch, which will allow you to go straight to patching. I'll work on that today when I get home from work.

About patching while RVMIntegrator is running, the integrator has an option to break before Driver CAB recabbing. Maybe I could look for whatever window pops up and start patching there. I'm just not sure, as I've never used that option. I've only used nLite once, and didn't look to see what options it has.... If it doesn't, request the feature from the author of nLite!

I looked at the GUI code and yes, it has the same problem as the batch file in regards to improper file replacement, Setup.exe for example. I've fixed it in the GUI source.

Bober: Hey, who can I contact about altering the Setup.exe proggie? I have an idea that I need to run by the author, pertaining to reducing the size occupied on the CD\DVD....

Edited by dougiefresh

Please take a look at this image again:


Can anyone tell me how can i make "CPU Speed and Installed Memory & Memory Protection"

show correctly?

I think they are out of place. It will be helpful If someone can attach the corrected sysdm.cpl.res in this post.

Edited by rubab

About patching while RVMIntegrator is running, the integrator has an option to break before Driver CAB recabbing.

Yes, but if you integrate the batch addon during the same integration as ANY updatepack, then the batch addon will not patch correctly since the updatepack forces key files into the rvmtemp dir.

Can anyone tell me how can i make "CPU Speed and Installed Memory & Memory Protection"

show correctly?

U can open sysdm.cpl.res in ResHacker or Restorator and modify Dialog 101. :rolleyes:

or U can use mine plain sysdm.cpl.res (without unnecessary wording) :)


Edited by amnesia

Please take a look at this image again:


Can anyone tell me how can i make "CPU Speed and Installed Memory & Memory Protection"

show correctly?

I think they are out of place. It will be helpful If someone can attach the corrected sysdm.cpl.res in this post.

If you use the addon, rather than the batch version, then this information will be added properly.

Amnesia, old chap :icon_cool: , why is it unnecessary information? Windows shows this information already, (for those that have a modern computer) all i did was add a text line highlighting it. I asked everybody at the time, (when i wanted to correct the piss-poor version that was already done for VISO) if it was better looking than the other version with no info, and everybody said it was better, and only 1 person said it was not very good looking!

But I also think it's a nice idea that you have a plain version to offer people that want it. :thumbsup_anim:

One problem is that Bober does not include his OEM script as part of the Batch version, which makes the cpl panel look wrong. I don't know if Bober can include it or not.

Edited by Stimpy

U can open sysdm.cpl.res in ResHacker or Restorator and modify Dialog 101. :rolleyes:

or U can use mine plain sysdm.cpl.res (without unnecessary wording) :)


Thanks amnesia for the sysdm.cpl.res.

Stimpy , Man you should have posted this post few minutes ago. I just burned my XPCD. :(

By the way Thanks for the info.

Edited by rubab

when i mean remove ,i mean remove resources in the file. then patch the said file with the wanted .res.

i wasnt even sure that the script batch even do that. I basically used the same command found in the XPtsp.bat file.

ResHack -addoverwrite Temp\Filename.Ext, Temp\Filename.Ext, Resources\Filename.Ext.Res,,,

there are no other codes that shows the removal of Resources in the files before patching


either way ure fu*ed. nlite has to decompress the cab file,and xptsp has to decompress the cab file.

the script adds :

windows sound scheme files <<cabbed

oobe files <<cabbed

user account bmps <<cabbed

.msc files <<nlite dosent touch these

theme <<cabbed

setup.exe and autorun resource folde

approx total size:9-10 mbs. so this means if you've removed all that you can with n lite and passed xptsp after, it will add that much on top of the size it would have produced after patching anyways.

Yeah, since im a RVMIntegrator user also, for addons/updates i know that it has to decompress and recab the file, but it wont take as long... O_o :)

the files the script adds >> thats only because the batch does check if the files exist before it tries to replace it. so if i run my script AFTER nLite. there would be no problems of that because i do check if the file exists on the i386 source to be replace.

If you use the addon, rather than the batch version, then this information will be added properly.

Amnesia, old chap :icon_cool: , why is it unnecessary information? Windows shows this information already, (for those that have a modern computer) all i did was add a text line highlighting it. I asked everybody at the time, (when i wanted to correct the piss-poor version that was already done for VISO) if it was better looking than the other version with no info, and everybody said it was better, and only 1 person said it was not very good looking!

But I also think it's a nice idea that you have a plain version to offer people that want it. :thumbsup_anim:

unnecessary information wording to my opinion and as U understand i don't suggest anything. i've posted mine version just for example purpose. :)

Edited by amnesia

Yes, but if you integrate the batch addon during the same integration as ANY updatepack, then the batch addon will not patch correctly since the updatepack forces key files into the rvmtemp dir.

that can be easily fixed...

First you would have to see if the RvmTemp Dir Exists...

Then Check what files there are to patch

If files are found then copy/move to Temp\ Folder to be patched

Delete Found File in RvmTemp

Move Patched file in Temp\ Back to RVMTemp

[RunFile] Only in Siginet's: RyanVM Integrator.


;This section allows you to Run a file before driver.cab is or is not repackaged.

I based my little "Fix" on this quote here. i believe it allows the script to be ran right before the driver gets cabbed.

And also, this script wont support the sp?.cab that exist because when i create my disc in RvmIntegrator, the Driver.cab and Sp?.cab are combined as one

EDIT: there drivers get extracted to rvmtemp\extracted by the integrator

Edited by RisingXun

unnecessary information wording to my opinion and as U understand i don't suggest anything. i've posted mine version just for example purpose. :)

Hey its all good Amnesia! :thumbsup_anim:

And the ONLY way to use the addon version is to update everything BEFORE you integrate XPtsp.

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god, i wanted to be finished with this for the holidays.

ok here it goes;

if i make the batch script so it can be ran along side addons and update packs, ill have to kill the manual patcher.

so im willing to give it a try,but risingsun,ull have to understand that i asked dougie to make a gui cause i was tired of the long and widing road the batch script uses,yeah i know its crap,not efficient and stupid, ive said it time and time again in the past.i said to myself i wouldint change it again since it dosent make sense working on a crappy batch file when dougie is doing it 10 x better via autoit( i want to eventualy scrap the bach and only use dougie's gui).i do know its not simple and easy to read back previous posts to comprehend the past history or acctualy read the batch file and also comprehend what it does... cause both are long and no fun to do.

Edited by bober

god, i wanted to be finished with this for the holidays.

ok here it goes;

if i make the batch script so it can be ran along side addons and update packs, ill have to kill the manual patcher.

so im willing to give it a try,but risingsun,ull have to understand that i asked dougie to make a gui cause i was tired of the long and widing road the batch script uses,yeah i know its crap,not efficient and stupid, ive said it time and time again in the past.i said to myself i wouldint change it again since it dosent make sense working on a crappy batch file when dougie is doing it 10 x better via autoit( i want to eventualy scrap the bach and only use dougie's gui).i do know its not simple and easy to read back previous posts to comprehend the past history or acctualy read the batch file and also comprehend what it does... cause both are long and no fun to do.

don't kill the manual patcher as there is already a script ..


the script reads the resources and the extra folder it will be good if you or anyone else updates at least those

that will be updated shortly for anyone that wants to test ..

+ the script deals with other ways of patching the cd files

now if you go and kill the the manual patcher you will surly piss me of :P, if that's what you are looking to do !/!

anyways I went all over the script and now testing it again against the other packs that i have updated .. it will be ready in a wile (just hold on to your pants RisingXun & all)


the script will allow integrating xptsp on the fly along the other addons or updatepack

you simply download the updated xptsp file and place in under plugins directory of integrator

ill will add more info to that post later ...

Edited by ENU_user

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ok nice info,cause i went ahead and made some drastic changes to the addon version and i was still screwed so ill scrap the modifications i made and keep the last build.(why fix soemthing that isint broken right?)

also i wanted to know,wouldint ure plugin alow us to use the addon version of xptsp instead?cause that way we can keep on adding cursors and other stuff we can only do via .the entries.ini file.(that would be the best if you ask me)anyways thx for the info.

btw: is it normal that all ure links r down?(unless ure doing updates of course)

Edited by bober

don't kill the manual patcher as there is already a script ..


the script reads the resources and the extra folder it will be good if you or anyone else updates at least those

that will be updated shortly for anyone that wants to test ..

+ the script deals with other ways of patching the cd files

now if you go and kill the the manual patcher you will surly piss me of :P, if that's what you are looking to do !/!

anyways I went all over the script and now testing it again against the other packs that i have updated .. it will be ready in a wile (just hold on to your pants RisingXun & all)


the script will allow integrating xptsp on the fly along the other addons or updatepack

you simply download the updated xptsp file and place in under plugins directory of integrator

ill will add more info to that post later ...

Woot Nice,

It will be very Convenient to have it setup like this





Updating the Resource would be very Easy that way. Just a thought

Edited by RisingXun

RisingXun: Oh, I forgot to mention that the GUI does create a log of the files it patches and/or modifies. It's found in the source folder below i386 (meaning if the XP source is in E:\Blah\i386\, the log would be in E:\Blah\XPtsp.log). It lists the same thing that the GUI lists. If there is a major error, the script stops and notifies the user with an error message.

I don't think that there is really a way for the script to tell if reshacker is actually successful without seriously slowing down the patching process.... So is the log useful? Depends on what you're looking for....

EDIT: The [Global Patch] section, which looks like this:


is correct for v1.1, but the NT*.EXE lines will not be necessary for v1.2. I'm not sure about the XPNETDG.EXE line that you posted about, though.... I know that the internal name of XPNETDG.EXE is XPNETDIAG.EXE and the script tries to make sure that it is correct when archived. I'll look into it....

EDIT2: Was looking at your source code, noticed that you captured the checksum. I'll look into that!

Edited by dougiefresh

ok nice info,cause i went ahead and made some drastic changes to the addon version and i was still screwed so ill scrap the modifications i made and keep the last build.(why fix soemthing that isint broken right?)

yes, for xptsp I have dedicated a good part of the script that now knows how to extract the needed parts from it when its placed in the plugins directory as is .etc

also i wanted to know,wouldint ure plugin alow us to use the addon version of xptsp instead?cause that way we can keep on adding cursors and other stuff we can only do via .the entries.ini file.(that would be the best if you ask me)anyways thx for the info.

btw: is it normal that all ure links r down?(unless ure doing updates of course)

you can directly update the addon I made for it or from where ever you wish (also in my thread)

the script also uses other formats if you wanted to make a dedicated Addon

you are free to place the plugin itself in the addon (be sure to take a look how the addon is build...)

everything in the post is updated! as of now :)

you will notice that the script is a bit unique but it does a great job as is .. I too haven't changed it just updated it from how I originally built it ...

Woot Nice,

It will be very Convenient to have it setup like this





Updating the Resource would be very Easy that way. Just a thought

its very Convenient as it is. and in the current pack version

so i wont need to download and upload the whole thing to keep this updated ..

i just when through all of the trouble making my script work with this pack and the other updates to all the other packs :nunchaku:

the reason some are SFX'd is to reduce the time it takes integrator to do its "shifting things around" process where it usually copies everything back form its temp directory to the needed place ...

if you find the script and its routines acceptable you can bump my thread with more packs from the light to heavy & for more examples .etc

also be sure to check the patch.log I made it produce (very good & useful one) ..

Edited by ENU_user

Bober: Would you mind PM'ing with the modified add-on and tell me what you're trying to accomplish? Maybe I can help! Thanks!

ENU_User: Where is the add-on/plug-in that you're referring to? I'd like to take a look at it, if you don't mind.

EDIT: Never mind, I'm blind! Looked at few posts back and found it!

Edited by dougiefresh

for anyone who missed it


to make it all into an integratable addon you will need to place the plugin\*respack* files into reshack1\* in red as the script knows to distribute the files from their

as to the resources ,they can be filed into where orange is highlighted, or you have them distributed to their respectful locations (Either ways will work ..)


Edited by ENU_user

meditation about msgina.dll (classic logon)

i've made these, cause i already know-remember M$, XP and Professional :)

besides, i've added a logo there, just in case i'll start to think that it's a linux or something ;)

346761m.png 347785m.png

345737m.png 350857m.png


Edited by amnesia


whao this is a very nice mapping of where the *.res files are placed, at first i thought it was just a Directory where we had to place all the res files in Like Plugings\XPtsp\*.res

i think that picture should be posted on your main post for reference

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