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Well ive tested the XptspScriptLive with SfcEnabled . While patching the annoying dialogs shows up constantly. but in the end the patching still works. :). if anybody out there that has sfc enabled. test and confirm it please. Else it would just be my system doing its charm

2 Autoit people

are U locking yer scripts ?

i dont have a problem releasing my scripts. i already did with the XptspScript (Source Patcher). its just right now i dont feel like i should.

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Amnesia: You have a PM waiting for you regarding GUI source... Thanks!

Regarding copy process, evidentally my computer and VM don't want to cooperate doing "simple copies". I've had to jump through hoops, trying to get it working properly.

George King: Did you run PEChecksum on the file to correct the checksum? If not, Setup will give you that error every time!

Edited by dougiefresh

hi RisingXun I Using new scrip

now only patched msc file and some file and sound file

and in a Checksum,ResPatch not see error

i m using xpprosp2 not patched with update pack software

and after patch all msc file dosnt work

can you any one create msc file for sp2

hi RisingXun I Using new scrip

now only patched msc file and some file and sound file

and in a Checksum,ResPatch not see error

i m using xpprosp2 not patched with update pack software

and after patch all msc file dosnt work

can you any one create msc file for sp2

im sure that the script patches the resources and the msc are just being replaced. the script just copy the files in the appropriate directory

Edit: when i say replace, i mean that the file must exist before there, this is in the script because i dont want to add files that i took out prior to the clean install of windows

Edited by RisingXun

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about sfc and replacing files :

replacing the files in dll cache might not be enough, i have seen windows get a copy from the cabbed sp?.cab file in i386 temp in windows dir.

so one might want to even delete that cab file ...then replace the ddl cache files then rename the original file from within their original paths,then copy over the edited files.(thing is to do a clean job, the files might be in palce but the renamed fiels are still in use byt system handles or what ever, so uppon reboot at runonce, we would have to delete those renamed files)(or would a simple kill of explorer work? i dunno, but i think a closer look at the repalcer script might be of help, if not simply using it, i belive adding the list of system files to be replaced to a text file will get picked up by the script if its in the same dir...here is a sample of that script:

 :sys Get system file
cls&set "sys="
call:say Message GetSys
call:say Message KeyEnt
call:say Message OrQuit
call:get sys||goto:sys
call:quo sys
if /i %sys%=="Q" call:brk Now
if %sys:\=%==%sys% (
if not %sys:.=%==%sys% (
call:scn %sys%))
if defined pth (
for %%* in (%sys%) do (
set sys="%pth%%%~nx*"))
call:chk %sys%||(
call:say Message KeyCon
for %%* in (%sys%) do (
if /i "%%~x*"==".txt" ( <<<this is what i mean
find/i ";; ReplacerScript" %%*>nul&&(
call:scr %%* )))
call:ver %sys%||goto:sys

(about the sp?.cab,the system might get its drivers from that,when adding new hardware)so then we should rename this cab, do our replacements,then revert back to the old name once were sure the system has finished complaining.but this is only on system that have ben updated with a service pack...so us rvm users/nlite might not have this situation..this might explain why things might work for some and not for other(live patching-wise))

ill try and read the last post/pages and give some insight if i can.

(if some of you ahvint noticed i have stepped down from the project, but still itend to help out when i can, 1st post and releases will still get updated by fixit(thx))

Edited by bober

Windows has a feature that, when properly manipulated, will move files at system restart. INF files can make use of it easily, but AutoIt scripts have a little harder time (no sarcasm) with it as we must add to the string as we go. I have not gotten NTOSKRNL.EXE to be replaced by this mechanism, nor a "simple" file move/copy.

If Windows is pulling from Driver.CAB/SP?.CAB, then that would explain why replacing NTOSKRNL.EXE is being a witch..... When I get home from work today, I'll give it your suggestion a try, utilizing the above mechanism to put the cab file back to it's original name. Thanks for the tip, Bober! Wish me luck!

EDIT: Will replacer work?..... I don't know. I doubt it for this particular problem.

I'm running RyanVM Post-SP3 Update Pack v1.0.2 on both my real system and my virtual machine.

EDIT2: This last weekend, I've felt like throwing the machine out the window. My patience has gotten thin with the bootscreen problem..... Maybe all I need is a break.... Sleep doesn't help, it just gives me energy to try more things....

Edited by dougiefresh

Bober: Tried your suggestion. Didn't work inside VM.

Last patch test/session took 745 seconds (about 12 minutes).

Edited by dougiefresh

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ill try n do some tests and find a fail safe way to replace files.

btw, ive manualy replace the nt kernels by hand no batches or scripts,so i dont understand why ure having problems.

dougie, did you try the replacer script?im planning to take a crack at it and see if i cant do something with it.

Edited by bober

FINALLY! :dribble: Success installing the bootscreen! Thank you for your assistance, Mr. Fixit! I'll be posting the next version of the GUI shortly! tomorrow. I'm tired, I'm going to bed!

Edited by dougiefresh

What's Changed in GUI v1.4.0.2:

- Bootscreen installation successful!

- Added hex-edit to SP3 version SETUPAPI.DLL to fix battery prompt during setup.

- Fixed "/PASSIVE" switch so that it doesn't hang upon execution.

- Added timer so that user can see how long it took to patch the system.

- Added section to XPtsp.ini for SETUPAPI.DLL patching.

- Rebooting is OPTIONAL again. Option whether or not to reboot is given.

- Explorer is not killed at ANY point during the patching.

- "/REBOOT" switch added to force rebooting the system after patching is complete.

- "/NOREBOOT" switch added to force no reboot after patching is complete.

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nice bmpS amnesia


ok so i was reading back and saw this:

well, it's funny, cause VISO Live and original V'ISO never used delete command on logonui without problems.

i just tested-patched original logonui again (with mine and XPtsp logonui.exe.res), seems fine without -delete...

and i could have sworn the output was gibberish, this change was done a long time ago and im prety sure it had to be done in order to have a clean patch...but i could be wrong....but i dunno...i wouldint have added it for nothing lol

also about the setuapi.dll and sfc patched syssetup.dll (if what i understand is correct on that website ):

000456C7: 74 EB // Disable error messages in Setupapi.log and pop-up driver install dialogs with patched syssetup.dll.....

so wouldint sfc patching be mandatory?

Edited by bober

Good day to all,

Currently i'm working on this...


XPtsp Black.

It still needs work on some folders and some polishing....

If any one is interested or want to help make it better, i will upload the first beta !



@DougieFresh, I found a minor bug in your GUI. When you select 'Browse' and navigate to your source, the 'Next' button is still greyed out until you select 'Back', then 'Next'.

Then it works fine. :)

that looks pretty sweet fixit.. The blue one I think is too blue for me, but the black is neutral enough to work. I like the purple one too, I would use that on some ladies comps if some of the obvious problems were taken care of. but all in all, that's some amazing stuff!

Mr_Smartepants: Ok, I fix it before my next release.....


if some of the obvious problems were taken care of
Care to elaborate? If you do, maybe it'll get fixed.....

Edited by dougiefresh

Mr_Smartepants: Ok, I fix it before my next release.....

OK, I got another one for you. After the first integration failed, I re-ran the GUI as an admin (Vista64 environment) on the same source. Integration was then successful, but three folders were left behind in the source (backup, programs, resources) as well as two files (Patched.ini, XPtsp.log). The GUI didn't clean up after itself.

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