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XPtsp Translations

Translated by Rud :

Polish version off XPtsp v.1.3 with last amnesia's update "_Update.01.11.09".....

md5: B33D465B4C5AE1D75DD6637E9429693E

Size: 33,8 MB


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Rud: No, to add each language to the main release would bloat the archive to infinity and beyond. It would be far better (not to mention desirable) to create a seperate release for the Polish language than to integrate it into the main release.

Bober: I'm almost ready to publicly test the patching script. Just a few small things to test and fix....

Edited by dougiefresh

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well once the gui is finished it will be as easy to replace the res files in the batch version, just replace the resources and thats it.

I should've specified that only the source patching portion is almost complete. I've still got to write the live-system patching portion, but I need feedback to make sure that the source patching portion works as expected....

EDIT: Note that the OEMGEN batch file hasn't been translated yet, nor has a repatcher been written. Beta testers will be encouraged to check 2 folders to make sure contents were installed there. Other features of the patcher will be written in as the beta testing goes...

EDIT2: Aero cursors haven't been integrated into the theme files yet...

Edited by dougiefresh

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ill do the theme files right away, did you keep the cursor files' names ?

Edited by bober

ill do the theme files right away, did you keep the cursor files' names ?

Yes, however, since there is an option to include the Aero cursors, the program should edit the theme itself. I just haven't programmed that in yet....

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ah i see.so i guess since theyre gonna be edited no need to include them in the repalcement process?

ah i see.so i guess since theyre gonna be edited no need to include them in the repalcement process?

:huh: Well, ummmm.... :o I thought you want to include them as part of an add-on, not as a replacement. :blink: Stoopid me, I forgot that this project REPLACES files in the XP source.... :rolleyes: My bad, I'll fix it! (It'll be MUCH easier to do it that way, anyway!)

EDIT: I just looked at the I386 folder just after I posted. There's a bunch of .CU_ and .AN_ files.... Bober, please tell me what files go where so I can implement the replacement!

EDIT2: I wonder, does WinCert make a emot-icon that has a head put in 2 hands? If so, where is it? I NEED IT! LOL!

EDIT3: Updated Page 4 again, if anybody is interested....

Edited by dougiefresh

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we can do this 2 ways:theme files can be edited to add cursors/anis. by defaut im not exactly sure what the sytems default cursor scheme is.


we can either just simply overwrite the default cursors/anis . but since were playing with the theme file anyways ,logic dictates that we simply add the cursors in the right section of the theme file.this way cursors can retain their own name(instead of needing to overwrite the system's default ones)without needing to rename the new ones by the system's default's.

so i might end up re making the 3 theme files after all with the a new cursor section. so the only thing that really matters is that ure entries copy the aero cursors i sent u correctly to the system at install.(can you verify me the names, i dont remember if i had renamed them when i sent it.they were from the aero large pack and im not sure if the names are aero_busy.ani or aero_busy_l.ani )

rick: about ure concern,i can do a check in the i386 dir by using the name of ure .inf and on a live system im prety sure doing a chek in the %windir%\inf folder and looking for the same file would work.

Here's what you sent me (minus the INF): Cursors.rar (The cursor names end with a "_l")

EDIT: I don't care which way we do it. Frankly, it would be Ok with me if we overwrote the cursor files....

EDIT2: We don't HAVE to edit the theme files.... but if I add them as an add-on, then if you want them as the default cursors, the theme file will have to be edited, either manually (by editing each theme file) or automatically (by way of the script).

Edited by dougiefresh

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well if you ask me its less truble to simply add them via the theme file.no need to rename files and id have to do a virtual install to see witch crusor set is the default one.so id go with the theme file editing,plus this way we can even add diferent cursor schemes in the future for the different windows version.

Rud: No, to add each language to the main release would bloat the archive to infinity and beyond. It would be far better (not to mention desirable) to create a seperate release for the Polish language than to integrate it into the main release.

There is a way to optimize code.

1. It is necessary to add code which will change code page (polish is hex 0x0415) of res files.

2. Replace only changed part of res file: dialogues, strings and some times bitmap. Most icos, bitmaps, avis are the same.

In my early estimation packed reduced res files takes less than 100 kB.

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i just hate it when the forum's replies get changed this way...its a list instead of pages with posts.

does anyone know if this is a setting i can change?cause i realy realy hate this kind of view,you cant even track down replies cause there all over the place.

Edited by bober

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There is a way to optimize code.

1. It is necessary to add code which will change code page (polish is hex 0x0415) of res files.

2. Replace only changed part of res file: dialogues, strings and some times bitmap. Most icos, bitmaps, avis are the same.

In my early estimation packed reduced res files takes less than 100 kB.

what he ment is,make a whole pack for each new language ,as all the resources ids must be changed.so if we include it in 1 package its gonna litteraly be double the size...but there is a way to easely do this with restorator....i might come up with a way to detect the current lang and set the lang ids afterwards by appling them to the default eng resources.but we would still need the few resoruces witch acctualy have text and the avis that also have text.so in the end it might jsut be simpler to build a release for each language.

Edited by bober

i just hate it when the forum's replies get changed this way...its a list instead of pages with posts.

does anyone know if this is a setting i can change?cause i realy realy hate this kind of view,you cant even track down replies cause there all over the place.

Switch to linear or standard


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but how come this setting is set to linear/standard one day and with no apparent reason the next its set to outline?

There is a way to optimize code.

1. It is necessary to add code which will change code page (polish is hex 0x0415) of res files.

2. Replace only changed part of res file: dialogues, strings and some times bitmap. Most icos, bitmaps, avis are the same.

In my early estimation packed reduced res files takes less than 100 kB.

Well, I'm gratified to know that people think I'm good, but I'm not that good. I can't alter a resource file without a resource editor, and I don't know enough to programmably alter a resource file.

Bober: About the cursors being part of an add-on: Ok! Can do.

EDIT: Completed modification.....

Edited by dougiefresh

Hey, everybody! I have gotten a fair chunk of code completed, along with debugging it. I wish for people to beta-test it. I've gotten permission from Bober to use version 1.0.10 beta 8 as it's version number. So here it is:

Download Link: XPtsp v1.0.10b8

MD5: 8C49F21F9E2965E0F7806AB84A6E1EF9, Size: 28.4mb

Special features of this beta:

- UXTHEME.DLL can be patched directly by the script. (based on Zacam's patch)

- New Aero cursors can be installed by the script, along with modified themes using the new cursors.

- Resources and the patcher can be included in the XP source. (Repatcher not written yet)

- Option to include the OEM Info Generator at startup. (Not written yet)

- Option to change GUI Setup resolution to 1024x768, 1280x800, 1280x1024, 1440x900, 1600x1200, 1680x1050, 1920x1200, 2560x1600 (all resolutions based on Zacam's patches)

Things to note about this release:

- The script doesn't overwrite the AutoPlay files yet....

- No version checking takes place in this beta, so if updated components that aren't updated through Windows Update (like Ricktendo's Windows Easy Transfer add-on ENU_user's or Movie Maker upgrade add-on) are included, patching these components may not result in the expected results.

- The "Live System Patching" code has not been written yet.

- Page 2 is not shown, because of the above reason.

- Page 6 has not been completed, but will indicate completion of the integration.

- If the archive is put in the XP source folder, the script will pick up the folder that the archive resides in and use it as the default folder. Otherwise, source folder will be blank.

- OEM Info Generator produces a message box indicating it was launched, but doesn't do anything else.

- Repatcher hasn't been written yet, so adding the resource files to the source doesn't really accomplish anything right now.

- I've mashed it down as much as I can using 7zip.... (in case anyone is interested)

I don't seem to have the time to fully test this because of long hours at work, so I'm asking (almost begging) people to check and evaluate this release. I need to know if the script produces the same or similar results in the XP source as version 1.0.10b7, preferably with an XP SP2/3 without an Update Pack (although with an Update Pack would be interesting as well). Any assistance would be appreciated! Thanks!

EDIT (1.5hr after): Bober has updated some resources, but I don't know which ones.

EDIT (2hr after): Fixed problem with Source browse button.

Edited by dougiefresh

The link is pointing to XPtsp_v1.0.10.9.exe so giving a 404 not found error. Could this be a typo or Dougie not uploaded v1.0.10.9.exe to the site yet.

Hint copy shortcut on download page and paste into IE search bar and change the 9 to an 8 and voila.....

I've fixed the download link to the program. Last night, I lost my net connection. It came back on sometime after I went to bed. So I couldn't fix the foobar that I made....

I've received 3 reports. The first is that the Browse button doesn't work properly. I've fixed this. The second is that the script creates a CAB file containing the resources, regardless of whether the user wants the resources included. I've fixed this by pointing the script's archival code to the proper folder. A side effect of the 2nd bug reported happens during Setup, where Setup complains about missing files. It's because the Aero cursors and the script files aren't included in the XPTSP.CAB file that the script creates. The 3rd bug will be fixed by fixing the 2nd.

When I get home today (it's 4am here), I will compile another version.

Edited by dougiefresh

I'm getting this error------> The selected folder does not contain the Xp installation source files! can u pls tell me how to fix this....

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