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all this logon screens business might be useless to people using classic-automatic logons to shorten their boot time.

it would be hard to satisfy everybody in one batch. there are plenty of gadgets and customizations on deviantart...

are we going to use them all ? and there is one called Windows Vista... fanciness or simplicity or a balance of both ?

do we want for XPtsp to grow to a size of OS ? i do not mean to offend anybody, but personally i'm very happy without

any fancy logins or OOBE. just an opinion ... :prop: i wonder, how it's going to work after WU, if MS will release patch for logon :g:

Yes, it would be nice for a patcher that only changes the ICONS, since a lot of people create their own files.

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yeah i know the problem about building an image with n lite but i have never ben able to reproduce it, id need people to test by eliminating .res files one by one till they hit a working ISO, i know its a pain but i really cannot reproduce the error.

Edited by bober

Don't think that it is an issue with the patcher as I have never had any problems when creating an ISO, but again I don't use nLite or RMVI to build my ISO but the Make Bootable ISO power tweak which Kel includes in his UberPack

it's unclear on what problems people having with creating ISO. is it not bootable ? or is it stops with errors in the begining of graphical mode (syssetup.dll related). i've used nLite 1.4.8, and tested on both MS Virtual PC and live system with no probs. (although without any addons)...

Edited by amnesia

When I try to install on VMW it just resets in VMW. I twill not even boot. All other XPCD's I have recently made (8 in total) work fine without the patch. I have also rebuilt 2 more XPCD's with no luck. If I patch with V'ISO, I have no issue. Not sure what is causing the issue and unfortunately, I don't have enough knowledge yet to help you guys. :crying_anim02:

Yes, that's exactly the same error I get in VirtualBox. The program just resets over and over. You don't even get past the "press any key to boot from CD", once you press a key, VirtualBox resets again.

I just figured it was nlite was broken and used RVMI instead.

Edited by Mr_Smartepants

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well i removed the "vista word" it still says windows and still has the simple black boot screen.

about the boot probs, i realy dunno what to do,like i said i cant realy fix it if i cant reproduce it and go by illimination.

but i suspect that a file that is parsed by the setup at the very begining (boot) is the culprit(if i could find a list of files that get ran at boot it would be much easyer).and about the various versions of xp, appart from oobe what other things should i change?

edit: i just thought about something, you guys that have trouble building the iso, what cpu do you have?

Edited by bober

edit: i just thought about something, you guys that have trouble building the iso, what cpu do you have?

Q6600 Quad-core running Vista x64. And I don't have a problem building the .iso. If I build it in nlite, then the .iso won't run under VirtualBox.

Edited by Mr_Smartepants

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can you or others try to replace nlite's mkisoft.exe and boot.bin file with others?(dl an other mkisoft and find/create an other boot.bin) or at least just recreate a boot.bin file and drop it and replace nlite's current one,cuz apart from a doggy boot file i really dunno whats happening.(it may just be the "creating an image on an intel cpu vs. me having edited and created file on an amd cpu for the patcher"alltho i know its a long shot but i still find it plausible,but the boot file thing might just be the problem.n e ways id greatly appreciate any one who could test and proove these 2 scenarios.

Well Bober, the black Vista boot screen with the small scrolling bar is not working in this latest version. I have integrated it on 3 different imagies now, and I still get the standard Windows XP boot screen.

Also, while i'm reporting errors, if you open up the Internet Options, then go to the Advanced tab, you will see graphics that are off the dialogue box. Also the deleting files animation is not fitting the dialogue box, try deleting your temporary internet files to show this up.

And on the CPU issue, well I have a dual core AMD Opteron, so from what I can see, it's not a cpu problem.

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i just formated last night and i have to say i have 0 issues,the advanced internet option is ok,i havint had enough temp file to see an animation...so i dunno for that ,and my boot screen is ok.what update pack addon r u using?



and are you using a very small screen resolution or custom font size dpi?

about the booting,the script looks in i386 for the boot kernels and in the sp or driver cabs for the other kernel types and patches them,so its almost impossible that they dont get patched.can you chek if ure 2 boot kernels in i386 are correctly patched(alltho mutiple cores and ht kernels are cabed with other in big archives)so also chek in drivers.cab and in any other sp*.cab if they are also patched.(plz list how many sp*.cab you ahve in i386 if you have others)

btw are you installing any hotfixes @ t13 or other than via inf?

offtopic,i so damned tired of F***** bats,2nd time ive had one in the house in about a week.this time i was sleeping and it woke me up flying crazy in my room,at 4 o'clock in the morning it can get pretty irretating.

Edited by bober

can you or others try to replace nlite's mkisoft.exe and boot.bin file with others?

Well, I uninstalled nlite then reinstalled clean. Still has the .iso boot issue.

This isn't a problem with XPtsp, it's a nlite problem.

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but id still be curious to see if its just the bootfile,if it is then we could report de problem or bring it up to nuhi and see what he thinks about it,id also be curious what parameters he passes on mkisoft to build the iso.

Hi bober, this is what I get when I open my settings page...


I'm using the version, downloaded a few days ago. I will try and get a screen shot of the delete dialogue box later. It looks like the box is wider than the animation, or the animation is off center perhaps. And also I don't have any hotfixes at t=13, that I know of, but that is something that I will have a look at, just in case!

And the bat thing... Not my idea of fun in the bedroom at 4am :blink:;)

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ah so i see from the screenie that this only appears if someone is connected on a non-admin account?

edit: i found where to fix the internet option dialog, now,ill wait to update till you find the other dialog to resize.i might add new oobe themes to match the version of xp that a user has,while im at it,does anyone know other files i should edit to mach xp home or mce ?

edit:ok i think i found the browser deletion dialog(was in the same file)im not sure if i resised it big enough:


Edited by bober

well i removed the "vista word" it still says windows and still has the simple black boot screen.

about the boot probs, i realy dunno what to do,like i said i cant realy fix it if i cant reproduce it and go by illimination.

but i suspect that a file that is parsed by the setup at the very begining (boot) is the culprit(if i could find a list of files that get ran at boot it would be much easyer).and about the various versions of xp, appart from oobe what other things should i change?

edit: i just thought about something, you guys that have trouble building the iso, what cpu do you have?

I am using a q6600.

Glad you found the delete animation problem Bober!

Another question, did you decide to integrate the new IE download animation that Amnesia posted? It looks sooooo much better than the current one, as well as keeping the theme more in keeping with the Vista-ish makeover!

Edited by Stimpy

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I am using a q6600.

thx for ure feed back,so its 2 for intel quad =no joy with n lite. stimpy have you also tested to make an image with n lite ?

ok ok ill add the avi that amnesia posted.

and what about the theme i dont understand?

edit: owww u mean the avi keeps the look vista-ish.lol

re-edit:crap i was gonna release a new version in a couple of minutes but i forgot all about the problem reported by dycefreak,the activation window problem.if any one knoew where i can find it ,it will help me speed up the my next update.

Edited by bober

I will build a new image tomorrow Bober, and report about the nLite issue. I will also try your ideas about playing with the mkisoft.exe and boot.bin files.

As a sidenote Bober, I will re-do screenshots of any updated content for the version.

Edited by Stimpy

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nice, thx stimpy.i decided to replace all of the avis for dls,ftp transfert,copy,paste etc..

still havint found what file to edit for the activation issue.

edit:i have implemented the chek of mce and home,so logonui and oobe files get patched accordingly.

i am an owner of xp pro and mce,but i dotn have home so i have no way of verifying if home files will get patched or not.

i still dunno where to chek for the activation resources so i can fix the issue of the background image being too small/or dialog.

if any other xp version specific resouces arent patched plz let me know.

so here are some links to next version, im still doing some tests cause ive incountered soem issues and i want to be sure its not related to the new modifications i made.so if any one wants to test plz do so and report back.



Edited by bober

edit:i have implemented the chek of mce and home,so logonui and oobe files get patched accordingly.

i am an owner of xp pro and mce,but i dotn have home so i have no way of verifying if home files will get patched or not.

I have OEM Home, I'll give it a shot and report back tomorrow.

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