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Get Thumbnails of More file types and " Vista Live Icon Preview " on Xp Explorer

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(Updated) Get Thumbnails (Previews) for More File Types: Text, Documents, Images, Multimedia Files Etc on Windows Explorer (XP, Vista, Windows 7...) and Some Free Tools...

" + Vista / Windows 7 Live Icon (Thumbnails) and File Metadata Info on Xp (Tag / EXIF / ID3 / Rating...) Etc "

Important Note (updated): This topic is not only written for Windows Xp and Server 2003, but also Vista, Windows 7, and perhaps other Windows versions as well (i.e. minimum Windows 98 or higher, with Internet Explorer 4/5+ or higher installed). (Although assumedly Xp has most compatibilities with all applications/tools or tweaks here).

Important Note 2 (updated): For Vista and Windows 7 users, most of these thumbnail features and tools etc would also work on Vista and Windows 7 as well, even though some parts of them said that they are working on previous Windows versions only (e.g Windows 2000 and XP...), please don't worry, just still try. Since some of them are usually just shell extension-based apps (e.g like activeX library form), just make sure you're registering/running the installers, exe, batch files, dlls etc "as administrator" on Vista/ 7 (e.g right click the file/shortcut > "Run as administrator") or in other words with full administrator rights on Vista / Windows 7...(maybe some exe need XP/2000 compatibility mode too...). Again, just try...(even though maybe there are still afew incompatibility issues for only afew tools/apps/hacks etc...).

One special thing is you can enhance & optimize thumbnail preview on XP for any supported file type as the good substitution of advanced preview pane feature on Vista Explorer (+ you can also get Vista-like preview pane/explorer previewer on XP Here )

:) Hello Everybody. In my opinion, thumbnails as Windows Explorer viewer feature (in both thumbnail view and detail pane), it can also give important contribution to Windows Xp GUI, in both look and function. (Most of them also support Windows 2000 and Windows Vista as well!).

Thumbnails can make your Windows looks better, especially if they look clear and larger/bigger (like Vista) when you are using thumbnail view (you can see thumbnails on either of thumbnail view or detail pane, when some special (hidden) thumbnails such as Mp3 Album arts only can be viewed by using folder thumbnail view on Windows Explorer.

If you want to get more and bigger thumbnails on Windows Explorer, you can do it by getting some free tools here (Some of them also work on other Windows Versions such as 2000, 2003, Vista, even 98 as well!

Please Read This First B4 -> Important Notes!:

- Enabling all/some Thumbnails that may possibly make Explorer crash etc (Depending on your system). Use at your own risk. Otherwise to me, so far so good, so i can recommend them to you. ( i have tried them all)...

- By default, Xp Shell/Explorer has supported all recognized/Windows native files : bmp, jpeg, png, html (disabled since Xp SP1) etc. For Office files, all thumbnails are disabled by default except .ppt (PowerPoint file type/extension). For other 3rd party file types, Some Thumbnails handlers has already been included in some 3rd party apps installs such as PhotoShop, Adobe Reader, MS Office, etc. However, you can still get them without installing default application as long as their thumbnail handler exist. e.g. For PSD thumbnail Just install app like "Thumbview Lite" below, without installing Adobe Photoshop at all, etc.

- If you use some free tools below, most of them are exe (no need to install anything/without installer) and/or just a Thumbnail shell extension/registry changer rather than running application/emulation. So no any running process like "normal" app (as most of them are shell-in process...and so light!)

- Of course you are not required to totally get them all. Instead, once again, just follow your need, and heart...

Again as said above, you can enhance & optimize thumbnail preview on XP for any supported file type as the good substitution of advanced preview pane feature on Vista Explorer (+ you can also get Vista-like preview pane/explorer previewer on XP Here )

- For some utilities below, you can also google them as i have told you about their names....

Most of them can also be applied to Windows 2003 and 2000 as well as Windows Xp...


1) Thumbnail Extensions 1.03 by Schezo (English version). Yes, by using this small and light tool, the best thing is you can see thumbnails of text-based files (txt, reg, log, inf, rtf and so on) on Windows Explorer! It can give thumbnails of text file types (txt, ini, inf, xml, log, reg, vbs, css, js, ,nfo, h, etc) on Windows Explorer by also using IExtractImage interface function (i.e. viewing the text file type as bitmap thumbnail, as well as other thumbnails in Windows Shell/Explorer). Just shell in process,instead of running process (very light). No need to install anything/installer (just exe). You can add more text file types as you want. (The text/document thumbnails will look better if you have resized the thumbnail to bigger such as 64x64 or higher by using some free tools from here). It also supports Susie Plug ins as optional feature:

Screenshots of Text Thumbnail previews on Windows Explorer:



- Download Thumbnail Extensions 1.03:


* Download Susie Plug Ins (separated):


Note: By the way please notice that about two different sides of Explorer: Windows Explorer as a shell (critical part of the Windows Operating Systems here) and as a built-in File Manager/Browser from Windows itself (while IE / Internet Explorer is a built-in web browser in Windows, you can also use 3rd party apps as equal/even better (some with more features & plug ins etc) replacements for IE (e.g. Firefox, Chrome, Safari etc) and Windows Explorer too (e.g. Directory Opus, Servant Salamander, Total Commander, etc) as well nowadays). Again just FYI btw...

- Context Viewer by Schezo:

A File Viewer on Context Menu in Windows Explorer for text and image file types, freeware: Originally created by same author (Schezo, credits to him) you can get Context Viewer (English version, translated from Japanese), a free and small, light, and cool file viewer on context menu that supports both image and text filetypes, highly customizable:

Screenshots (image and text previews on context menu):

textmtj.jpg imagevcc.jpg

Download Context Viewer:


2) Thumbnail Restore - It can give thumbnails of web document and email files (htm, html, mhtml, eml, nws, ect) on Windows Explorer (Windows Xp SP1 (or higher) has disabled them by default). Now you can safely restore them back. No need to install anything (just exe)- I have also included 2 Regged files to restore thumbnails of Web pages/emails and Video files on Windows Explorer in the zip package. (The text/document thumbnails will look better if you have resized the thumbnail to bigger such as 64x64 or higher by using some free tools from here) :

- Download Thumbnail Restore (exe/no need to install anything only 14 KB):



3) Thumbnail Resize and/or Explorer Thumbnail Size - They can resize thumbnails on Windows Explorer (32x32 by default) to bigger (48x48 like Vista Desktop, or even higher: 64x64, 128x128 etc/customizable!). Very Useful especially for thumbnails of text/document file types. No need to install anything (just exe). (if you have Microsoft PowerToy TweakUI (Freeware from MS, very useful), or TuneUp Styler from TuneUp Utilities (Shareware, but very useful) you can also do the same as well)

Note: They only resize Explorer Thumbnail, not include Desktop icon as you can't see thumbnail on Xp Desktop...

* Thumbnail Resize :

- Download Thumbnail Resize (installer) :


- Download Thumbnail Resize (exe/no need to install anything only 208 kb):



** Explorer Thumbnail Size:

- Download Explorer Thumbnail Size (Installer) :


- Download Explorer Thumbnail Size (exe/no need to install anything only 110 kb):



* However, instead of using the apps above, you can manually edit the registry to get larger Explorer thumbnail size in good quality (Caution: editing registry manually can be harmful - advanced user only):

Open the registry and navigate to :

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\ Software\ Microsoft \ Windows\ CurrentVersion\ Explorer

Create a new DWORD value called ThumbnailSize, and set the value between 32 and 256.

And/or create another DWORD value called ThumbnailQuality, and set the value between 50 and 100.

Key Details :

USER Key: [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\ Software\ Microsoft \ Windows\ CurrentVersion\ Explorer]

Value Name: ThumbnailSize

Data Type: REG_DWORD (DWORD Value)

Data Value: 32 - 256 (32 by default)

USER Key: [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\ Software\ Microsoft \ Windows\ CurrentVersion\ Explorer]

Value Name: ThumbnailQuality

Data Type: REG_DWORD (DWORD Value)

Data Value: 50 - 100

* OK, this is just optional and not related with Explorer thumbnails at all! : If you want to make Explorer icons look larger (so they look matched with larger thumbnails while using icon view->Explorer Menu Bar: View > Icons), you can also edit the existing registry -> This can also affect Start Menu icon size:

USER Key: [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop\WindowMetrics]

Value Name: Shell Icon Size

Data Type: String Value

Data Value: 16 - 128 (32 by default)

After finished, also you may need to edit these sub-key values (to get new icon space look ordered/matched). (Just find the matched values for them yourself visually-try):

Note: The values must always be in (-)!!

USER Key: [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop\WindowMetrics]

Value Name: IconSpacing -> Horizontal space

Data Type: String Value

Data Value: -645 (by default)

USER Key: [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop\WindowMetrics]

Value Name: IconVerticalspacing

Data Type: String Value

Data Value: -645 (by default)

PS: You can also see other Explorer GUI settings on the registry key [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop\WindowMetrics] etc.

However, personally i dont customize Explorer Icon size (yet), since it also affects Start Menu Icon as i said above :) . How about you guys? If you like it, just do it (not harmful if you do it on right way). I suggest e.g 64 or little more...

PS: Vista also has bigger/larger icon views on its Windows Explorer (Extra large, large, medium, and small icons views -> supported thumbnails and/or icons) as well as thumbnails. It's also good to apply it on Xp Explorer/Shell "little" while you are customizing it to look like Vista...

4) Thumbnail Switcher- It can displays all file types that have Explorer thumbnail support in the list. You can also configure them (enable/disable the thumbnails etc). No need to install anything (just exe).

- Download Thumbnail Switcher (installer)


- Download Thumbnail Switcher (exe/no need to install anything only 77 kb):



More Explorer Thumbnail Plug Ins- To get more thumbnails of more 3rd party file types :

1) ThumbView Lite : Add thumbnail support for .cut, .dcx, .dds, .mdl, .mng, .pcd, .pcx, .pic, .pix, .png, .pnm/.pbm/.pgm/.ppm, .psd/.pdd, .psp, .pxr, .sgi/.rgb, .tga/.vda/.icb/.vst, .tif/.tiff, .wal, and .xpm in Windows XP Explorer! Or plug in your own image formats!Windows XP Explorer. Very useful e.g To view PSD thumbnails, you dont need to install PhotoShop etc

- Download Thumbview Lite-freeware:


- To get more/anything about ThumbView Development (it also supports plug in for more file types e.g your own ones), just visit:


2) K-lite MegaCodec Pack : You should have some codecs installed before you can see thumbnais of some multimedia/video files (e.g. DivX, mp4 etc) or vice versa. Just download this useful freeware (you also need them to play some files by using your players, don't you?)

- Download K-lite Mega Codec Pack-freeware:


3) Microsoft RAW Image Thumbnailer and Viewer for Windows Xp : provides the ability to view, organize, and print photos captured in RAW image formats from supported Canon and Nikon digital cameras.

It also gives support for thumbnail, metadata info, and tooltip for RAW file in Windows Explorer!

- Download Microsoft RAW Image Thumbnailer and Viewer for Windows Xp-freeware (WGA validation required):


4)Windows Image Component (WIC-Image codecs) -> Xp SP2 only:

provides WIC-enabled applications to display and edit any image format for which a WIC-compliant codec is installed, and also to read and write metadata in image files (WIC has already been built in Windows Live PhotoGallery install (as prerequisite) and Windows Vista/Xp SP3).

- Download Windows Imaging Component (WIC)- freeware (WGA validation required):



5) To Fix/Restore/Enable/Disable Explorer Thumbnail View (Common):

Simply do the following steps:

1) Open a command window (Start->Run, type in 'cmd' hit enter)

2) To readd image thumbnail preview, type (or just simply copy and paste) and hit enter

regsvr32 shimgvw.dll

3) To remove image thumbnail preview, type and hit enter

regsvr32 /u shimgvw.dll

4) To readd media/video thumbnail preview, type and hit enter

regsvr32 shmedia.dll

5) To remove media/video thumbnail preview, type and hit enter

regsvr32 /u shmedia.dll

6) Thumbnails of Microsoft Office Files (.doc, .xls, .ppt) on Windows Explorer - There are still many people who dont know how to get thumbnails of MS Office files (.doc, .xls, .ppt) on Windows Explorer. Though it can make file size become larger, but sometimes it can be useful!

To enable thumbnails of Office Files on Windows Explorer (it can make file size become larger): Navigate to MS Office Menu Bar, then File > Properties > Summary > select "Save Preview Picture" (embedded bitmap into Office files) then save your work (also the text/document thumbnails will look better if you have resized the thumbnail to bigger such as 64x64 or higher by using some free tools from here)...

7) Special: Thumbnail Handlers for "Missing" PSD Thumbnails for Adobe Photoshop/Illustrator. -> (Even you dont need Adobe Photoshop/Illustrator installed to view their thumbnails on Explorer by using these dlls! No need to install anything/installer). Well, since Adobe has disabled PSD and AI thumbnail feature in Photoshop CS/CS2/Illustrator, if you are still a loyal user of old Photoshop CS2 and illustrator or have the files without the apps installed then don't worry you can restore them back by download and apply these small files (as alternative to Thumbview Lite above). No need to install anything/just copy the dll's to: "C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\Shell" (you can change "C" to your another custom partition of default Windows installation e.g "D" so "D:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\Shell" etc) then merge the registry. done. Even you can still get the thumbnails working without Adobe Photoshop/Illustrator softwares installed at all!:

Note: If the following folders on path "C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\Shell" don't exist before, then you can create new folders and rename them as above on the path. Simple.

Download (only 155 kb):



Just follow the instructions/guide included (easy).

PS: Previous and later versions of Photoshop/Illustrator such as new CS3 (10.1) they have restored the thumbnail capability back as well...

8) SWF Live Preview. Thumbnails of .Swf (flash) files on Windows Explorer:

Download (installer):


9) PSP Thumbnail Handler. Thumbnails of .pps (Paint Shop Pro Files) on Windows Explorer:

Download (installer):


10) Thumbnails of Maya files on Windows Explorer (.ma, .mb etc):



11) Thumbnails for DWG Files on Windows Explorer (for AutoCAD 2000-2009 .DWG files):

Get .Dwg (AutoCAD File) thumbnail previews on Windows Explorer. (for AutoCAD 2000-2009 files). You can see dwg thumbnail on Windows Explorer, even without any CAD software installed. Especially i.e. for people who are still using non-AutoCAD software without DWG thumbnail feature on Windows Explorer (i.e. DWG Editor, DWG viewer, etc) but still want the thumbnail feature. It can also be used as well for users of old AutoCAD Software (i.e AutoCAD 2000) who still want at least to get newer AutoCAD 2008 / 2009 Thumbnail preview on Windows Explorer. Only 14 Kb, without installing anything (only binary and registry batch files), Even not need AutoCAD installed. Easy and simple.

- Download "DWG Thumbnail in Windows Explorer" component file (Only 14 kb) - manual instructions txt, links for prerequisites included) :

MD5: 141ec9cb5b660802485d9fdb6788fca2


- Another Alternative: Download Autodesk DWG Thumbnail .OCX - ActiveX control for DWG Thumbnail on Windows Explorer:


12) Thumbnails of Windows Journal Files (jnt and jtp) in Xp especially Xp Tablet PC edition. It's recommended especially if you have Xp/Vista Tablet PC and Windows Journal/Journal Viewer and you often work with Journal files (It's been included in installer of Windows Vista Journal ported to Xp

here by me as you dont need it anymore if you have installed it). Original from MS Xp Tablet PC PowerToys here. But ported to All Xp and Vista now:

Download only 166 Kb for Xp and Vista Ultimate/Premium (once again, you don't need it if you have installed Windows Journal app that ported to Xp Pro by me):

MD5 :0F75C19CE70A06FFD82ED9EE37AA303B


13) Realworld Thumbnails Extractor for 3D models, icons, and cursors on Windows Explorer : It allows thumbnail extraction for all document types supported by RW tools, including several types of images (jpeg, png, psd etc), icons (ico), static and animated cursors (ico, ani), and supported 3D formats (U3D, R3I, and 3DS) on Windows Explorer that very useful for i.e both user and graphic designer and so on -> Supported thumbnails on Explorer: ico, cur, tga, pcx, ani, jp2, psd, 3ds, pcx, etc...etc:

Download (installer) and more info:


14) Mp4 Thumbnail Plug in for Windows Explorer (mp4 Thumbnail Handler): for displaying mp4 thumbnail in Windows Explorer (All Windows OSes: 98/ME/2000/2003/Xp/Vista/2008/Windows 7).

Also other files: avi, mov, asx, asf, m1v,mpeg, mpg, mkv, mka, flv, etc.

MD5: A03A6C14A465765CCFD240EE74120FEA, only 56 Kb !

Download only 56 Kb Mp4 Thumbnail Plug in for Windows Explorer (98/ME/2000/2003/Xp/Vista/2008/Windows 7):


15) Download Quickthumb.dll and Realthumb.dll for thumbnails of QuickTime and RealPlayer movie files (mov, avi, swf, flv, rv, etc) on Windows Explorer:

(credits to Michael Barrientos, author):

http://www.4shared.com/file/128738082/b9274ea/QuickTime_and_Real_Thumbnails__Quickthumb_and_Realthumbdll_.html and/or (source):


16) Djvu Thumbnail on Windows Explorer:

DjVu Shell Extension Pack: http://dev.caminova.jp/beta/djvu-wic/

17) Thumbnails of Font Files (ttf, otf...) on Windows Explorer:

Get the thumbnails of Font File Types on Windows Explorer:

Freeware (FontNail, credits to Parkrrr): http://parkrrrr.com/fontnail/

Shareware (Font on Explorer): http://wareseeker.com/Graphic-Apps/font-on-explorer-32bit-2.5.zip/3be5ba489e


Also you can install Microsoft Powertoy "Font Properties Extension" to provide more font properties: http://www.microsoft.com/typography/TrueTypeProperty21.mspx

18) Note : Again, as said above, when you are installing some 3rd party graphic/document apps (not all, such as Adobe Reader (pdf), Photoshop (psd), CorelDraw (cdr) , AutoCAD (dwg) etc) (-i know you all know about it, just for clarification/integration :P ...) you will usually get their default OLE thumbnail handlers installed for previewing thumbnails of their associated files on Windows Explorer (already built in)...

19) Vista / 7 style Thumbnail borders/appearance for multimedia files in Windows XP Explorer (or downlevel OSes):

Seems i have still no found any perfect tool yet for that, but maybe installing Microsoft Windows Live PhotoGallery and/or Captrue Thumbnailer Lite on XP can be other good options/approach AFAIK:

- Windows Live PhotoGallery (freeware): http://download.live.com/photogallery

- Captrue Thumbnailer Lite (shareware): http://www.captrue.com/thumbnailerlite.html

Or just google for more options and free alternatives of them for you etc...

20) Creating Thumbnails from WMP in Windows Explorer for video files (as WMP plug in), embedding thumbnails in video files:

- Captrue Thumbnailer Plug In for Windows Media Player (shareware):


21) Some of Other Free Useful File Viewers on Context Menu in Windows Explorer for Windows XP and 2003 also maybe 2000/9X (Thumbnail and/or file content previews):

Since they are actually Windows Explorer shell extensions, you can also use them on Explorer window, search result, desktop (i.e. useful especially since you can't set thumbnail view on XP desktop unlike Vista or 7), open save as dialog box etc.


- Context Viewer by Schezo:

Preview text file and images on Explorer context menu. Support Susie Plug ins for more file type previews.

Download for free - latest version:


- ContextView Pro (free abandonware, still cool to have):

Preview images and multimedia (audio and videos) file on Explorer context menu. Also best for using it i.e. as complementary tool for e.g. QuickView, QuickView Plus, or Context Viewer above (since they can't preview multimedia files) etc. For good example e.g. you can preview (listen) any mp3 file in Explorer just by right click it once, without opening any heavy media player in Windows and so on etc!

Download for free - latest version:


Again you can also get more free file viewers and thumbnail plugins for Windows etc here: http://www.4shared.com/dir/16848775/c90f5dba/File_Viewers_Explorer_Thumbnai.html

- (Additional Info): MP3 Thumbnail (Album Art) in Windows Explorer: Since XP explorer (and previous Windows OSes) only shows folder thumbnail for mp3 files (album art thumbnail), but not for individual mp3 file (this one has been fixed/improved in Vista / Windows 7 Explorer later), i can't still find the MP3 thumbnail plug in for XP Explorer so far (at least when i wrote this, hopefully soon we will...), at least we can still preview mp3 album art thumbnail of each individual mp3 file (as embedded or with hidden jpeg file) on context menu in Windows XP Explorer using some tools here (Work on Windows Explorer in XP, Vista, Windows 7, All..., 32 bit only) :

- Multimedia Tag Editor edit and preview tag metadata and album art etc on context menu in Windows Explorer (please read on bottom too for more info):


- PicaView32 V 1.3 (free, abandonware) preview image and multimedia files (audio and video) on context menu in Windows Explorer:



Note: later version of PicaView (e.g. V 2.0) doesn't show mp3 album art thumbnail anymore, but only preview (play) the sound of it in Explorer context menu (as suggestion you can also use some other similar tools e.g. ContextView Pro above for playing mp3 feature as well while you still have PicaView V 1.3 installed for the mp3 thumbnail view).

Btw you can also get thumbnail previews for mp3 album art etc in Windows XP Explorer by using "CoverFlow for Windows Explorer" by Vemod (using "MacOSX CoverFlow preview style"):

http://www.aqua-soft.org/forum/topic/52376-explorer-cover-flow/ and


22) Replace generic icon of image files with real thumbnails in Windows Explorer including XP Desktop (i.e. shows thumbnail view on XP desktop just like Vista and Windows 7 and so on) and Open Save Dialog etc:

E.g. see thumbnails of image files instead of generic icon when in list and details views mode, just like thumbnail view in Windows Explorer, (would be great to i.e. preview image files e.g. .JPEG, .BMP, .PNG, etc as thumbnail on XP desktop since XP desktop can't show thumbnail view by default) just use (freewares):

- Xentient Thumbnail 1.0.2:

Download Xentient Thumbnail (free): http://www.brothersoft.com/xentient-thumbnails-107971.html or http://www.4shared.com/file/108989231/c5a8188c/Xentient_Thumbnail_V_102.html

- VueIcons 6.0:

Download VueIcons (free): ftp://ftp.sac.sk/pub/sac/graph/vueico60.zip (FTP) or http://www.4shared.com/file/169563339/de666c4/VueIcons.html

Btw you can also get "View" context menu item on XP desktop like Vista / 7 Desktop and Explorer by using one of Vishal Gupta's hacks (hacked shell32.dll): http://www.askvg.com/get-windows-7-desktop-context-menu-in-xp-add-view-display-settings-gadgets-other-options/ however you will need to hack/patch critical Windows system file (shell32.dll) that can be risky/make Windows inoperable at all and it will disable thumbnail view button on Windows Explorer toolbar permanently, so it's not too functional for me imho (also the thumbnail and detail views in XP desktop using this way will look "dirty" with white rectangle outside). Better to use one of the softwares above as emulator for me. Yea just FYI...

- Thumbnail Registry Hack for Vista: Fix / Enable more thumbnails of file type on Vista Explorer

(Thanx/Credits to our friend deadman36 - Winmatrix, again thanx alot Bro)

As he posted that just copy the following code below and save as .reg file (e.g Vistareg.reg) then merge it into Vista registry

Make sure of before the thumbnails show up is that the files are associated with something (i.e. .flv to FLV Player etc.)

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
























23. Some of Other Great & Well Known Image and Multimedia (audio/video) etc file Viewers for Windows (freewares and sharewares, for XP, Vista, Windows 7, All...):

Although XP and Vista (Windows All) already have built in Image and Multimedia (audio/video) file Viewer (e.g. XP Picture and Fax Viewer, PhotoGallery, WMP with additional codecs etc) beside Notepad and Wordpad (as viewers for text files and some documents), it's still necessary to have additional 3rd party viewers installed for more features, file types etc: i

- IrfanView (By Irfan Skiljan):

One of the best free image and multimedia (audio/video) viewer for Windows:

Irfan View supports many plugins + features etc. Free for personal / non-commercial use only. My best favourite image viewer too:

More info and download, plugins etc: http://www.irfanview.com/

- ACDSee (i.e. ACDSee PhotoManager):

If you'd prefer to use a better shareware, just use ACDSee. Support many plugins + features etc, available as some versions/variants. The best and well-known image and multimedia (audio/video) viewer for Windows IMHO (many Windows users can't live without ACDSee e.g. OEM):

More info and download, plugins etc: http://www.acdsee.com/

- MegaView:

a powerful image, multimedia (audio/video), text documents, binary file viewer):


- Kodak Imaging for Windows (free port):

Imaging for Windows (by Wang) from Windows 2000 ported to Windows XP (and also Server 2003), (if you were Win 9X/2000 user before, you may know this one) just like old Microsoft QuickView ported to XP Here: http://www.winmatrix.com/forums/index.php?/topic/19748-windows-95-98-file-viewer-quickview-ported-to-xp-2003-2000/, Imaging for Windows is an old useful built-in application that is originally from Windows 9X/ME/NT/2000 but discontinued / not included in Windows XP or Vista anymore (Its image viewing, editing and scanning functions, while the newer version 4.0 (side by side) has become a shareware: http://www.global360.com/ ). allows users to create, annotate, view and print TIFF, BMP and Microsoft Fax (AWD) image documents and so on etc. Users can also view and print JPEG and PCX/DCX etc images with this application.

Download the free-ported version here by me (the free old version from Windows 2000 ported to XP and 2003, and maybe vista too. Especially tweaked and patched/enhanced for Windows XP / 2003 environment and so on...):

Download Imaging for Windows for XP here: http://www.4shared.com/file/227007364/b337541a/Kodak_Imaging_for_Windows__por.html

- Adsen Thumbnailer:

Speeds up the process of thumbnailing pictures within an entire folder in Windows Explorer, allows you to rename these images (if selected) during the thumbnailing process. It also enables you to add a prefix to the thumbnails if you choose to do so. Maybe you can give it a try too...

Download Adsen Thumbnailer 1.2 (last version) and more info etc (freeware):


Download "portable" Adsen Thumbnailer 1.2 (Unpacked single .EXE, smaller without installer) :


24. AutoCAD .3DS thumbnail and infotip metadata properties add on for Windows Explorer (All):



Thanks and visit Pallab.net

- Enable Thumbnail for More Generic Video Files on Windows Explorer : Open Note pad and paste the following text :

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


Please replace above .EXT with the desired extensions (e.g. flv). For Example:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00




(Thanks to Raymond): Windows Picture and Fax Viewer is an image viewer that is a part of the Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 operating systems. It is based on GDI+ and is capable of viewing images format supported by GDI+: JPEG, BMP, PNG, GIF (including animated GIFs), ICO, WMF, EMF and TIFF format files. it can still be improved to have more for 200+ image support such as .msp, .gem, .cals and .dpx. and so on etc (sounds rare, right?) and also .pdf, .psd, .emf, .dxf, .crw, .cur, and so on etc (yea more familiar/well-known file types!) many etc by Installing imageXtender (very recommended): Download it here: http://www.imagextender.com/

- Alternative download link: http://www.4shared.com/file/177465099/87edc7ad/ImageXtender_Plugin_for_XP_Fax.html

ImageXtender is a unique free application that teaches your Windows XP image viewer to understand more than 200 image formats, including some really rare and old ones. Also, ImageXtender allows viewing nonstandard formats produced by digital cameras or mobile phones. ImageXtender builds itself into your operating system. Once it is installed, you can view images of most formats in 3 standard Windows modes - Preview, Thumbnails and Filmstrip...


That's all. Hopefully useful to all of us. (Since I can view more and bigger thumbnails (included text/document) on Windows Explorer, it can make my Xp look like Vista "Live Icon" preview ...loool (lol Vista live icon is in 3d views with "angle" like "mini version" of Cover Flow on Leopard, on other side Xp still in 2d... maybe forever without 3rd parties?) but seriously, it's not bad as "down level" version, still better than nothing at all, and it's also functional, more than just only "eye candy". Finally, thanks for your attention, and good luck!

Also if you guys also have more or better stuffs about thumbnails and previews on Explorer, GUI etc, please post/share your idea about them here/on Wincert forum, so other people and Wincert can also use and enjoy them for free (again, thx alo to Wincert). It will be so kind of you. I will appreaciate your great and nice job so much! Thanx alot, i aways wish you well!


1) Xp "Live Icon Preview" with Bigger Thumbnails of images, Text and Document files (Thumbnails of txt, reg, doc, ppt, htm, html, pdf, mpeg, jpeg, bmp, mp3 (album art), etc on Windows Xp Explorer (128x128 or larger, just for example)) :


2). Xp "Folder Live Icon" thumbnail preview (Thumbnails of Images, text, documents, and mp3 (album art file types etc (Pictures/thumbnails of mp3 album art can be customized/changed by using "Multimedia Tooltip" tool below ) on Windows Xp Explorer :


3) Preview text file thumbnails on detail pane by using Thumbnail Extensions (the left-small preview pane/webview pane on Xp Explorer, equivalent of updated Vista bottom pane that displays metadata and thumbnail view) :


Note : Vista detail pane is also metadata/tag editor, while Xp still read-only. You can still edit some custom metadata properties on some file types by right clicking the file -> Properties -> Summary or by using some 3rd party add ons on Xp Explorer.

PS: if you want to get Vista Explorer Preview Pane (Vista file viewer) "ported" to Xp for free (as alternative) , please also visit my thread here

- Extra: Vista Metadata (Tag/EXIF/ID3 etc) Features - Infotip, Status Bar and Detail Pane on Windows Xp Explorer

Vista, as well as Xp and 2000 at the beginning with NTFS metadata storage, it has also improved much over Xp and other previous Windows versions with file metadata and tag editor (sometimes called EXIF/ID3/Tag etc) (Metadata is like "data of data", like summary/properties: Author, date, taken, size etc in almost all files, especially well supported in NTFS file system i.e in Xp and Vista). Some metadata is new like rating (you can also see it on Xp for some multimedia and images files through Windows Media Player 10/11 and Windows Live PhotoGallery as well. In Windows Vista, however, there is all kinds of new metadata, including tags, date taken, rating, caption, image resolution, camera make/model, shutter speed, etc.. Also PhotoInfo and Windows Search support them but unfortunately not Windows Explorer, not yet (also see "Code Project" for previous Windows versions- link below).

There are Infotip, status bar, and details pane (also called webview pane/show common tasks in folder. It also shows both thumbnail preview and metadata). They also show metadata as unique info/property of each file. It can also make Windows (Explorer) GUI look better and functional. You can see/read similar metadata of infotip on Status Bar (to activate it: Explorer Menu Bar -> View -> check "Status Bar"):

4) Metadata : Infotip, Status Bar, and Detail Pane (displays both thumbnail and metadata) on Windows Xp Explorer:

Note: To enable "Details Pane" (Small preview pane for thumbnail and properties of file) on Windows XP Explorer, you have to show Common Task Dialog (Xp Webview Panel): Menu Bar -> Tools -> Folder Options -> General -> "Show common tasks in folders", while it's not available in Classic style. Also some 3rd party VS/Skin may rearrange/remove/tweak the Webview Panel position.


(To get Explorer viewer for Xp like Vista (Text, Document, images, etc), please also visit my another thread here).

- XP Metadata Properties Editor (Built In Tool)

Without any 3rd Party help, Windows XP already has advanced metadata properties editor (built in) in the context menu (when Vista also has the same feature on bottom details pane. In Xp, the details pane only provides thumbnail and read-only properties. The editor is in Context Menu...). You can even insert/edit some custom metadata property such as Author, comment, title etc on some file types (not all) by right clicking the file -> "Properties -> Summary -> "Advanced" or Simple" on Xp Explorer (different for each file type).



In MS Office and some of other apps: Menu bar: File -> Properties -> Summary. You can also edit metadata in some MS apps such as WMP 10/11 (removed in WMP 12 for Windows 7!) and Windows Live PhotoGallery etc.

-To fix/restore/even provide more metadata on infotip and details pane of Text/Document (txt, rtf, doc etc), Image (jpeg, bmp, png etc), Video (wmv, avi, 3gp etc), Exe, dll, ocx (activeX), and audio (mp3, wma etc) files etc on Windows Explorer without any 3rd party help:

1) Enhanced infotip for Explorer - Enhance /fix/restore and get more metadata on infotip and detail pane of Text/Document (txt, rtf, doc etc), Image (jpeg, bmp, png etc), Video (wmv, avi, 3gp etc), Exe, dll, ocx (activeX), and audio (mp3, wma etc) files etc on Windows Explorer:

- Download Enhanced-More Metadata of InfoTip and Details Pane on Xp Explorer (just regged files, 4 Kb:


Optional/Additional: -Some 3rd Party applications/shell add ons for Windows Explorer :

Since some 3rd party apps will install their own tooltip and property handlers:

3) Infotip Extension (credits to Norio Nomura), freeware:

Enhance metadata infotip and context menu on Xp and 2003, also Windows 98, ME, 2000 (may not work properly on Vista though, not sure) for any file type especially text, dll, exe (binaries) etc. Very useful and very light (only 326 Kb -> unzipped installer, uninstallable), more informative than standard Windows shell infotip and metadata (even on Vista! IMHO) . Even you can preview any text file without opening it before and so on. Very customizable also on context menu. Old software (it's not being developed anymore) but it's still very good to have it installed...

Screenshot of Infotip Extension (both tooltip and context menu on Windows Explorer, very customizable):


- Download Infotip Extension


Size: 264 KB


3) EXIF Tag Editor and Tooltip (infotip) for Windows Explorer - EXIF/Metadata Editor for EXIF/RAW file in context menu, it's like MS PhotoInfo but more like Multimedia Tag Editor below (also in context menu properties). It adds new tab on Context menu properties so you can directly edit EXIF/metadata by using Xp Explorer context menu (Right Click -> Properties -> EXIF Tag Editor):

- Download EXIF Tag Editor for Windows Xp (No need to install anything/just registry and bat files, uninstallable, only 374 kb!)



As said above, To provide thumbnail, tooltip and metadata of RAW files in Windows Explorer, you can also install Microsoft RAW Image Thumbnailer and Viewer for Windows Xp to get the handlers (link above, or: http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details...;displaylang=en )

4) Multimedia Tag Editor and Tooltip (Explorer infotip), Edit and Preview MP3 Album Art Thumbnail Viewer and Tag Editor (ID3V1/ID3V2 Tags) on context menu for Windows Xp Explorer - Get more metadata on infotip on Xp Explorer by using mine - a customized version of free AudioShell For more metadata tooltip of MP3, MP4, WMA, WMV etc, as you can even insert your handsome picture as MP3 album art thumbnail by using it :lol: lol (Select Mp3 file -> Right Click -> Properties -> Multimedia Tag Editor -> Add Cover -> save to file -> Apply -> OK) such as for folder thumbnail view or as album art in WMP 11: And yes you can also preview album art thumbnail for MP3 files on context menu properties in Windows Explorer directly!

Changes :

- No more vendor name anymore on tooltip/infotip (coz it looks ugly on GUI)

- Clear Look - tweaked

- No installer (just .bat file to register .dll, and don't worry it's uninstallable/easy removable!)

- lite

- etc

- Download Multimedia Tag Editor and Tooltip for Windows Explorer, (only 640 kb):



- Screenshot 1 (Multimedia Tooltip):


- Screenshot 2 (Multimedia Tag Editor/inserting custom album art):


- Screenshot 3 (Preview MP3 Album Art Thumbnail on context menu properties in Windows Explorer):


- Another Alternative Infotip Handler : (Infotip for binary executables and multimedia files: .exe, .dll, .ocx, .lnk, mp3, .wma, .ogg files...), "Infotag-special customized version": This "free customized version" of the free InfoTag Magic is a Windows Explorer infotip shell extension that provides pop-up text containing extra data stored (infotip/tooltip), when the mouse pointer is hovered over an .MP3, .WMA, .OGG Vorbis or Monkey's Audio file, shortcut (.LNK), as well as for executables (EXE, DLL, OCX) files. As a "customized version", it has no "ugly brand text info" on infotip such as "Provided by Infotag Magic" as you can see and no text preview for some based text file type (e.g. for .TXT, .BAT, .INI...) by default since i've felt that it's not better to see text preview of the file without also providing file property info itself (as that what infotip does usually show) for me etc. There's no installer or bell and whistle, only registering the single dll with batch file (by regsvr32 command), done, "fast, simple, and clean...". Works on 98, ME, 2000, XP, 2003, Vista, 7 (Windows All):

Download it here for free: http://www.4shared.com/file/220468724/5947a0ac/Infotag_Magic__special_customi.html

- QT Tabbar: - As a free useful and well-known add on (tab bar and additional toolbar buttons, searchbar etc) for Windows XP Explorer (Btw please read the review), installing latest QT Tabbar will also give tooltip (infotip) with thumbnail previews and file properties info for each supported image file (jpeg, bmp, png,...etc) and also text file types when mouse hover (just like the almost similar infotip feature in Vista Windows PhotoGallery and Windows Live PhotoGallery applications btw...). It can be even extended by using some additional plug ins. You can even customize it by using: right click the QT tab bar -> Options -> Misc. -> "Show preview tooltip"...and so on...Get the latest version of QT Tabbar for free here:


Screenshot of infotip previews by QTTabBar on Windows Explorer:


5) Microsoft Pro Photo Tools 2 - To edit and read more metadata (EXIF) of files, Microsoft also launched an application called Microsoft PhotoInfo (Now Pro Photo Tools, latest version 2).

Very useful and recommended application, especially for photographers/artists and professional people who may need it:

- Download Microsoft Pro Photo for Xp/Vista from Microsoft, 100% freeware (requires .Net Framework 3.0 or higher installed for Xp. Also needs WIC/Windows Imaging Component with link above. WIC is already built in Vista and Xp SP3):


PS: To safely enable "XP /Common Visual Style" on some 3rd party shell extensions in XP (please read below/bottom for more info) without installing anything then you can just download "explorer.exe.manifest" file and copy it to C:\Windows folder then restart Explorer to apply the changes: http://www.4shared.com/file/146169885/abb0c923/explorerexe.html

Updated: already included on each of my own uploads as well.

- Thumbnail and Infotip for Image Archives (archived/compressed/zipped image archive) on Windows Explorer (XP, Vista, Windows 7, All...): Just use CBX Shell - Free Thumbnail Add On for Explorer by T800 Productions, which provides Windows Explorer thumbnail and infotip extensions for image archives.

> Screenshot (courtessy: Softpedia and Author's):


- Download and Info:



- Another Link (4shared): http://www.4shared.com/file/187756403/bb52881a/CBX_Shell_-_Thumbnail_Add_On.html

6) Xp Built in Metadata/Tag Features: -> (Screenshots - credits to zunester.com)

- Screenshot 3 (Xp Built in Metadata Editor (in Shell/context menu)-> Example: id3 tag editing in the Windows XP Shell):


- Screenshot 4 (Xp Detail View with some metadata info as well as detail pane, status bar, and infotip):


- Screenshot 5 (Customize Xp detail view with some metadata info as well as detail pane, status bar, and infotip):


7) Microsoft QuickView ported to Xp and 2003: old but famous Windows 98/ME shell context menu viewer ported back to Xp (it's been enhanced and especially tweaked for Xp/2003). Download it from HERE. Also the same link below.

Screenshot of QuickView on Windows Explorer in Xp:




Note: If you have WDS (Windows Desktop Search/Windows Search for Xp/Vista-not Default search companion) installed on Xp, then it can also index and show some metadata and previews by using same Ifilters and other handlers when you are searching the files as well as Vista (since Xp WDS technically has same engine with Vista one!)...

List of Applications (from MS) that support metadata and Vista only metadata on Xp (i.e. Rating, etc) as both viewer and editor:

- Windows Vista and Xp Explorer

- Windows Search / Windows Desktop Search (for 2000, Xp, and 2003, already built in Vista shell)

- Windows Media Player 10/11 (WMP 10 by Rating powertoy, already built in WMP 11 for Xp Sp2/Sp3 and Vista)

- Windows PhotoGallery (Vista)

- Windows Live PhotoGallery (Xp Sp2/Sp3 and Vista)

- Microsoft Photo Info (Now Pro Photo Tools 2 above - Xp Sp2/Sp3 and Vista with .Net Framework 3.0)

- Etc

Since Windows Vista and some apps above support same type of metadata called XMP, programs like Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Bridge, iView MediaPro, Extensis Portfolio, and lots more applications support XMP, too. Also many other applications as well.

Sorry, but as far i dont still find any add on or final implementation for rating metadata in Xp Explorer/shell (except some alpha/beta project and source code/plan only like CodeProject that you can visit HERE (like Vista-only rating metadata for Xp), still not perfectly applicable yet but it's still a good chance/hopefully they can release it as soon. Or just google them instead of waiting for. If you already do know that please post and tell us here. Thx for your contribution as it can be useful to more people especially Xp users! Cheers.

- File Attributes:

Beside common metadata, we should also know about File/Folder Attributes (See Wikipedia). Commonly, there are some types which we can easily access and edit them through context menu: Read Only, Hidden Archive, Last Accessed.... Some are hidden: Normal, Offline, Temporary and System. Some of them can be viewed through details pane and infotips too: Last Accessed, Modified etc. We can or hide see some hidden files through Folder Options (Show Hidden files and folder and Hide protected operating system files (recommended)).


There is some of free 3rd Party File Attributes Editor for editing file and folder attributes (free, abandonware/unsupported but still cool) or just google for more. Work on Windows All (95, 98, ME, 2000, XP, Vista, Windows 7...).:

- File Attribute Editor for Windows: Edit time stamp/time attribute of files and folders on Explorer's context menu:

> Download: http://www.4shared.com/file/204344542/7e83897f/File_Attribute_Editor_for_Wind.html

- Properties Plus:A Folder/File Attribute Editor, An Explorer add on for editing folder and file attributes (e.g. Read Only, Hidden, Time Attributes etc) on context menu.

> Download: http://www.4shared.com/file/235080743/eefe6928/Properties_Plus_165__File_Fold.html


Recommended Link! :

- Get Vista File Viewer (Vista Explorer Preview Pane) "ported" to Xp (for both Explorer and Desktop Search) HERE

- Get Classic Windows 95-98 file viewer - QuickView "ported" to Xp HERE

- List: Most Vista Applications and Features for Xp So Far (included Vista Apps Ported to Xp Etc) HERE

-> Recommended for All Xp / 2003 Users! (Y)

- Download (Collection) Free File Viewer Tools, Explorer Thumbnail Handlers, and Search Tools for Windows All (98, ME, 2000, Xp, 2003, Vista, 2008, and maybe Windows 7):



(Updated) Just Added Some Tools for Windows Explorer to The Thread Here:

Some Free-Powerful Shell Extensions for Windows XP Explorer

(Recommended for XP - work on other OSes like 2003, Vista, or Windows 7 too)


You can also visit my original thread on Deviantart for more info, updates, etc here (Windows All):


1. XP / 2003 Only: Enable XP / Common Visual Style on Some Controls of Loaded Shell Extensions For Free - An Important feature for Windows XP shell customization...

(Especially 3rd parties) - in shell extensions or activex objects (e.g toolbar button / BHO, explorer bar, context menu items etc) in Windows Explorer, note must support / have InitCommonControls function, with link to comctl32 version 6 in XP/Vista or higher, and so on).

For more info please see some documentations about it on MSDN: e.g http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb775695%28VS.85%29.aspx and http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms997646.aspx

(Look, if you have Vista / WIndows 7 then you will notice that Vista / 7 has already improved/enabled the feature natively, by default. You would also get the feature by installing Window Blinds on XP, but it's not free though...).

To get the visual feature on XP and 2003 as default (M$ didn't do it for "some political reason" lol), on any shell extensions (especially 3rd party, if supported) visually without installing or patching any file, especially when on non-classic theme, just simply put / copy the explorer.exe.manifest (external manifest file) to Windows Directory to enable the feature without tampering explorer.exe itself or any system file (just take advantage of its "hidden" native feature instead). Easy to do that, without any special skill or "hacking" and programming language at all, lol that's it. It's safe and not harmful at all, would make XP shell looks better. You can safely delete it easily anytime if you dont want it anymore. Useful for both dev and user. Very small size (download explorer.exe.manifest for only less than 1 KB lol!)

For Example:

A. Before applying manifest (oldy):


(Click to enlarge)

B. After applying manifest (better look):


(Click to enlarge)

Download it Here (With Guide & Batch Files etc):

(and just put it on Windows Directory (%Windir% or C:\Windows, then restart Explorer/Windows to see the changes)


Or Just Download explorer.exe.manifest file only:


Alternatively you can also copy this code and save it as .manifest file named "explorer.exe.manifest" using Notepad:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<assembly xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1"
<description>Your application description here.</description>

You can also use it with any "MyApp" app with myapp.exe executable file for similar purpose as well (if supported, with above requirements e.g has link to comctl32 and so on), just rename it myapp.exe.manifest (following the executable name) and put it as external file in the same directory e.g in MyApp folder).

To get the same result on control panel extension/applets (.cpl), since .cpl is actually a dll that is running by using rundll32.exe, then just use same manifest file (renamed to "rundll32.exe.manifest") and copy it to C:\Windows\system32. You may need to restart Windows (or the service) before the change appears.

Download (complete): http://www.4shared.com/file/153774846/19cdeadc/Visual_Manifest_for_XP_Control_Panel_Extension.html

Or download rundll32.exe.manifest file only: http://www.4shared.com/file/153775143/deca42b9/rundll32exe.html

2. "New Folder" Button in XP Explorer Toolbar / Command Bar (just like Windows 7):

Actually Windows XP already has its own "Make a new folder" button too, to create a new folder in Windows Explorer (it's located in XP Webview Panel/Common Task Pane, see screenshot: http://img243.imageshack.us/i/standardxpnewfolderbutt.jpg/ ), but yeah some people would love it's on the explorer toolbar as well as Open/Save dialog box (and just like Windows 7 RTM Explorer now). Hopefully useful for you...

Since Baxbex new folder offered only old Windows 98 style icon (not matching with new XP visual style) see: http://www.baxbex.com/images/shoots/bxnewfolder.html'>http://www.baxbex.com/images/shoots/bxnewfolder.html , then you can just download this free add on for new folder button in XP Explorer Toolbar (my created-skinned/reshacked bxnewfolder with Vista / 7 style icon etc) + using hotkey and floating dialog box, + external manifest file (explorer.exe.manifest) to enable XP / Visual style on some controls as above. Fully functional and working as well. See online screenshots: http://img263.imageshack.us/i/newfolderbuttoninxpexpl.jpg/ and http://img263.imageshack.us/i/cleanerusefuldialogboxa.jpg/

-> Screenshots of "New Folder" button on XP Explorer Toolbar:

(Sorry can't display more larger images here for some technical reason):

A. Vista / 7 style icon new folder on XP Toolbar:


(Click to enlarge)

B. Creating new folder on XP Explorer:


(Click to enlarge)

C. Creating new folder dialog box - useful and cleaner UI with XP / Vista visual style:


Download it Here:


Hopefully still useful especially for XP users here (works on 98, ME, 2000, XP, 2003..., while it has only dialog box and hotkey on Vista and 7 though). By the way, since this one is just using the same library from baxbex new folder (it's freeware, all credits and thanks to Baxbex), and most people had complaint about that they were not able to reshack the app using Resource Hacker / any res editor to change the original "old" Windows 98 style icon etc in the bx toolbar, actually it's because the file (activeX dll) was encrypted and compressed (packed) with 3rd party PE compressor (e.g UPX, Execryptor...), after checking it by PEid then i found it that was Aspack 2.12 and then decided to unpack it, (note: not all app binaries can work properly after they are unpacked, so it's also necessary to dissassembly, dump and rebuild the PE headers, some fixes and rechecks etc) until the dll was registered fine, finally the little work was kinda like reverse engineering rather than just reshacking lol. And since it was unpacked (uncompressed), the size become little bigger of course lol although there's no problem with it, anyway i wish they would also update the app in near future, soon...

Updated: If you already have standard/original Baxbex New Folder application installed: http://www.baxbex.com/ , then you can also just download this smaller patch only to get Vista style icon (would also give the similar result): http://www.4shared.com/file/152692792/57222e19/Baxbex_New_Folder-Vista_Icon__Patch_Only_.html

3. FolderBox for Windows Explorer (Unpacked too/Skinned/skinnable):

A free application that displays additional folders (window) in the lower part of Windows Explorer, displays the contents of two folders or more, useful and cool (with Windows 98 icons though). So i just changed some few UI features of it (unpacked and res-edited like BxNewFolder above, "fixed" text, enabled "dead" icons and so on...). a free application that displays additional folders (window) in the lower part of Windows Explorer, displays the contents of two folders or more, very useful. Since it's already unpacked, you may customize the icons yourself if you want later, by using any capable delphi res editor e.g PE Explorer. At least it's still better than original look imo, + also enabled (some) XP visual common controls as said above, works well on Vista and Windows 7 as well as Windows XP:



(Click to enlarge)

Edit/Updated: Beside the standard one, i've just added FolderBox with Vista Icons (on its toolbar - see screenshots), sorry just got them for free (free Vista toolbar icons, 100% legal). Just like the standard one, FolderBox with Vista icons will work well on all Windows versions: 98, ME, 2000, XP, 2003, Vista, and Windows 7 without any problem so far:

Screenshot of FolderBox (with Vista icons) on XP and Windows 7:



(Click to enlarge)

Download it here:


Again this FolderBox version works on Windows all: 98, ME, 2000, XP, 2003, Vista, Windows 7...all credits to Baxbex for the free original apps (just skinned them).

Updated: If you already have standard/original Baxbex FolderBox application installed: http://www.baxbex.com/ , then you can also just download this smaller patch only to get Vista style icons (would also give the similar result): http://www.4shared.com/file/152692434/46e8ddff/Baxbex_FolderBox-Vista_Style_Icons__Patch_Only_.html

4. Another Useful File Viewer for XP Explorer With Preview Pane (just like Vista / Windows 7 feature):

Preview any file on Windows Explorer (text, documents, images, multimedia audio-video, compressed binaries etc) without using the default application, easy and faster:



(Click to enlarge)

Updated: it's already included a patch to get Vista style icons too (optional) now, in the same download package below:

Download it here:


OS: Windows XP, 2003, Vista, Windows 7...(Windows All).

You can also please visit my thread here for more options etc:


- Added Here: Some other free "special" shell extension-based tools/apps that might be useful for you (file viewers and metadata properties tools etc) here:

Download links:

- EXIF tooltip & tag editor on context menu :


- Multimedia tooltip & tag editor on context menu (album art + metadata editor etc) :


- Thumbnail for text files on Windows Explorer :


- Vista Explorer preview pane for XP (File viewer-Complete) :


- MacOSX/Leopard-style Coverflow (AKA Quicklook) for Windows Explorer (directory, file content, & thumbnail viewer etc):

Explorer Coverflow for Windows by Vemod - aqua-soft.org (full credits to him) :

http://www.aqua-soft.org/forum/index.php?showtopic=52376 Edit: there are still "afew issues" with Vista/7 though, also seems it's not quite stable on XP. Anyhow it's still free and working, and seems the app itself is still under development/being developed...(thanks to my friend Kyosan for the info btw).

Note: XP/2003: You need administrator rights to install the shell extensions. Vista/Windows 7: Make sure you always install/register/run "as administrator" (self explanatory)...

PS : Please feel free to redistribute them/re-upload/share the download links etc...

...Anyway good luck, sorry for my very bad English lol hopefully useful for you, cya...... :)


Edited by AMIRZ

  • Author

Thanx. Of course you are not required to get all, but only some parts you really need (e.g if you just want text file thumbnail on Explorer, just download Thumbnail Extensions above, otherwise if you have Tweak UI installed or you know how to directly edit thumbnail registry, neither of Explorer tools above that you need to change thumbnail size etc), or even not at all. I just mention all, to consider them, as a "Dictionary" or anything else. anyway :P thx again... ^_^

Edited by AMIRZ

  • Author

:)thanks for reminding ^_^ , However i just bring them here by some request, with permission from the "up" (see my old post). thanx. Hopefully i will, but because of my busy activity...hmmm (lol i'm just start learning how to make add ons sorry... :P ) , so feel free if either of you want to make add ons of some/all of them instead. I will appreciate it so much. thx alot for your help! By using mine, at least you can get them out of box...thx again for your comment and input... ^_^

Edited by AMIRZ

  • 2 months later...
  • Author


- Added several new thumbnail handlers on the thread (please read above): Paint Shop Pro / PSP, Maya 3D and AutoCAD dwg etc also some major and minor revisions. You can see all thumbnails of them on Windows Explorer without installing anything, even without their native applications. Thx for your attention and cya! ;)


(Updated) Just Added Some Tools for Windows Explorer to The Thread Here:

Some Free-Powerful Shell Extensions for Windows XP Explorer

(Recommended for XP - work on other OSes like 2003, Vista, or Windows 7 too)


You can also visit my original thread on Deviantart for more info, updates, etc here (Windows All):


1. XP / 2003 Only: Enable XP / Common Visual Style on Some Controls of Loaded Shell Extensions For Free - An Important feature for Windows XP shell customization...

(Especially 3rd parties) - in shell extensions or activex objects (e.g toolbar button / BHO, explorer bar, context menu items etc) in Windows Explorer, note must support / have InitCommonControls function, with link to comctl32 version 6 in XP/Vista or higher, and so on).

For more info please see some documentations about it on MSDN: e.g http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb775695%28VS.85%29.aspx and http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms997646.aspx

(Look, if you have Vista / WIndows 7 then you will notice that Vista / 7 has already improved/enabled the feature natively, by default. You would also get the feature by installing Window Blinds on XP, but it's not free though...).

To get the visual feature on XP and 2003 as default (M$ didn't do it for "some political reason" lol), on any shell extensions (especially 3rd party, if supported) visually without installing or patching any file, especially when on non-classic theme, just simply put / copy the explorer.exe.manifest (external manifest file) to Windows Directory to enable the feature without tampering explorer.exe itself or any system file (just take advantage of its "hidden" native feature instead). Easy to do that, without any special skill or "hacking" and programming language at all, lol that's it. It's safe and not harmful at all, would make XP shell looks better. You can safely delete it easily anytime if you dont want it anymore. Useful for both dev and user. Very small size (download explorer.exe.manifest for only less than 1 KB lol!)

For Example:

A. Before applying manifest (oldy):


(Click to enlarge)

B. After applying manifest (better look):


(Click to enlarge)

Download it Here (With Guide & Batch Files etc):

(and just put it on Windows Directory (%Windir% or C:\Windows, then restart Explorer/Windows to see the changes)


Or Just Download explorer.exe.manifest file only:


Alternatively you can also copy this code and save it as .manifest file named "explorer.exe.manifest" using Notepad:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<assembly xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1"
<description>Your application description here.</description>

You can also use it with any "MyApp" app with myapp.exe executable file for similar purpose as well (if supported, with above requirements e.g has link to comctl32 and so on), just rename it myapp.exe.manifest (following the executable name) and put it as external file in the same directory e.g in MyApp folder).

To get the same result on control panel extension/applets (.cpl), since .cpl is actually a dll that is running by using rundll32.exe, then just use same manifest file (renamed to "rundll32.exe.manifest") and copy it to C:\Windows\system32. You may need to restart Windows (or the service) before the change appears.

Download (complete): http://www.4shared.com/file/153774846/19cdeadc/Visual_Manifest_for_XP_Control_Panel_Extension.html

Or download rundll32.exe.manifest file only: http://www.4shared.com/file/153775143/deca42b9/rundll32exe.html

2. "New Folder" Button in XP Explorer Toolbar / Command Bar (just like Windows 7):

Actually Windows XP already has its own "Make a new folder" button too, to create a new folder in Windows Explorer (it's located in XP Webview Panel/Common Task Pane, see screenshot: http://img243.imageshack.us/i/standardxpnewfolderbutt.jpg/ ), but yeah some people would love it's on the explorer toolbar as well as Open/Save dialog box (and just like Windows 7 RTM Explorer now). Hopefully useful for you...

Since Baxbex new folder offered only old Windows 98 style icon (not matching with new XP visual style) see: http://www.baxbex.com/images/shoots/bxnewfolder.html'>http://www.baxbex.com/images/shoots/bxnewfolder.html , then you can just download this free add on for new folder button in XP Explorer Toolbar (my created-skinned/reshacked bxnewfolder with Vista / 7 style icon etc) + using hotkey and floating dialog box, + external manifest file (explorer.exe.manifest) to enable XP / Visual style on some controls as above. Fully functional and working as well. See online screenshots: http://img263.imageshack.us/i/newfolderbuttoninxpexpl.jpg/ and http://img263.imageshack.us/i/cleanerusefuldialogboxa.jpg/

-> Screenshots of "New Folder" button on XP Explorer Toolbar:

(Sorry can't display more larger images here for some technical reason):

A. Vista / 7 style icon new folder on XP Toolbar:


(Click to enlarge)

B. Creating new folder on XP Explorer:


(Click to enlarge)

C. Creating new folder dialog box - useful and cleaner UI with XP / Vista visual style:


Download it Here:


Hopefully still useful especially for XP users here (works on 98, ME, 2000, XP, 2003..., while it has only dialog box and hotkey on Vista and 7 though). By the way, since this one is just using the same library from baxbex new folder (it's freeware, all credits and thanks to Baxbex), and most people had complaint about that they were not able to reshack the app using Resource Hacker / any res editor to change the original "old" Windows 98 style icon etc in the bx toolbar, actually it's because the file (activeX dll) was encrypted and compressed (packed) with 3rd party PE compressor (e.g UPX, Execryptor...), after checking it by PEid then i found it that was Aspack 2.12 and then decided to unpack it, (note: not all app binaries can work properly after they are unpacked, so it's also necessary to dissassembly, dump and rebuild the PE headers, some fixes and rechecks etc) until the dll was registered fine, finally the little work was kinda like reverse engineering rather than just reshacking lol. And since it was unpacked (uncompressed), the size become little bigger of course lol although there's no problem with it, anyway i wish they would also update the app in near future, soon...

Updated: If you already have standard/original Baxbex New Folder application installed: http://www.baxbex.com/ , then you can also just download this smaller patch only to get Vista style icon (would also give the similar result): http://www.4shared.com/file/152692792/57222e19/Baxbex_New_Folder-Vista_Icon__Patch_Only_.html

3. FolderBox for Windows Explorer (Unpacked too/Skinned/skinnable):

A free application that displays additional folders (window) in the lower part of Windows Explorer, displays the contents of two folders or more, useful and cool (with Windows 98 icons though). So i just changed some few UI features of it (unpacked and res-edited like BxNewFolder above, "fixed" text, enabled "dead" icons and so on...). a free application that displays additional folders (window) in the lower part of Windows Explorer, displays the contents of two folders or more, very useful. Since it's already unpacked, you may customize the icons yourself if you want later, by using any capable delphi res editor e.g PE Explorer. At least it's still better than original look imo, + also enabled (some) XP visual common controls as said above, works well on Vista and Windows 7 as well as Windows XP:



(Click to enlarge)

Edit/Updated: Beside the standard one, i've just added FolderBox with Vista Icons (on its toolbar - see screenshots), sorry just got them for free (free Vista toolbar icons, 100% legal). Just like the standard one, FolderBox with Vista icons will work well on all Windows versions: 98, ME, 2000, XP, 2003, Vista, and Windows 7 without any problem so far:

Screenshot of FolderBox (with Vista icons) on XP and Windows 7:



(Click to enlarge)

Download it here:


Again this FolderBox version works on Windows all: 98, ME, 2000, XP, 2003, Vista, Windows 7...all credits to Baxbex for the free original apps (just skinned them).

Updated: If you already have standard/original Baxbex FolderBox application installed: http://www.baxbex.com/ , then you can also just download this smaller patch only to get Vista style icons (would also give the similar result): http://www.4shared.com/file/152692434/46e8ddff/Baxbex_FolderBox-Vista_Style_Icons__Patch_Only_.html

4. Another Useful File Viewer for XP Explorer With Preview Pane (just like Vista / Windows 7 feature):

Preview any file on Windows Explorer (text, documents, images, multimedia audio-video, compressed binaries etc) without using the default application, easy and faster:



(Click to enlarge)

Updated: it's already included a patch to get Vista style icons too (optional) now, in the same download package below:

Download it here:


OS: Windows XP, 2003, Vista, Windows 7...(Windows All).

You can also please visit my thread here for more options etc:


- Added Here: Some other free "special" shell extension-based tools/apps that might be useful for you (file viewers and metadata properties tools etc) here:

Download links:

- EXIF tooltip & tag editor on context menu :


- Multimedia tooltip & tag editor on context menu (album art + metadata editor etc) :


- Thumbnail for text files on Windows Explorer :


- Vista Explorer preview pane for XP (File viewer-Complete) :


- MacOSX/Leopard-style Coverflow (AKA Quicklook) for Windows Explorer (directory, file content, & thumbnail viewer etc):

Explorer Coverflow for Windows by Vemod - aqua-soft.org (full credits to him) :

http://www.aqua-soft.org/forum/index.php?showtopic=52376 Edit: there are still "afew issues" with Vista/7 though, also seems it's not quite stable on XP. Anyhow it's still free and working, and seems the app itself is still under development/being developed...(thanks to my friend Kyosan for the info btw).

Note: XP/2003: You need administrator rights to install the shell extensions. Vista/Windows 7: Make sure you always install/register/run "as administrator" (self explanatory)...

Enjoy and long live XP! Would still keep supporting it for good...cya

Edited by AMIRZ

  • 3 years later...

HEY! One question!!! How do I position the preview pane to the right? Thanks a lot (I'm using XP, failed so far with both Preview Pane and Explorer View).

Thanks a lot.

  • 8 months later...


that's seems you are making a lot of work, to provide all these enhancements.

only one thing is missing, there is no update for all the dead links :sad01_anim: (all "4shared" links are dead on all your posts, everywhere), so it is impossible to get all this stuff for testing.

can you pleas make something about that.



  • 2 years later...


I have a folder in my NAS DS213 that is visible in File Station. However, using the same account, it is not visible in Windows Explorer. Anyone know what might be the reason?


More information please.  [ And OT but why did you post this question in this thread? ]


What version of Windows?

How was this folder created?

Have you checked to see if this folder is marked as a hidden system folder? ( Windows Explorer => Tools => Folder Options... => View =>  [ Hidden files and folders => Show hidden files, folders, or drives ] and/or [ Hide protected operating system files (Recommended) => un-check it ] => Apply => OK


Cheers and Regards

  • 9 years later...

Most of the links are gone but can be seen with the Internet Archive.

Made a site to try and revive this project, feel free to add to it. I'd say half of it works with win10/11, that which doesn't feel free to give suggestions.




Edited by ibay770
added info

Made a spreadsheet with updated programs for win7-11. Feel free to add/modify them. I have tried to find free ones, but some have a free trial and noted accordingly. Some things in older software have already been sherlocked into newer systems. 




Edited by ibay770

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