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Windows Post-Install Wizard (WPI for short) is a hypertext application designed for giving users choice. While Windows XP offers many ways of customizing the setup process out of the box, its major drawback is the lack of being able to select which applications an end user may install. In the past, end users and administrators needed to either download the files manually, or create overly complex scripts that could only be used once. WPI allows you to create one image, which can then be custom configured, and optionally, automated, so that end users can install any applications.

WPI is a simple to use automation program for the choice and installation of multiple programs, tweaks and scripts. No longer will you need a dozen CD's or more when doing a fresh Installation. No longer will you need multiple files when you are servicing another PC. With Windows Post-Install Wizard all that you will need is 1 or 2 CD\DVD's to fully install your PC with all of your apps, scripts, registry files or tweaks. Instead of having to re-download those apps like adobe reader, flash or updates to programs you can have them all on one disk. With WPI you can have all of them all on one disk and then have a nice interface for selecting which apps to install and after configured properly WPI will install all of them without any needed input from you. WPI also and is commonly used added to your windows installation disks. This way you can automate the complete process of Windows and program installations.

With your typical setup of WPI you have your OS and all of the apps, tweaks and such on one disk. After windows installs, WPI kicks in and you are given a selection of everything you have configured WPI with, then you can select the ones you want or simply let the timer run out and your default apps will install.

Highlights of the newest version!

v7.1.1 Updates - Released September 12, 2008

* Dynaletik figured out the online update check. I was using google.com
for the test, but in Germany, and probably a few other countries, it
gets redirected, in his case to google.de. Therefore, the response
would not come back properly and would fail.
Now I am using www.wpiw.net.

* Dynaletik updated German manual some more.

* Now using RegEdit32 for 64bit reg edits.

* Russian language file and manual written by stasys44.

* Spanish language file updated by Alanparson.


Notes and Extras

Suggested disk folder layout:


With the above folder layout all your config entries should read like:

["%wpipath%\Install\Blah.exe" /switch]

Here is a small tutorial on how to add an app to WPI!

Ok this is a sample (Very simple) configuration for CCleaner (A.K.A Crap Cleaner)

This assumes you have all of the WPI files either in the WPI folder at the root of your Windows cd or all of the WPI folders (Common, Graphics, WPIScripts, Tools, Install and Themes) and the file WPI.hta at the root of your cd.

Remember this is just the most basic and required entries for a program!

#1. Download the app and place it in the WPI\Install Folder. (CCleaner.exe in this example)

#2. Run WPI.hta and click on the Config button\Icon area.

#3. Choose the button at the very top above the config section that says Add

#4. Enter in the name section CCleaner No quotes! Then click on any other section of the config area to activate the rest of the wizard.

#5. You will notice the Unique ID section gets automatically configured for you.

#6. All apps are selected to be installed by default right from the start so if you dont want it selected by default you must uncheck this box. Also you can decide if you want this app to be a Forced Install or not.

#7. Choose a category for your app to be displayed in. If you want the app to be displayed in a category you dont see simply chose other and a box will appear that will allow the entry of you choice.

#8. In the Command 1 section click on the little folder icon and browse to the WPI\Install folder and select the CCleaner.exe installer, this will place the appropriate path in the commandline.

#9. Add the necessary switches for the program to run silently i.e. %wpipath%\Install\CCleaner.exe /s (This can be easily done for most standard apps by simply clicking on the USSF button on the far right of the commandline.)

#10. Select the Save and then the Exit buttons and you have now configured your first app!

Afterwards you configure WPI to run with your CD using whichever method you choose. We suggest using one of the pre compiled and nicely provided $oem$ (Source folder if your are using Vista or Server 2008) folders that can be found in the downloads section. Then you can use an app like nLite, vLite, CDImageGUI or the Makeiso* program included in the tools folder to make your CD w\WPI bootable again.

* MakeIso.exe = Adds make bootable .iso to the right click menu of folders. It is a silent installer so DO NOT click on it 50x a simple double click is all that is need to install it. It can be uninstalled from the add\remove programs menu! Just go to the source folder (The one that contains I386 and WPI) and right click then select Make Bootable ISO...



I have seperated the tools out from the main archive. You can download the tools here:

Tools archive.

Contents of the tools archive:

WPI Config Lister

CDSwitch <-- 3 Custom themes for CDSwitch


autorun.inf <-- Updated and fixed

WPI.ico New icon thanks to WolfX2

TaskKillS.exe from sadicq <-- TaskKillS Instructions

Cleanup.exe (Deletes ALL icons from the desktop)

Reboot.exe (Dialog box that will reboot in 60 sec unless cancel is pressed)


Here is a quick start package that will set your windows disk up to use WPI after the desktop loads.

This is for use with all versions of Windows 2000, XP and 2003!

To make use of this archive all you need to do is unRAR it and place the %oem% folder beside the I386 and WPI folders.

Post $OEM$ Folder (The forum is messing up this link so copy www.wpiw.net/downloads/Post_$oem$.rar )

Contents of the Post %OEM% archive:




Here is a quick start package that will set your windows disk up to use WPI with runonceex.

This is for use with all versions of Windows 2000, XP and 2003!

To make use of this archive all you need to do is unRAR it and place the %oem% folder beside the I386 and WPI folders.

$OEM$ Folder (The forum is messing up this link so copy www.wpiw.net/downloads/$oem$.rar )

Contents of the %OEM% archive:


RunWPI.exe (Sets the runonceex and MCE themeing entries used for WPI)


An $OEM%\WPI folder that sets up your WPI for RunOnceEx with the official Zune Microsoft Theme!

$OEM$-Zune Folder (The forum is messing up this link so copy www.wpiw.net/downloads/$oem$-zune.rar )

Contents of the %OEM%-Zune archive:



Use is as the same as the one above...


This is for use with all versions of Windows Vista and Server 2008!

To make use of this archive all you need to do is unRAR it and place the Sources folder at the root of your CD.

Sources Folder.

Contents of the Sources archive:

setupcomplete.cmd (This needs to be several folders deep so I preset the folders for you)


1978 .png images for your pleasure to use in your tooltips or whatever!

PNG Collection.


Themes are now hosted on WPI.net!!!

Please remember and donate!

no more hiccups on load with this release

quoting you :INF calls: rundll32.exe setupapi,InstallHinfSection DefaultInstall 132 %inf%

all in all ... I have these options now:

%wpipath%\Install\InstINF some.inf

%wpipath%\Install\RegDll some.dll

%wpipath%\Install\UnRegDll some.dll

for reg "regb[pn]=[" is used as ( REG IMPORT some.reg )

a side to those

is ? gcond[pn]=['FileExists(....']; necessary to be included

i can go read about it somewhere but wanted to hear your take on it before i do

thanks for updating

Edited by ENU_user

  • Author

is ? gcond[pn]=['FileExists(....']; necessary to be included

Nope not needed.

And yes those are the 3 new options laid out. (Just a little backwards)

INSTINF %wpipath%\Install\some.inf

REGDLL %wpipath%\Install\some.dll

regb translates to = regsvr32 /s %wpipath%\Install\some.reg

  • 4 weeks later...

i opened wpi.hta and i see only white screen,how can i fix this(i think this is a javascript problem in my pc but i dont know how to fix :sad02: )

sorry for bad english (i am turkish member)

  • 1 month later...

please add something to fish the syntax for spaces to add quotes as needed

I could add that directly in wpibee but in default to all paths ..

New Utilities
\\*" /silent'];

another thing is something for making hta not throw an error at any place it finds UID starting with a number when it starts ..

a good example is Uid "7ZIP"

as i want to change the UID generation in wpibee to do this

"ieSpell" => "13SP3LL"


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