October 20, 200816 yr Author is this tool write the full INF fileor merg the four file in one infThis tool just creates the necessary sections to add to your inf file. It will also create the cab file for those files.I am working on an update for my Firefox Addon Maker that uses an hta as the gui. As soon as completed with it, I will start on this and add some features. To include creating the inf for you. Edited October 20, 200816 yr by Jonnyboy
October 22, 200816 yr OK you guys oficialy suck Man 3 years ago when all this started we did it all by HAND!!!j/k Great tool though! Thanks
October 22, 200816 yr Author OK you guys oficialy suck Man 3 years ago when all this started we did it all by HAND!!!j/k Great tool though! Thankshaha - thanks
October 23, 200816 yr jonnyboy Please Convert this tool to Full Addon Makerwell if i wasn't mistaken making a full addon maker using a batch command is almost impossible try to use [Tool] True-AddOn Maker v1.0 Beta2 Edited October 23, 200816 yr by DaRk MaDnEsS
November 8, 200816 yr Author Sorry, I missed your your reply. As soon as I complete my Firefox Addon Maker update. I will update this tool.
November 17, 200816 yr Author Version 0.2 posted-complete rewrite using hta as front-end-looking for feedback
November 17, 200816 yr hi Jonney boy i tried it it made the inf in one sec <<< to fast and that is greathere is the feed back it seems it creates it with uninstall commands and all stuffin [KillProcess]TASKKILL /F /IM %win_comp%.exeTSKILL %win_comp%%win_comp% is set to the exe file but when i used the string i named it to the program name so i suggest you make a different string for the exe filesecond the destination dir you need to make it asks for the program dir i guess that all what i think it needs in this buildi checked it and found no other problems seems to be in
November 17, 200816 yr Author [KillProcess]TASKKILL /F /IM %win_comp%.exeTSKILL %win_comp%%win_comp% is set to the exe file but when i used the string i named it to the program nameno problem, i can change that.the destination dir you need to make it asks for the program dir i guessThe program asks for you to add a folder or a file to include in the addon, not program dir or destination dir. They will be placed exactly where there were found. In the future, I may be able to change the destination folder.This is so you can add multiple folder and\or files. There is no limit to the number of folders or files that can be added. You do not need to add subfolders, they will be included.For example, the program is installed in %programfiles%, but also creates a user settings folder in %appdata% and adds a file to system32. Just add the 2 folders and then the file and the inf is created. Then, edit the String Variables. Then, create addon and your done.Thanks for the feedback Edited November 17, 200816 yr by Jonnyboy
December 1, 200816 yr Author I am adding DIRID's for 16422, 16410, 16412, 16419, 10 and 11. The script will be able to parse the path and substitute the DIRID's properly.If there are other DIRID's that you would like added, please let me know. If I can add them , I will.
December 1, 200816 yr Nice work.....I really love this tool....Keep up the excellent work.... :thumbsup_anim:
December 1, 200816 yr yeah it a great job but i remember i found a bug >< but i forget to say about it as i remember it was when i active copy files it does all the work and make the work and make the addonbut i found that it names the files wrong as in the inf the extension of the files are *.temand in the cab they have the extension *.tmpplz fix this one and sorry for late report
December 1, 200816 yr Author yeah it a great job but i remember i found a bug >< but i forget to say about it as i remember it was when i active copy files it does all the work and make the work and make the addonbut i found that it names the files wrong as in the inf the extension of the files are *.temand in the cab they have the extension *.tmpplz fix this one and sorry for late reportfound and fixed - as soon as i get Vista support working, I will post the update.Thanks***EDIT***I need a little help with using vbscript and InternetExplorer.Application. If you can assist me, I would appreciate it. This is the only way to browse to a file in Vista and XP. There are other ways, but it requires you registering a dll prior to running the script and I do not want to do that.***EDIT***Well, for now I will register the dll and then unregister the dll. Unless, I can find a better way of doing it. Edited December 1, 200816 yr by Jonnyboy
December 1, 200816 yr found and fixed - as soon as i get Vista support working, I will post the update.Thanks***EDIT***I need a little help with using vbscript and InternetExplorer.Application. If you can assist me, I would appreciate it. This is the only way to browse to a file in Vista and XP. There are other ways, but it requires you registering a dll prior to running the script and I do not want to do that.***EDIT***Well, for now I will register the dll and then unregister the dll. Unless, I can find a better way of doing it.well i don't understand what are you taking about but just tell me what can i do :sweatingbullets: if i can do it i will and thx for your great effort
December 1, 200816 yr thanks Jonnyboy for update do you can continu via vbscript (previous version) no gui
December 2, 200816 yr Author version 0.21 postedmany enhancements, see the changelog for all of the changes
December 2, 200816 yr Author version 0.22 postedChangelog12-2-08 - v0.22-fixed bug where AddReg=prog.addreg and [Prog.AddReg] would not display if not adding registry entries
December 2, 200816 yr Author thanks Jonnyboy for update do you can continu via vbscript (previous version) no guiI'm sorry but to be able to create the addon, it is not possible to create using batch files. If it is a language issue, I am willing to add your language to the script.
December 3, 200816 yr version 0.22 postedChangelog12-2-08 - v0.22-fixed bug where AddReg=prog.addreg and [Prog.AddReg] would not display if not adding registry entriesD/L link pointed to version 0.21.....I fixed it for ya... Points to 0.22 now...Hope ya don't mind.....Excellent work as always.... :thumbsup_anim:
December 3, 200816 yr Author D/L link pointed to version 0.21.....I fixed it for ya... Points to 0.22 now...Hope ya don't mind.....Excellent work as always.... :thumbsup_anim:thanks Edited December 3, 200816 yr by Jonnyboy
December 4, 200816 yr Jonnyboy excellent work I have some questions I have been playing around with this and have it some what working I am trying to make a addon for my Restorator 2007 and have it working but it is not creating the menu in Start/All Programs/Restorator 2007 I was able to create a shortcut to the program in Start/All Programs/Administrator Tools and the second problem I am having is that when I uninstall the program thru Add/Remove it deletes the short cut but not the program and directory at C:\program files\Restorator 2007Thanks for any help you can provide.dolivas; Created with Jonnyboy's Inf Assistant[Version]Signature="$Windows NT$"[Optional Components]Restorator[Restorator]OptionDesc="%win_comp%"Tip="%win_comp% v%disp_vers% %addo_made%"Modes=0,1,2,3Copyfiles=prog.10001,prog.10002,prog.10003,prog.10004,prog.10005,prog.10006,prog.10007,prog.10008,prog.10009,prog.10010,prog.10011,prog.10012,prog.10013,prog.10014,prog.10015,prog.10016,prog.10017AddReg=prog.addregProfileItems=ProfileItems Name.AddShortcut [DefaultInstall]Copyfiles=@%inf_file%,prog.10001,prog.10002,prog.10003,prog.10004,prog.10005,prog.10006,prog.10007,prog.10008,prog.10009,prog.10010,prog.10011,prog.10012,prog.10013,prog.10014,prog.10015,prog.10016,prog.10017ProfileItems=ProfileItems Name.AddShortcut AddReg=prog.addreg[DefaultUnInstall]BeginPrompt=UninstallPromptEndPrompt=UninstallSuccessRunPreSetupCommands=KillProcess:1RunPostSetupCommands=DelFoldersDelFiles=prog.infsDelDirs=prog.deldirsDelReg=prog.delregUpdateInis=prog.sysocCleanup=1ProfileItems=ProfileItems Name.DelShortcut [SourceDisksNames]1="%win_comp% Files","%win_comp%.cab",,"i386"[DestinationDirs]prog.10001=16422,"%prog_dir%"prog.10002=16422,"%prog_dir%\help"prog.10003=16422,"%prog_dir%\help\images"prog.10004=16422,"%prog_dir%\help\tutorials"prog.10005=16422,"%prog_dir%\help\tutorials\about"prog.10006=16422,"%prog_dir%\help\tutorials\delphi"prog.10007=16422,"%prog_dir%\help\tutorials\dlgedit"prog.10008=16422,"%prog_dir%\help\tutorials\exp"prog.10009=16422,"%prog_dir%\help\tutorials\extrall"prog.10010=16422,"%prog_dir%\help\tutorials\find"prog.10011=16422,"%prog_dir%\help\tutorials\grab"prog.10012=16422,"%prog_dir%\help\tutorials\interface"prog.10013=16422,"%prog_dir%\help\tutorials\rp"prog.10014=16422,"%prog_dir%\help\tutorials\tool"prog.10015=16422,"%prog_dir%\help\tutorials\trans"prog.10016=16422,"%prog_dir%\help\tutorials\transmulti"prog.10017=16422,"%prog_dir%\UPX"prog.infs=17DefaultDestDir=17[SourceDisksFiles]10001.tem=110002.tem=110003.tem=110004.tem=110005.tem=110006.tem=110007.tem=110008.tem=110009.tem=110010.tem=110011.tem=110012.tem=110013.tem=110014.tem=110015.tem=110016.tem=110017.tem=110018.tem=110019.tem=110020.tem=110021.tem=110022.tem=110023.tem=110024.tem=110025.tem=110026.tem=110027.tem=110028.tem=110029.tem=110030.tem=110031.tem=110032.tem=110033.tem=110034.tem=110035.tem=110036.tem=110037.tem=110038.tem=110039.tem=110040.tem=110041.tem=110042.tem=110043.tem=110044.tem=110045.tem=110046.tem=110047.tem=110048.tem=110049.tem=110050.tem=110051.tem=110052.tem=110053.tem=110054.tem=110055.tem=110056.tem=110057.tem=110058.tem=110059.tem=110060.tem=110061.tem=110062.tem=110063.tem=110064.tem=110065.tem=110066.tem=110067.tem=110068.tem=110069.tem=110070.tem=110071.tem=110072.tem=110073.tem=110074.tem=110075.tem=110076.tem=110077.tem=110078.tem=110079.tem=110080.tem=110081.tem=110082.tem=110083.tem=110084.tem=110085.tem=110086.tem=110087.tem=110088.tem=110089.tem=110090.tem=110091.tem=110092.tem=110093.tem=110094.tem=110095.tem=110096.tem=110097.tem=110098.tem=110099.tem=110100.tem=110101.tem=110102.tem=110103.tem=110104.tem=110105.tem=110106.tem=110107.tem=110108.tem=110109.tem=110110.tem=110111.tem=110112.tem=110113.tem=110114.tem=110115.tem=110116.tem=110117.tem=110118.tem=110119.tem=110120.tem=110121.tem=110122.tem=110123.tem=1[prog.10001]Check for Updates.url,10001.temDiscussion Forums.url,10002.temfeatures.html,10003.temlicense.txt,10004.temorder_form.html,10005.tempurchase.html,10006.temRestorator.exe,10007.temRestorator.url,10008.temstyles.css,10009.temunins000.dat,10010.temunins000.exe,10011.temUninsHs.exe,10012.temwebicon.ico,10013.tem[prog.10002]FAQ.html,10014.temhelp.html,10015.temlinks.html,10016.temsupport.html,10017.temtech.html,10018.temtutorials.html,10019.temversion_history.html,10020.tem[prog.10003]add_resource.png,10021.temcm_file.png,10022.temcm_folder.png,10023.temcm_res.png,10024.temfind_in_files.png,10025.temforcefile.png,10026.temimage004.jpg,10027.tempart_view_default.png,10028.tempart_view_hex.png,10029.tempart_view_rc.png,10030.temsettings.png,10031.temxp_manifest.png,10032.tem[prog.10004]interface.html,10033.temterms.html,10034.temTutAbout.html,10035.temTutDelphi.html,10036.temTutExplor.html,10037.temTutExtrAll.html,10038.temTutGrab.html,10039.temTutPatch.html,10040.temTutSearch.html,10041.temTutTrans.html,10042.temTutTransMulti.html,10043.temUIRecreator.html,10044.temwhatis.html,10045.tem[prog.10005]131.png,10046.temabout_mod.png,10047.temarrow.png,10048.temassign.png,10049.temdragopen.png,10050.temextract.png,10051.temsnake.jpg,10052.temsplash.png,10053.tem[prog.10006]rstsplash.gif,10054.temrsttxt.gif,10055.temTSplashForm1_Image1_Picture_Data.bmp,10056.tem[prog.10007]dlgedit1.png,10057.temdlgedit2.png,10058.temdlgedit3.png,10059.tem[prog.10008]expacc.png,10060.temexpdlg.png,10061.temexpicon.png,10062.temexpimage.png,10063.temexpimages.png,10064.temexpmenu.png,10065.temexpopen.png,10066.temexpopendlg.gif,10067.temexpstring.png,10068.temversion_edit.png,10069.tem[prog.10009]shassign.gif,10070.temsherror.gif,10071.temshnewdirs.gif,10072.temshopen.gif,10073.tem[prog.10010]findbrowse.gif,10074.temfinddlg.gif,10075.temfindfound.gif,10076.tem[prog.10011]grab_resources.png,10077.tem[prog.10012]file_browser.png,10078.temoverview.png,10079.tem[prog.10013]respatcher.png,10080.temrpbluearrow.png,10081.temrpstep1.png,10082.temrpstep2.png,10083.temrpstep3.png,10084.temrpstep4.png,10085.temrpwelcome.png,10086.tem[prog.10014]toolclose.gif,10087.temtooldirup.gif,10088.temtooledit.gif,10089.temtoolfind.gif,10090.temtoolhex.gif,10091.temtoolnewdir.gif,10092.temtoolopen.gif,10093.temtoolRC.gif,10094.temtoolresource.gif,10095.temtoolrun.gif,10096.temtoolsave.gif,10097.tem[prog.10015]mspacc.gif,10098.temmspchanged.gif,10099.temmspdlgedit.gif,10100.temmspedit.gif,10101.temmspmenu1.gif,10102.temmspmenu2.gif,10103.temmspmenupreview.gif,10104.temmspstring.gif,10105.tem[prog.10016]edit_locale.png,10106.temml_copy.gif,10107.temml_paste.gif,10108.temml_result.gif,10109.temml_save.gif,10110.temml_save2.gif,10111.tem[prog.10017]BUGS,10112.temCOPYING,10113.temLICENSE,10114.temNEWS,10115.temREADME,10116.temREADME.1ST,10117.temTHANKS,10118.temTODO,10119.temupx.1,10120.temupx.doc,10121.temupx.exe,10122.temupx.html,10123.tem[Prog.Infs]%win_comp%.pnf,,,1[ProfileItems Name.AddShortcut]Name =%win_comp%,8,47CmdLine =16422,%prog_dir%,%prog_exe%WorkingDir =16422,%prog_dir%[ProfileItems Name.DelShortcut]Name =%win_comp%,0x0000000A,47[UninstallPrompt]Title=%unin_prom%Prompt=%unin_conf% %win_comp% %disp_vers%?ButtonType=YESNO[UninstallSuccess]Prompt=%win_comp% %unin_done%[KillProcess]TASKKILL /F /IM %prog_exe%.exeTSKILL %prog_exe%[sysoc.Edit] %17%\sysoc.inf,Components,%win_comp%=*[Prog.AddReg]HKLM,"SOFTWARE\Classes\.res",,0x0,"BomeRst.res"HKLM,"SOFTWARE\Classes\.res\PersistentHandler",,0x0,"{098f2470-bae0-11cd-b579-08002b30bfeb}"HKLM,"SOFTWARE\Classes\.sfx",,0x0,"BomeRst.sfx"HKCR,".res",,0x0,"BomeRst.res"HKCR,".res\PersistentHandler",,0x0,"{098f2470-bae0-11cd-b579-08002b30bfeb}"HKCR,".sfx",,0x0,"BomeRst.sfx"HKCU,"Software\Bomers\Restorator\Restorator\Main","ShowSplash",0x0,"0"HKCU,"Software\Bomers\Restorator\Registration","Name",0x0,"Administrator"HKCU,"Software\Bomers\Restorator\Registration","Password",0x0,"et4v4k74j8Zt44T9XYR++gTxJtgyGo4qwAjkYki-X3viXqVOvEuDirOs9wbTEaQDJX6PAkgbJX0LFmcYc4efcDl64b4X4cnFs0wFST2xw9oMgXKaPjLsrP4S3fWNyHDvLrPJrCZkIANw33f5Cfod8ItQptZI5yfGMD9ykcnx5Vw"HKCU,"Software\Bomers\Restorator\Registration","Type",0x0,"Regular"HKLM,"%unin_path%\%win_comp%","DisplayName",,"%win_comp% v%disp_vers% (Remove Only)"HKLM,"%unin_path%\%win_comp%","DisplayVersion",,"v%disp_vers%"HKLM,"%unin_path%\%win_comp%","Publisher",,"%addo_made%"HKLM,"%unin_path%\%win_comp%","HelpLink",,"%addo_help%"HKLM,"%unin_path%\%win_comp%","URLInfoAbout",,"%addo_info%"HKLM,"%unin_path%\%win_comp%","InstallLocation",0,"%24%\%prog_dir%"HKLM,"%unin_path%\%win_comp%","UninstallString",,"rundll32.exe advpack.dll,LaunchINFSection %inf_file%,DefaultUninstall"[Prog.DelReg]HKLM,"SOFTWARE\Classes\.res",,0x0,"BomeRst.res"HKLM,"SOFTWARE\Classes\.res\PersistentHandler",,0x0,"{098f2470-bae0-11cd-b579-08002b30bfeb}"HKLM,"SOFTWARE\Classes\.sfx",,0x0,"BomeRst.sfx"HKCR,".res",,0x0,"BomeRst.res"HKCR,".res\PersistentHandler",,0x0,"{098f2470-bae0-11cd-b579-08002b30bfeb}"HKCR,".sfx",,0x0,"BomeRst.sfx"HKCU,"Software\Bomers\Restorator\Restorator\Main","ShowSplash",0x0,"0"HKCU,"Software\Bomers\Restorator\Registration","Name",0x0,"Administrator"HKCU,"Software\Bomers\Restorator\Registration","Password",0x0,"et4v4k74j8Zt44T9XYR++gTxJtgyGo4qwAjkYki-X3viXqVOvEuDirOs9wbTEaQDJX6PAkgbJX0LFmcYc4efcDl64b4X4cnFs0wFST2xw9oMgXKaPjLsrP4S3fWNyHDvLrPJrCZkIANw33f5Cfod8ItQptZI5yfGMD9ykcnx5Vw"HKCU,"Software\Bomers\Restorator\Registration","Type",0x0,"Regular"HKLM,"%unin_arpc%\%win_comp%"HKLM,"%unin_path%\%win_comp%"[Strings]win_comp="Restorator"prog_exe="Restorator.exe"prog_dir="Restorator 2007"disp_vers="1709"addo_made="Addon created by Jonnyboy's Inf Assistant"addo_help=""addo_info=""unin_prom="Jonnyboy's Prog_Name Addon Uninstaller"unin_conf="Do you really want to remove"unin_done="has been successfully removed from your computer"unin_path="SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall"unin_arpc="SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Management\ARPCache"inf_file="Restorator.inf" Edited December 23, 200816 yr by MrNxDmX Added codebox...
December 4, 200816 yr Author Jonnyboy excellent work I have some questions I have been playing around with this and have it some what working I am trying to make a addon for my Restorator 2007 and have it working but it is not creating the menu in Start/All Programs/Restorator 2007 I was able to create a shortcut to the program in Start/All Programs/Administrator Tools and the second problem I am having is that when I uninstall the program thru Add/Remove it deletes the short cut but not the program and directory at C:\program files\Restorator 2007Thanks for any help you can provide.dolivasOk, first this "%win_comp%,8,47" will create a shortcut in "%AllUsersProfile%\Start Menu\Programs\Administrative Tools", if you want "Start/All Programs/Restorator 2007" your profileitems would look like [ProfileItems Name.AddShortcut]Name =%win_comp%,8,23CmdLine =16422,%prog_dir%,%prog_exe%WorkingDir =16422,%prog_dir%SubDir=%prog_dir%Second, I forget to add the code back in for deldirs and Delfiles. It will be in the update that I post today or tomorrow.Thanks for the heads up. Edited December 5, 200816 yr by Jonnyboy
December 5, 200816 yr Hi Jonnyboy.Thanx for the exellent work.It's a great script and VERY useful.I have a favor to ask: can you make a tutorial how to write hta scripts?Thanx again.
December 5, 200816 yr Author Hi Jonnyboy.Thanx for the exellent work.It's a great script and VERY useful.Thank youI have a favor to ask: can you make a tutorial how to write hta scripts?That would be harder than it sounds.First, an hta is a combination of html and either vbscript or javascript. So, you have to know how to use one of those scripting languages and html.Second, if you have followed the progress of the INF Assistant and the Firefox Addon Maker, you can see that I am still learning both vbscript and html.Third, I still need to write tutorials for both of the afore mentioned hta's.Fourth, I haven't completed the afore mentioned hta's. There are still more features being added to both.Aside from these, I thank you and maybe at a later date, I can try to write a tutorial on hta's.
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