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[Request ] Where & When use "RegisterDLLs" + "RunPostSetupCommands" commands

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I'm little bit confused :huh: and need your lightnings.

What is correct way :

============COMMON SECTIONS OF EACH INF FILE=================


Signature="$Windows NT$"

[Optional Components]



Title ="::. %InsTitle% .::"

Prompt ="%InsQuest%"





CMD /Q /C MD """%01%\i386""" & COPY /D /Y """%01%\*.cab""" """%01%\i386"""


RUNDLL32 advpack.dll,DelNodeRunDLL32 %01%\i386,8


1="Easy Capture Setup Files","EzCpture.cab",,"i386"


EzCapture.CopyFiles =16422,EasyCapture

Stamps.CopyFiles =16422,"%STAMPS%"

Snapshots.Files =16389,"EasyCapture images"

PNF.File =17

DefaultDestDir =17

======================== INF 1 ================================





11,,rundll32.exe,,,"advpack.dll,LaunchINFSection %01%\%THIS_FILE%,Install"


BeginPrompt =BeginInsPrompt

RunPreSetupCommands =Create.i386:1

AddReg =EzCapture.AddReg

CopyFiles =EzCapture.CopyFiles,Stamps.CopyFiles,@%THIS_FILE%

ProfileItems =EzCapture.Deskcut,EzCapture.Startcut,Remove.Startcut,Web.Startcut,EzCapture.url

RunPostSetupCommands =Delete.i386,EzCapture.iConnect

EndPrompt =EndInsPrompt


11,,rundll32.exe,,,"advpack.dll,LaunchINFSection %THIS_FILE%,SnapShots.Folder"




CMD /Q /C MD """%16389%\EasyCapture images"""


OptionDesc ="EasyCapture"

Tip ="Powerful and easy-to-use free screen capture"

CopyFiles =EzCapture.CopyFiles,Stamps.CopyFiles

Modes =0,1,2,3

AddReg =EzCapture.AddReg

ProfileItems =EzCapture.Deskcut,EzCapture.Startcut,Remove.Startcut,Web.Startcut,EzCapture.url

RegisterDLLs =Make.Dir

RunPostSetupCommands =EzCapture.iConnect

;----------------------------- END INF 1 -----------------------

**** FGCBA 0.897 log report ****


!- 3 error(s):

- Section [snapshots.Files] referenced in [DestinationDirs] does not exist in


- Section [DefaultDestDir] referenced in [DestinationDirs] does not exist in


- Invalid syntax in [Make.Dir] section:

(11,,rundll32.exe,,,"advpack.dll,LaunchINFSection %THIS_FILE%,SnapShots.Folder")!


============================== INF 2 ============================




11,,rundll32.exe,,,"advpack.dll,LaunchINFSection %01%\%THIS_FILE%,Install"


BeginPrompt =BeginInsPrompt

RunPreSetupCommands =Create.i386:1

AddReg =EzCapture.AddReg

CopyFiles =EzCapture.CopyFiles,Stamps.CopyFiles,@%THIS_FILE%

ProfileItems =EzCapture.Deskcut,EzCapture.Startcut,Remove.Startcut,Web.Startcut,EzCapture.url

RunPostSetupCommands =Delete.i386,Create.Srnshot.Folder:1,EzCapture.iConnect

EndPrompt =EndInsPrompt


CMD /Q /C MD """%16389%\EasyCapture images"""


OptionDesc ="EasyCapture"

Tip ="Powerful and easy-to-use free screen capture utility"

CopyFiles =EzCapture.CopyFiles,Stamps.CopyFiles

Modes =0,1,2,3

AddReg =EzCapture.AddReg

ProfileItems =EzCapture.Deskcut,EzCapture.Startcut,Remove.Startcut,Web.Startcut,EzCapture.url

RunPostSetupCommands =Create.Srnshot.Folder:1,EzCapture.iConnect

----------------------------------- END INF 2---------------------------

**** FGCBA 0.897 log report ****

!- 1 error(s):

- Section [DefaultDestDir] referenced in [DestinationDirs] does not exist in EzCpture.inf!

!- 1 error(s).


INF 1 & INF 2 seems to work fine, but I need to make it perfect.

Thanx for ur help. :icon_cool:



Edited by Ken@fri

  • 2 weeks later...

 Section [DefaultDestDir] referenced in [DestinationDirs] does not exist in EzCpture.inf!

FGCBA cannot handle that value. Just delete this line when you're running fgcba, then re-enable it in your inf.

DefaultDestDir =17 (required for real-time addon installing, not windows setup)

You've used Make.Dir section as a DLL register section. SO fgcba will look for dll syntax.

And this doesnt seem to be a dll register syntax:P

11,,rundll32.exe,,,"advpack.dll,LaunchINFSection %THIS_FILE%,SnapShots.Folder"
My idea (delete while fgcba check, then re-enable) will help you with this too. I dont know any other way to eliminate this.

- Section [Snapshots.Files] referenced in [DestinationDirs] does not exist in EzCpture.inf!

As fas as i can see you're really not using it anywhere. ?

  • 1 month later...
  • Author

@ bigfatroundguy

Thanx 4 your help. Link u gave was very usefull.

@ MrNxDmX

I've rechecked my INF, found all errors /mistakes & fixed it. Thanx.

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