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will the integrated vista rtm bootscreen work for ever, or would we have to keep updateing it

for example i have the latest sp3 update and vista bootscreen interegrate

will the boot screen work even when windows get new updates or will we need to be replaceing the bootscreen every major updates

thank you

  • 2 weeks later...
Everytime the kernel is updated, the patch would have to be reapplied.

with the lastest updates for xp the kernel's have been updated.

so yes a res hacked bootscreen has to be updated to the new kernel's

or a normal xp startup bootscreen appears instead.

wht is the best way to repatch it

....just go to Add/Remove Programs and uninstall KB956841 hotfix, restart and....voila :rolleyes: (worked on my 2 pc's)

....or do not download it :evil: ....at least not now .


  • 2 weeks later...
is that the only was or is there another way of patchin it after the update

best way is to not download that update ... if u extracted that update u would see it wants to add 2 files to your system ... the bootscreen ones that just overwrite your vista style files.

however, u could make a winrar sfx installer of your vista style bootscreen files and add it to your system with shortcut on your start menu.....then if files accidentally overwritten or damaged....a click on shortcut, follwed by reboot will put u back to vista style bootscreen.

I added green. blue and grey styles to my system


i want to make one with vista blue sp3 bootscreen, is it possible to load it unattended so when u install windows that sfx bootscreen is in the start menu

ok guys, yes u can make your files for unattended install in 3 stages...

1st stage ... make the winrar sfx exe that does the overwriting of the files.

2nd stage ... make the winrar sfx installer exe that delivers the 1st file to your system

with shortcut on start menu.

3rd stage ... pack your completed silent installer into an addon.

I will explain stages 1&2 which are practically identical, hoping u know how to

do stage 3, but if not I will explain that also.


STAGE1....making exe file

1.make 2 new folders on your desktop...one named "WINDOWS"... the other "system32"

...pay attention to upper and lower cases and no quotes.

2.copy 2 of your vista style bootscreen exe files into the "system32" folder u made

...just "ntkrnlmp" and "ntoskrnl"...and drag that folder inside the "WINDOWS" folder

..so u have that folder on desktop with other folder inside it...and 2 files

inside that folder.

3.now right click on the "WINDOWS" folder (that has other inside containing files)..

and select "Add to archive"....and on box that pops up tick "Create SFX archive"..

and click "OK"....and a winrar file named WINDOWS will appear on desktop.

4.rename that winrar file to something like "VistaBoot"...then right click on it

and select "open with winrar"...and click the "SFX" icon and a box will open.

5.select "Do not change SFX module"..and click on "Comment" tab and copy/paste the following

into "Archive comment" box:-

;The comment below contains SFX script commands





6.click "OK" and exit winrar.

7.you have now made the winrar sfx exe that if double clicked would silently install your 2

vista style files into your real system32 folder overwriting files that exist.

8.I use resourcehacker to change the winrar icon of that file to something else...u could do same.


then drop a copy of it also into your real system32 folder.....and from there right click on it

and create shortcut of it to your desktop and rename shorcut to what u want it called

STAGE2...making installer exe

1.we will use earlier files to make this....the "WINDOWS" folder you have on desktop with system32 folder inside it

and 2 vista style files in that....leave file structure the same....but delete the 2 vista style files and copy the

"VistaBoot" winrar exe you made into that folder....so just replacing 2 style files with the VistaBoot u made.

2.when done....the original "VistaBoot" u made that is still on desktop...rename to "VistaInstaller"

3.when renamed...right click on it and "open with winrar".....and in left panel you will see "WINDOWS" folder...

right click on that folder entry inside the panel and select "rename"...and call it anything ...leave it open

and drag the "WINDOWS" folder u altered into that panel and it will add the files.....then right click the file u renamed

and select delete...then close winrar.

4.now we need to add shortcut u made to it....but we need to make the folders for it 1st.

5.make these 6 folders on desktop;-

Documents and Settings

All Users

Start Menu



System Tools

and drag the shortcut u made earlier into the last one "System Tools"

6.then put "System Tools" folder inside "Accessories" folder..and do same all way back to the Documents and Settings

folder....so u have Documents and Settings as only folder with all others opening in a chain inside it.

7.now right click on the "VistaInstaller" file...and open in winrar....and drag the "Documents and Settings" folder

(that contains the others..including shortcut)...into left panel beside the WINDOWS entry that is already there

8.winrar will add those files and then close winrar.


Your newly finished "VistaInstaller" if double clicked should silently deliver your "VistaBoot" exe to your real system32 folder

and also deliver shorcut for it to start menu ..under Accessories...system tools like my earlier picture.

u can delete the file u dropped in real system32 and all other desktop files and copies....and test your file...double click...

then look in start menu to see that shortcut is there...and look in system 32 to see that "VistaBoot" is there also.


just make an addon of finished file in nloam ....or add to svcpack folder with ini file and cab it

Edited by wolfcall

whats nlom and where can i get it

it's an nlite addon maker ... get it right here


Dude what should i do with this two files:



nothing ... only need the 2 mentioned to overwrite the relevent files in system32

Another alternative to all of this is to let KB956841 install and go get its new kernel files

from WINDOWS\Drivers folder .....and use resourehacker to replace their bitmap images

from your vista style files....and use those new modified files in your original bootscreen addon.

I have done that ...and also made my blue, green, and grey files with the kernels 5.1.2600.5657

doing it this way stops windows update from wanting to update those files ....until they release newer kernels again...lol

Exellent tutorial WolfCall. :prop: :beerchug: :thumbsup_anim:

It would be nice if you add Windows 7 bootscreen too :please:

Edited by DennyMK

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