November 3, 200816 yr Author sad since ive got only 2 OS i replace my xp to windows 7 to test it But im just goona use it on my vpc to install xp there Btw have u tried Windows 7 M1 ? No i haven't (only seen some screenshots and reviews of it on net forum, indirectly), too bad im still busy for now Bro, still no have time (i only have both Xp and Vista installed for now, and i need them so much for my work/activity since they are still "real" legacy OS for me rather than Windows 7 Beta, yes i'm like U) unless i have several machines for the "experiment" (more than two), also some people said the downloads that from torrent have been contaminated by spyware and trojan etc (i hope it's not true, at all), and big size (Gb) like Vista till i got the copy from my friend. Lol for now i still have limited bandwith from my local ISP in my country (package) but will upgrade it next month or soon, i hope so.But if the day comes, in right time (hopefully soon), as i said b4 then yes i will I also hope the RTM will come earlier to us Bro (end of 2009 / 2010?) still love Xp than everything. Cya
November 4, 200816 yr No i haven't (only seen some screenshots and reviews of it on net forum, indirectly), too bad im still busy for now Bro, still no have time (i only have both Xp and Vista installed for now, and i need them so much for my work/activity since they are still "real" legacy OS for me rather than Windows 7 Beta, yes i'm like U) unless i have several machines for the "experiment" (more than two), also some people said the downloads that from torrent have been contaminated by spyware and trojan etc (i hope it's not true, at all), and big size (Gb) like Vista till i got the copy from my friend. Lol for now i still have limited bandwith from my local ISP in my country (package) but will upgrade it next month or soon, i hope so.But if the day comes, in right time (hopefully soon), as i said b4 then yes i will I also hope the RTM will come earlier to us Bro (end of 2009 / 2010?) still love Xp than everything. Cya Yes if windows 7 RTM come i will replace the vista to windows 7 and i will replace Windows 7 m3 to xpBTW bro Math Input panel IS WORKING on vista i dont test it to xp but i think it will workthe only prob is it cant recognize a number lol Edited November 4, 200816 yr by jdd
November 4, 200816 yr Author Yes if windows 7 RTM come i will replace the vista to windows 7 and i will replace Windows 7 m3 to xpBTW bro Math Input panel IS WORKING on vista i dont test it to xp but i think it will workthe only prob is it cant recognize a number lol Wow it's a big news, why you dont create a new thread about it here on Wincert (i.e it's been ported to Vista) Bro? It seems it only missed some dependencies/dll, try to find and copy them all in same folder/directories on Vista, hopefully then it will work as well. Btw what's build of your W7?Too bad i still dont have W7 installed. Edited November 4, 200816 yr by AMIRZ
November 4, 200816 yr Wow it's a big news, why you dont create a new thread about it here on Wincert (i.e it's been ported to Vista) Bro? It seems it only missed some dependencies/dll, try to find and copy them all in same folder/directories on Vista, hopefully then it will work as well. Btw what's build of your W7?Too bad i still dont have W7 installed.Windows 7 M3 its not completly ported cuz it dont recognize what i write (Numbers)maybe u can fix it i can send u the math input panel file(i only tested it on vista) maybe on xp it may work if you patch it with alkyAND BTWcan u fix an non correct link in your list (OR DELETE The link)Recommended: Windows XP/2003 Ultimate Edition, Have all windows xp version's functions:, the link that brought you to this page seems to be out of date or broken. Edited November 5, 200816 yr by jdd
November 5, 200816 yr Author Windows 7 M3 its not completly ported cuz it dont recognize what i write (Numbers)maybe u can fix it i can send u the math input panel file(i only tested it on vista) maybe on xp it may work if you patch it with alkyAND BTWcan u fix an non correct link in your list (OR DELETE The link)Sorry, the link that brought you to this page seems to be out of date or broken.Lol Alky is only for Vista application Bro, not Windows 7. And as said i also need the OS (W7) still dunno when will i have time to install it Bro... As i checked the link was removed by MSFN itself (must be a new moderator on MSFN who did it (i forgot his name: Mr. S..). As he also removed my thread about Snipping Tool on MSFN there before, bcoz he said it's MS binaries and copyrighted, so it can be considered as warez and should be deleted F**o him I'd also like to give him a free account of Demonoid)... Distress, as have to go holiday...Cya Bro. Long live Xp Edited November 5, 200816 yr by AMIRZ
November 6, 200816 yr Lol Alky is only for Vista application Bro, not Windows 7. And as said i also need the OS (W7) still dunno when will i have time to install it Bro... As i checked the link was removed by MSFN itself (must be a new moderator on MSFN who did it (i forgot his name: Mr. S..). As he also removed my thread about Snipping Tool on MSFN there before, bcoz he said it's MS binaries and copyrighted, so it can be considered as warez and should be deleted F**o him I'd also like to give him a free account of Demonoid)... Distress, as have to go holiday...Cya Bro. Long live Xpwell windows 7 IS vista but its more best (vista can run windows 7 math input panel without hacking some .dll) like that yes his wrong but its microsoft work and its only made on vista i little bit agree on himbut i very agree on you Edited November 6, 200816 yr by jdd
November 6, 200816 yr Windows 7 definatly IS NOT Vista....Have you even had the chance to try it?Installed it last night and it is quite deiiferent from Vista.
November 6, 200816 yr Windows 7 definatly IS NOT Vista....Have you even had the chance to try it?Installed it last night and it is quite deiiferent from Vista.YES i know it not vista overallbut its like vista it has sidebar it has all the vista stuff If its not vista then the startorb will be change to (hmm i think xp start button lol) It is like vista remakeyes i have IT windows 7 m3but some says that its VISTA but MUCH BETTER or we can say IMPROVED (i heard some news information)SourceBallmer also confirmed the relationship between Vista and Windows 7, indicating that Windows 7 will be an improved version of VistaAnd i think windows 7 is based on windows server 2008 r2 SFXmaker detecting that my win 7 is server 2008 lol Pls correct me if im wrong Edited November 6, 200816 yr by jdd
November 9, 200816 yr Author Yes Bro Jdd, it looks like Vista for GUI (theme) and some features (Ballmer also said it has same kernel 6.1 as well as future Vista SP2) but i think coz it's still an alpha/beta build (remember how did Longhorn and Vista Beta 1 look like Bro?). However, it still has some more enhanced features so it's quite different with Vista (New Superbar, AeroShake, New Taskbar Thumbnail API, glassy animated bootscreen, some new tools, Ribbon API etc etc). IMHO the RTM/final version will be much different and better than Vista, so it's wise to give it a chance. I still can't wait MSDN to release some new APIs of Windows 7 to public with some technical reviews of the binaries and features (since people need them so much to analyze and possibly port some W7 apps to down level versions of Windows OS such as Vista and Xp, that's we people have done with some apps (ports) from Vista OS and Other Xp editions (both MCE and Tablet PC) to Xp Pro/all editions today, so still say thanks and give rewards to them: Raphael and Zoronax, Cody Brocious, Ricktendo, Some russian hackers, and especially me AMIRZ lol, he..he... sorry just kidding ). Yes, i hope (at least) most of them will use some generic APIs (i.e implementation of new .Net framework 4.0 that will be on Windows 7 and most possibly both Vista and Xp) like most 3rd parties, since basically (programmatically i meant) there's no "Vista only application", "Xp only application", "Windows 7 only application", etc but only "MS protected code" and "exclussive for new OS" there, arrgh lolz, for them all .Oh, must be a vacation now, so tired... :sweatingbullets: Again, please still say "Long live Xp!" for us. Always! Cya n Cheers! :thumbsup_anim:
November 10, 200816 yr Yes Bro Jdd, it looks like Vista for GUI (theme) and some features (Ballmer also said it has same kernel 6.1 as well as future Vista SP2) but i think coz it's still an alpha/beta build (remember how did Longhorn and Vista Beta 1 look like Bro?). However, it still has some more enhanced features so it's quite different with Vista (New Superbar, AeroShake, New Taskbar Thumbnail API, glassy animated bootscreen, some new tools, Ribbon API etc etc). IMHO the RTM/final version will be much different and better than Vista, so it's wise to give it a chance. I still can't wait MSDN to release some new APIs of Windows 7 to public with some technical reviews of the binaries and features (since people need them so much to analyze and possibly port some W7 apps to down level versions of Windows OS such as Vista and Xp, that's we people have done with some apps (ports) from Vista OS and Other Xp editions (both MCE and Tablet PC) to Xp Pro/all editions today, so still say thanks and give rewards to them: Raphael and Zoronax, Cody Brocious, Ricktendo, Some russian hackers, and especially me AMIRZ lol, he..he... sorry just kidding ). Yes, i hope (at least) most of them will use some generic APIs (i.e implementation of new .Net framework 4.0 that will be on Windows 7 and most possibly both Vista and Xp) like most 3rd parties, since basically (programmatically i meant) there's no "Vista only application", "Xp only application", "Windows 7 only application", etc but only "MS protected code" and "exclussive for new OS" there, arrgh lolz, for them all .Oh, must be a vacation now, so tired... :sweatingbullets: Again, please still say "Long live Xp!" for us. Always! Cya n Cheers! :thumbsup_anim:yes cant wait to release rtm of 7start button of longhorn is like xp vista beta 1 start button is like xp and the vista beta 2 is replaced wit the orb start button yes xp rockz vista so much failure cuz i have vista and its so slooooow grr it hangs when im open windows explorermaybe alky team make for windows 7 alky 7 ? ahhaha
November 10, 200816 yr Author Yes Bro i hope so, but actually Alky project far i never heard about it again, as it has become open source and released the source code, not sure if the next/new team will release some code for Windows 7, or maybe Wine? (it's only for Linux though)...I ever tried to download it (the source code) from there but then the site (falling leaf) gave me trojan hourse as my AVG warned me...more than three times, still dunno know why. later, recently it's not available anymore, except the Alky for applications (Alky 1.1 for both Xp and 2003) and Alky for Games (DX 10 binaries for Xp). However you can still download the stuffs from trusted sites such as Softpedia. I've heard about some Russian Hackers have released updated Alky Binaries for DX 10 so you can get real DX 10 on Xp to install and play some Vista only games (it's still controversy) which you can download it on this thread above . But DX 10 (or 10.1) has been outdated as MS will release new DX 11 for Windows 7 and Vista SP2. Most people dont realize DX 10 or higher is not only for games, but also as critical dependency for some future multimedia program/features, so it's so important. I can't believe the fact, since Win 98 SE (Special Edition) can use DX 9.0, while Xp can't use f**ing DX 10 (in same level for comparison), why? So? WTF DX 10, there's still Open GL, we will still support Xp always, even President Obama's legacy OS is Xp (U dont believe me? Ask his secretary ha..ha..just kidding ). Makes me headache. OK Bro... :thumbsup_anim:Btw, I just imagine how will the future computer with Windows 7, or 8,..9..10 look like, with all new equipments Bro. Just go flash back, as i remember my big sister's old PC 486/P 1 (1994/1995) with Windows 95 and/or DOS installed, large floppy disk, old non-cartridge printer etc, there's no (for me at the time): personal scanner, LAN/DSL modem, DVD writer etc etc but still very great at the time. That's why it's called a "computer history" or anything else, as part of our life, our history too. But the life must go on, and so the OS, sooner or later it will change, as we have to accept the fact Xp wont be with us forever... :crying_anim02: but at least i'll still keep it, for now as i said, or 2-3 years forward till 2014 (MS support) or even might be more...Wish us luck, cheers!
November 11, 200816 yr if directx 11 comes up i will buy a new video card that supports it :gleam: ]and do you know wmp 12 has on windows 7 well i dont notice it when i install windows 7 m3 . i notice it today ahahahah (when i open the about box on wmp 12) :albert:do u heard midori ? its sounds sucks ahahah it reminds me of a video game Edited November 11, 200816 yr by jdd
February 23, 200916 yr Author Sorry not meant to bump this old thread but i have just changed/updated it althogh for alittle (The above list) :welcome: May have to go "vacation" for some days or more...finally Long Live Xp! Thanx 4 ur attention n cya!
April 16, 200915 yr Thank you so much for your tips. The are very helpful. :thumbsup_anim: maison de credit
April 16, 200915 yr Author You're welcome mate i'm very glad if they are helpful for you and everyone :thumbsup_anim: anyway good luck cya
April 24, 200915 yr Author thank you very much :thumbsup_anim: simulation assurance vieYou're very welcome mate
May 13, 200915 yr simulation credit autoWelcome to wincertwe just wanted to take the time to thank you for joining and hope you will enjoy your time here. :giveheart:
May 13, 200915 yr Author simulation credit autoWelcome to wincertwe just wanted to take the time to thank you for joining and hope you will enjoy your time here. :giveheart:Thanks for posting but ???????????????????????????
May 13, 200915 yr I think he is welcoming himself (lost in the translation)BTW KB961742-v3 may be a good one to add to your list, this is what it does to XP in Windows 7 Virtual PC (there is also one for Vista)
May 13, 200915 yr Author I think he is welcoming himself (lost in the translation)BTW KB961742-v3 may be a good one to add to your list, this is what it does to XP in Windows 7 Virtual PC (there is also one for Vista)Lol i see oh yeah thanks Rick for the info, i will add it to the current list ASAP. Edit: Done, yeah i hope that it would be helpful and useful for many people especially Xp users, for "The Complete Transformation of Xp to Vista/Windows Seven" (in the most possible way as far as we can of course)... Windows 7 is very welcome but otherwise personally i'd still like to keep and say "Long Live Windows Xp"... :thumbsup_anim: it's still the best MS OS ever...Happy customizing, tweaking and enhancing your OS everybody, especially Xp of course hehe, anyways good luck, cheerz and cya... Edited May 14, 200915 yr by AMIRZ
May 25, 200915 yr this is an interesting post. thanks for sharing! can't wait to try it out! :thumbsup_anim: simulation rachat de credit
May 26, 200915 yr Author this is an interesting post. thanks for sharing! can't wait to try it out! :thumbsup_anim: simulation rachat de creditWelcome to Wincert & thanks mate it's nice to know that it can be also useful for you, anyway good luck :thumbsup_anim: and long live XP too!=====================================================================(Edit) ADDED ANOTHER GUIDE: ONE GOOD EXAMPLE OF CUSTOMIZING/ENHANCING XP TO MAKE IT LOOK AND BEHAVE LIKE VISTA (ALSO WINDOWS 7)(In A Simplest/Minimalistic Way Without Being 100% Vista “Copycat” Lol)...Important Note: You can always customize your Windows Xp less or more or as much as you want, that’s why it’s called “personal desktop” anyways. You’re not required to make it 100% look or behave like Vista, but still “enhance” it instead (Usability is still more important than eye candy anyways IMHO)…Some further tweaks maybe required as well.You can also find/get some links for these items mainly from the main list above of course (“List of Most Vista/Windows 7 Applications and Features for Xp”) or just google them as usual etc.PS: On Windows 7 Beta, even some Vista native applications (e.g Windows Meeting Space and PhotoGallery) have been removed (get the replacements from both Windows Live and Office Live).Any effort to get them all is still relevant since Windows 7 is an enhanced version of Vista...- DESKTOP/SHELL GUI:Bootscreen: Just Standard Xp or another one with Tuneup Utilities (better than “empty”black Vista BS imo)Logon Screen: One from Xpize with Tuneup UtilitiesThemes/VS: VistaXp by KOLWallpapers: Original Vista WalsScreensavers: Original Vista SS ported to XpMost Shell Icons: Get them from VTP 9 (selective install)Vista Start Menu: Customize Xp Start Menu Without Vistart and Any Third Party: GUI (DWM Emulation):Shadow: Y’z Shadow Transparency: Border Skin (optional, too bad transparency sucks on Xp, mainly with topdesk)Animated Icon: Uber Icon (optional)Animated window: Window FXFlip3d: Topdesk and Vista Flip3d iconTaskbar Thumbnail: Visual TooltipTransparent window and always on top: PowerMenu (optional)WINDOWS EXPLORER FEATURES:Explorer Breadcrumb Addressbar: Folder Pilot or QTTabbar or Minimalist Explorer BreadcrumbVista Favorite Links: FindeXerVista Live Icon/Thumbnail and Metadata: Get More Thumbnail and Metadata on XpVista Viewer Pane and Search: Get Vista Explorer Preview Pane and Search on XpVista Command Prompt on Context Menu: Command Prompt PowerToyVista New Window on Context Menu: Add New Window on Context MenuORIGINAL VISTA APPLICATIONS:IE7: IE7 or IE8WMP 11: WMP 11 with Vista WMP 11 Skin or Windows 7 WMP 12 Skin eitherWindows PhotoGallery: Windows Live Photo GalleryWindows Mail: Windows Live MailWindows Calendar: Windows Live Mail or/and MS Works CalendarWindows Movie Maker: Windows Movie Maker with Vista Skin by fediaFediaWindows DVD Maker: Microsoft PhotoStory 3 with Sonic DVD Burning Plug In or Better to get Sonic RecordNow with/without DVD Studio or NeroExplorer DVD Burning: ISO powertoy and IMAPI V2Windows Notepad, Paint, Calculator: Vista ones ported to XpWindows Defender: Windows Defender for Windows XpWindows Search: Windows Search 4.0 for XpWindows Sidebar: Windows Sidebar ported to Xp by RicktendoWindows Media Center: MCE 2005 or Windows Media Center for Xp with Vista SkinWindows Meeting Space: Just Net Meeting or Microsoft SharedViewTablet PC Applications:Snipping Tool: Vista Snipping Tool ported to XpSticky Notes: Sticky Notes ported to XpWindows Journal: Windows Journal ported to XpWindows Tablet PC Input Panel: Tablet PC Input Panel for Windows XpWindows Vista Games: Vista Games ported to XpDirectX10, .Net Framework 3.0, IMAPI V2 etc: They all have been ported to Windows Xp as well (read the list/google...) Etc.Again sorry for not being so complete, instead this is just one example (from my previous desktop), and you can always customize your Xp much more better completely just like/following the entire list or another alternative source of course, still your own choice and taste…anyhow it’s still recommended to only get the most wanted or needed/favorite features for you (remember that more apps=more resources), do it selectively. Anyway good luck and long live Xp indeed…PS: Please also check the main list on the first post since it might have been updated with this plus some of other ones. Thanks.========================================================================(Updated) Just Added Some Tools for Windows Explorer to The Thread Here:Some Free-Powerful Shell Extensions for Windows XP Explorer (Recommended for XP - work on other OSes like 2003, Vista, or Windows 7 too)You can also visit my original thread on Deviantart for more info, updates, etc here (Windows All): XP / 2003 Only: Enable XP / Common Visual Style on Some Controls of Loaded Shell Extensions For Free - An Important feature for Windows XP shell customization... (Especially 3rd parties) - in shell extensions or activex objects (e.g toolbar button / BHO, explorer bar, context menu items etc) in Windows Explorer, note must support / have InitCommonControls function, with link to comctl32 version 6 in XP/Vista or higher, and so on). For more info please see some documentations about it on MSDN: e.g and, if you have Vista / WIndows 7 then you will notice that Vista / 7 has already improved/enabled the feature natively, by default. You would also get the feature by installing Window Blinds on XP, but it's not free though...). To get the visual feature on XP and 2003 as default (M$ didn't do it for "some political reason" lol), on any shell extensions (especially 3rd party, if supported) visually without installing or patching any file, especially when on non-classic theme, just simply put / copy the explorer.exe.manifest (external manifest file) to Windows Directory to enable the feature without tampering explorer.exe itself or any system file (just take advantage of its "hidden" native feature instead). Easy to do that, without any special skill or "hacking" and programming language at all, lol that's it. It's safe and not harmful at all, would make XP shell looks better. You can safely delete it easily anytime if you dont want it anymore. Useful for both dev and user. Very small size (download explorer.exe.manifest for only less than 1 KB lol!)For Example:A. Before applying manifest (oldy):(Click to enlarge)B. After applying manifest (better look):(Click to enlarge)Download it Here (With Guide & Batch Files etc): (and just put it on Windows Directory (%Windir% or C:\Windows, then restart Explorer/Windows to see the changes) Just Download explorer.exe.manifest file only: you can also copy this code and save it as .manifest file named "explorer.exe.manifest" using Notepad:<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?><assembly xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1" manifestVersion="1.0"><assemblyIdentity version="" processorArchitecture="X86" name="CompanyName.ProductName.YourApp" type="win32"/><description>Your application description here.</description><dependency><dependentAssembly> <assemblyIdentity type="win32" name="Microsoft.Windows.Common-Controls" version="" processorArchitecture="X86" publicKeyToken="6595b64144ccf1df" language="*" /> </dependentAssembly></dependency></assembly>You can also use it with any "MyApp" app with myapp.exe executable file for similar purpose as well (if supported, with above requirements e.g has link to comctl32 and so on), just rename it myapp.exe.manifest (following the executable name) and put it as external file in the same directory e.g in MyApp folder).To get the same result on control panel extension/applets (.cpl), since .cpl is actually a dll that is running by using rundll32.exe, then just use same manifest file (renamed to "rundll32.exe.manifest") and copy it to C:\Windows\system32. You may need to restart Windows (or the service) before the change appears.Download (complete): download rundll32.exe.manifest file only: "New Folder" Button in XP Explorer Toolbar / Command Bar (just like Windows 7):Actually Windows XP already has its own "Make a new folder" button too, to create a new folder in Windows Explorer (it's located in XP Webview Panel/Common Task Pane, see screenshot: ), but yeah some people would love it's on the explorer toolbar as well as Open/Save dialog box (and just like Windows 7 RTM Explorer now). Hopefully useful for you...Since Baxbex new folder offered only old Windows 98 style icon (not matching with new XP visual style) see:'> , then you can just download this free add on for new folder button in XP Explorer Toolbar (my created-skinned/reshacked bxnewfolder with Vista / 7 style icon etc) + using hotkey and floating dialog box, + external manifest file (explorer.exe.manifest) to enable XP / Visual style on some controls as above. Fully functional and working as well. See online screenshots: and> Screenshots of "New Folder" button on XP Explorer Toolbar:(Sorry can't display more larger images here for some technical reason):A. Vista / 7 style icon new folder on XP Toolbar:(Click to enlarge)B. Creating new folder on XP Explorer:(Click to enlarge)C. Creating new folder dialog box - useful and cleaner UI with XP / Vista visual style:Download it Here: still useful especially for XP users here (works on 98, ME, 2000, XP, 2003..., while it has only dialog box and hotkey on Vista and 7 though). By the way, since this one is just using the same library from baxbex new folder (it's freeware, all credits and thanks to Baxbex), and most people had complaint about that they were not able to reshack the app using Resource Hacker / any res editor to change the original "old" Windows 98 style icon etc in the bx toolbar, actually it's because the file (activeX dll) was encrypted and compressed (packed) with 3rd party PE compressor (e.g UPX, Execryptor...), after checking it by PEid then i found it that was Aspack 2.12 and then decided to unpack it, (note: not all app binaries can work properly after they are unpacked, so it's also necessary to dissassembly, dump and rebuild the PE headers, some fixes and rechecks etc) until the dll was registered fine, finally the little work was kinda like reverse engineering rather than just reshacking lol. And since it was unpacked (uncompressed), the size become little bigger of course lol although there's no problem with it, anyway i wish they would also update the app in near future, soon...Updated: If you already have standard/original Baxbex New Folder application installed: , then you can also just download this smaller patch only to get Vista style icon (would also give the similar result): FolderBox for Windows Explorer (Unpacked too/Skinned/skinnable):A free application that displays additional folders (window) in the lower part of Windows Explorer, displays the contents of two folders or more, useful and cool (with Windows 98 icons though). So i just changed some few UI features of it (unpacked and res-edited like BxNewFolder above, "fixed" text, enabled "dead" icons and so on...). a free application that displays additional folders (window) in the lower part of Windows Explorer, displays the contents of two folders or more, very useful. Since it's already unpacked, you may customize the icons yourself if you want later, by using any capable delphi res editor e.g PE Explorer. At least it's still better than original look imo, + also enabled (some) XP visual common controls as said above, works well on Vista and Windows 7 as well as Windows XP:Screenshot:(Click to enlarge)Edit/Updated: Beside the standard one, i've just added FolderBox with Vista Icons (on its toolbar - see screenshots), sorry just got them for free (free Vista toolbar icons, 100% legal). Just like the standard one, FolderBox with Vista icons will work well on all Windows versions: 98, ME, 2000, XP, 2003, Vista, and Windows 7 without any problem so far:Screenshot of FolderBox (with Vista icons) on XP and Windows 7:(Click to enlarge)Download it here: this FolderBox version works on Windows all: 98, ME, 2000, XP, 2003, Vista, Windows 7...all credits to Baxbex for the free original apps (just skinned them).Updated: If you already have standard/original Baxbex FolderBox application installed: , then you can also just download this smaller patch only to get Vista style icons (would also give the similar result): Another Useful File Viewer for XP Explorer With Preview Pane (just like Vista / Windows 7 feature):Preview any file on Windows Explorer (text, documents, images, multimedia audio-video, compressed binaries etc) without using the default application, easy and faster:Screenshot:(Click to enlarge)Updated: it's already included a patch to get Vista style icons too (optional) now, in the same download package below:Download it here: Windows XP, 2003, Vista, Windows 7...(Windows All). You can also please visit my thread here for more options etc: Added Here: Some other free "special" shell extension-based tools/apps that might be useful for you (file viewers and metadata properties tools etc) here:Download links:- EXIF tooltip & tag editor on context menu : Multimedia tooltip & tag editor on context menu (album art + metadata editor etc) : Thumbnail for text files on Windows Explorer : Vista Explorer preview pane for XP (File viewer-Complete) : MacOSX/Leopard-style Coverflow (AKA Quicklook) for Windows Explorer (directory, file content, & thumbnail viewer etc):Explorer Coverflow for Windows by Vemod - (full credits to him) : Edit: there are still "afew issues" with Vista/7 though, also seems it's not quite stable on XP. Anyhow it's still free and working, and seems the app itself is still under development/being developed...(thanks to my friend Kyosan for the info btw).Note: XP/2003: You need administrator rights to install the shell extensions. Vista/Windows 7: Make sure you always install/register/run "as administrator" (self explanatory)...Added: Here is Chess Titans for XP : Mahjong Titans for XP : and long live XP! Would still keep supporting it for good hehe PS: Please feel free to redistribute them/re-upload/share all the download links and pages etc without any permission from me......Anyway good luck and cya... Edited May 16, 201014 yr by AMIRZ
November 18, 200915 yr AMIRZ you are the best...BTW fixed your BBCodes this forum does not seem to like URL in all CAPS it only likes the url in small letters
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