March 12, 201114 yr M_S, any other addons you need made compatible just let me know and I will try to see what I can doI'm sure your Win7 MCE addon is already RVMi compatible. But it wouldn't hurt to check.Your Sidebar, Holdem, and Ultimate sounds would be my choices, but I don't want to push my luck.
March 12, 201114 yr Author Holdem & Sounds already compatible (if it has the word "addon" in the filename its a good bet its compatible) and Sidebar is also compatible (just needs the word addon in the filename)As for the Win7 MCE I will have to test if the UpdateCabs is the same format for RVMI and I my need to add I386\ to the EditFile section (but it may work "as is")
March 13, 201113 yr OK, I was having trouble with an error at T-15 for "missing ICFGNT.DLL" then realized this was already reported:Here: http://www.wincert.n...dpost__p__45700and here: http://www.wincert.n...1866#entry41866I was using AutoImage to integrate everything via RVMi (no nlite) and AI starts WMP11 Integrator after RVMi which is causing the issue.I'm wondering why the error is for ICFGNT.DLL when the filename is ICFGNT5.DLL in the XP source. Is the WMP11 integration missing the correct filename? Or where is that file being called from?Nevermind. Boooggy says it's because the WMP11 slipstreamer is seeing the source as containing WMP10 instead of the actual WMP9.I still can't get these working right with RVMi. I even scrapped using the WMP11 slipstreamer and used YumeYao's WMP11 addon. On that install there must have been an .inf error somewhere because nothing was installed (empty Start menu) though no errors displayed during install.Moving back to nlite to integrate the MCE & Sidebar addons worked fine.I was really hoping to ditch nlite this time. Oh well, this will probably be my last XP build. I've moved over almost completely to Win7. Edited March 13, 201113 yr by Mr_Smartepants
March 13, 201113 yr Author Yes, this addon never and the wmp11 integrator never have gotten along well...try yumeyao's wmp11 addon
April 25, 201113 yr thanks ricktendo64 :thumbsup_anim: just feeding back info on successful install of your addon...slightly confused by your comment "Integrate along with updatepack"... Onepiece suggests his pack should be integrated on its own, so I did just that:integrated OnePiece Windows XP Post-SP3 UpdatePack v4.5.0_ENU on its own. (with rvmi)then ran integrator to remove a few bits from his update pack. (with rvmi)then integrated your media center addon (with rvmi)then added lots more stuff (with rvmi)then nlited the key and few bitsthen added loads of driver packsexperienced a couple of funnies,1)with 10 mins to go on install up pops IE8 (I didn't know this wasn't windows first boot... as wasn't watching) so I assumed it was and went through the wizard to setup search provider, accelerators etc.) when I finished this I didn't bother to following IE link that was trying to connect to internet and just closed the windows. Thats when I realised windows was still installing but it completed and didn't seem to mind my intervention.Is it normal for IE to try and connect to Internet during windows install with media center version?2)whilst doing that skype install from vermanda's addon popped up and completed.3)as did u/h's java 6.25 addon but this it seems didn't end up installed properly... (not surprising as IE was running as it tried to install).4)once windows did boot I had a blank screen with just a command window open doing nothing for about 10 mins (drive was very busy doing something) in the end I closed it and it completed booting.Whilst checking what I added was all there (it was and all DPs did there bit as well :dribble: ) I opened media center and closed the setup wizard down without completing... when it went back to windows it went back to lowest possible screen resolution something x 640. I wonder if this a result of not setting up media center properly or an odd one with all I added confusing things ? Edited April 25, 201113 yr by Botus
April 25, 201113 yr Author If you dont integrate it with a updatepack the XP CAB's will not be extracted and files will not be updated in them, if you use nLite then use the nLite version, this does not have this problemIE launching is probably due to a installer finishing then trying to launch IE to go to the program website
April 25, 201113 yr thanks Rick, with me being english (and therefore a bit pedantic) "along with" doesn't specifically say at the same time (clearer instructions): To use the RVMi modified addon, you must integrate this media center addon at the same time as you integrate an update pack.
May 28, 201113 yr Thanks Man...I will Try it (Finally :naughty: )Just 1 question: How to Integrate with RVMIWho has any Tutorial o manual :shy: Thanks a Lot :evil: Edited May 28, 201113 yr by Wanako1
June 19, 201113 yr Author how do you install the files?You cant, you integrate them into your XP with nLite along with a UpdatePack and WMP11
June 19, 201113 yr Author You extract your XP SP3 CD to a folder and select itIMPORTANT: you also need to integrate a UpdatePack containing all the updates to SP3 and a WMP11 addon (also optional but not necesary a IE8 addon)Put the UpdatePack first, then the IE8/WMP11 addons seperately and finally this addon
August 21, 201113 yr I love you Rick. II tried in vain to integrate some of those updates into MCE. Thanks for all that you do.
August 21, 201113 yr Author Its not really a mce upatepack, its not really with that in mind (besides I dont think it will work because the new mce needs .net 1.1 sp1 in order to be glistered successfully)
September 12, 201113 yr Info: This is a true addon that fully converts Windows XP Profesional into Windows Media Center Edition 2005 along with Update Rollup 2, KB925766, KB956148, KB973768, KB2502898 and Dancer updates.First question: Your description says it converts a Professional Edition to Media Center Edition. Can it work also with Home Edition?Second question: After integrating Media Center, have you had any difficulty validating a OEM copy of XP through Windows Update? MSOOBE says that the install has been activated, but Windows Update says that the key isn't valid for this region.... which is confusing because I've used the original install disc to install XP without issue.I've integrated user_hidden's Updatepack 20110809 into my source, in case you are interested.....
September 12, 201113 yr My answers:1) I've never tried it. 2) This addon converts Pro to MCE. If you already had activated the OS with a Pro key, it will no longer be valid and you must activate again using a MCE key.
September 12, 201113 yr Author 1) not meant for home, there are some differences that need to be addressed in the entries.ini (a bit more complicated)2) It does not really change the OS or the key validation process and MS Update is just baffled (I have no problems with vlk)
September 12, 201113 yr My answers:1) I've never tried it.2) This addon converts Pro to MCE. If you already had activated the OS with a Pro key, it will no longer be valid and you must activate again using a MCE key.1) Okay, thanks.2) Huh? If MSOOBE says it is already activated, then how do I "activate again" using a MCE key?1) not meant for home, there are some differences that need to be addressed in the entries.ini (a bit more complicated)2) It does not really change the OS or the key validation process and MS Update is just baffled (I have no problems with vlk)Figures it wasn;t meant for Home Edition.... Regarding the activation process, I didn't think the add-on changed things THAT MUCH.... Oh, well.... Off to find a solution....
September 12, 201113 yr Author You can probably make it work with home, but there are files you have to add to txtsetup.sif and dosnet.inf that are only in pro (you also have to add "d3 = \cmpnents\mediactr\I386" to [Directories] of dosnet.inf in home)Here is something to start you off, I dont have time today to find the files that are not listed in txtsetup.sif and dosnet.inf but I think thats all thats left (if you do it and post it I can check it for you);=============================; MCE05 addon by ricktendo64 |;=============================[general]builddate=2011/09/12description=Converts Windows XP Home into Media Center Edition 2005.forcelang=Englishlanguage=Englishtitle=Media Center 2005version=5.1.2715.3011website=;This section prevents nessesary "Components" from removal by nLite (v1.4.9 and up)[NeededComponents]165,185,241,275,293,319,321,327,383,534,538,849,893,897,949,1631,1237; # Component;165 ="Media Center";185 ="Internet Explorer Core";241 ="Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS)";275 ="COM+";293 ="Windows Picture and Fax Viewer";319 ="Windows Media Player 6.4";321 ="Windows Media Player";327 ="Windows Management Instrumentation";383 ="Event Log";534 ="System Event Notification (SENS)";538 ="Video Capture";849 ="DirectX diagnostic tool";893 ="ActiveX for streaming video";897 ="Teletext codec";949 ="Acm Core Codecs";1631="DirectX";1237="OpenGL Support"[sysoc]Freestyle=ocgen.dll,OcEntry,medctroc.inf,HIDE,7SonicDVDandCDBurning=ocgen.dll,OcEntry,sonic.inf,,7WinPlus=ocgen.dll,OcEntry,plusoc.inf,,7[FileMove]MEDIACTR.CAB,..\CMPNENTS\MEDIACTR\I386PLUS.CAB,..\CMPNENTS\MEDIACTR\I386SONIC.CAB,..\CMPNENTS\MEDIACTR\I386[EditFile]HIVESYS.INF,AddReg,AddMCERegHIVESFT.INF,AddReg,AddFontsHIVESFT.INF,Strings,AddStringsSYSOC.INF,Directories,AddDirs[AddMCEReg]HKLM,"SYSTEM\WPA\MediaCenter","Installed",,"1"[AddFonts]HKLM,"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Fonts","%script_mt_bold%",,"scriptbl.ttf"HKLM,"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Fonts","%tahoma_small_cap_bold%",,"tahomscb.ttf"[AddStrings]script_mt_bold = "Script MT Bold (TrueType)"tahoma_small_cap_bold = "Tahoma Small Cap Bold (TrueType)"[AddDirs]d3 = \cmpnents\mediactr\I386[dosnet_files]d1,ehOCGen.dlld1,msnp.axd1,plusoc.dlld1,plusoc.infd1,plus.catd3,plus.cabd1,scriptbl.ttfd1,sonic.infd1,sonic.catd3,sonic.cabd1,tahomscb.ttf[txtsetup_files]ehOCGen.dll = 100,,,,,,,32,0, = 100,,,,,,,2,0, = 100,,,,,,,2,0,0plusoc.dll = 100,,,,,,,32,0,0plusoc.inf = 100,,,,,,,20,0, = 100,,,,,,,,3, = 3,,,,,,_x,,3,3psisdecd.dll = 100,,,,,,,2,0, = 100,,,,,,,2,0,0scriptbl.ttf = 1,,,,,,,22,0,0,,1,22sonic.inf = 100,,,,,,,20,0, = 100,,,,,,,,3, = 3,,,,,,_x,,3,3tahomscb.ttf = 1,,,,,,,22,0,0,,1,22
September 14, 201113 yr Since I can find nothing on how to convert XP Home Edition to XP Media Center, I don't really have much interest in messing around to see if I can get it to work at the moment. But thank you for the add-on! It is very helpful!
October 4, 201113 yr I got really bored and decided to see what I could accomplish in getting Media Center to work with XP Home Edition..... Turns out it was easier than expected.Here's the modified Entries_XP_to_MCE05.ini file (changes are in red) using the RyanVM add-on:;=============================; MCE05 addon by ricktendo64 |; RVMI Edition |;=============================[general]builddate=2011/03/11description=Converts Windows XP into Media Center Edition 2005.language=Englishtitle=Media Center 2005version=5.1.2715.3011website=[ExtraFileEdits]DOSNET.INF|d2 = \cmpnents\starter\I386|d3 = \cmpnents\mediactr\I386|1TXTSETUP.SIF|2 =%spcdname%,%spcdtagfilei%,,\cmpnents\starter\i386,1|3 = "%cd2name%","%cd2tagfilei%",,\cmpnents\mediactr\i386|1TXTSETUP.SIF| = 100,,,,,,,2,1| = 100,,,,,,,2,0,0|1[txtsetup_dirs]240 = ehome[sysoc]Freestyle=ocgen.dll,OcEntry,medctroc.inf,HIDE,7SonicDVDandCDBurning=ocgen.dll,OcEntry,sonic.inf,,7WinPlus=ocgen.dll,OcEntry,plusoc.inf,,7[FileMove]MCETEMP.CAB,..\CMPNENTS\MEDIACTR\I386\MEDIACTR.CABPLUS.CAB,..\CMPNENTS\MEDIACTR\I386\PLUS.CABSONIC.CAB,..\CMPNENTS\MEDIACTR\I386\SONIC.CAB[EditFile]I386\HIVESYS.INF,AddReg,AddMCERegI386\HIVESFT.INF,AddReg,AddFontsI386\HIVESFT.INF,Strings,AddStrings[AddMCEReg]HKLM,"SYSTEM\WPA\MediaCenter","Installed",,"1"[AddFonts]HKLM,"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Fonts","%script_mt_bold%",,"scriptbl.ttf"HKLM,"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Fonts","%tahoma_small_cap_bold%",,"tahomscb.ttf"[AddStrings]script_mt_bold = "Script MT Bold (TrueType)"tahoma_small_cap_bold = "Tahoma Small Cap Bold (TrueType)"[dosnet_files]d1,custsat.dlld1,medctroc.infd1,mediactr.catd3,mediactr.cabd1,ehOCGen.dlld1,msnp.axd1,plusoc.dlld1,plusoc.infd1,plus.catd3,plus.cabd1,scriptbl.ttfd1,sonic.infd1,sonic.catd3,sonic.cabd1,tahomscb.ttf[txtsetup_files]custsat.dll = 100,,,,,,,240,0,0medctroc.inf = 100,,,,,,,20,0, = 3,,,,,,_x,,3, = 100,,,,,,,,3,3ehOCGen.dll = 100,,,,,,,32,0, = 100,,,,,,,2,0,0plusoc.dll = 100,,,,,,,32,0,0plusoc.inf = 100,,,,,,,20,0, = 100,,,,,,,,3, = 3,,,,,,_x,,3,3psisdecd.dll = 100,,,,,,,2,0, = 100,,,,,,,2,0,0scriptbl.ttf = 1,,,,,,,22,0,0,,1,22sonic.inf = 100,,,,,,,20,0, = 100,,,,,,,,3, = 3,,,,,,_x,,3,3tahomscb.ttf = 1,,,,,,,22,0,0,,1,22[i386_compress]rvmtemp\extracted\medctroc.infrvmtemp\extracted\mediactr.catrvmtemp\extracted\ehocgen.dllrvmtemp\extracted\msnp.axrvmtemp\extracted\plusoc.dllrvmtemp\extracted\plusoc.infrvmtemp\extracted\plus.catrvmtemp\extracted\scriptbl.ttfrvmtemp\extracted\sonic.infrvmtemp\extracted\sonic.catrvmtemp\extracted\tahomscb.ttfCUSTSAT.DLL isn't installed in the eHome folder by default, hence the txtsetup_dirs and the txtsetup_files mod. The and medctroc.inf entries also had to be added.The only other problem that I can foresee is the lack of drivers for the XP MCE Remote. These files can be pulled from a XP Professional disc. They are IRBUS.SYS and IRBUS.INF. I believe that I saw HID.DLL, HIDCLASS.DLL, HIDIR.SYS and HIDPARSE.SYS exist in the DRIVER.CAB of XP Home. (Source: Tech Blog)I modded a copy of XP Home with an UpdatePack and the modified MCE add-on, along with OnePiece's .NET Framework 1.1. (Yes, I forgot IE8 and WMP11!) I installed it in a VM and everything appears to work correctly. No error messages (aside from the "Your Video Card does not meet the minimum requirements" message)....Hope this helps you!EDIT: Oh, one last thing.... I really don't think that MCE will work on Starter Edition PCs because of some of the omissions/restrictions in those OSes.... So I felt comfortable doing the ExtraFileEdits to remove the Starter folder from TXTSETUP.SIF.... Edited October 4, 201113 yr by dougiefresh
October 5, 201113 yr Nice, mate :thumbsup_anim: !I'll release a version for XP Home french edition in few days :icon_cool: .EDIT :During my previous tests, this is modded things I've added (in green color, my ex-mod & in red, the new ones) :;=================================; Addon MCE05 pour XP par ricktendo64 |; Adapté pour XP familial par dougiefresh |; Intégrateur : RVMI |;----------------------------------------------------; Localisation [fr-FR] par Ken@fri |;=================================[general]builddate=12/09/2011description=Permet de convertir Windows XP Familial en XP Édition Media Center 2005.language=Frenchtitle=Media Center 2005version=5.1.2715.3011website= = XP[sysoc]Freestyle=ocgen.dll,OcEntry,medctroc.inf,HIDE,7SonicDVDandCDBurning=ocgen.dll,OcEntry,sonic.inf,,7WinPlus=ocgen.dll,OcEntry,plusoc.inf,,7[ExtraFileEdits]DOSNET.INF|d2 = \cmpnents\starter\I386|d3 = \cmpnents\mediactr\I386|1TXTSETUP.SIF|2 =%spcdname%,%spcdtagfilei%,,\cmpnents\starter\i386,1|3 = "%cd2name%","%cd2tagfilei%",,\cmpnents\mediactr\i386|1TXTSETUP.SIF| = 100,,,,,,,2,1| = 100,,,,,,,2,0,0|1[txtsetup_dirs]240 = ehome[FileMove]MCETEMP.CAB,..\CMPNENTS\MEDIACTR\I386\MEDIACTR.CABPLUS.CAB,..\CMPNENTS\MEDIACTR\I386\PLUS.CABSONIC.CAB,..\CMPNENTS\MEDIACTR\I386\SONIC.CAB[EditFile]I386\HIVESYS.INF,AddReg,AddMCERegI386\HIVESFT.INF,AddReg,AddFontsI386\HIVESFT.INF,Strings,AddStrings; I386\DOSNET.INF,Directories,AddDirs; I386\TXTSETUP.SIF,SourceDisksNames.x86,AddSourceDisksI386\TXTSETUP.SIF,Strings,AddStrings2[AddMCEReg]HKLM,"SYSTEM\WPA\MediaCenter","Installed",,"1"[AddFonts]HKLM,"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Fonts","%script_mt_bold%",,"scriptbl.ttf"HKLM,"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Fonts","%tahoma_small_cap_bold%",,"tahomscb.ttf"; [AddSourceDisks]; 3 = "%cd2name%","%cd2tagfilei%",,\components\mediactr\i386[AddStrings]script_mt_bold = "Script MT Bold (TrueType)"tahoma_small_cap_bold = "Tahoma Small Cap Bold (TrueType)"[AddStrings2]cd2name = "CD 2 de Windows XP Professionnel"cd2tagfilei = "\win51ip2"; [AddDirs]; d3 = \cmpnents\mediactr\I386[dosnet_files]d1,custsat.dlld1,medctroc.infd1,mediactr.catd3,mediactr.cabd1,ehOCGen.dlld1,msnp.axd1,plusoc.dlld1,plusoc.infd1,plus.catd3,plus.cabd1,scriptbl.ttfd1,sonic.infd1,sonic.catd3,sonic.cabd1,tahomscb.ttf[txtsetup_files]custsat.dll = 100,,,,,,,240,0,0medctroc.inf = 100,,,,,,,20,0, = 3,,,,,,_x,,3, = 100,,,,,,,,3,3ehOCGen.dll = 100,,,,,,,32,0, = 100,,,,,,,2,0,0plusoc.dll = 100,,,,,,,32,0,0plusoc.inf = 100,,,,,,,20,0, = 100,,,,,,,,3, = 3,,,,,,_x,,3,3psisdecd.dll = 100,,,,,,,2,0, = 100,,,,,,,2,0,0scriptbl.ttf = 1,,,,,,,22,0,0,,1,22sonic.inf = 100,,,,,,,20,0, = 100,,,,,,,,3, = 3,,,,,,_x,,3,3tahomscb.ttf = 1,,,,,,,22,0,0,,1,22[i386_compress]rvmtemp\extracted\medctroc.infrvmtemp\extracted\mediactr.catrvmtemp\extracted\ehocgen.dllrvmtemp\extracted\msnp.axrvmtemp\extracted\plusoc.dllrvmtemp\extracted\plusoc.infrvmtemp\extracted\plus.catrvmtemp\extracted\scriptbl.ttfrvmtemp\extracted\sonic.infrvmtemp\extracted\sonic.catrvmtemp\extracted\tahomscb.ttfAnd what about CD root files (WIN51IC, WIN51IC.SP3) and I386\SETUPP.INI? Did you mod them too? Edited October 6, 201113 yr by Ken@fri
October 6, 201113 yr Hi rick !all links are broken. Instead, a window with the message below appears :Notice: This domain name expired on 09/28/11 and is pending renewal or deletion :g: :g: :g:
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