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  • .NET 1.0 is not included in this addon, BTW MCE does not need it anymore, after update rollup 2 it now uses .NET 1.1 sp1

  • Here is a direct link to Rick's Media Center 2005 addon And also Multiupload links

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Hello Rick,

at first: great work! Integrating the MCE addon into a German XP Pro was successful (although the media center application was in English :) ). Then I replaced mediactr.cab, plus.cab and sonic.cab with the files from a German XP MCE SP2. After installing in a virtual machine the files were all there, but no shortcuts for the media center, the whole quick launch bar folder was missing, the standard theme wasn't changed to royale and there where no programs set for the start menu links for internet and e-mail (I didn't searched for further errors, this were the first problems I saw after install).

What is wrong? Do I have to change some files in the addon or in the media center cabs? You wrote something about INF and MUI files for a Turkish version earlier, but I don't know which files have to be replaced.

Thanks a lot!

greetz, loonydeluxe

Edited by loonydeluxe

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There is only English XP Media Center and you cannot just take the cabs from a media center disk and add them to the addon and have them work, becuase the files contained are different

There is only English XP Media Center and you cannot just take the cabs from a media center disk and add them to the addon and have them work, becuase the files contained are different

I got a little further. I replaced the files in the three cabs from your addon (rollup 2!) with the language specific versions from the language specific xp mce sp2 disc (pre-rollup 2!). Most of the errors are gone, so the windows settings like quick launch folder etc. are ok now, but some files from the media center app needs to be updated with the rollup2-files. I will post the results if I get this finally working.

Edited by loonydeluxe

I got a little further. I replaced the files in the three cabs from your addon (rollup 2!) with the language specific versions from the language specific xp mce sp2 disc (pre-rollup 2!). Most of the errors are gone, so the windows settings like quick launch folder etc. are ok now, but some files from the media center app needs to be updated with the rollup2-files. I will post the results if I get this finally working.

Now I have a localized MCE install disk :thumbsup_anim: I just had to replace all files from the three cab files with files from an installed windows xp mce + rollup 2(!) in the target language. For replacing the files I wrote a little program in C# that searched the localized files in the windows directory (and subdirectories) and merged it with the content of the addon cab files in a new directory. Integrated the localized addon with nLite, installed and worked. I have attached an English version of the replacing tool.

I found an "easter egg": The windows help still says its a XP Pro :-)


Edited by loonydeluxe

  • 1 month later...

Hi all

I'm a complete novice that wants to utilise this to install MCE onto a XP SP3 machine - can someone please post the exact steps (and any additional software) that I need to accomplish this?

Many thanks

Hey Ricktendo I've tried to implement this into my nLite install half a dozen times so far and all I can get working is the MSplus features but no Media Center. I can't figure out what is going wrong. Attached is my Last Session.ini


Finally got it WORKING

Here is the integration order:


OnePiece_WMP11AddOn_INTL_For_WinXP_Only_for_RVMi.7z(Read Carefully to use it properly)











I didn't integrate all of them together. I integrated in groups like above.

Now everything is working fine.

Rick can you kindly tell me how can i manually set the theme because every time Media Center theme is selected as the default theme even when i mention my own theme in WINNT.SIF file?

Something like this:

REG ADD "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Media Center" /V PutWallPaperNameHere /T REG_SZ /F /D "%SystemDrive%\WINDOWS\Web\Wallpaper\PutWallPaperNameHere.jpg"

REG ADD "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System" /V InstallVisualStyle /T REG_EXPAND_SZ /F /D "%SystemDrive%\WINDOWS\Resources\Themes\PutThemeNameHere.theme"

REG ADD "HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\ThemeManager" /V DllName /T REG_EXPAND_SZ /F /D "%SystemDrive%\WINDOWS\Resources\Themes\PutThemeNameHere.theme

REG ADD "HKU\.DEFAULT\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\ThemeManager" /V DllName /T REG_EXPAND_SZ /F /D "%SystemDrive%\WINDOWS\Resources\Themes\PutThemeNameHere.theme"

Correct me if im wrong please.

Thanks a lot Raoul. But can you also tell me how should i apply reg tweaks for theme?

Is there any special file i should modify or should i just add it using cmdlines.txt?

Just made myself simple .cmd.

@Echo Off


Color 9E

Mode 62,14

Title Themes Setup


echo Adding some things to the register...

REG ADD "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Media Center" /V PutWallPaperNameHere (without extension) /T REG_SZ /F /D "%SystemDrive%\WINDOWS\Web\Wallpaper\PutWallPaperNameHere.bmp"

REG ADD "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System" /V InstallVisualStyle /T REG_EXPAND_SZ /F /D "%SystemDrive%\WINDOWS\Resources\Themes\PutThemeNameHere.theme"

REG ADD "HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\ThemeManager" /V DllName /T REG_EXPAND_SZ /F /D "%SystemDrive%\WINDOWS\Resources\Themes\PutThemeNameHere.theme

REG ADD "HKU\.DEFAULT\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\ThemeManager" /V DllName /T REG_EXPAND_SZ /F /D "%SystemDrive%\WINDOWS\Resources\Themes\PutThemeNameHere.theme"


echo Done!


Edited by Raoul


This is a fantastic release. The dancer is ok with this integration. If you have a free time, can you release a similar job in italian language. Sorry for my english.

If you can't don't worry, Thanks a lot for all.

I have looking for a similar release on wincert. but i don't found.

  • 3 weeks later...

I've succesfully integrated this addon. It is working great. I think that the best way to work is integrating with nlite in this order on hotfix integration tab:

RMV update pack

onepiece windows media player 11

NR IE7(not required)

Net framework all in one v2,4 (from ryavm forum... this one works great)

all other addons

and ALWAYS last this media center addon, at least it works for me in that way.... And this can be done in one go.... no multiple sessions.

Also with this addon Ricks_SteadyState2.5_en does not work....

One question about sysdm.cpl:

2002 is the version of XP the media center is v2005

But what orbit30 reshacked was probably sysdm.cpl

180	Microsoft Windows XP
188 64-Bit Edition
189 Incrustado
190 Home Edition
191 Profesional
192 Servidor
193 Advanced Server
194 Datacenter
195 Version 2002

Edit: Confirmed it is sysdm.cpl


I used resource hacker (after integrating media center addon) on sysdm.cpl and I get only this

180, "Microsoft Windows XP"
188, "64-Bit Edition"
189, "Embedded"
190, "Home Edition"
191, "Professional"

instead of:

180	Microsoft Windows XP
188 64-Bit Edition
189 Incrustado
190 Home Edition
191 Profesional
192 Servidor
193 Advanced Server
194 Datacenter
195 Version 2002

why is this happening? what should I do to enter

"version 2005"

thanks ricktendo64

Keep up the good work!!!!

If you can just give us some info on how we can make a mui for different languages. Media Center greek does not exist and I have to transalate it.....

  • 2 weeks later...

Disaster Happen Not working after integraing Onepiece latest update pack. Tested 100 times not working. One more question is there a way so that it work with my WIndows Xp MCE 2005 SP3. Is there a way to run this through runonce cmd.

Edited by Jatin Beniwal

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Updated, removed away mode its crap

Small tweak to MEDCTROC.INF

Make sure if you use the old Vista Media Center to dl the Windows 7 Media Center instead, because of the small change in MEDCTROC.INF (you will not notice much of a difference only the startup sound)

Disaster Happen Not working after integraing Onepiece latest update pack. Tested 100 times not working. One more question is there a way so that it work with my WIndows Xp MCE 2005 SP3. Is there a way to run this through runonce cmd.

look at what u wrote,

now read the 1 st post very carefully.

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