Posted November 14, 200816 yr For English Windows XP and Vista.New Autorun 2009 (autostart of CD/DVD disk)Basic possibilities and some descriptions:- Reflection of system information about the system.- Reflection of information about an user, up to avatara.- Animation of lists, prompts and icons.- Added sound and animation for Autorun.- Most important, it is possibility of the complete editing Autorun by an user under itself, up to complete change of Autorun.To dispose in the root of distributive.In any case, download it and look.1. Winstyle 2008. 2. DarkGrey. 3. Blue Avrora. 4. Black Avrora. 5. Longhorh Avrora. Download1
November 21, 200816 yr As always prokazzza a quality release from you.Thanks.(Still waiting for WinStyle 2009)
November 21, 200816 yr Author As always prokazzza a quality release from you.Thanks.(Still waiting for WinStyle 2009)Winstyle 2009 Waiting ....
November 21, 200816 yr Very nice.Can you post the .ini in English?These are excellent!Again, can you translate the setup.ini into English please?
November 21, 200816 yr First of all, I really respect this work, far best I 've seen Prokazza. Good job.However I kinda lost the trust in the release of this work. I always hope this comes downloadable the next day I check WinCert, but again and again no..and no..Good stuff, too bad it takes so long. We can only see and not use..
November 21, 200816 yr Prokazza, we might host this release on our server so WinCert members can more easily download it. Are you interested to upload this to our server?
January 11, 200916 yr These are excellent!Again, can you translate the setup.ini into English please?I think these are really nice Autoruns. Unfortunately, I cannot use them if the .ini isn't in English.3rd and final request for English .ini please.
January 18, 200916 yr I think these are really nice Autoruns. Unfortunately, I cannot use them if the .ini isn't in English.3rd and final request for English .ini please.Thanks, that Autorun 2009 looks very good.In line 211 of setup.ini is small error. After Memory: %MemSize% should be MB instead of ę
January 18, 200916 yr 2 Mr_SmartepantsThe setup.ini is universal. You can replace setup.ini from another Autorun 2009.Yes, but all the ones I found have the .ini comments in a non-english language (settings=english, comments=NOT english). Google translator is no help.Unless of course you can tell me where to find an .ini with english comments in the .ini.That would be most helpful. Edited January 18, 200916 yr by Mr_Smartepants
January 23, 200916 yr Yes, but all the ones I found have the .ini comments in a non-english language (settings=english, comments=NOT english). Google translator is no help.Unless of course you can tell me where to find an .ini with english comments in the .ini.That would be most helpful. Please, look at this awkward translation. I hope it helps you ;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++;+ +;+ Autorun for Windows +;+ +;+ (C) Boa Software aka Safonow Yuri & prokazzza +;+ 28.09.2008 +;+ +;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++;;Example configuration file loader;;After creating this file should be located;In the directory and to have the name of the species;<Program name>. INI;All messages must be written in one line!; Line is replaced by '|'[UserDefined]Win=%WinDir%\Sys=%SystemRoot%\system32\[Default]; Here specify the window title bootloaderCaption=Welcome to Microsoft Windows XP; Here specify a hint, when nothing is selected; DefaultHint =; DefaultHintCaption =; Computer:% COMPUTERNAME% | Username:% USERNAME% |DefaultHintImage=SUPPORT\logo_ms.bmp; Here specify creator discCreator=prokazzza; Here you can point your; Here specify; Size box (only the client area!)Height=400Width=600; The path to the background pictureBackGround=SUPPORT\backgrnd.bmp; Transparency 0-255 (255-opaque)AlphaBlend=255; Smooth display of windowsShowBlend=1; Speed increments AlphaBlend If you do windowsIncBlend=10; Type casting / background images, the possible values; 0 Up; 1 Down; 2 Left; 3 Right; 4 HorzIn; 5 HorzOut; 6 VertIn; 7 VertOut; 8 TiledImage; 9 StretchImage; 10 ResizeToImageBackGroundType=0; Type a title and curb; 0 without a title and curb; 1 to border; 2 with the border and the title (by default); 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Other active buttons and inscriptions =====================================[Item_01E]FontName=TahomaType=BUTTONFontColor=ClWhiteFontActiveColor=clRedPage=1Left=650Top=-35FontSize=12FontBold=1Caption=MoreImage=SUPPORT\MORE.BMPHint=Action=#pageCmd=Param=2[Item_02D]FontName=TahomaType=BUTTONFontColor=ClWhiteFontActiveColor=clRedPage=2Left=650Top=-35FontSize=12FontBold=1Caption=BackImage=SUPPORT\LESS.BMPHint=Action=#pageCmd=Param=1[Item_03E]FontName=TahomaType=BUTTONFontColor=ClWhiteFontActiveColor=clRedPage=1Left=22Top=-35FontSize=12FontBold=1Caption=ExitImage=SUPPORT\CLOSE.BMPHint=Action=#closeCmd=Param=2[Item_04E]FontName=TahomaType=BUTTONFontColor=ClWhiteFontActiveColor=clRedPage=2Left=22Top=-35FontSize=12FontBold=1Caption=ExitImage=SUPPORT\CLOSE.BMPHint=Action=#closeCmd=Param=2[Item_06E]FontName=Tahoma;Type=BUTTONFontActiveColor=ClWhiteFontColor=ClWhitePage=1Left=275Top=535FontSize=8FontBold=1Caption= Edited January 28, 200916 yr by Rud
February 26, 200916 yr I found a glitch in this, when I run it, the start page background stretches, but if I click more, it goes to it's proper size. It distorts the background and causes everything to come out of alignment. I still like the autorun though, and added a couple options to the more page.
June 21, 201014 yr Very nice work!thanks ,its very handy to create a CD menu.even i create a CD menu for the emulated cdrom of my USB modem doggle,but all the Chinese on the interface can't be shown up,i got the same problem after recoding the ini file to different encodings,but it work like charm under windows 7,could you fix it support Chinese under XPwith the respect to youbjfrog Edited July 11, 201014 yr by bjfrog
June 24, 201014 yr wow my godso amazing picture : ??1. Winstyle 2008. ??2. DarkGrey. ??3. Blue Avrora. ??4. Black Avrora. ??5. Longhorh Avrora. ??very nice work thank you . here the new pic for you dear : Edited June 24, 201014 yr by rebi
December 30, 201113 yr Dear Sir Please tell me how to add more pages to the Autorun projectgive me the INF file with one extra page
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