August 16, 200717 yr Hello there! My first post, but isn't just for thank you (the bar looks really fantastic now!), and a have a problem.... (sorry if someone have the same problem, but I've read all the entire topic and found nothing!)The new Alky plus Sidebar works well on my PC. The problem is when I try to chance the skin! I've installed Sidebar Styler and dotnet 3.0, and downloaded some skins. So, I try to change the skin, but the Sidebar gives me an error, and doesn't open anymore!I've figured out that after I change the skin, a new file is created (sfc.dll), and when I delete it, the Sidebar works perfect again!!!! Why? I've tried to patch this DLL too, but without success (right button on it --> Patch vista Lybrary)This problem doesn't happen on my work's PC, just on the (two) pc's in my house!Anyone?EDIT: It works! Re-downloaded dotnet 3.0, reinstalled it, and finally works!!!!! Edited August 16, 200717 yr by flaviometal
August 22, 200717 yr Rick I downloaded some Skins {True Glass, Simple Glass & Diamond} but for some reason there is no transparency on this skin :crying_anim02: Do you know why ???I'm using here the True Glass Skin :icon_question:Having the same problem here
August 22, 200717 yr Author You need to patch the correct resources... If you don't want to use Windows Sidebar Styler use Restorator or Resourcetuner to patch RCData\20034 & 20035 (one is right and the other is left)
August 22, 200717 yr You need to patch the correct resources... If you don't want to use Windows Sidebar Styler use Restorator or Resourcetuner to patch RCData\20034 & 20035 (one is right and the other is left)Rick I'm using the Windows sidebar Styler but the TrueGlass or SimpleGlass doesn't show any transparency @ all. :icon_question: But anyway I find something different. A Sidebar Skin Gadget and there are many different skins you can apply right from your sidebar :thumbsup_anim: Fade, Clear, Curved Longhorn, Plex, Straight, Transparent Glass, AeroTribal, Aurora, BlackGlass, CurvedClear, Fresh, Simplistic VistaEdit: Forgot to mention that you must use the Windows Sidebar Styler in order you make this gadget working. Rick made a very great Windows Sidebar Styler v2.0.6 AddOn Edited August 22, 200717 yr by JurgenDoe
August 27, 200717 yr Hey Mark, I love the look and function of this but can't quite seem to get it to work properly. I have followed your steps and read through ALL of the replies in this section. I also can't remove the software either which is distressing. Anywho, here are some images to explainWhen uninstalling trying to use there is anything I can do to help please let me know. I really would like to get this problem solved!Really thank you for your time man,-hund
August 27, 200717 yr Author Are you sure you are using THIS version of the sidebar installer because I removed TASKKILL and replaced it with TSKILL for compliance with XP Home Users...Please download and install the latest Alky and use this installer remove the program simply delete the Windows Sidebar directory and fix it by reinstalling using the installer I posted above.BTW the delay load error means Wireless Lan API Hotfix is not installed (you can find a link on the first post)
August 27, 200717 yr Is this sidebar compatible with WindowBlinds?Alot of things messed up on my WB theme when I loaded the sidebar.Unloaded WB and everything good but I want to use my vista theme so bad.Help
August 28, 200717 yr Im also using VTP 7.0, do you know Rick if Sidebar has any issues with the transformation pack?
August 28, 200717 yr No issues with VTP as long as you don't have the sidebar included running at the same time, and Glass2k and the sidebar don't get along well. Edited August 28, 200717 yr by DMHolt57
August 28, 200717 yr I don't know if anyone else already have figured this out but for you guys having problems with the weather gadget:Go to C:\Program Files\Windows Sidebar\Gadgets\Weather.Gadget. Create a new folder and name it as your regional setting. For my part it would be sv-SE (Sweden). Copy the contents of the en-US folder to the newly created folder. The close the gadget in the sidebar and open it again. That worked for me. :thumbsup_anim:
August 28, 200717 yr Author sv-SV will only work BTW on a sv-SV version of XP. To find out what locale OS you have put this in %WinDir%\system32 and open the CMD prompt and type LCID (requires .Net Framework)
August 28, 200717 yr No issues with VTP as long as you don't have the sidebar included running at the same time, and Glass2k and the sidebar don't get along well.Ok thanks, Im not using any of those :thumb_yello:
August 28, 200717 yr Hey about your Sidebar, Got it working perfectly, very beautiful work man. I am such a ditz though; I had gotten it from another source and had figured it had the hotfix in there and I had used it already, I was mistaken of course. Not too mention you were right, it was an old .exe bundled in there to confuse me more...:doh: And sorry for calling you Mark, haha, one of those days...Anyways, thanks a bunch for helping my dumb self out! :worthy:-hund
August 28, 200717 yr Is this sidebar compatible with WindowBlinds?Alot of things messed up on my WB theme when I loaded the sidebar.Unloaded WB and everything good but I want to use my vista theme so bad.HelpYup the sidebar is compatible with WB. Running right now WB 6 Beta and everything is running smoothly :thumbsup_anim: Nothing gets messed up here. I heard that WB 5 had some issues with Photoshop CS3 what I had experienced by myself but with WB 6 Beta everything is running fine now :thumb_yello:
September 1, 200717 yr Anyone know how to get rid of the pink box surrounding the cpu gadgets same as mentioned in post 106, I am using windows home on a laptop I have spent two hours trying to fix this. I did a new clean install all the way. New alky Install went ok, re-registering dll's ok still no go. I do not have this problem on my desktop with windows pro Any help would be appreciated. Thanks segun
September 1, 200717 yr Author Anyone know how to get rid of the pink box surrounding the cpu gadgets same as mentioned in post 106, I am using windows home on a laptop I have spent two hours trying to fix this. I did a new clean install all the way. New alky Install went ok, re-registering dll's ok still no go. I do not have this problem on my desktop with windows pro Any help would be appreciated. Thanks segunMake sure IE7 and WMP11 is installed.
September 1, 200717 yr Hi, this looks really cool, but i have a few questions You say its 100% uninstallable, does this mean i can't create a system restore point and restore if something goes wrong?Can other users hide the sidebar? Because im sure other people (i.e my dad) may get fustrated if he had some unistallable software stuck on his user Thanks
September 2, 200717 yr Make sure IE7 and WMP11 is installed.Both IE7 and WMP11 are installed. Pink box behind cpu gauges, pink outline behind iweather, pink mixed in with media player. most gadgets look and work ok. I tried everthing I know and have hit a wall. This seems to be a ongoing problem with some users with no solution? Edited September 2, 200717 yr by seguns
September 5, 200717 yr good morning i have a problem 2 days ago my sidebar it's ok but today is died ... so the exe don't open i have tryed to restart windows but nothing the sidebar won't to play.... what can i do? so sorry for my english but i'm italian... :crying_anim02:
September 5, 200717 yr nothing the process start and immediatly close .... what can i do? thanks so much!