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  • OnePiece

    Hi guys, about KB4012598  just integrate it with nLite after integrating Update Pack Or, is simple hotfix that includes only 2 files so anyone who wants will be able to integrate it in updatepack

  • ricktendo

    You can also add dsksrch.chm to keep files in nLite, that's what I recommended my udpck users do before I added it to my entries.ini to protect

  • i meant only slimdown XP drivers on XP source integrated v2.9.0 by nlite,the XP intall will corrupt,All components can't be installed.,but this dont happen to the unslimdown source integrated v2.9.0 I

You're welcome but you must thank Onepiece instead. I'm only the newsposter ;)

Well, thanks to you both! I'm using a lot of Onepiece's fine work and hope he continues the updates!


Thank you very much for the update pack! Used previous versions many times. I'm trying your new customizer but i have a question. I've unpacked the AIO Update and ran the customizer, now how do i repack it? I tried with 7zip on ultra but it repacks way larger that the original size. Shouldn't it be smaller? What am i missing?

nvm my last post i somehow managed to extract a copy of the folder into itself doubling the size of it , effectively increasing the size of the resulting 7zip. sorry.

it would appear as though i still have a problem, but a different one this time. so i was able to extract the onepiece addon, run the customizer, then 7zip the resulting folder with ultra compression. i now have a custom onepiece addon totaling 70.4 mb. my problem is nlite says it is an unsupported file. any ideas?

  • Author

Pack updated.

Onepiece has decided to remove the... Remover and to replace it with single disabling addon: they're successfully tested with RVMi 1.6 (but not with Nlite).

Furthermore, he decided that IE7 and WMP11 are mandatory for his pack, so no removal addons for them: you can always unistall them from WCW or use a DIY way to remove it. .NET 1.1 is back too, but you can disable it

Edited by nonno fabio

Hi nonno fabio

When I shutdown or restart or logoff I get these error

after integration of OnePiece_Windows_XP_Post-SP3_UpdatePack_v2.2.0_ENU.7z


any solution ?

thx in advance

Edited by fungus

only thing left is include rick's mce 2k5 addon and it becomes a complete mamoth pack ;)


na behet qejfi kur shqiptaret na nderojne ;)


strange i didn't encounter that

Edited by felix3650

Don't install Desktop Search 4.0 :thumbsdown_anim:

Desktop Search is included in this update pack

is it posible to get desktop search out from this update pack as well as entries ?

Desktop Search is included in this update pack

is it posible to get desktop search out from this update pack as well as entries ?


use that


it would remove Windows search

it works with RVM well as OnePiece Said

see first post

and OnePiece you should fix that language typo

it`s March not Marzo


Hello, When you enter Nonno Fabio respond better about your problem, because my English, I can not explain how it should be, however, your problem is not never seen him, so we believe that other reasons and through no fault of the update pack, so a good test would take to clean a CD winxpsp3 supplement the pack with no chest RVMi no other thing in cd, and install cd in the VM, and see later if you find problems or not ?????

@DaRk MaDnEsS,

Hello, It is the right, but always to the limit with the time and doing what you always run away at times certain things, the links being INTL fate or copy paste the section Wincert Italian, for this scribe Marzo, Marzo and ITA, however, thanks to your report as soon as we can make the change.


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Edited by OnePiece

4 new updates to intergrate please

security update for windows xp (KB960225)

security update for windows xp (KB958690)

update for windows xp (KB959772)

windows malicious software removal tool - march 2009 (KB890830)

many thanks in advance...

I use nLite to carve my xp pro sp3 cd. I added those lines into my nLite ini







But when xp is installed, wga notification is there. Where am i going wrong?

But when xp is installed, wga notification is there. Where am i going wrong?

because this is your first post and it should be in the introduction section..

Don't you think so ? try it...

because this is your first post and it should be in the introduction section..

Don't you think so ? try it...

Ill introduce myself, but what's the problem i post my first post here? :)

Hello domyrat, sorry for my English.

then, and difficult to reach an issue if you put many addon, integrates only update pack, and remove the addon to integrate with RVMi (although in these cases the Disable_WGAN_AddOn.7z should be ok for nLite), after testing in VM, where still see problems, then make sure you have used a CD cleaner, and then try to integrate with the pack RVMi, to be sure the problem and in the pack or in the integration.


Ok this is the thing.

When i add to nLite .ini file like this:







Integration of your pack goes as it should, but when it comes to disable wga addon see the pictures (there are many more except those)


So i guess there is no problem with more addons, it goes one by one, and errors on wga addon (other addons pass as they should). So what do you think?

uh, now i read the last line of first post, its stated that nlite doesnt support this removal addons :(

ill try to remove them with ryans then.

your problem is not nlite I think, there is "Microsoft_Silverlight_v2.0.40115.0" in tha t OnePiece_Addon. I suggest you try to integrate this one separately, then re do the process with "DotNetFx_All_In_1_Addon_v2.4.7z

Kels_Runtimes_addon_v5.1.rar" also separately and then other Addons. This a personal experience I have made with some Addons.

Hope this can help somewhat.

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