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  • OnePiece

    Hi guys, about KB4012598  just integrate it with nLite after integrating Update Pack Or, is simple hotfix that includes only 2 files so anyone who wants will be able to integrate it in updatepack

  • ricktendo

    You can also add dsksrch.chm to keep files in nLite, that's what I recommended my udpck users do before I added it to my entries.ini to protect

  • i meant only slimdown XP drivers on XP source integrated v2.9.0 by nlite,the XP intall will corrupt,All components can't be installed.,but this dont happen to the unslimdown source integrated v2.9.0 I

Yesterday release 2.6.2 which I can't download it.

Today it's a new one.

Wow, thank you so much and I can download it.

Thank you OnePiece, Ricktendo64.

Here my problem.. OnePiece.. you are the bestones.. I still want used "windows desktop search".. but i had actived the "remove help files" in nLite, offcourse it's remove all hlp, chm files.. and the problem has blow up.. I can't install my xp integrate iso with successfull.. untill i put it back that "dsksrch.chm" file from my integrate backup. Can you creat a addons to other part for "windows desktop search".. :naughty: sorry about my english.. :shy:

Here my problem.. OnePiece.. you are the bestones.. I still want used "windows desktop search".. but i had actived the "remove help files" in nLite, offcourse it's remove all hlp, chm files.. and the problem has blow up.. I can't install my xp integrate iso with successfull.. untill i put it back that "dsksrch.chm" file from my integrate backup. Can you creat a addons to other part for "windows desktop search".. :naughty: sorry about my english.. :shy:

I would say just to rebuild your disk instead of asking for a singularly needed addon...

Mr Kels.. it's realy confused me.. finally i doing with along way... first i remove the help files with nlite and then i integrate it with this new release OnePiece Pack.. it's work fine... ^_^ But, thanks for you respon Mr. Kels..

You can also add dsksrch.chm to keep files in nLite, that's what I recommended my udpck users do before I added it to my entries.ini to protect

Nah... How can i forget this short way with the special options in nLite.. just keep the files... Hahaha... thank you so much ricktendo64... :thumbsup_anim:

At the begining, I am an Egyptian man talking Arabic so please forgive me for my boor english languages

Second of all thank you for trying to get the benefit of your beautiful site

I made my copy is working efficiently, but I have a big problem to be resolved

Note me please:

original win + integrate onepice update(107mega) with help of rvm integrator + net framwork all in one(66mega)+ some program (200 mega)=909 mega

all things is all right and working very good

but i want to reduce the size

so when i use the nlite or cab remove files-(rvm intergrator)- to do this some program install and some not install

note: which install that i find it in the folder svcback and which don't install that i find it in the folder i386

pleas tell me why and what is the solve

  • Author

if you want to slightly shrink your Windows CD, make a copy of your original clean XP SP3 source and integrate Onepiece XP post SP3 AIO Update Pack only and you get a 678-680 MB folder

Then delete the "CMPNENTS" folder from the updated source and you'll loose 22-23 MB more. At this point run Nlite again and integrate a .NET 3.5 SP1 addon (there's no need for a bigger .NET AIO addon). You'll get an about 690 MB folder, just like an original Windows Setup CD. Create an .iso and test it on a VM: if it's all OK, you can now integrate your preferred addons and components removal. Be careful: add them one-by-one and test everytime the new .iso on a VM

To further onepeices advice =

You ONLY need the 1386 folder and the 3+ win51** files that are at the root of the disk.

WIN9XMIG, WIN9XUPG and WINNTUPG. This will free up 37+ MB

If you have a localized language version of Windows in your own language, then you probably can also delete:

LANG. This will free up approximately 99 MB (This may vary)

Easily saving 200-ish megs all done by hand.

For walled (egyptian), i just want to make sure you one more times... to use cab remover you must used with RVM Integrator ver 1.6.1 beta 2.1. It's not worked with ver 1.6.

For all th staff and the admin in this OnePiece forums... can i create a blog with myself language about this forums.. because this pack is very usefull for every people and i want to share it with my all friend...

hi OnePiece or nonofabio please dont remove link

i using slow conection when i download complete

post again ok i want download in 2 or 3 day

and everything ok, the pack does not update the most up to release another update released by microsoft, so I think this will be the link for at least another 10 days

if you want to slightly shrink your Windows CD, make a copy of your original clean XP SP3 source and integrate Onepiece XP post SP3 AIO Update Pack only and you get a 678-680 MB folder

Then delete the "CMPNENTS" folder from the updated source and you'll loose 22-23 MB more. At this point run Nlite again and integrate a .NET 3.5 SP1 addon (there's no need for a bigger .NET AIO addon). You'll get an about 690 MB folder, just like an original Windows Setup CD. Create an .iso and test it on a VM: if it's all OK, you can now integrate your preferred addons and components removal. Be careful: add them one-by-one and test everytime the new .iso on a VM

If even YOU recommend the .NET 3.5 SP1 addon it begs the obvious question why .NET (all versions or 3.5) in the OnePiece pack? I know you dont like to consider changes but it seems so obvious. The pack contains everything else!





i'm getting that error that happens with regards to these files, i've isolated everything else i can think of to solve this but i found that integrating this pack causes this.

i've used this pack for ages but only since the last 6-8 months this started 1st i though it was my addons then my os then thought it maybe rvmi/nlite but redownloading all those etc still get the same issue.

even tried swapping os :was using xp before now using windows7rc as my os .

what can i do?

  • Author

@Methanoid: as today, the only .NET integrable in "true mode" inside XP setup source is 1.x

@spidernz: AFAIK framedyn.dll/srclient.dll errors mean failed integration. You must use a clean XP SP3 source and, using RVM integrator 1.6.1 b.2.1, add one by one the update pack and all your preferred addons to identify the addon that breaks the .inf file. This mean: run RVMi and integrate the update pack; when finished rerun RVMi and integrate the RVMi repair addon, build the .iso and test on a VM; if O.K. run again RVMi and add your first addon on the updated source, build a new .iso and retest; and so on....

@Methanoid: as today, the only .NET integrable in "true mode" inside XP setup source is 1.x

@spidernz: AFAIK framedyn.dll/srclient.dll errors mean failed integration. You must use a clean XP SP3 source and, using RVM integrator 1.6.1 b.2.1, add one by one the update pack and all your preferred addons to identify the addon that breaks the .inf file. This mean: run RVMi and integrate the update pack; when finished rerun RVMi and integrate the RVMi repair addon, build the .iso and test on a VM; if O.K. run again RVMi and add your first addon on the updated source, build a new .iso and retest; and so on....

i've done that, got another iso checked the hashes with ms ones to make sure its good and it is, then ran nlite with nothing but this pack to make sure it's the pack, and it is.

and it's happened with last few packs to.

i've done that, got another iso checked the hashes with ms ones to make sure its good and it is, then ran nlite with nothing but this pack to make sure it's the pack, and it is.

and it's happened with last few packs to.

well try to just first run nlite then remove what you want to remove

then close it then rerun and only integrate the pack

and try it

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