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  • OnePiece

    Hi guys, about KB4012598  just integrate it with nLite after integrating Update Pack Or, is simple hotfix that includes only 2 files so anyone who wants will be able to integrate it in updatepack

  • ricktendo

    You can also add dsksrch.chm to keep files in nLite, that's what I recommended my udpck users do before I added it to my entries.ini to protect

  • i meant only slimdown XP drivers on XP source integrated v2.9.0 by nlite,the XP intall will corrupt,All components can't be installed.,but this dont happen to the unslimdown source integrated v2.9.0 I

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Updated: switched .Net updates from QFE to GDR branch to improve WU/MU compatibility.

This because in dotnet updates MicrosoftUpdate forces GDR over QFE branch, which always has an higher build, so this could cause MU/WU to fail with repeated and annoying attempts.

Anyway for the braves who despite that still want a full QFE branch updated .net true integration there's also an additional addon to overwrite GDR updated files added by Onepiece's 3.5 SP1 GDR true addon with QFE ones.

Edited by nonno fabio

my dear Onepiece and nonno Fabio always Fascinating your work strong and I have no words what we should say it to you

but i have query and desire

the quire: Why with the modern versions of your update I find the slow process in setup windows with the observation that it takes a lot of time in 23 minutes at the stage of this

desire: Why do not create to us a special program deals with erase components such as nLite because I noticed that problems appear after enter the updated version to the program nLite when I want to reduce the size of windows

in the end i want to be sure to you that no problem for your update

and i pray to god bless you

Edited by wallled

my dear Onepiece and nonno Fabio always Fascinating your work strong and I have no words what we should say it to you

but i have query and desire

the quire: Why with the modern versions of your update I find the slow process in setup windows with the observation that it takes a lot of time in 23 minutes at the stage of this

desire: Why do not create to us a special program deals with erase components such as nLite because I noticed that problems appear after enter the updated version to the program nLite when I want to reduce the size of windows

in the end i want to be sure to you that no problem for your update

and i pray to god bless you

My brother Walid : for 23 minutes during the installation of windows, installation takes some time, because at that stage is the installation of packages net Frame Work and Installation times vary depending on the strength of your computer

For my dear one piece

Following the merger of the new package 4.1 on Windows XP clean untouched was that the same problem, namely:

Theme is the default Classic

I can not open turn off windows button at start menu

I can not open add remove programs icon in the Control Panel

please , help me

  • Author

@wallled: Simply use RVMi to integrate first the updatepack then to add every Onepiece's Remove Addon you like. Now you can use Nlite on your source if you want to add or remove something more (but be careful with the removal.

@medozzz0: if you are sure that your source is untouched, use RVM integrator and retry to integrate updatepack only (verify if pack MD5 hash is correct) and test the iso on a VM.

my dear Onepiece and nonno Fabio

thanks for both of you

thanks @medozzz0 for replay me

i expect that answer and i expect that late time in 23 minute is for installing the package of framework but i love to be sure of my expect

but why i didn't find OnePiece_Remove files for all component of windows i hope you solve this for us

because i want no deals with nlite for making my peace win

why you never answer my old request to Divided the update to 2 or 3 parts for easy download and upload to other server like mediafire megabloade

more love for best site

Edited by wallled

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During Windows setup you can always press Ctrl+F11 to see what's happening.

OnePiece_Remove Addons only removes Windows optional components added by pack itself. Once ago, there was some interesting remove addons from keytotime http://www.ryanvm.net/forum/viewtopic.php?p=20343#20343 but the links are dead now.

Unfortunately OnePiece has connection problem due to Albanian ISPs and it's not so easy for him uploading his work everywhere

  • 3 weeks later...

been using your update packs for a while now.

and it justs get better. just wanted to say, a big thank you..

people should really pay for this type of work. :rolleyes: your way too kind.

OK, ENU release it here, I found it in OnePieces files and upload on Hotfile.

OnePiece Windows XP Post-SP3 UpdatePack v4.1.0 ENU

Changelog (ITA - similar as ENU):

4.1.0-16.09.10: KB975558_WM11, KB981322, KB982802 (Sostituisce KB974841-v2), KB2121546 (Sostituisce KB950312), KB2124261, KB2141007, KB2158563 (Sostituisce KB981793), KB2259922, KB2270406, KB2282612 (Sostituisce KB975562), KB2290570, KB2347290, MRT v3.11, (KB931125) Root Certificate Update - Agosto 2010 , Microsoft Silverlight 4.0.50826.0



Edited by George King

  • 1 month later...

Updated.Now XP post-SP3 AIO UpdatePack can be integrated in a XP MCE 2005 SP3 source.First you must slipstream Service Pack 3 on a clean XP MCE SP2 source with the help of Universal UpdatePack/Addon Creator.Then integrate UpdatePack using Nlite or RVMi. As you know Onepiece's UpdatePack cannot include MCE-specific hotfixes, as RollUp KB900325 and KB973768, but you can run them from Svcpack at T-13: KB900325 needs a running .net 1.1 framework to install and it will find it.

Can you help me I cannot understand the Italian guide. Is it the classic method that we integrate updates using /integrate switch or something else?

Can somebody transalate it in Engilsh? Google chrome does the half work.....

I have a issue when using the updatepack. The issue I have is when I go to install diskeeper 2009 or 2010 during the installation the windows installer service crashes and the setup errors with a MSI 1719 error. The steps I used to create the Windows XP ISO:1. Integrated SP3 into a clean Windows XP Home SP2 source with Nlite2. Integrated OnePiece's update pack with RVM3. Created an ISO with Nlite4. Installed Windows XP Home SP3 + Update pack in VMware5. Installed Diskeeper 2010 and then received windows installer error 1719.What I have to tried:1. Integrated SP3 into a clean Windows XP Home SP2 source with Nlite and created an ISO2. Installed Windows XP Home with SP3 and then installed diskeeper 2010 without any issues3. I then uninstalled diskeeper 20104. Installed Windows Installer 4.55. Reinstalled Diskeeper 2010 without issuesAt first I thought the issue might be between the windows installer 4.5 and diskeeper but after installing 4.5 and then installing diskeeper 2010 on a windows xp source without onepiece's update pack I then realized it may be something else in the update pack that is causing the issue. I was also able to install Microsoft Office and various other applications that use the windows installer service with onepiece's update pack integrated and had no issues. The issue seems to be related to diskeeper and the update pack only.Thanks for any help.

I have the same problem also using 4.1.0 version of the update pack. I've checked microsoft site and it says if windows installer service is running that means that you have corrupted windows installer 4.5 and recommends to reinstall it...

Please check it if you can.

hi, i have a winxp cd with net framework on it,,my question is, it is ok to remove that net framework on my winxp cd cause i will later integrate onepiece update pack that has net framework or should i just leave it there? thank you...

and a choice, you can remove from your CD and after dotnet integrate the update pack, which includes all dotnet from v1 to v4 .., or you can keep those and then remove dotnet from the update pack, using the addon remove

I recommend removing dotnet from winxp cd, and then integrate the update pack

Nonno Fabio when it comes, will respond better


hi, i have a winxp cd with net framework on it,,my question is, it is ok to remove that net framework on my winxp cd cause i will later integrate onepiece update pack that has net framework or should i just leave it there? thank you...

What is wrong with your original disk? I.e. the ms one that has NO .net integrated.

What is wrong with your original disk? I.e. the ms one that has NO .net integrated.

i have a winxp sp3 cd,,it has a .net framework on it, i guess it's .net v1.0,,,and i think it is there by default but i'm not so sure about that, correct me if i'm wrong... btw, i never bought it in ms,, i'm sure you know what i mean or where i did i get it. may i ask if the original winxp sp3 cd doesn't have a .net framework or a dotnet folder in it's directory...thank you...

  • 2 weeks later...
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