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Advanced Control Panel and Profile Editor for nVidia cards



nVidia's modern graphic cards offer a whole range of settings to optimize the display of games and also of professional applications.

Some settings can also be used to improve the performance and to resolve rendering errors.

nHancer is the tool that empowers both experts and inexperienced users to fully utilize the possibilities of the graphic card.

To get an impression of the possible improvements please check out these comparison examples:

Anti-Aliasing comparison

Anisotropic filter comparison

Extensive explanations for all the various settings are directly shown in nHancer, enabling newcomers to immediately understand the effects of those settings. Experts, on the other hand, can use the advanced options to adjust every detail to their preferences.

One of the most prominent features of nVidia graphic cards is the support for automatic profiles. By using those profiles it's possible to optimize the rendering for every game or application without the need to manually adjust all the settings each time before starting it. nHancer greatly improves the management of those profiles, so anybody can use them very easily.

Feature Overview

* Support of Forceware/GeForce drivers version 60 and later, including the new 180+ versions

* Support of all GeForce cards, including the new GeForce GTX 2x0 lines

* Supports Windows Vista and DirectX 10

* Support for single card, SLI, Quad-SLI and DirectX 10 SLI systems

* On-the-fly control of all global quality and performance-enhancing settings for all games

* Create and manage fully automated profiles for all your games

* Very easy to use, explains all options and their effects, like Anti Aliasing, Anisotropic Filtering, etc.

* Special options for nVidia's SLI feature, allowing you to to use almost every game with SLI even if nVidia doesn't support it

* Offers additional Anti Aliasing and Anisotropic Filtering modes, that are not available through nVidia's control panel

* Allows the modification of fixed settings included in nVidia's predefined profiles.

* Flexible user interface: change the size of the window and all sub areas

* User interface and help texts available in various languages (right now English, German, Polish and Italian)

* Coexists perfectly with nVidia's own control panel and other tools, like aTuner or RivaTuner. nHancer will immediately detect any changes made by any other tool.

System requirements for nHancer

* Any nVidia GeForce graphic card

* Windows 2000, XP, 2003 or Vista (32 and 64bit)

* Forceware driver version 60 or higher

* MS .NET Framework 2.0 or later

Release date: 26-jan-2009

Licence: Freeware

Author of the program: www.nhancer.com

Add-On 32bit:

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Add-On 64bit:

md5.png 066C1C42719065CBAA4D7F3A33094AD7

size.png 1.25MB


Edited by DennyMK

  • Replies 116
  • Views 32.5k
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Zortam Mp3 Media Studio 8.85


# Auto tag your Mp3 music collection using the Zortam Music Interent Database (ZMLIMD)

# Mp3 Tagger and MP3 Manager and iPod Manager

# iPod Mp3 file transfer back to your PC and to Zortam Mp3 library

# Play, normalize and burn Mp3's directly from your iPod

# Zortam Mp3 Player with cover arts and lyrics support

# Organize Mp3 music and edit tags in your audio library with a powerful interface

# Load 50000 Mp3's and more with the speed of light

# ID3 Tag Editor (Mp3 Tagger) with seperate views for ID3v1 and ID3v2.4 Tags

# Download song lyric and download cover arts (Album covers) from the Zortam Music Interent Database using batch processing - iPod and iTunes ready

# Normalize your Mp3's with Volume Normalizer and set custom volume in dB

# Rip your CD with CD Ripper and tag your songs in one single step with cover arts(artworks) and lyrics

# Batch Wav to Mp3 converter and vice versa

# Burn Audio or Mp3 CD

# Print HTML Lyrics book width cover arts

# Powerful drag & drop playlist manager

# Write ID3 Tags from filename

# Delete ID3 Tags, delete cover arts, delete lyrics (ID3 Tag Remover)

# Search for duplicate Mp3's

# Batch file rename using information from ID3 tags(Mp3 Renamer)

# Write ID3 tags using information from filename

# Add karaoke and midi files directly to ID3 tags

# All options are supporting batch processing

# Use mp3 tag lookup using Zortam Music Interent Database for auto tagging

# Automatically add lyrics and cover arts to your iPod

# Plus match more ...

Languages Supported:

# English

# Dansk

# Deutsch

# Dutch

# French

# Italian

# Japanese

# Korean

# Magyar

# Poland

# Portuguese

# Russian

# Spanish

-Added Zortam Mp3 Player 1.50 in full screen graphic mode.

-Added My rating and BPM frames.

-Implemented auto tagging from Zortam Music Database(ZMLIMD) for all ID3 tags including cover arts, lyrics, genres, album, years, comments and track numbers.

-Added visualization to Zortam Mp3 Player which supports lyrics and cover arts -CD Ripper automatically tags all Mp3 Tags including lyrics and cover arts(album artwork)

Zortam Mp3 Player 1.50 will enable you to listen all your favorite tracks and at the same time enjoy a show of lights and images visualizing the covers of your albums and song lyrics.You can add additional visualization plugins using Zortam visualization SDK .You can watch scrolling lyrics and cover arts together with different visualizations or static jpg backgrounds while playing Mp3's. Player also supports switching to full sreen graphic mode adding your own backgrounds and plugins.

You can make your own visualization using

Zortam Visualization SDK.

OS: Win all

Zortam Mp3 Player needs DirectX9 to work properly if it is not already installed.

Release date: 31-jan-2009

Licence: Freeware

Author of the program: www.zortam.com


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Edited by DennyMK

Save2PC Light 3.44


save2pc Light is a free tool that downloads videos from Youtube or Google Video and saves it as Avi or Mpeg or Flv file to your local computer. Download High Quality videos and High Definition videos from YouTube.

save2pc allows you to easily grab and save desired youtube video. The user interface of save2pc is very simple, so you don't need any technical knowledge to use it. No need to use scripts for web browsers. Just run save2pc and start downloading!

save2pc is a small, fast, useful, practical and powerful. It has a clean, simple interface.

Simply paste the URL of a video into the program, press Start , and the AVI, MPEG or FLV file will be downloaded into the selected folder. You dont need any players to play flash video just play it on the defult media player classic.

save2pc is a completly FREE Software. It contains absolutely NO ADWARE, NO SPYWARE, NO REGISTRATION, NO POPUPS, NO MALWARE or other unwanted software.

OS: Win all

Release date: 31-jan-2009

Licence: Freeware

Author of the program: www.save2pc.com


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Edited by DennyMK

thanks DennyMK

thanks DennyMK

Hi, nice to see you mona ;)

Updated to v1.6.3

Updated to Final version and full size

Edited by DennyMK

thanks allways nice addon DennyMK

Downloading now. I'll try it now.

I really lack a decent antivirus software since AVG doesn't support SP3 platform yet.

Thank you for this Denny.




You have a desktop.ini within your .exe file. Hehe :D

Edited by Nomadturk

Downloading now. I'll try it now.

I really lack a decent antivirus software since AVG doesn't support SP3 platform yet.

Thank you for this Denny.




You have a desktop.ini within your .exe file. Hehe :D

Hehe, you are welcome. That's a icon of my cat lol :P


Tried it at my pc. My first sentences were:

"Damn! It launches it's control panel!"

Thus, following your steps i've created another one with the updated file from the site.

This one doesn't show anything whilst installing and closes the control panel 10 seconds after it launches. (I wasn't sure if it would be wise to close it right after. So i used sleep.exe to wait 10 seconds)


Current Version:

Released: February 3, 2009


And oh... Mine does not have a desktop.ini either, hehe. :D

Here we go:

Name: Nomads-PCAntivirus-Addon.exe

MD5: 07391378e4277237088a9a803f257c53

Size: 29.970.698 Bytes

Download (MediaFire)


Tried it at my pc. My first sentences were:

"Damn! It launches it's control panel!"

Thus, following your steps i've created another one with the updated file from the site.

This one doesn't show anything whilst installing and closes the control panel 10 seconds after it launches. (I wasn't sure if it would be wise to close it right after. So i used sleep.exe to wait 10 seconds)


Current Version:

Released: February 3, 2009


And oh... Mine does not have a desktop.ini either, hehe. :D

Here we go:

Name: Nomads-PCAntivirus-Addon.exe

MD5: 07391378e4277237088a9a803f257c53

Size: 29.970.698 Bytes

Download (MediaFire)

Wow, I'm out of date with both add-ons. Thanks. And I'll make an update with your sleep exe ;). By the way nothing bad happens if you close that window, but silent is better. Thanks for the idea ;)

Edited by DennyMK

I'll be trying it without sleep.exe then. I was just waiting to try it.

Removing it won't be a problem. Just edit the install.bat and drag it in.

Silent is better. Since i am trying to create only unattended systems, I wouldn't want a user to click any place. (:

Anyway, let me try this without sleep.exe then i may update it if need be.

Updated to v.

Updated to v.

Hehe, you know what?

I've just updated mine. I think you may want to check it out too.


Gotcha this time, updated ;)

Denny, check this new bat i use.

cWnd /HIDE @
tskill pctav
"%programfiles%\Registry Mechanic\unins000.exe" /VERYSILENT /SP- /NORESTART

See anything new? (:

I realized that this antivirus was installing Registry Mechanic trial along with it. So, i've added this uninstall code. A lame way maybe. But... I didn't wan't to struggle with AutoIT since i know too less of it's language. And i don't know it it has any such switches to not to let it be installed...

Anyway, i think this is the link to the new one. http://www.mediafire.com/?4etdz2iz1dc

Denny, check this new bat i use.

cWnd /HIDE @
tskill pctav
"%programfiles%\Registry Mechanic\unins000.exe" /VERYSILENT /SP- /NORESTART

See anything new? (:

I realized that this antivirus was installing Registry Mechanic trial along with it. So, i've added this uninstall code. A lame way maybe. But... I didn't wan't to struggle with AutoIT since i know too less of it's language. And i don't know it it has any such switches to not to let it be installed...

Anyway, i think this is the link to the new one. http://www.mediafire.com/?4etdz2iz1dc

Yeah, I've noticed that Registry Mechanic trial too :confused02: . Anyway, got to update again :rolleyes: . Thanks again ;)

[Edit]: Done and uploading

Edited by DennyMK

Finally fixed, no Registry Mechanic trial. Big Thanks to my teacher @wolfcall.

Mozilla Firefox 3.0.6 на македонски


Огнената Лисица и на Македонски (Add-On) (Macedonian Language Firefox)

Не заборавајте ја подесете Македонската јазична поддршка (во спротивно македонските букви ќе ги гледате како хиероглифи).

(Don't forget to set language support for macedonian language, otherwise you won't be able to see the cyrilic text).

OS: Win all

Release date: 03-feb-2009

Licence: Freeware

Author of the program: www.mozilla.com


md5.png 277AFD9E04D090698CA53C271193BB02

size.png 7.44MB


Add-On 2-in-1 Firefox and AdobeFlashPlayer10:

md5.png 535D62CD2395024E211246664E1E3D9B

size.png 9.18MB


Edited by DennyMK


Upadted to v.1.6.5

FurMark 1.6.5 ChangeLog:

* Change: workaround for Catalyst 9.1 when Catalyst A.I is enabled: all textures used by FurMark are now in 4-channel RGBA format (in the previous versions, some textures were in 3-channel RGB format…).
* Change: the OpenGL version used by the renderer is now displayed in stability test mode (near renderer’s description) - thanks to David Legrand;)
* Change: by default the creation of an OpenGL 3.0 rendering context is disabled. If you want to enable it, just start FurMark in command line with the /gl3 parameter or use the batch file called Start-FurMark-OGL3.bat.
* Change: small modifications in OpenGL 3.0 context creation.
* Change: workaround for Catalyst 9.1 bug in glGetString(GL_VERSION) when an OpenGL 3.0 context is used.
* Removed: timer check in contest mode.

Edited by DennyMK

Off-Topic Comment(Click to Show)
I double posted accidentally. I'll use this for my next update


Edited by DennyMK

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