Info: Creates a custom WinRAR addon, you have options for Registered and Not Registered, Themes and No Themes, you can also choose to set the default theme of your choice... If WinRAR is updated just install it and run this tool again and will build you a updated addon.
WinRAR AddOn Maker for 3.7 Plus
Info: Creates a custom WinRAR addon, you have options for Registered and Not Registered, Themes and No Themes, you can also choose to set the default theme of your choice... If WinRAR is updated just install it and run this tool again and will build you a updated addon.
MD5: 3CDF2A93BF91ABD59BDB9D6C47B96432
Size: 2.10 MB
yumeyao has a updated addon builder
dotNet 2.0 (for FGCBA by n7Epilson)
WinRAR 3.xx (alredy installed)
rarreg.key in "%ProgramFiles%\WinRAR" (optional registration file)
RyanVM Integrator or nLite (for Integration)