March 31, 200915 yr Hi rick,I integrated the addons in the following order:RyanVM Update PackWMP11One Piece IE8 AddonRedxii's DirectX 9.0c 0.7.0 Addonjd976 DotNet AIO AddonKels CPL & RunimesUltimate Sounds(without Holdem)(I edited the file like you mentioned n the post to make it standalone)Your MCE 2005(i checked the hash and it was OK)Vista MCE 2.3(i checked the hash and it was also OK)No XPtspAfter setup finishes i can only see 'Digital Media Enhancements' on the start Menu and they are working. But i did't find any Media Ceter there. I am using the latest Virtul Box.Please tell me what i am doing wrong?
March 31, 200915 yr Hi rick,I integrated the addons in the following order:RyanVM Update PackWMP11One Piece IE8 AddonRedxii's DirectX 9.0c 0.7.0 Addonjd976 DotNet AIO AddonKels CPL & RunimesUltimate Sounds(without Holdem)(I edited the file like you mentioned n the post to make it standalone)Your MCE 2005(i checked the hash and it was OK)Vista MCE 2.3(i checked the hash and it was also OK)No XPtspAfter setup finishes i can only see 'Digital Media Enhancements' on the start Menu and they are working. But i did't find any Media Ceter there. I am using the latest Virtul Box.Please tell me what i am doing wrong?Hey,One Piece IE8 AddonI think that is the problem.Since im using that addon, media center isnt being installed only the 'Digital Media Enhancements', when i didnt use the IE8 addon it was, so I am currently running some more tests.
April 1, 200915 yr cant say that i have experianced any problems yet,even with ie8.everything A oK.So in what way you integrated?The way i did was:- WMP11 + Updates using WMP11 slipstreamer.- OnePiece IE8 NLD - RVM-Integrator.- Sicks XPtoMCE Dutch (dutch translation of Rick's original) using nLite.- Other addons using nLite.Maybee i should try integrating the MCE addon before IE8, still running tests so.Maybee you could be some more specific about the way you integrated?You use OnePiece IE8? Or other? Edited April 1, 200915 yr by Raoul
April 1, 200915 yr Author You are using the dutch version not this version, I cannot vouch for a addon that I did not make or modifiy?
April 1, 200915 yr You are using the dutch version not this version, I cannot vouch for a addon that I did not make or modifiy?I know but since I had the same problem as Rubab, I just had to react.VMWare without IE8 is currnly bissy installing.After that with IE8 integrated after MCE addon.Trying to find the problem.edit:With WMP11, without IE8 = failure, MCE not installed.Maaan i dont get this, i will ask Sick, if he ever comes online.Could try without WMP11, but it worked b4 so whattaheck. Edited April 1, 200915 yr by Raoul
April 1, 200915 yr open sicks' pack, replace the files in it with the ones from this mce mod addon then rebuild the cab/addon,plus i dunno why you want to replace dutch files with this addon's english files.
April 1, 200915 yr open sicks' pack, replace the files in it with the ones from this mce mod addon then rebuild the cab/addon,plus i dunno why you want to replace dutch files with this addon's english files.I am not doing that, lol.I just use original one, but the only reason i placed a reply here was because I am/was having the same problem as rubab. Thats why I replied, i dont use this one since its allready in fixit's his Dutch XPTSP (also in English XPTSP, but I assume you know that :sweatingbullets:).I use this MCE addon, but MCE isnt being installed, will try it without any other addons (and w/o WMP11/IE8), just WMP9/IE6, look if it works.. If it doesnt the addon is probably broken. Edited April 1, 200915 yr by Raoul
April 2, 200915 yr Sorry for the late reply.I am using the English version of rick's addon but still i am only getting the 'Digital Media Enhancements' not the Media Center itself.Is there any temporary solution for this problem?
April 2, 200915 yr Author Seems like maybe medctroc.inf is getting deleted before you guys integrate the media center, before you integrate check i386
April 2, 200915 yr Seems like maybe medctroc.inf is getting deleted before you guys integrate the media center, before you integrate check i386I just did a test with the following no WMP10/11 or IE7/8.Just those 5 addons.Now my Media Center is installed..I dont get it.Whats the best way of integration if i want IE8 and WMP11 in?Probably:First the "Sicks_XP_to_MCE05_nl_nLiteAddon3.7z".Then WMP11 with WMP11 slipstreamer.Then OnePiece IE8 with RVM-Integrator.Then the other addons with nLite.Hmm, gonna test that.
April 2, 200915 yr Author If you use the Media Center before you use the wmp slipstreamer it will fail
April 2, 200915 yr If you use the Media Center before you use the wmp slipstreamer it will failArgh,When I use it before media center, it fails also.Will try addon creator of OnePiece for wmp11 then.
April 3, 200915 yr OK i tried integrating in the following order:RVMUpdatePackSP3_1.0.3.7zRicks_XP_to_MCE05_en.7zRicks_VistaMediaCenter2.3_en.7zBoogy's WMP11OnePiece_IE8_WinXPSP3_v1.0.1_AddOn_ENU.7zRedDXRuntimes_0.7.0_32bit.cabDotNetFx_All_In_1_Addon_v2.4.7zKels_CPLBonus_addon_v9.2.8.rarKels_Runtimes_addon_v5.1.rarRicks_UltimateSounds_AddOn_en.7zRicks_VistaRTMFonts_AddOn_v1.1.7zxable_CalcPlus-v1.3_addon.cabCmdOpen-1.1.10-Addon.7zFlash_ActiveX_10.0.22.87_AddOn.cabFlash_Plugin_10.0.22.87_AddOn.cabHashCheck-2.1.8-Addon.7zKels_Unicode2008_v1.626.6002.16497_addonNR_CursorsAIO_Addon_1.9.rarNR_VistaUAP_Addon_1.1.cabRicks_7-Zip4.65_Intl_addon.7zRicks_AIOVistaAeroCursors_AddOn_v7.07.03.Ricks_CCleaner2.18.878_Intl_addon.7zRicks_Paint.NET3.36_ROExAddOn.rarRicks_RecycleBin_SMD_AddOn_v0.4.7zRicks_Reg2Inf_AddOn_v0.37.7zRicks_VistaSceenSavers_AddOn_v1.1.rarRicks_WinRAR_AddOn_v3.8.cabRubabs_AdobeReader9.1Addon.rarRubabs_doPDF6.2.289_AddOn.cabRubabs_JRE_6u13_AddOn.rarRubabs_KliteMC4.7.5.cabKels_ResourceHacker_V3.4.0.79_CPL_AddonNow i tried integrating the addons twice in the above order and got the same error when it say 'Setup will complete in approximately 15 minutes:"Windows cannot load the Internet Configuration Library (ICFGNT.dll). The following error occured:The specified cannot be found"When it say 'Setup will complete in approximately 13 minutes i got another error:"C:\Windows\System32\regsvr32.exeWindows cannot access the specified device, path, or file. You may not have the appropriate permission to access the item."Can you tell me what should i cahnge to avoid these errors? Edited April 3, 200915 yr by rubab
April 3, 200915 yr If you use the Media Center before you use the wmp slipstreamer it will failThere is your answer rubab.WMP11 must me integrated first.I now used the RVMi script from OnePiece to integrate WMP11+Updates.Not tested yet, will start vm in some minutes.
April 3, 200915 yr w00t got it working again. What i did:First RVMi:- Put WMP11 + Hotfixes in the plugins directory.- Then use the RVMi script for WMP11 (by OnePiece).- Also I integrated IE8 (by OnePiece) at the same time.So WMP11 + IE8 with RVMi.After that:- Integrated other addons + MCE with nLite (MCE as first in the list to integrate!).Now all works fine.
April 4, 200915 yr Hi,Finally got it WORKINGHere is the integration order:RVMUpdatePackSP3_1.0.3.7zOnePiece_WMP11AddOn_INTL_For_WinXP_Only_for_RVMi.7zOnePiece_IE8_WinXPSP3_v1.0.1_AddOn_ENU.7zDotNetFx_All_In_1_Addon_v2.4.7zRicks_XP_to_MCE05_en.7zRicks_VistaMediaCenter2.3_en.7zRedDXRuntimes_0.7.0_32bit.cabKels_CPLBonus_addon_v9.2.8.rarKels_Runtimes_addon_v5.1.rarRicks_UltimateSounds_AddOn_en.7zRicks_VistaRTMFonts_AddOn_v1.1.7zxable_CalcPlus-v1.3_addon.cabI didn't integrate all of them together. I integrated in groups like above.Now everything is working fine.Why is the theme automatically changed to the media center theme even when i mentioned the name of the theme in WINNT.SIF file? Edited April 5, 200915 yr by rubab
April 5, 200915 yr integrate all ure stuff(except the 2 mce addons)in one shot with rvmi then just integrate the mce conversion addon and vista mod lastly with nlite. No need to integrate in groups,it must take very long that way..lolor if you still want to integrate in group;>>> DotNetFx_All_In_1_Addon_v2.4.7z is a silent install, no inf invloved so you realy dont need it integrated alone."Why is the theme automatically changed to the media center theme even when i mentioned the name of the theme in WINNT.SIF file? "the mce inf entry for the theme superseeds the entry made by the winnt.sif,cause the winnt.sif entry for the theme is guirunoncexe,but the mce inf also puts an entry at that time for runonce,so basicaly the inf's entry is processed after ure custom theme that was processed earlyer.but i bet this can be changed by simply editing rick's addon;medctroc.inf[eHome_Reg]HKLM, "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System", "InstallTheme", 0x00020000, "%10%\Resources\Themes\Royale.theme" <<<change it
April 6, 200915 yr integrate all ure stuff(except the 2 mce addons)in one shot with rvmi then just integrate the mce conversion addon and vista mod lastly with nlite. No need to integrate in groups,it must take very long that way..lolor if you still want to integrate in group;>>> DotNetFx_All_In_1_Addon_v2.4.7z is a silent install, no inf invloved so you realy dont need it integrated alone."Why is the theme automatically changed to the media center theme even when i mentioned the name of the theme in WINNT.SIF file? "the mce inf entry for the theme superseeds the entry made by the winnt.sif,cause the winnt.sif entry for the theme is guirunoncexe,but the mce inf also puts an entry at that time for runonce,so basicaly the inf's entry is processed after ure custom theme that was processed earlyer.but i bet this can be changed by simply editing rick's addon;medctroc.inf[eHome_Reg]HKLM, "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System", "InstallTheme", 0x00020000, "%10%\Resources\Themes\Royale.theme" <<<change itThat looks pretty easy for me. Thanks a lot Bober for helping me with this one. :thumbsup_anim:
April 7, 200915 yr OK it didn't work.I mean if i only edit the theme it only changes the wallpaers mouse pointer and sound.But it didn't change the Visual Style. I will try changing the line were it mentioned Royale.msstyles and see if that works.Does anyone know how i can change the Logon Screen when i am applying XPtsp because i edited logonui.exe.res sysdm.cpl.res and pasted it on the temporary folder XPtsp creates but it only changed the sysdm.cpl but the logon screen was the same which was on the original logonui.exe.res.
April 7, 200915 yr Author Just delete it and use winnt.sif to set your default theme[eHome_Reg]HKLM, "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Media Center", "MCBliss", 0x00020000, "%10%\Resources\Themes\Royale\%MCBliss%"HKLM, "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System", "InstallVisualStyle", 0x00020000, ""%10%\Resources\Themes\Royale\Royale.msstyles"HKLM, "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System", "InstallTheme", 0x00020000, "%10%\Resources\Themes\Royale.theme"HKLM, "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\{2C7339CF-2B09-4501-B3F3-F3508C9228ED}","Version", 0, "1,1,1,8"HKU, ".DEFAULT\Software\Microsoft\windows\CurrentVersion\ThemeManager", "DllName", 0x00020000, "%windir%\Resources\themes\royale\royale.msstyles"WINNT.SIF[Shell]CustomDefaultThemeFile="%ResourceDir%\Themes\Example.theme"
May 13, 200915 yr Author Updated- Renamed Windows 7 Media Center- New startup sound and a couple PNG's (very minor changes)- Updated for compatibility with the new Media Center addon
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