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Nota: en la ultima foto. si uno le pone cancelar, sale eso, si se pone aceptar funciona ok, y el dispositivo sigue instalando

HMMM que raro esto, voy a ver si me falta un catalogo de seguridad para uno de los archivos pero no creo que sea el problema

- Diganme si los dos de ustedes estan usando el mismo SO creado por la misma persona

- Y si ya viene parchado con los iconos de Vista

- Tambien quiero que ustedes me abran una ventana de Simbolo de systema y ejecuten qfecheck y tambien nesesito el .log

Windows XP Hotfix Validation Report for \\RICKS-PC
Report Date: 1/29/2009 11:18am

Current Service Pack Level: Service Pack 3

Hotfixes Identified:
KB909520: Current on system.
ie7: Current on system.
KB889333-IE7: Current on system.
KB935544-v2-IE7: Current on system.
KB938127-v2-IE7: Current on system.
KB941569: Current on system.
KB958215-IE7: Current on system.
KB960714-IE7: Current on system.
Wdf01007: Current on system.
WETCable: Current on system.
MSCompPackV1: Current on system.
KB943729: Current on system.
Wudf01000: Current on system.
KB925766: Current on system.
KB940157: Current on system.
KB956148: Current on system.
KB961184: Current on system.
KB281981: Current on system.
KB889320-v2: Current on system.
KB898461: Current on system.
KB915800-v4: Current on system.
KB917275: Current on system.
KB922120-v6: Current on system.
KB927436-v2: Current on system.
KB932521: Current on system.
KB932578: Current on system.
KB932716-v2: Current on system.
KB934401: Current on system.
KB938759: Current on system.
KB940648: Current on system.
KB942288-v3: Current on system.
KB943232-v2: Current on system.
KB944043-v3: Current on system.
KB945060: Current on system.
KB945436: Current on system.
KB946648: Current on system.
KB947460-v3: Current on system.
KB948046-v2: Current on system.
KB948101-v3: Current on system.
KB948277: Current on system.
KB948720: Current on system.
KB948877-v2: Current on system.
KB949033: Current on system.
KB949127-v2: Current on system.
KB949764: Current on system.
KB949900: Current on system.
KB950312: Current on system.
KB950616: Current on system.
KB950762: Current on system.
KB950820: Current on system.
KB950974: Current on system.
KB950982: Current on system.
KB951066: Current on system.
KB951163: Current on system.
KB951312: Current on system.
KB951376-v2: Current on system.
KB951531-v2: Current on system.
KB951618-v2: Current on system.
KB951624: Current on system.
KB951698: Current on system.
KB951709: Current on system.
KB951822-v2: Current on system.
KB951978: Current on system.
KB952117-v2: Current on system.
KB952206-v2: Current on system.
KB952909-v2: Current on system.
KB952954: Current on system.
KB953024: Current on system.
KB953028: Current on system.
KB953155: Current on system.
KB953609: Current on system.
KB953760-v2: Current on system.
KB953761: Current on system.
KB953930: Current on system.
KB954193: Current on system.
KB954232: Current on system.
KB954434: Current on system.
KB954550-v5: Current on system.
KB954600: Current on system.
KB954708: Current on system.
KB954920-v2: Current on system.
KB955043-v2: Current on system.
KB955069: Current on system.
KB955109: Current on system.
KB955356: Current on system.
KB955417: Current on system.
KB955567: Current on system.
KB955576: Current on system.
KB955704: Current on system.
KB955832-v2: Current on system.
KB955839: Current on system.
KB955843-v4: Current on system.
KB955988: Current on system.
KB956072: Current on system.
KB956391: Current on system.
KB956588: Current on system.
KB956625: Current on system.
KB956807: Current on system.
KB956841: Current on system.
KB957218: Current on system.
KB957263: Current on system.
KB957264: Current on system.
KB957495: Current on system.
KB957502: Current on system.
KB957808: Current on system.
KB957931: Current on system.
KB958071: Current on system.
KB958106: Current on system.
KB958149: Current on system.
KB958200: Current on system.
KB958244: Current on system.
KB958282-v2: Current on system.
KB958347: Current on system.
KB958644: Current on system.
KB958655-v2: Current on system.
KB958687: Current on system.
KB958752: Current on system.
KB958817: Current on system.
KB958877: Current on system.
KB958910: Current on system.
KB959237: Current on system.
KB959267: Current on system.
KB959334: Current on system.
KB959439: Current on system.
KB959465: Current on system.
KB959554: Current on system.
KB959682: Current on system.
KB959873: Current on system.
KB960071-v2: Current on system.
KB960139: Current on system.
KB960380-v2: Current on system.
KB960417: Current on system.
KB960680-v2: Current on system.
KB960763: Current on system.
KB961067: Current on system.
KB961853: Current on system.

Y por ahora si quieren deshacerse de este problema pueden parchar a SFC (un peque

Primero: Gracias por la temprana respuesta rick

Segundo: el log es el sgte:

Windows XP Hotfix Validation Report for \\MVILLALOBOS
Report Date: 1/30/2009 4:53pm

Current Service Pack Level: Service Pack 3

Hotfixes Identified:
KB909520: Current on system.
ie7: Current on system.
KB889333-IE7: Current on system.
KB938127-v2-IE7: Current on system.
KB941569: Current on system.
KB956390-IE7: Current on system.
KB958215-IE7: Current on system.
KB960714-IE7: Current on system.
MSCompPackV1: Current on system.
KB943729: Current on system.
Wudf01000: Current on system.
KB889320-v2: Current on system.
KB898461: Current on system.
KB915800-v4: Current on system.
KB922120-v6: Current on system.
KB932521: Current on system.
KB932716-v2: Current on system.
KB934401: Current on system.
KB938464: Current on system.
KB940648: Current on system.
KB942288-v3: Current on system.
KB943232-v2: Current on system.
KB944043-v3: Current on system.
KB945015-v2: Current on system.
KB945060: Current on system.
KB945436: Current on system.
KB946648: Current on system.
KB947460-v2: Current on system.
KB948046-v2: Current on system.
KB948101-v3: Current on system.
KB948277: Current on system.
KB948720: Current on system.
KB948877-v2: Current on system.
KB949033: Current on system.
KB949127-v2: Current on system.
KB949764: Current on system.
KB949900: Current on system.
KB950234: Current on system.
KB950312: Current on system.
KB950616: Current on system.
KB950762: Current on system.
KB950820: Current on system.
KB950974: Current on system.
KB950982: Current on system.
KB951066: Current on system.
KB951163: Current on system.
KB951312: Current on system.
KB951376-v2: Current on system.
KB951410: Current on system.
KB951531-v2: Current on system.
KB951618-v2: Current on system.
KB951624: Current on system.
KB951698: Current on system.
KB951709: Current on system.
KB951822-v2: Current on system.
KB951978: Current on system.
KB952020-v2: Current on system.
KB952079-v2: Current on system.
KB952117-v2: Current on system.
KB952206: Current on system.
KB952287: Current on system.
KB952909-v2: Current on system.
KB952954: Current on system.
KB953024: Current on system.
KB953028: Current on system.
KB953155: Current on system.
KB953609: Current on system.
KB953760: Current on system.
KB953761: Current on system.
KB953929: Current on system.
KB953930: Current on system.
KB954193: Current on system.
KB954232: Current on system.
KB954434: Current on system.
KB954459: Current on system.
KB954550-v5: Current on system.
KB954600: Current on system.
KB954708: Current on system.
KB954879: Current on system.
KB954920-v2: Current on system.
KB955043-v2: Current on system.
KB955069: Current on system.
KB955109: Current on system.
KB955417: Current on system.
KB955567: Current on system.
KB955576: Current on system.
KB955832-v2: Current on system.
KB955839: Current on system.
KB955843-v4: Current on system.
KB955988: Current on system.
KB956072: Current on system.
KB956391: Current on system.
KB956588: Current on system.
KB956625: Current on system.
KB956802: Current on system.
KB956803: Current on system.
KB956807: Current on system.
KB956841: Current on system.
KB957095: Current on system.
KB957097: Current on system.
KB957201: Current on system.
KB957218: Current on system.
KB957263: Current on system.
KB957264: Current on system.
KB957495: Current on system.
KB957502: Current on system.
KB957808: Current on system.
KB958071: Current on system.
KB958200: Current on system.
KB958244: Current on system.
KB958347: Current on system.
KB958644: Current on system.
KB958687: Current on system.
KB958817: Current on system.
KB959252: Current on system.

Tercero: aun estoy usando la primera release de tu pack la "1.0.8" esta tarde creare una nueva iso con el nuevo y la solucion que nos acabas de dar.

la version de windows que baje es esta:

Microsoft Windows XP SP3 Professional Corporate Edition VL Espa

Edited by ricktendo64

Ahora hize un nuevo desatendido, con el nuevo update pack y le desabilite el sistema de proteccion de archivos originales, como nos dijiste. Pero ahora me sale el sgte. error cuando quiero instalar archivos .msi desde la red. Si lo copio al pc lo instala sin problemas, pero a que se podra deber esto? si antes estaba bien.


  • 2 weeks later...

Me pasa lo mismo al meter un usb recien formateado me salta ese aviso tengo windows xp home sp3 oem original me pasa a raiz de meter el updaterpack que puedo hacer?

  • Author
Me pasa lo mismo al meter un usb recien formateado me salta ese aviso tengo windows xp home sp3 oem original me pasa a raiz de meter el updaterpack que puedo hacer?

Metes alg

Para mi este error solo proviene del Windows XP con Service Pack3 que uses o de los drivers incorrectos, no he visto nada extrano el el nlite.ini, no estas quitando nada por dem

si si al parecer el error ya quedo solucionado, por el sistema de proteccion de archivos, ignoren la segunda fotografia, solo fue un error provocado por la maquina virtual que estoy usando, la actualizaron y empezo a dar ese error ahora.

Gracias rick por la solucion, y por tu trabajo, el cual es excepcional.-

  • 5 months later...

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