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batch patcher, which one do you use? 1 member has voted

  1. 1. Which version of the batch patcher do you use?

    • The batch addon version
    • The manual batch version

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Im using Dutch XPTSP, and thats still 1.4.5.

So the IE8 bug is here:


But is there a way to fix this in my live installation?

I'll look at the dutch ie8 support and try to update in the next few days.. :rolleyes:

Thanks! :thumbsup_anim:

WooHoo! I'm all over it! :)

Can you change to code in oemgen.exe from:

@echo off
Title=OEM info generator
mode con cols=59 lines=2


@echo off
Title=OEM info generator
mode con cols=59 lines=2
IF EXIST "%SystemRoot%\System32\oeminfo.ini" GOTO :EOF

That'll keep it from overwriting any custom OEM branding (Sony/HP/Dell) from my oemscan addon or other OEM builds.

Edited by bober

Also with the batch addon, the %cdsource%\ie8\* folder and contents are left behind after integration. Not a problem though to delete afterwards.

Might just have been a glitch. I'll try again with different source.

Edited by Mr_Smartepants

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yup, patch tuesday!oh and i didnt have the time to update last night so if you wait for there will be minor fixes, but still works fine.

  • 2 weeks later...

That's realy great but I have one question. Will that work completely after applying a mui pack? Will all dialog boxes been transalated? In other words is it stringable like original dialog boxes?

When you update the OEM info generator, change the version info to read 1.4.7.

@echo off

Title=OEM info generator

mode con cols=59 lines=2

IF EXIST "%SystemRoot%\System32\oeminfo.ini" GOTO :EOF

copy /v /y oemlogo.bmp %windir%\system32\oemlogo.bmp >nul

echo Please wait while system information is being generated...


set OEMFILE=%SYSTEMROOT%\system32\oeminfo.ini




Edited by Mr_Smartepants

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ill up in a while fixing all problems reported. this being said i hope to call this one final for a long while. but of course any problem found after wards will prolly be corrected.

ill up in a while fixing all problems reported. this being said i hope to call this one final for a long while. but of course any problem found after wards will prolly be corrected.

Does this mean that you will make it stringable like the originals?

Does this mean that you will make it stringable like the originals?

If the original files aren't "stringable", then it's not likely that these resources will be made like that. It would require that the MUI files be present and it's not the function of either the GUI or the batch versions to add those files.

I strongly suspect that the MUI pack also installs the "stringable" system files, although I have no personal experience with this and cannot test without a link to the MUI pack. Neither the GUI or the batch version can detect this situation and would replace the original resources that the files contain with XPtsp'ed English resources, thus making it non-"stringable". It is the intention to develop a method to "translate" the resources into language-specific resource files based on the strings in the original file, however, it has yet to be started on and may never see the light of day....

I can understand that. If you ever make it I think that would be great to add a theme based on windows 7 ultimate.

I tried XPtsp Batch sometime ago integrated, I installed the mui pack after installation and the new dialogs where greek nothing has been transalated. The dialogs where just like before but in english (not in greek that contains my mui pack). I think that this will help you if you ever make it. I do not have the link now for the mui pack but I'll find that soon .

Windows XP would be still light and stable version of windows for many years and I think many users will keep them. I'ts worth making it multilanguage if you agree too.

Windows XP would be still light and stable version of windows for many years and I think many users will keep them. I'ts worth making it multilanguage if you agree too.

I do agree with you on this point, a multilanguage version will be great.

I do agree with you on this point, a multilanguage version will be great.

I also believe that it won't be so difficult. I think that this only needs to be fixed is the part that makes the resourses stringable. In an unattended installation of english xp and preferred language's mui then it will transelated automatically and it would be easier to transalate in different languages by changing the strigable part with the default.

One link for greek mui:


I do agree with you on this point, a multilanguage version will be great.
Qwesta: I quite agree that support for multilanguage would be great.
I also believe that it won't be so difficult. I think that this only needs to be fixed is the part that makes the resourses stringable. In an unattended installation of english xp and preferred language's mui then it will transelated automatically and it would be easier to transalate in different languages by changing the strigable part with the default.
stsaerox: Since you seem to know so much about this particular topic, please demonstrate how to do so. If the method you show me is reproducable via AutoIt, it will be incorporated into the GUI.
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the problem here is not in what language the text is, its the resource ID code it self.im still not getting what you mean by "stringable".And yes i know what a string table is.But again the problem on why xptsp isint available in alot more languages is the res files' ID.

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