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46 members have voted

  1. 1. What language OS do you use XPtsp on?

    • English
    • non-English
    • Both English and non-English

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What's Changed in v1.4.6.12:

- Modified code to use "Resources\Green" if it still exists after environmental fix.

- Updated the "QTTab" program to my "QTTab Bar & QT Address Bar" add-on.

- Converted "UberIcon", "TaskTips", and "WinFlip" into add-ons for space savings.

- Added "TransBar", "TrueTransparency", and "ViStart" to available programs.

- Modified code to run all available add-ons silently without user interaction.

- Added code to take over some of the work the INF was doing during Live Install.

- Removed programs from Page 7 (Component Selection).

- Minor change to Page 7 so that Page 8 is always shown (unless running silently).

- Rewrote Page 8 for better display of programs, task manager, bootscreen & GUI options.

- In Page 8, "TaskMan" and "Boot Screen" tabs aren't present if they won't be patched.

- Images on Page 8 are clickable for larger preview image.

- Option added to Page 8 for the new XPtsp Orb that can be displayed during Windows Setup.

- Rewrote .NET Framework code to download if required or requested by user.

- .NET Framework option is disabled if already installed (live) or present (integration).

- Added "TaskMan" and "Boot Screen" tabs to CPL applet using code from Page 8.

- Fixed major issue with hash information not being written correctly to registry.

- Moved bootscreen & taskmanager preview pics from Misc folder to root.

- Added bootscreen & taskmanager preview pics to XPtspCom.inf and XPtspCom.cab.

- Added code to add the new XPtsp Orb wallpaper to Windows GUI Setup.

Please note that the ability to apply the change to the bootscreen and task manager in the Control Panel applet hasn't been completed yet. This will be completed as of next release.

At this time, it is my goal to release the next major version WITHOUT the resources contained within it. The resources will be available as a seperate download and may be done so manually or by the patcher program prior to installation or integration. Each resource package will be stored in the same folder as the GUI installer, so it will be easy to download once and use multiple times. Once theme support is released, code will also be present to switch resources themes (green to blue, blue to red, etc).

EDIT: Modified first line of goal, which originally read "to release the next version"....


bjfrog: I'm sorry, I forgot to answer your request 2 posts above. Yes, it is and has been intended to add the code to be able to modify the system like that. I haven't figured out HOW to do those modifications yet, though. Once I get theme support built into the GUI, I'll work on adding that code.

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  • Mr_Smartepants

    Sorry, got one more bug for you with %source%\setup.exe is corrupted. Generic icon and doubleclicking setup.exe gives a permission error even when logged in as admin. Also setup.ini is missin

  • dougiefresh

    No problem! To answer you question, the CAD add-on will eventually be upgraded to version 1.6. However, I haven't found the time to do so. The CAD add-on is actually a part of the Extras packages,

  • I am still getting this error: I used XPtsp_v3.0.0.26_GUI.exe and selected the following options: 1.Integrate in a Windows Xp Source (Offline Mode) 2.Chose MSDN XP SP3 + XPSP3_QFE_UpdatePack Post-SP3

Posted Images

had tried version

+ one bug happened to me,item that you deselect at componets option is still to be patched,my source has already IE8 integrated,so i uncheck ie7 files to be patched,it patched all the IE7 files except "iexporer.mui",fortunately IE8 still work fine

MSG: IEXPLORE.MUI listed under "NoPatch.ByVersion"!

+ and one file is missing"xptsporb.bmp" not to be integrated into xp,so it report the file cant be copied during setup

+ all programs integrated work perfectly except cad2009, ill give it more try

thanks for you offer this good gui patcher,and the features i mentioned would be very nice if come true,as vista font have a good display under high resolution LCD screen than system default Tahoma font.

and i had tried this one too,its still a setup killer.

Edited by bjfrog

Just tried GUI on a MCE source with WMP11 (boooggy) and IE8 (sereby's) integrated.

Extracting contents of IE8.CAB
MSG: No files found to patch inside "IE8.CAB"!

Extracting contents of WMP11.CAB
MSG: No files found to patch inside "WMP11.CAB"!

Extracting contents of DRIVER.CAB
MSG: No files found to patch inside "DRIVER.CAB"!

Extracting contents of MEDIACTR.CAB
MSG: No files found to patch or replace inside "MEDIACTR.CAB"!

Is that normal? :unsure:

+ and one file is missing"xptsporb.bmp" not to be integrated into xp,so it report the file cant be copied during setup

The file is physically present in the xptspgui installer, but it doesn't copy the file to the source \i386 dir. Copying it manually fixes the problem.

Edited by Mr_Smartepants

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bjfrog: The exception has been removed from XPtsp.ini, so the IEXPLORE.MUI problem won't happen again. BTW, what happened with CAD2009?

Regarding your feature request, I've implemented the icon spacing and icon size functionality into the Control Panel applet. It makes the modifications, however, a reboot or logoff seems to be required at this time to see the changes on the desktop. I've been searching for a way to remove that limitation....

bjfrog and Mr_Smartepants: I found the bug that resulted in XPtspOrb.bmp missing from the XP source folder. Turns out the GUI was trying to compress the file from the wrong folder.... I've fixed that for the next release.

Mr_Smartepants: Ok, that's weird.... The "no files to patch" message shouldn't happen.... Let me look into that issue!

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Preview of New Page 6 and Control Panel Tabs:

Page6.JPG Page30a.JPG

On Page 6 and CPL applet, Preview image shown is the same images that the forum shows. Clicking on the preview image opens up a web page that shows the larger image. The drop-down menu shows the available resource packages that are available, with a (*) besides those packages that have already been downloaded and are available for use. If a package is selected but not already downloaded, the GUI will download the package and place a copy in the same folder as the installer.

Feedback and/or feature requests are requested about the new CPL page. And no, it is not complete yet.

Mr_Smartepants: I think the code mistake happened when I consolidated some code segments doing the same thing together into a function. Anyway, I've fixed the issue with the CAB folders. It'll be in the next release.

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Okay, this last week has been difficult.... With my dad's computer breaking down and having to rebuild it and my living room machine (mobo swap-out for living room machine), getting proposals together for a friend wanting to rebuild his machine and working as much as I have, it's been a challenging week. Now my dad's computer is out of the house, my living room machine is back together, and it's a beautiful 3-day weekday.... Maybe I can get something done.... :blush:

Anyway, I'm currently testing the next version and will try to release it today. The current version number is v1.4.6.13, however, the version number may be changed to v2.0.0.0. I'm thinking about closing this thread and/or opening a new thread. Don't get me wrong, there are still tweaks and features that can be done, however, the general development cycle of the GUI has been completed. It's a mature application and I know it's had some really bad growing pains.

I'd like to thank everybody who has given this GUI some of their time, whether it be ideas or testing things or reporting missteps or whatever. It's been greatly appreciated!

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After talking with Bober, I've decided to up the version number to v2.0.0.0. The GUI will sport some new changes, but it seems that seperating the resources from the GUI was much more difficult than expected. Other features decided that they didn't want to work as before, so I had to fix those problems as well. It may be this weekend before the newest GUI is ready to be published. I hope y'all like it....

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What's Changed in v2.0.0.0:


- Added Theme Selection page (Page 6) to allow user to select theme to install.

- Task manager and bootscreen colors set based on theme selected.

- Updated AutoIt to newest stable version (v3.3.0.0). No more Win9x/WinNT support!

- Updated the CAD2009 add-on to do the OS-type branding (Home, Pro, MCE)

- Updated the QTTab add-on to adjust the appearance of Explorer.

- Updated the UberIcon to add the Explosion plugin to the installation.

- Modified code to make the GUI page parent to any Message Boxes that pop up.

- Modified .NET download code to search for available update server.

- Modified .NET download code to copy downloaded installer to GUI installer folder.

- Fixed the code adding the XPtspOrb.bmp to the XP source folder.

- Added new "Settings" page to the Control Panel applet.

- Fixed the code handling patching of files within CAB files.

- Modified XPtsp.ini to fix or handle several files during Live Installs.

- Modified XPtsp.ini to remove all "default" MD5 hashes from the file.

- Modified code to automatically generate the MD5 hash section within XPtsp.ini.

- Rewrote bootscreen replacement code to use "/kernel=" switch in BOOT.INI.

- Modified updating code to extract resources once all updates are downloaded.

- Added two more COMCTL32.DLL files to the Live Install patching list.

- Added same last-minute patching that Bober does in batch version for COMCTL32 files.

- Page 7 modified to make patching all COMCTL32.DLL files as a single group.

- Programs tab in Page 8 has been moved back to Page 7 (Component Selection).

- Page 8 skipped if bootscreen and taskmanager aren't patched during Live Install.

- English language file has been updated to include the strings in GUI.

- Program descriptions in language file revised to better describe what the programs do.

- Resources are not included as part of XPTSPCOM.CAB anymore.

- Resource package is copied to i386 folder for extraction during Setup at T13.


NOTES: Because the resources have been split from the GUI SFX package, you will need to download a resource package to apply to the system. The GUI has been written so that it can download the resource package that you want to install, as well as the .NET Framework v2.0 installer if required. Once downloaded, the package(s) (and .NET installer) are stored in the same folder as the GUI installer, making it easy to backup anything you download.

Please also be aware that the amount of time required for a XP source integration has been reduced dramatically. Prior to the last 2 modifications, the patching process took about 600 seconds. After the last 2 modifications were completed, the patching process took about 335 seconds. This can be attributed to the fact that the GUI isn't recompressing the resources, but instead, copying the resource package straight to the i386 folder and unpacking during Windows Setup. There is also a space savings of about 10mb doing it this way because the resource packages are compressed better using the 7zip format than the CAB format.

In the Control Panel applet, the "Themes" tab wasn't included as there were technical difficulties that should be resolved by next release. The "Settings" tab is somewhat functional. However, there is some code that has to be worked on for correct operation. Things like changing the icon size work immediately, but changing the spacing between icons doesn't.

I'm pretty sure that all English strings have been removed from the GUI and placed in the English.ini file in the Languages folder. If you want the GUI translated into your language, please feel free to translate the file and send it to me. It will be included in next release. Just be aware that the file is about 660+ lines! Also note that no effort has been made to translate the resources themselves, for that is a project for later.

Lastly, the resources from version 1.x.x.x aren't compatible with version 2.x.x.x unless you compress them into a 7z file. I have no intention of changing this, so please don't ask.

EDIT: I just noticed something about the "Settings" tab in the CPL.... The icon sizes aren't correct. "128" is supposed to be "96", and "256" is supposed to "128". I've changed it for the next version, but do we need a 256x256 icon setting?

What's Changed in v2.0.0.0:


- Added Theme Selection page (Page 6) to allow user to select theme to install.

- Task manager and bootscreen colors set based on theme selected.

- Updated AutoIt to newest stable version (v3.3.0.0). No more Win9x/WinNT support!

- Updated the CAD2009 add-on to do the OS-type branding (Home, Pro, MCE)

- Updated the QTTab add-on to adjust the appearance of Explorer.

- Updated the UberIcon to add the Explosion plugin to the installation.

- Modified code to make the GUI page parent to any Message Boxes that pop up.

- Modified .NET download code to search for available update server.

- Modified .NET download code to copy downloaded installer to GUI installer folder.

- Fixed the code adding the XPtspOrb.bmp to the XP source folder.

- Added new "Settings" page to the Control Panel applet.

- Fixed the code handling patching of files within CAB files.

- Modified XPtsp.ini to fix or handle several files during Live Installs.

- Modified XPtsp.ini to remove all "default" MD5 hashes from the file.

- Modified code to automatically generate the MD5 hash section within XPtsp.ini.

- Rewrote bootscreen replacement code to use "/kernel=" switch in BOOT.INI.

- Modified updating code to extract resources once all updates are downloaded.

- Added two more COMCTL32.DLL files to the Live Install patching list.

- Added same last-minute patching that Bober does in batch version for COMCTL32 files.

- Page 7 modified to make patching all COMCTL32.DLL files as a single group.

- Programs tab in Page 8 has been moved back to Page 7 (Component Selection).

- Page 8 skipped if bootscreen and taskmanager aren't patched during Live Install.

- English language file has been updated to include the strings in GUI.

- Program descriptions in language file revised to better describe what the programs do.

- Resources are not included as part of XPTSPCOM.CAB anymore.

- Resource package is copied to i386 folder for extraction during Setup at T13.


NOTES: Because the resources have been split from the GUI SFX package, you will need to download a resource package to apply to the system. The GUI has been written so that it can download the resource package that you want to install, as well as the .NET Framework v2.0 installer if required. Once downloaded, the package(s) (and .NET installer) are stored in the same folder as the GUI installer, making it easy to backup anything you download.

Please also be aware that the amount of time required for a XP source integration has been reduced dramatically. Prior to the last 2 modifications, the patching process took about 600 seconds. After the last 2 modifications were completed, the patching process took about 335 seconds. This can be attributed to the fact that the GUI isn't recompressing the resources, but instead, copying the resource package straight to the i386 folder and unpacking during Windows Setup. There is also a space savings of about 10mb doing it this way because the resource packages are compressed better using the 7zip format than the CAB format.

In the Control Panel applet, the "Themes" tab wasn't included as there were technical difficulties that should be resolved by next release. The "Settings" tab is somewhat functional. However, there is some code that has to be worked on for correct operation. Things like changing the icon size work immediately, but changing the spacing between icons doesn't.

I'm pretty sure that all English strings have been removed from the GUI and placed in the English.ini file in the Languages folder. If you want the GUI translated into your language, please feel free to translate the file and send it to me. It will be included in next release. Just be aware that the file is about 660+ lines! Also note that no effort has been made to translate the resources themselves, for that is a project for later.

Lastly, the resources from version 1.x.x.x aren't compatible with version 2.x.x.x unless you compress them into a 7z file. I have no intention of changing this, so please don't ask.

EDIT: I just noticed something about the "Settings" tab in the CPL.... The icon sizes aren't correct. "128" is supposed to be "96", and "256" is supposed to "128". I've changed it for the next version, but do we need a 256x256 icon setting?

You're doing a great work with it :thumbsup_anim: :icon_cool:

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Fixed the Comcast link and uploaded to 4shared. All links in first post are current. Sorry for any inconvenience....

Edited by dougiefresh

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I've added two poll questions. I've finished the "Settings" tab in the Control Panel applet. Now on to the "Themes" tab....

Page30a_rev.JPG 800600.JPG

(Screenshot shown has 96x96 icons in it....)

EDIT: Rewrote the poll and added another question of importance to me....

  • Author

According to my calendar, it is June 20th, 2009 (7am CST) and 10 people voted in my poll. As promised, the poll comes down today. The results:

Q: Should I keep the option for 256x256 icons?

A: For Yes, 50%. For No, 50%.

Resolution: Since there is no clear answer, I'm sticking it back in.

Q: When hex-editing the kernel to replace the palette during integration, there is a concern that 3rd-party applications (such as TuneUp Utilities), as well as the bootscreen editor in XPtsp, won't be able to locate the palette in order to make a custom bootscreen. What should I do?

Landslide Answer: 80% are for Copy and patch, then mod BOOT.INI to point to it. (Similar to Live Install)

Q: Do you want to be able to select the original Windows XP theme?

A: For Yes, 40%. For No, 60%.

Resolution: Wow, I really didn't think that the voting would be so close... I really expected a landslide one way or another. So, I guess I need to make it an option in Component Selection (or something)....

EDIT: I've fixed the problem with the updating component.... The code assumed that the first line consisted of "[XPtsp]", but it actually had "[Theme]", so the component didn't see what it downloaded as valid. So modifying the INI file fixed this issue.

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The thing that bothers me right now is my inability to track down an apparent "bug" in the GUI. What happens: After OOBE, the GUI scans the files to see if anything needs repatching. At this point, it should exit without patching anything, after all, I had just installed the OS and haven't even updated it. But it wants to patch 336 files immediately after OOBE. Isn't this crazy? I think so.... As soon as I figure out how to solve this issue, I'll be releasing v2.0.0.1.

But here's the current changelog for the next version:

- LANG: Added "P_30a7" thru "P_30a15" for Control Panel applet "Settings" tab.
- Modified "Settings" page from "32,48,64,128,256" to "32,48,64,96,128,256".
- Modified "Settings" code to correspond to correct values for icon spacing per icon size.
- Added a reboot prompt for icon title wrap, horizontal & vertical spacing changes in "Settings".
- Added "Desktop View", as well as "Hide Desktop Icons" and "Icon Title Wrap" in "Settings".
- Added disabled "Font" button to "Settings" tab.
- OEM Info Generator is run during last-minute patching instead of RunOnceEx.
- During last-minute patching, kernel is copied and patched with new bootscreen.
- Kernel patching code can now edit progress bar's position on the bootscreen.
- Added the black (actually blue copied) and red taskmanager resource files.
- Updated XPtsp.ini with Black and Red taskmanager hex edit lines.
- GUI patches UXTHEME.DLL and SFC_OS.DLL again.
- Integration: File destinations are populated during Windows Setup.
- Integration: File timestamps removed from file information in XPtspCom.inf.

EDIT: I've compared the file information the GUI is putting into the registry before and after OOBE. I've found the only difference is a lack of timestamp info for most files. It was removed so that differences in time zones won't play into the GUI's decision to repatch a file. So I'm gonna add the timestamp during last-minute processes. However, I'm confused on how a file can be one size before XP installation and larger after installation.... and one at least two files, the version numbers aren't even the same! If anyone wants to take a shot at this question, any insights would be appreciated.... (Integration performed on virgin XP SP3 install, no add-ons or updatepacks)

EDIT2: A thought just occurred to me about the different version numbers (and possibly sizes) for files.... Obviously, a different file than the one I patched and recorded info about has been copied to the hard drive.... I've deleted the differences info, so I can't go back and research these files. But I will after my next test of the GUI, which will be tomorrow....

  • Author

Everybody: I've posted a new poll asking the question "When installing XP on your system, do you have to install a MUI pack in order for your language to be supported?".... Please answer even if your language is English. Thanks!

Bober: Thanks!

Getting an error messege showing the following when installation progresses...

ERROR: Unable to Extract " COMCTL33.DLL.RES"!

Could someone plz help me in this regard?



  • Author
Getting an error messege showing the following when installation progresses...

ERROR: Unable to Extract " COMCTL33.DLL.RES"!

Could someone plz help me in this regard?

Huh, that's weird.... I really can't imagine a situation where it would fail to create a 0-byte file.... I've been doing a lot of testing on the GUI in the last 2 weeks and it's extremely rare that that particular message shows up, primarily because a FileInstall in AutoIt doesn't usually fail....

  • Author

What's Changed in v2.0.0.1:

- LANG: Added "P_30a7" thru "P_30a15" for Control Panel applet "Settings" tab.

- Modified "Settings" page from "32,48,64,128,256" to "32,48,64,96,128,256".

- Modified "Settings" code to correspond to correct values for icon spacing per icon size.

- Added a reboot prompt for icon title wrap, horizontal & vertical spacing changes in "Settings".

- Added "Desktop View", as well as "Hide Desktop Icons" and "Icon Title Wrap" in "Settings".

- Added disabled "Font" button to "Settings" tab.

- OEM Info Generator is run during last-minute patching instead of RunOnceEx.

- During last-minute patching, kernel is copied and patched with new bootscreen.

- Kernel patching code can now edit progress bar's position on the bootscreen.

- Added the black (actually blue copied) and red taskmanager resource files.

- Updated XPtsp.ini with Black and Red taskmanager hex edit lines.

- GUI patches UXTHEME.DLL and SFC_OS.DLL again.

- Integration: File destinations are populated during Windows Setup.

- Integration: File timestamps removed from file information in XPtspCom.inf.

- Code modified so that files are not unnecessarily copied if no modification needed.

- Code modified so that alternate versions of MSTSC.EXE & MSTSCAX.DLL are handled.

- Fixed code on Page 10 (ISO creation) so that working folder isn't changed unexpectedly.

- Page 6 (Theme Selection) changed to default to Green package.

- Adjusted WinFlip.INF to avoid breaking installation.

I've been focusing on testing the integration of XPtsp resources into a source folder. The code used to want to patch 336 files immediately after installation of the WinXP source, but the number of files have been reduced to 4 or 5 (MSTSC.EXE, MSTSCAX.DLL, XPNETDG.EXE, COMCTL33.DLL and maybe COMCTL34.DLL). I am still working on trying to fix the GUI to handle these files correctly. Otherwise, repatcher works as expected.

EDIT1: Before you starting asking "what is COMCTL33.DLL or COMCTL34.DLL?", let me explain. I'm aware of three copies of COMCTL32.DLL, each with a different version number, filesize, etc. I don't really know what the difference in functionality is, nor do I care. I backup each COMCTL32.DLL to a different name, hence, COMCTL33.DLL for the first "other" copy, COMCTL34.DLL for the second, etc. COMCTL34.DLL may get patched depending on whether the path for the 2nd copy exists. Unfortunately, it seems to differ depending on whether you use and which Update Pack you integrate, so this problem will have to be fixed....

There seems to be two different copies of MSTSC.EXE and MSTSCAX.DLL in the XP source. I don't know why the originals even exist, but the others (LHMSTSC.EXE and LHMSTSCX.DLL) are copied into place....

EDIT2: The code expands the XPNETDG.EX_ to a different filename, which is why the GUI isn't picking up the file information necessary to keep it from being flagged for repatching.

Edited by dougiefresh

Huh, that's weird.... I really can't imagine a situation where it would fail to create a 0-byte file.... I've been doing a lot of testing on the GUI in the last 2 weeks and it's extremely rare that that particular message shows up, primarily because a FileInstall in AutoIt doesn't usually fail....

thanks sir for ur reply... i have preinstalled VistaVG Theme... is it hampered the extraction or something else?... im noob in this area :doh: .. so plz help me... I Love the Total Theme....TC