September 9, 201014 yr The 'new palett' error appears twice; patching notepad.exe, ntoc.dll or a file near these two.Task manager: I only had time to test 4 resources last night. Green and neon blue work fine. black: apps, processes and users tabs aren't patched. Red patches all tabs, however both black and red close task mgr when I select performance tab.hope this helps some,regards,rr650 Edited September 12, 201014 yr by rr650
September 17, 201014 yr Has there been any update to the above reported errors in I've got three new sources on standby ready to test!
September 20, 201014 yr Author I was talking about the:"New Palette $B=" Error. After $B it was blank, i didn't have that long strain of number/alphabet like qwesta.Thank you for the report! Variable $B gets filled only when there is a different palette specified in XPtsp.ini for the different bootscreen. When $B is blank, the code skips hex-editing the kernel because it isn't necessary.The 'new palett' error appears twice; patching notepad.exe, ntoc.dll or a file near these two.Task manager: I only had time to test 4 resources last night. Green and neon blue work fine. black: apps, processes and users tabs aren't patched. Red patches all tabs, however both black and red close task mgr when I select performance tab.hope this helps some,regards,rr650That palette "bug" affects the following files: NTOSKRNL.EXE, NTKRNLPA.EXE, NTKRNLMP.EXE, NTKRPAMP.EXE and TSP_KRNL.EXE (which is created by copying NTOSKRNL.EXE and patching it for a Live Install).Regarding Task Manager, I regret to inform you that I forgot to replace all of the Task Manager RES files appropriately. I will be issuing new theme packages with the corrected RES files within the next day or so.Has there been any update to the above reported errors in I've got three new sources on standby ready to test! No. I've been really busy at work, working 10 to 11 hours each day for the last 12 days. I haven't been able to work on the XPtsp patcher during that time.Ok I get the new palette errors and suddenly reshacker popping upOkay, thank you for the bug report about the palette error. What are you referring to when you mention "Reshacker popping up"?
September 21, 201014 yr Ok this program is not the only one NIS has issues with.. NIS does not seem to handle altered system files very wellFor the palette error.. it was a blank on mine tooAnd yea then reshacker opened up.. well that could be why I had all these errors like in qwesta's picture? (the second pic)
October 2, 201014 yr Author I'm really sorry about the wait..... I've been having quite a bit of trouble with lack of time to do testing... I've uploaded the new themes, which should solve the Task Manager issue that has been reported. I've removed the errant message box about "$B" and I'm looking into why the resource translation code is producing errors. Hopefully, I'll have an answer later today....
October 2, 201014 yr No need to apologize, real life always has priority. It's best to get it right, than to rush a release.
October 9, 201014 yr Author What's Changed in v3.0.0.13:- Removed the message box displayed about the variable $B.- Added code to avoid overwriting TASKMGR.EXE.RES if it already exists.Theme Packages Changes - Effective October 2, 2010- Edited all Task Manager resource sub-files to remove dialog box info.- Included original Task Manager resource file with each theme.Hopefully, these updates will fix the problems mentioned.
October 10, 201014 yr Thanks! I'll get to testing right away. BTW, a release today would be a binary release! 101010 in binary is 42base10 and we all know that 42 is the answer to life, the universe, and everything! :thumbsup_anim:*Edit,Resource translation and XPSP* patching is still locking up my machine, even with Symantec disabled. Unchecking both works fine. Edited October 10, 201014 yr by Mr_Smartepants
October 12, 201014 yr Author Mr_Smartepants and Qwesta: There should be an error log, either in the same folder with the GUI or in the source folder you are patching. It is called "LOGS_(date)_32.CAB", and possibly "LOGS_(date)_64.CAB". Please send me these files. Thanks!EDIT: Hmmmmmm........ Just ran the GUI on a source folder and it didn't produce a logs cab file, even though an reshacker error was reported..... Nevermind.......
October 16, 201014 yr Author What's Changed in v3.0.0.14:- Moved logs cab creation code to during integration/install page.- Added code to create logs folder for integration purposes.- Modified File modification method used for translating resources files.- Corrected reshacker log handling code so that log files get transfered.The previous several versions deleted the dialogs from the XPSP2RES.DLL file each time that a XPSP2RES file was modified. For some reason, it didn't work properly after the first time doing so. Making a copy of the res file, THEN modifying the copy seems to have solved this particular nasty bug.All of my recent tests occurred using integrations into a XP Professional edition source. I found that the log files weren't being created for some reason. It turns out that the log files were overwriting the actual resource file used, instead of being placed in the log folder. So correcting that fixes the inability to gather the logs for Integrations. Live Installs were not affected by this bug. In addition, the code that packs the log files down was moved in the code so that the logs cab gets included in the ISO, if it needs to be created.Furthermore, I have decided that I hate the current GUI. It's just too..... obtuse. I have found that I like the 7tsp interface much better than the XPtsp interface, so I will be redesigning the XPtsp GUI to be more inline with that of 7tsp. I intend on dubbing this new GUI version
October 17, 201014 yr tested, so far so good. patching went on well. Task manager is OK..will try to check for any further abnormalities if there are any.A nice weekend
October 17, 201014 yr XP Pro worked fine.XP MCE had an error during integration.Log:XPtsp v3.0.0.14 Patching Started: 10/17/2010 15:22======================================================================Removing Read-Only Attributes from FilesStarting to patch files in i386:- Patching ACCESS.CPL- Patching ACCTRES.DLL- Patching ACCWIZ.EXE- Patching ACLEDIT.DLL- Patching ACLUI.DLL- Patching ADMPARSE.DLL- Patching AHUI.EXE- Patching APPMGR.DLL- Patching APPWIZ.CPL- Patching ASCTRLS.OCX- Patching AUDIODEV.DLL- Patching BATMETER.DLL- Patching BATT.DLL- Patching BCSPRSRC.DLL- Patching BROWSEUI.DLL- Patching BTHCI.DLL- Patching CABVIEW.DLL- Patching CALC.EXE- Patching CAPESNPN.DLL- Patching CARDS.DLL- Patching CDFVIEW.DLL- Patching CERTMGR.DLL- Patching CHARMAP.EXE- Patching CIADMIN.DLL- Patching CLEANMGR.EXE- Patching CLICONFG.EXE- Patching CLICONFG.RLL- Patching CLIPBRD.EXE- Patching CLIPSRV.EXE- Patching CMD.EXE- Patching CMDIAL32.DLL- Patching CMDL32.EXE- Patching CMMON32.EXE- Patching CMPROPS.DLL- Patching CMSTP.EXE- Patching COMCTL32.DLL- Patching COMDLG32.DLL- Patching COMPATUI.DLL- Patching COMPSTUI.DLL- Patching COMRES.DLL- Patching CONF.EXE- Patching CONIME.EXE- Patching CONSOLE.DLL- Patching CREDUI.DLL- Patching CRYPTUI.DLL- Patching CSCDLL.DLL- Patching CSCRIPT.EXE- Patching CSCUI.DLL- Patching CTFMON.EXE- Patching DATACLEN.DLL- Patching DDESHARE.EXE- Patching DESK.CPL- Patching DESKADP.DLL- Patching DESKMON.DLL- Patching DESKPERF.DLL- Patching DEVMGR.DLL- Patching DFRGRES.DLL- Patching DFRGUI.DLL- Patching DIALER.EXE- Patching DISKCOPY.DLL- Patching DMDLGS.DLL- Patching DMDSKRES.DLL- Patching DPMODEMX.DLL- Patching DPVOICE.DLL- Patching DPVSETUP.EXE- Patching DSKQUOUI.DLL- Patching DSPROP.DLL- Patching DSQUERY.DLL- Patching DSUIEXT.DLL- Patching DXDIAG.EXE- Patching DXDIAGN.DLL- Patching DXMASF.DLL- Patching ELS.DLL- Patching EUDCEDIT.EXE- Patching EVENTVWR.EXE- Patching EXPLORER.EXE- Patching EXTMGR.DLL- Patching FDE.DLL- Patching FILEMGMT.DLL- Patching FLDRCLNR.DLL- Patching FONTEXT.DLL- Patching FREECELL.EXE- Patching FSQUIRT.EXE- Patching FTSRCH.DLL- Patching FXSCFGWZ.DLL- Patching FXSCLNT.EXE- Patching FXSCLNTR.DLL- Patching FXSCOVER.EXE- Patching FXSWZRD.DLL- Patching GCDEF.DLL- Patching GPEDIT.DLL- Patching GPTEXT.DLL- Patching GRPCONV.EXE- Patching HDWWIZ.CPL- Patching HELPCTR.EXE- Patching HH.EXE- Patching HHCTRL.OCX- Patching HHCTRLUI.DLL- Patching HMMAPI.DLL- Patching HNETWIZ.DLL- Patching HOTPLUG.DLL- Patching HTICONS.DLL- Patching HYPERTRM.EXE- Patching ICMUI.DLL- Patching ICWCONN1.EXE- Patching ICWCONN2.EXE- Patching ICWDIAL.DLL- Patching ICWHELP.DLL- Patching ICWRES.DLL- Patching IEAKSIE.DLL- Patching IEAKUI.DLL- Patching IEFRAME.DLL- Patching IEPEERS.DLL- Patching IERNONCE.DLL- Patching IESETUP.DLL- Patching IEXPLORE.EXE- Patching IEXPLORE.MUI- Patching IEXPRESS.EXE- Patching IIS.DLL- Patching IISUI.DLL- Patching IMSINSNT.DLL- Patching INETCFG.DLL- Patching INETCPL.CPL- Patching INETCPL.MUI- Patching INETCPLC.DLL- Patching INETMGR.DLL- Patching INETMGR.EXE- Patching INETRES.DLL- Patching INETWIZ.EXE- Patching INPUT.DLL- Patching INTL.CPL- Patching IPSECSNP.DLL- Patching IPSMSNAP.DLL- Patching IRCLASS.DLL- Patching IRPROPS.CPL- Patching ISIGN32.DLL- Patching ISIGNUP.EXE- Patching ITSS.DLL- Patching JOBEXEC.DLL- Patching JOY.CPL- Patching KEYMGR.DLL- Patching LHMSTSC.EXE- Patching LHMSTSCX.DLL- Patching LIGHTS.EXE- Patching LOCALSEC.DLL- Patching LOGONUI.EXE- Patching MAGNIFY.EXE- Patching MAIN.CPL- Patching MAPISTUB.DLL- Patching MDMINST.DLL- Patching MIDIMAP.DLL- Patching MIGLOAD.EXE- Patching MIGPWD.EXE- Patching MIGWIZ.EXE- Patching MIGWIZA.EXE- Patching MIGWIZ_A.EXE- Patching MMC.EXE- Patching MMCBASE.DLL- Patching MMCNDMGR.DLL- Patching MMCSHEXT.DLL- Patching MMSYS.CPL- Patching MNMSRVC.EXE- Patching MOBSYNC.EXE- Patching MODEMUI.DLL- Patching MORICONS.DLL- Patching MPLAY32.EXE- Patching MPLAYER2.EXE- Patching MPRUI.DLL- Patching MQSNAP.DLL- Patching MQUTIL.DLL- Patching MSCONF.DLL- Patching MSCONFIG.EXE- Patching MSDTC.EXE- Patching MSDXM.OCX- Patching MSGINA.DLL- Patching MSHEARTS.EXE- Patching MSHTA.EXE- Patching MSHTML.DLL- Patching MSI.DLL- Patching MSIDENT.DLL- Patching MSIDNTLD.DLL- Patching MSIEFTP.DLL- Patching MSIEXEC.EXE- Patching MSIHND.DLL- Patching MSIMN.EXE- Patching MSINFO32.EXE- Patching MSOBMAIN.DLL- Patching MSOERES.DLL- Patching MSOOBE.EXE- Patching MSPAINT.EXE- Patching MSRATING.DLL- Patching MSTASK.DLL- Patching MSXML.DLL- Patching MSXML2.DLL- Patching MSXML3.DLL- Patching MUCLTUI.DLL- Patching MUWEB.DLL- Patching MYCOMPUT.DLL- Patching MYDOCS.DLL- Patching NARRATOR.EXE- Patching NCPA.CPL- Patching NETID.DLL- Patching NETPLWIZ.DLL- Patching NETSETUP.EXE- Patching NETSHELL.DLL- Patching NEWDEV.DLL- Patching NMAS.DLL- Patching NMCHAT.DLL- Patching NMFT.DLL- Patching NMOLDWB.DLL- Patching NMWB.DLL- Patching NOTEPAD.EXE- Patching NOTIFLAG.EXE- Patching NSLOOKUP.EXE- Patching NTBACKUP.EXE- Patching NTKRNLMP.EXE- Patching NTLANUI2.DLL- Patching NTMSMGR.DLL- Patching NTOC.DLL- Patching NTOSKRNL.EXE- Patching NTSD.EXE- Patching NTSHRUI.DLL- Patching NUSRMGR.CPL- Patching OBJSEL.DLL- Patching OCCACHE.DLL- Patching OCGEN.DLL- Patching ODBCAD32.EXE- Patching ODBCCP32.CPL- Patching ODBCINT.DLL- Patching OEMIG50.EXE- Patching OLEDB32.DLL- Patching OOBEBALN.EXE- Patching OSK.EXE- Patching OSUNINST.DLL- Patching OSUNINST.EXE- Patching PACKAGER.EXE- Patching PERFMON.EXE- Patching PHOTOWIZ.DLL- Patching PINBALL.EXE- Patching POWERCFG.CPL- Patching PRINTUI.DLL- Patching PROGMAN.EXE- Patching PROQUOTA.EXE- Patching QUARTZ.DLL- Patching RASDLG.DLL- Patching RASPHONE.EXE- Patching RCIMLBY.EXE- Patching REGEDIT.EXE- Patching REGEDT32.EXE- Patching REGWIZC.DLL- Patching REMOTEPG.DLL- Patching RSMUI.EXE- Patching RSNOTIFY.EXE- Patching RSTRUI.EXE- Patching RTCSHARE.EXE- Patching RUNDLL32.EXE- Patching RUNONCE.EXE- Patching SAPI.CPL- Patching SAPI.DLL- Patching SCROBJ.DLL- Patching SENDMAIL.DLL- Patching SERVDEPS.DLL- Patching SETUP.EXE- Patching SETUPAPI.DLL- Patching SETUP_WM.EXE- Patching SHDOCLC.DLL- Patching SHDOCVW.DLL- Patching SHELL32.DLL- Patching SHIMGVW.DLL- Patching SHLWAPI.DLL- Patching SHRPUBW.EXE- Patching SHSCRAP.DLL- Patching SIGVERIF.EXE- Patching SMLOGCFG.DLL- Patching SMTPSNAP.DLL- Patching SNDREC32.EXE- Patching SNDVOL32.EXE- Patching SNMPSNAP.DLL- Patching SOL.EXE- Patching SPCPLUI.DLL- Patching SPIDER.EXE- Patching SRCLIENT.DLL- Patching SRRSTR.DLL- Patching STIMON.EXE- Patching STI_CI.DLL- Patching STOBJECT.DLL- Patching STRMDLL.DLL- Patching SXS.DLL- Patching SYNCAPP.EXE- Patching SYNCUI.DLL- Patching SYSDM.CPL- Patching SYSKEY.EXE- Patching SYSMON.OCX- Patching SYSOCMGR.EXE- Patching SYSSETUP.DLL- Patching TAPIUI.DLL- Hex Editing TASKMGR.EXE- Patching TASKMGR.EXE- Patching TCPMONUI.DLL- Patching TELEPHON.CPL- Patching TELNET.EXE- Patching THEMEUI.DLL- Patching TIMEDATE.CPL- Patching TSOC.DLL- Patching UNIMDM.TSP- Patching UPNPUI.DLL- Patching URL.DLL- Patching URLMON.DLL- Patching USER32.DLL- Patching UTILMAN.EXE- Patching VERIFIER.EXE- Patching W3EXT.DLL- Patching WAB.EXE- Patching WAB32.DLL- Patching WAB32RES.DLL- Patching WABFIND.DLL- Patching WABIMP.DLL- Patching WABMIG.EXE- Patching WBEMCNTL.DLL- Patching WEBCHECK.DLL- Patching WEXTRACT.EXE- Patching WIAACMGR.EXE- Patching WIADEFUI.DLL- Patching WIASHEXT.DLL- Patching WINBRAND.DLL- Patching WINCHAT.EXE- Patching WINHLP32.EXE- Patching WININET.DLL- Patching WINLOGON.EXE- Patching WINMGMT.EXE- Patching WINMINE.EXE- Patching WINNT32A.DLL- Patching WINNT32U.DLL- Patching WINNTBBA.DLL- Patching WINNTBBU.DLL- Patching WINSRV.DLL- Patching WINTRUST.DLL- Patching WMM2RES.DLL- Patching WMP.DLL- Patching WMPLAYER.EXE- Patching WMPLOC.DLL- Patching WORDPAD.EXE- Patching WPABALN.EXE- Patching WPDSHEXT.DLL- Patching WPD_CI.DLL- Patching WRITE.EXE- Patching WSCRIPT.EXE- Patching WSCUI.CPL- Patching WSECEDIT.DLL- Patching WUAPI.DLL- Patching WUAUCLT1.EXE- Patching WUAUCPL.CPL- Patching WUAUCPL.MUIMSG: Recompiling dialog in WUAUCPL.MUI.RES- Patching WUAUENG1.DLL- Patching WUCLTUI.DLL- Patching WUPDMGR.EXE- Patching WUWEB.DLL- Patching XPNETDG.EXE- Patching XPSP1RES.DLL- Patching XPSP2RES.DLL- Patching XPSP3RES.DLL- Patching ZIPFLDR.DLLExtracting contents of WMP11.CAB- Patching WMPSHARE.EXE- Patching WMSETSDK.EXECompressing WMP11.CABExtracting contents of DRIVER.CAB- Patching BTHCI.DLL- Patching DVDPLAY.EXE- Patching FSQUIRT.EXE- Patching IRFTP.EXE- Patching IRPROPS.CPL- Patching NTKRNLMP.EXE- Patching NTKRNLPA.EXE- Patching NTKRPAMP.EXE- Patching NTOSKRNL.EXE- Patching PS5UI.DLL- Patching STORPROP.DLL- Patching UNIDRVUI.DLL- Patching USBUI.DLL- Patching VFWWDM32.DLLCompressing DRIVER.CABExtracting contents of MEDIACTR.CAB- Patching EHRES.DLLERROR: Reshacker error occurred during patching!- Replacing MCBLISS.JPG- Replacing ROYALE.MST- Replacing ROYALE.THM- Replacing ROYALE_SS.DLLCompressing MEDIACTR.CABReplacing AutoPlay program...Starting to overwrite files in the I386 folder:- Compressing BACKDOWN.JPG- Compressing BACKOFF.JPG- Compressing BACKOVER.JPG- Compressing BACKUP.JPG- Compressing BLISS.JPG- Compressing BLUE_SS.DLL- Compressing BTN1.GIF- Compressing BTN2.GIF- Compressing BTN3.GIF- Compressing CERTMGR.MSC- Compressing CIADV.MSC- Compressing CLASSIC.THE- Compressing COMEXP.MSC- Compressing COMPMGMT.MSC- Compressing DEVMGMT.MSC- Compressing DFRG.MSC- Compressing DIALUP.GIF- Compressing DISKMGMT.MSC- Compressing DNSMGMT.MSC- Compressing EVENTVWR.MSC- Compressing FINI.HTM- Compressing FSMGMT.MSC- Compressing GPEDIT.MSC- Compressing GREENSHD.GIF- Compressing GRN_BTN.GIF- Compressing HOME_SS.DLL- Compressing IDENT2.HTM- Compressing IIS.MSC- Compressing INTRO.WMV- Compressing LOGON.SCR- Compressing LUNA.MST- Compressing LUNA.THE- Compressing LUSRMGR.MSC- Compressing METAL_SS.DLL- Compressing MSLOGO.JPG- Compressing NEWBTM1.JPG- Compressing NEWBTM8.JPG- Compressing NEWMARK1.JPG- Compressing NEWMARK8.JPG- Compressing NEWTOP1.JPG- Compressing NEWTOP8.JPG- Compressing NEXTDOWN.JPG- Compressing NEXTOFF.JPG- Compressing NEXTOVER.JPG- Compressing NEXTUP.JPG- Compressing NTMSMGR.MSC- Compressing NTMSOPRQ.MSC- Compressing PERFMON.MSC- Compressing PRODKEY.GIF- Compressing QMARK.GIF- Compressing REDSHD.GIF- Compressing RSOP.MSC- Compressing SECPOL.MSC- Compressing SERVICES.MSC- Compressing SKIPDOWN.JPG- Compressing SKIPOFF.JPG- Compressing SKIPOVER.JPG- Compressing SKIPUP.JPG- Compressing TITLE.WMA- Compressing WELCOME.HTM- Compressing WMIMGMT.MSC- Compressing XPBALLN.WAV- Compressing XPBATCRT.WAV- Compressing XPBATLOW.WAV- Compressing XPBLKPOP.WAV- Compressing XPCRTSTP.WAV- Compressing XPDEF.WAV- Compressing XPDING.WAV- Compressing XPERROR.WAV- Compressing XPEXCL.WAV- Compressing XPHDFAIL.WAV- Compressing XPHDINST.WAV- Compressing XPHDREM.WAV- Compressing XPINFBAR.WAV- Compressing XPLOGOFF.WAV- Compressing XPLOGON.WAV- Compressing XPMENU.WAV- Compressing XPMIN.WAV- Compressing XPNOTIFY.WAV- Compressing XPPRINT.WAV- Compressing XPRECYCL.WAV- Compressing XPRESTOR.WAV- Compressing XPRINGIN.WAV- Compressing XPRNGOUT.WAV- Compressing XPSHUTDN.WAV- Compressing XPSTART.WAV- Compressing XPSTARTU.WAVPatching WBEMOC.INFPatching SVCPACK.INFHex Editing SYSTEM32\SMSS.EXECopying theme package to i386 folder...Adding Optional ComponentsPatching Completed in 0 seconds.
October 23, 201014 yr Thanks for 30014...big improvement.Here are a couple things I found while testing:Black--- doesn't patch Task Mgr. at has all of the task mgr problems mentioned earlier.neon blue--- reshacker error--- 9$s[2] and $FAlso, there are reshacker errors with using the batch files with 30014. However I will have to get back to you on particulars...misplaced my notes with test results.The problems with red and neon may simply be because the resources have not been updated yet.I realize that none of these are critical problems, but in my experience, programmers want to know of every little bug; so you should get to decide what must be fixed.Thanks again, xptsp is a used on every new install I make.regards,rr650I realize that when the GUI is done the batch files will no longer be needed. However, since xptsp 30014 still allows the use of batch files, I 'm including a report on the 4 batch I tested using the GUI:Black, neon, and red all have the same reshacker error mentioned above. Also, after compressing the files this pop-up appears: unable to read section "sysoc". when you click 'OK' xptxp closes.Green batch is not recognized at all by GUI.Hope there is something here that helps.regards,rr650 Edited October 24, 201014 yr by rr650
November 1, 201014 yr Author Mr_Smartepants and rr650: Thanks for the bug reports. I'll look into them......
November 21, 201014 yr Sorry for bothering you dougiefresh, just tried the latest xptsp gui in offline mode, I'm using the green theme but unfortunately an error came.. Here is the screenshot and the log.XPtsp.log.txt,,BTW, some resources change but not all specially in shell32.dll...thanks in advance...
November 24, 201014 yr Confirming the reshacker issue during the patching of ehres.dllIf my source doesn't include the "MCE05 addon by ricktendo64"then all goes well.And no matter where I place "MCE05 addon by ricktendo64", b4 updatepack, b4 addons or after addons, I still run into theehres.dll issue.*Everything was tested using the green and black internally downloaded themes.Keep up the good work!
December 26, 201014 yr Author Everyone: The last few months have been rough, and I apologize for my absence from the forum. However, I think the worse is over with, so maybe I can finally get moving on stuff again!rr650: I've fixed the Reshacker error message box issue, as well as the lack of recognition of the Green batch by the GUI. The "unable to read section" message was circumvented by added some additional code to put the file in place if it doesn't exist, and by default for batch versions. However, I still need to investigate why Task Manager is still having issues with the GUI.... Thank you for the report!mutedchild: The changes that I'm about to post should resolve screenshot issue you posted about. Please send a copy of your shell32.dll so that I can examine it to see why everything isn't being patched. You'll probably have to upload it to MediaFire or somewhere similar... Thanks!Chilltownnj: Please send a copy of your ehres.dll so that I can examine it to see why everything isn't being patched. You'll probably have to upload it to MediaFire or somewhere similar... Thanks!===================================================================LATEST TEST RESULTS: I tested the GUI with the Green batch file and up to the final stages, it seems to work perfectly (well, except for Task Manager....). Right before the end, I got some messages about "Cannot compress non-existant source file!" So I've got to figure out what it can't find before releasing the latest version....XPtsp v3.0.0.15 Patching Started: 12/26/2010 20:49======================================================================Removing Read-Only Attributes from FilesStarting to patch files in i386:- (0409) Patching ACCESS.CPL- (0409) Patching ACCTRES.DLL- (0409) Patching ACCWIZ.EXE- (0409) Patching ACLEDIT.DLL- (0409) Patching ACLUI.DLL- (0409) Patching ADMPARSE.DLL- (0409) Patching AHUI.EXE- (0409) Patching APPMGR.DLL- (0409) Patching APPWIZ.CPL- (0409) Patching ASCTRLS.OCX- (0409) Patching BATMETER.DLL- (0409) Patching BATT.DLL- (0409) Patching BROWSEUI.DLL- (0409) Patching BTHCI.DLL- (0409) Patching CABVIEW.DLL- (0409) Patching CALC.EXE- (0409) Patching CAPESNPN.DLL- (0409) Patching CARDS.DLL- (0409) Patching CDFVIEW.DLL- (0409) Patching CERTMGR.DLL- (0409) Patching CHARMAP.EXE- (0409) Patching CIADMIN.DLL- (0409) Patching CLEANMGR.EXE- (0409) Patching CLICONFG.EXE- (0409) Patching CLICONFG.RLL- (0409) Patching CLIPBRD.EXE- (0409) Patching CLIPSRV.EXE- (0409) Patching CMD.EXE- (0409) Patching CMDIAL32.DLL- (0409) Patching CMDL32.EXE- (0409) Patching CMMON32.EXE- (0409) Patching CMPROPS.DLL- (0409) Patching CMSTP.EXE- (0409) Patching COMCTL32.DLL- (0409) Patching COMDLG32.DLL- (0409) Patching COMPATUI.DLL- (0409) Patching COMPSTUI.DLL- (0409) Patching COMRES.DLL- (0409) Patching CONF.EXE- (0409) Patching CONIME.EXE- (0409) Patching CONSOLE.DLL- (0409) Patching CREDUI.DLL- (0409) Patching CRYPTUI.DLL- (0409) Patching CSCDLL.DLL- (0409) Patching CSCRIPT.EXE- (0409) Patching CSCUI.DLL- (0409) Patching CTFMON.EXE- (0409) Patching DATACLEN.DLL- (0409) Patching DDESHARE.EXE- (0409) Patching DESK.CPL- (0409) Patching DESKADP.DLL- (0409) Patching DESKMON.DLL- (0409) Patching DESKPERF.DLL- (0409) Patching DEVMGR.DLL- (0409) Patching DFRGRES.DLL- (0409) Patching DFRGUI.DLL- (0409) Patching DIALER.EXE- (0409) Patching DISKCOPY.DLL- (0409) Patching DMDLGS.DLL- (0409) Patching DMDSKRES.DLL- (0409) Patching DPMODEMX.DLL- (0409) Patching DPVOICE.DLL- (0409) Patching DPVSETUP.EXE- (0409) Patching DSKQUOUI.DLL- (0409) Patching DSPROP.DLL- (0409) Patching DSQUERY.DLL- (0409) Patching DSUIEXT.DLL- (0409) Patching DXDIAG.EXE- (0409) Patching DXDIAGN.DLL- (0409) Patching DXMASF.DLL- (0409) Patching ELS.DLL- (0409) Patching EUDCEDIT.EXE- (0409) Patching EVENTVWR.EXE- (0409) Patching EXPLORER.EXE- (0409) Patching EXTMGR.DLL- (0409) Patching FDE.DLL- (0409) Patching FILEMGMT.DLL- (0409) Patching FLDRCLNR.DLL- (0409) Patching FONTEXT.DLL- (0409) Patching FREECELL.EXE- (0409) Patching FSQUIRT.EXE- (0409) Patching FTSRCH.DLL- (0409) Patching FXSCFGWZ.DLL- (0409) Patching FXSCLNT.EXE- (0409) Patching FXSCLNTR.DLL- (0409) Patching FXSCOVER.EXE- (0409) Patching FXSWZRD.DLL- (0409) Patching GCDEF.DLL- (0409) Patching GPEDIT.DLL- (0409) Patching GPTEXT.DLL- (0409) Patching GRPCONV.EXE- (0409) Patching HDWWIZ.CPL- (0409) Patching HELPCTR.EXE- (0409) Patching HH.EXE- (0409) Patching HHCTRL.OCX- (0409) Patching HHCTRLUI.DLL- (0409) Patching HMMAPI.DLL- (0409) Patching HNETWIZ.DLL- (0409) Patching HOTPLUG.DLL- (0409) Patching HTICONS.DLL- (0409) Patching HYPERTRM.EXE- (0409) Patching ICMUI.DLL- (0409) Patching ICWCONN1.EXE- (0409) Patching ICWCONN2.EXECannot compress non-existant source file!- (0409) Patching ICWDIAL.DLL- (0409) Patching ICWHELP.DLL- (0409) Patching ICWRES.DLL- (0409) Patching IEAKSIE.DLL- (0409) Patching IEAKUI.DLL- (0409) Patching IEDW.EXE- (0409) Patching IEPEERS.DLL- (0409) Patching IERNONCE.DLL- (0409) Patching IESETUP.DLL- (0409) Patching IEXPLORE.EXE- (0409) Patching IEXPRESS.EXE- (0409) Patching IIS.DLL- (0409) Patching IISUI.DLL- (0409) Patching IMSINSNT.DLL- (0409) Patching INETCFG.DLL- (0409) Patching INETCPL.CPL- (0409) Patching INETCPLC.DLL- (0409) Patching INETMGR.DLL- (0409) Patching INETMGR.EXE- (0409) Patching INETRES.DLL- (0409) Patching INETWIZ.EXE- (0409) Patching INPUT.DLL- (0409) Patching INTL.CPL- (0409) Patching IPSECSNP.DLL- (0409) Patching IPSMSNAP.DLL- (0409) Patching IRCLASS.DLL- (0409) Patching IRPROPS.CPL- (0409) Patching ISIGN32.DLL- (0409) Patching ISIGNUP.EXE- (0409) Patching ITSS.DLL- (0409) Patching JOBEXEC.DLL- (0409) Patching JOY.CPL- (0409) Patching KEYMGR.DLL- (0409) Patching LHMSTSC.EXE- (0409) Patching LHMSTSCX.DLL- (0409) Patching LIGHTS.EXE- (0409) Patching LOCALSEC.DLL- (0409) Patching LOGONUI.EXE- (0409) Patching MAGNIFY.EXE- (0409) Patching MAIN.CPL- (0409) Patching MAPISTUB.DLL- (0409) Patching MDMINST.DLL- (0409) Patching MIDIMAP.DLL- (0409) Patching MIGLOAD.EXE- (0409) Patching MIGPWD.EXE- (0409) Patching MIGWIZ.EXE- (0409) Patching MIGWIZA.EXE- (0409) Patching MIGWIZ_A.EXE- (0409) Patching MMC.EXE- (0409) Patching MMCBASE.DLL- (0409) Patching MMCNDMGR.DLL- (0409) Patching MMCSHEXT.DLL- (0409) Patching MMSYS.CPL- (0409) Patching MNMSRVC.EXE- (0409) Patching MOBSYNC.EXE- (0409) Patching MODEMUI.DLL- (0409) Patching MORICONS.DLL- (0409) Patching MPLAY32.EXE- (0409) Patching MPLAYER2.EXE- (0409) Patching MPRUI.DLL- (0409) Patching MQSNAP.DLL- (0409) Patching MQUTIL.DLL- (0409) Patching MSCONF.DLL- (0409) Patching MSCONFIG.EXE- (0409) Patching MSDTC.EXE- (0409) Patching MSDXM.OCX- (0409) Patching MSGINA.DLL- (0409) Patching MSGR3EN.DLL- (0409) Patching MSHEARTS.EXE- (0409) Patching MSHTA.EXE- (0409) Patching MSHTML.DLL- (0000) Patching MSI.DLL- (0409) Patching MSIDENT.DLL- (0409) Patching MSIDNTLD.DLL- (0409) Patching MSIEFTP.DLL- (0000) Patching MSIEXEC.EXE- (0000) Patching MSIHND.DLL- (0409) Patching MSIMN.EXE- (0409) Patching MSINFO32.EXE- (0409) Patching MSOBMAIN.DLL- (0409) Patching MSOERES.DLL- (0409) Patching MSOOBE.EXE- (0409) Patching MSPAINT.EXE- (0409) Patching MSRATING.DLL- (0409) Patching MSTASK.DLL- (0409) Patching MSTSC.EXE- (0409) Patching MSTSCAX.DLL- (0409) Patching MSXML.DLL- (0000) Patching MSXML2.DLL- (0000) Patching MSXML3.DLL- (0409) Patching MYCOMPUT.DLL- (0409) Patching MYDOCS.DLL- (0409) Patching NARRATOR.EXE- (0409) Patching NCPA.CPL- (0409) Patching NETID.DLL- (0409) Patching NETPLWIZ.DLL- (0409) Patching NETSETUP.EXE- (0409) Patching NETSHELL.DLL- (0409) Patching NEWDEV.DLL- (0409) Patching NMAS.DLL- (0409) Patching NMCHAT.DLL- (0409) Patching NMFT.DLL- (0409) Patching NMOLDWB.DLL- (0409) Patching NMWB.DLL- (0409) Patching NOTEPAD.EXE- (0409) Patching NOTIFLAG.EXE- (0409) Patching NSLOOKUP.EXE- (0409) Patching NTBACKUP.EXE- (0409) Patching NTKRNLMP.EXE- (0409) Patching NTLANUI2.DLL- (0409) Patching NTMSMGR.DLL- (0409) Patching NTOC.DLL- (0409) Patching NTOSKRNL.EXE- (0409) Patching NTSD.EXE- (0409) Patching NTSHRUI.DLL- (0409) Patching NUSRMGR.CPL- (0409) Patching OBJSEL.DLL- (0409) Patching OCCACHE.DLL- (0409) Patching OCGEN.DLL- (0000) Patching ODBCAD32.EXE- (0409) Patching ODBCCP32.CPL- (0409) Patching ODBCINT.DLL- (0409) Patching OEMIG50.EXE- (0000) Patching OLEDB32.DLL- (0409) Patching OOBEBALN.EXE- (0409) Patching OSK.EXE- (0409) Patching OSUNINST.DLL- (0409) Patching OSUNINST.EXE- (0409) Patching PACKAGER.EXE- (0409) Patching PERFMON.EXE- (0409) Patching PHOTOWIZ.DLL- (0409) Patching PINBALL.EXE- (0409) Patching POWERCFG.CPL- (0409) Patching PRINTUI.DLL- (0409) Patching PROGMAN.EXE- (0409) Patching PROQUOTA.EXE- (0409) Patching QUARTZ.DLL- (0409) Patching RASDLG.DLL- (0409) Patching RASPHONE.EXE- (0409) Patching RCIMLBY.EXE- (0409) Patching REGEDIT.EXE- (0409) Patching REGEDT32.EXE- (0409) Patching REGWIZC.DLL- (0409) Patching REMOTEPG.DLL- (0409) Patching RSMUI.EXE- (0409) Patching RSNOTIFY.EXE- (0409) Patching RSTRUI.EXE- (0409) Patching RTCSHARE.EXE- (0409) Patching RUNDLL32.EXE- (0409) Patching RUNONCE.EXE- (0409) Patching SAPI.CPL- (0409) Patching SAPI.DLL- (0409) Patching SCROBJ.DLL- (0409) Patching SENDMAIL.DLL- (0409) Patching SERVDEPS.DLL- (0409) Patching SETUP.EXE- (0409) Patching SETUPAPI.DLL- (0409) Patching SETUP_WM.EXE- (0409) Patching SHDOCLC.DLL- (0409) Patching SHDOCVW.DLL- (0409) Patching SHELL32.DLL- (0409) Patching SHIMGVW.DLL- (0409) Patching SHLWAPI.DLL- (0409) Patching SHRPUBW.EXE- (0409) Patching SHSCRAP.DLL- (0409) Patching SIGVERIF.EXE- (0409) Patching SMLOGCFG.DLL- (0409) Patching SMTPSNAP.DLL- (0409) Patching SNDREC32.EXE- (0409) Patching SNDVOL32.EXE- (0409) Patching SNMPSNAP.DLL- (0409) Patching SOL.EXE- (0409) Patching SPCPLUI.DLL- (0409) Patching SPIDER.EXE- (0409) Patching SRCHUI.DLL- (0409) Patching SRCLIENT.DLL- (0409) Patching SRRSTR.DLL- (0409) Patching STIMON.EXE- (0409) Patching STI_CI.DLL- (0409) Patching STOBJECT.DLL- (0409) Patching STRMDLL.DLL- (0409) Patching SXS.DLL- (0409) Patching SYNCAPP.EXE- (0409) Patching SYNCUI.DLL- (0409) Patching SYSDM.CPL- (0409) Patching SYSKEY.EXE- (0409) Patching SYSMON.OCX- (0409) Patching SYSOCMGR.EXE- (0409) Patching SYSSETUP.DLL- (0409) Patching TAPIUI.DLL- Hex Editing TASKMGR.EXE- (0409) Patching TASKMGR.EXEERROR: Reshacker error occurred during patching!- (0409) Patching TCPMONUI.DLL- (0409) Patching TELEPHON.CPL- (0409) Patching TELNET.EXE- (0409) Patching THEMEUI.DLL- (0409) Patching TIMEDATE.CPL- (0409) Patching TOURSTRT.EXE- (0409) Patching TSOC.DLL- (0409) Patching UNIMDM.TSP- (0409) Patching UPNPUI.DLL- (0409) Patching URL.DLL- (0409) Patching URLMON.DLL- (0409) Patching USER32.DLL- (0409) Patching UTILMAN.EXE- Hex Editing UXTHEME.DLL (XP SP3)- (0409) Patching VERIFIER.EXE- (0409) Patching W3EXT.DLL- (0409) Patching WAB.EXE- (0409) Patching WAB32.DLL- (0409) Patching WAB32RES.DLL- (0409) Patching WABFIND.DLL- (0409) Patching WABIMP.DLL- (0409) Patching WABMIG.EXE- (0409) Patching WBEMCNTL.DLL- (0409) Patching WEBCHECK.DLL- (0409) Patching WEXTRACT.EXE- (0409) Patching WIAACMGR.EXE- (0409) Patching WIADEFUI.DLL- (0409) Patching WIASHEXT.DLL- (0409) Patching WINBRAND.DLL- (0409) Patching WINCHAT.EXE- (0409) Patching WINHLP32.EXE- (0409) Patching WININET.DLL- (0409) Patching WINLOGON.EXE- (0409) Patching WINMGMT.EXE- (0409) Patching WINMINE.EXE- (0409) Patching WINNT32A.DLL- (0409) Patching WINNT32U.DLL- (0409) Patching WINNTBBA.DLL- (0409) Patching WINNTBBU.DLL- (0409) Patching WINSRV.DLL- (0409) Patching WINTRUST.DLL- (0409) Patching WMM2RES.DLL- (0409) Patching WMP.DLL- (0409) Patching WMPLAYER.EXE- (0409) Patching WMPLOC.DLL- (0409) Patching WORDPAD.EXE- (0409) Patching WPABALN.EXE- (0409) Patching WRITE.EXE- (0409) Patching WSCRIPT.EXE- (0409) Patching WSCUI.CPL- (0409) Patching WSECEDIT.DLL- (0409) Patching WUAPI.DLL- (0409) Patching WUAUCLT1.EXE- (0409) Patching WUAUCPL.CPL- (0409) Patching WUAUENG1.DLL- (0409) Patching WUCLTUI.DLL- (0409) Patching WUPDMGR.EXE- (0000) Patching WUWEB.DLL- (0409) Patching XPNETDG.EXE- (0409) Patching XPSP1RES.DLL- (0401) Patching SPRA0401.DLL as XPSP1RES.DLL- (0404) Patching SPRA0404.DLL as XPSP1RES.DLL- (0405) Patching SPRA0405.DLL as XPSP1RES.DLL- (0406) Patching SPRA0406.DLL as XPSP1RES.DLL- (0407) Patching SPRA0407.DLL as XPSP1RES.DLL- (0408) Patching SPRA0408.DLL as XPSP1RES.DLL- (040B) Patching SPRA040B.DLL as XPSP1RES.DLL- (040C) Patching SPRA040C.DLL as XPSP1RES.DLL- (040D) Patching SPRA040D.DLL as XPSP1RES.DLL- (040E) Patching SPRA040E.DLL as XPSP1RES.DLL- (0410) Patching SPRA0410.DLL as XPSP1RES.DLL- (0411) Patching SPRA0411.DLL as XPSP1RES.DLL- (0412) Patching SPRA0412.DLL as XPSP1RES.DLL- (0413) Patching SPRA0413.DLL as XPSP1RES.DLL- (0414) Patching SPRA0414.DLL as XPSP1RES.DLL- (0415) Patching SPRA0415.DLL as XPSP1RES.DLL- (0416) Patching SPRA0416.DLL as XPSP1RES.DLL- (0419) Patching SPRA0419.DLL as XPSP1RES.DLL- (041D) Patching SPRA041D.DLL as XPSP1RES.DLL- (041F) Patching SPRA041F.DLL as XPSP1RES.DLL- (0804) Patching SPRA0804.DLL as XPSP1RES.DLL- (0816) Patching SPRA0816.DLL as XPSP1RES.DLL- (0C0A) Patching SPRA0C0A.DLL as XPSP1RES.DLL- (0402) Patching SPRA0402.DLL as XPSP1RES.DLL- (0418) Patching SPRA0418.DLL as XPSP1RES.DLL- (041A) Patching SPRA041A.DLL as XPSP1RES.DLL- (041B) Patching SPRA041B.DLL as XPSP1RES.DLL- (041E) Patching SPRA041E.DLL as XPSP1RES.DLL- (0424) Patching SPRA0424.DLL as XPSP1RES.DLL- (0425) Patching SPRA0425.DLL as XPSP1RES.DLL- (0426) Patching SPRA0426.DLL as XPSP1RES.DLL- (0427) Patching SPRA0427.DLL as XPSP1RES.DLL- (0409) Patching XPSP2RES.DLL- (0401) Patching SPRB0401.DLL as XPSP2RES.DLL- (0404) Patching SPRB0404.DLL as XPSP2RES.DLL- (0405) Patching SPRB0405.DLL as XPSP2RES.DLL- (0406) Patching SPRB0406.DLL as XPSP2RES.DLL- (0407) Patching SPRB0407.DLL as XPSP2RES.DLL- (0408) Patching SPRB0408.DLL as XPSP2RES.DLL- (040B) Patching SPRB040B.DLL as XPSP2RES.DLL- (040C) Patching SPRB040C.DLL as XPSP2RES.DLL- (040D) Patching SPRB040D.DLL as XPSP2RES.DLL- (040E) Patching SPRB040E.DLL as XPSP2RES.DLL- (0410) Patching SPRB0410.DLL as XPSP2RES.DLL- (0411) Patching SPRB0411.DLL as XPSP2RES.DLL- (0412) Patching SPRB0412.DLL as XPSP2RES.DLL- (0413) Patching SPRB0413.DLL as XPSP2RES.DLL- (0414) Patching SPRB0414.DLL as XPSP2RES.DLL- (0415) Patching SPRB0415.DLL as XPSP2RES.DLL- (0416) Patching SPRB0416.DLL as XPSP2RES.DLL- (0419) Patching SPRB0419.DLL as XPSP2RES.DLL- (041D) Patching SPRB041D.DLL as XPSP2RES.DLL- (041F) Patching SPRB041F.DLL as XPSP2RES.DLL- (0804) Patching SPRB0804.DLL as XPSP2RES.DLL- (0816) Patching SPRB0816.DLL as XPSP2RES.DLL- (0C0A) Patching SPRB0C0A.DLL as XPSP2RES.DLL- (041B) Patching SPRB041B.DLL as XPSP2RES.DLL- (0424) Patching SPRB0424.DLL as XPSP2RES.DLL- (0409) Patching XPSP3RES.DLL- (0401) Patching SPRC0401.DLL as XPSP3RES.DLL- (0404) Patching SPRC0404.DLL as XPSP3RES.DLL- (0405) Patching SPRC0405.DLL as XPSP3RES.DLL- (0406) Patching SPRC0406.DLL as XPSP3RES.DLL- (0407) Patching SPRC0407.DLL as XPSP3RES.DLL- (0408) Patching SPRC0408.DLL as XPSP3RES.DLL- (040B) Patching SPRC040B.DLL as XPSP3RES.DLL- (040C) Patching SPRC040C.DLL as XPSP3RES.DLL- (040D) Patching SPRC040D.DLL as XPSP3RES.DLL- (040E) Patching SPRC040E.DLL as XPSP3RES.DLL- (0410) Patching SPRC0410.DLL as XPSP3RES.DLL- (0411) Patching SPRC0411.DLL as XPSP3RES.DLL- (0412) Patching SPRC0412.DLL as XPSP3RES.DLL- (0413) Patching SPRC0413.DLL as XPSP3RES.DLL- (0414) Patching SPRC0414.DLL as XPSP3RES.DLL- (0415) Patching SPRC0415.DLL as XPSP3RES.DLL- (0416) Patching SPRC0416.DLL as XPSP3RES.DLL- (0419) Patching SPRC0419.DLL as XPSP3RES.DLL- (041D) Patching SPRC041D.DLL as XPSP3RES.DLL- (041F) Patching SPRC041F.DLL as XPSP3RES.DLL- (0804) Patching SPRC0804.DLL as XPSP3RES.DLL- (0816) Patching SPRC0816.DLL as XPSP3RES.DLL- (0C0A) Patching SPRC0C0A.DLL as XPSP3RES.DLL- (041B) Patching SPRC041B.DLL as XPSP3RES.DLL- (0424) Patching SPRC0424.DLL as XPSP3RES.DLL- (0409) Patching ZIPFLDR.DLLExtracting contents of SP3.CAB- (0409) Patching BTHCI.DLL- (0409) Patching FSQUIRT.EXE- (0409) Patching IRFTP.EXE- (0409) Patching IRPROPS.CPL- (0409) Patching NTKRNLMP.EXE- (0409) Patching NTKRNLPA.EXE- (0409) Patching NTKRPAMP.EXE- (0409) Patching NTOSKRNL.EXE- (0409) Patching PS5UI.DLL- (0409) Patching STORPROP.DLL- (0409) Patching UNIDRVUI.DLL- (0409) Patching USBUI.DLL- (0409) Patching VFWWDM32.DLLCompressing SP3.CABReplacing AutoPlay program...Starting to overwrite files in the I386 folder:- Compressing AIRPLANE.BMP- Compressing BACKDOWN.JPG- Compressing BACKOFF.JPG- Compressing BACKOVER.JPG- Compressing BACKUP.JPG- Compressing BLISS.JPG- Compressing BLUE_SS.DLL- Compressing BTN1.GIF- Compressing BTN2.GIF- Compressing BTN3.GIF- Compressing BUTTERFL.BMP- Compressing CAR.BMP- Compressing CERTMGR.MSC- Compressing CIADV.MSC- Compressing CLASSIC.THE- Compressing COMEXP.MSC- Compressing COMPMGMT.MSC- Compressing DEVMGMT.MSC- Compressing DFRG.MSC- Compressing DIALUP.GIF- Compressing DISKMGMT.MSC- Compressing DNSMGMT.MSC- Compressing DUCK.BMP- Compressing EVENTVWR.MSC- Compressing FINI.HTM- Compressing FROG.BMP- Compressing FSMGMT.MSC- Compressing GPEDIT.MSC- Compressing GREENSHD.GIF- Compressing GRN_BTN.GIF- Compressing GUEST.BMP- Compressing GUITAR.BMP- Compressing HOME_SS.DLL- Compressing HORSES.BMP- Compressing IDENT2.HTM- Compressing IIS.MSC- Compressing INTRO.WMV- Compressing LOGON.SCR- Compressing LUNA.MST- Compressing LUNA.THE- Compressing LUSRMGR.MSC- Compressing METAL_SS.DLL- Compressing MSLOGO.JPG- Compressing NEWBTM1.JPG- Compressing NEWBTM8.JPG- Compressing NEWMARK1.JPG- Compressing NEWMARK8.JPG- Compressing NEWTOP1.JPG- Compressing NEWTOP8.JPG- Compressing NEXTDOWN.JPG- Compressing NEXTOFF.JPG- Compressing NEXTOVER.JPG- Compressing NEXTUP.JPG- Compressing NTMSMGR.MSC- Compressing NTMSOPRQ.MSC- Compressing PALMTREE.BMP- Compressing PERFMON.MSC- Compressing PNKFLOWR.BMP- Compressing PRODKEY.GIF- Compressing QMARK.GIF- Compressing REDFLOWR.BMP- Compressing REDSHD.GIF- Compressing RSOP.MSC- Compressing SECPOL.MSC- Compressing SERVICES.MSC- Compressing SKATER.BMP- Compressing SKIPDOWN.JPG- Compressing SKIPOFF.JPG- Compressing SKIPOVER.JPG- Compressing SKIPUP.JPG- Compressing SOCCER.BMP- Compressing TITLE.WMA- Compressing WELCOME.HTM- Compressing WMIMGMT.MSC- Compressing XPBALLN.WAV- Compressing XPBATCRT.WAV- Compressing XPBATLOW.WAV- Compressing XPBLKPOP.WAV- Compressing XPCRTSTP.WAV- Compressing XPDEF.WAV- Compressing XPDING.WAV- Compressing XPERROR.WAV- Compressing XPEXCL.WAV- Compressing XPHDFAIL.WAV- Compressing XPHDINST.WAV- Compressing XPHDREM.WAV- Compressing XPINFBAR.WAV- Compressing XPLOGOFF.WAV- Compressing XPLOGON.WAV- Compressing XPMENU.WAV- Compressing XPMIN.WAV- Compressing XPNOTIFY.WAV- Compressing XPPRINT.WAV- Compressing XPRECYCL.WAV- Compressing XPRESTOR.WAV- Compressing XPRINGIN.WAV- Compressing XPRNGOUT.WAV- Compressing XPSHUTDN.WAV- Compressing XPSTART.WAV- Compressing XPSTARTU.WAVPatching WBEMOC.INFAdding XPtsp Orb to XP installationPatching SVCPACK.INFModifying CAD2009.CAB add-on for OSCopying theme package to i386 folder...Adding Optional ComponentsCannot compress non-existant source file!Cannot compress non-existant source file!Cannot compress non-existant source file!Cannot compress non-existant source file!Cannot compress non-existant source file!Cannot compress non-existant source file!Cannot compress non-existant source file!Cannot compress non-existant source file!Patching Completed in 0 seconds. Edited December 27, 201014 yr by dougiefresh
December 28, 201014 yr Author What's Changed in v3.0.0.15:- Integration: Fixed the "Copy Source Folder" checkbox from being unclickable.- Added option for "XPtsp Batch" to Theme Selection's Browse button.- After browsing, "no picture" is shown for themes without a preview.- Modified Preview window code so XPtsp GUI is reactivated during closing preview.- Removed message box with "_Reshacker" title from code.- Added Language ID of file being patched to XPtsp log file.- Eliminated a Task Manager reshacker error due to missing file.- Integration: Added code to remove resource and extras folder upon exit.Translation Support:- Excluded EHRES.DLL from resource translation. (1st attempt)Batch Version Support:- Changed batch filename detection from checking for "_batch" to ".exe".- When extracting batch versions, two attempts are now made to close batch window.- Added code to copy "Version.ini" (ver 1) to Extras folder for batch files.- Batch exe no longer gets copied to i386 folder (to mimic batch version behavior).- Modified the code to deal with missing SYSOC section in "Version.ini".- Modified code so that using CAB/INF combos don't produce errors if they don't exist.Hopefully, this update fixes every issue, with probably exception of Task Manager and the update functionality.
December 28, 201014 yr Just tried v3.0.0.15 on XP Pro SP3 VLK. I had decompressed svcpack.inf and discarded the compressed file so only svcpack.inf remained.Patching WBEMOC.INFPatching SVCPACK.INFMSG: Unable to open "SVCPACK.INF" for editing!Copying theme package to i386 folder...Adding Optional ComponentsPatching Completed in 0 seconds.Looks like it's looking for the compressed .in_ file instead of the decompressed .inf.*EditConfirmed. CAB compressing the .inf back to .in_ allows it to be patched. You should probably add a subroutine to check for the existence of either svcpack.inf or svcpack.in_ and act accordingly. Edited December 28, 201014 yr by Mr_Smartepants
December 29, 201014 yr Author ricktendo64: Thanks!Mr_Smartepants: Okay, I've fixed that particular issue. I will go through the rest of the integration code and make sure no other files are affected by this bug. Thanks for the bug report!