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  1. 1. What language OS do you use XPtsp on?

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  • Mr_Smartepants

    Sorry, got one more bug for you with %source%\setup.exe is corrupted. Generic icon and doubleclicking setup.exe gives a permission error even when logged in as admin. Also setup.ini is missin

  • dougiefresh

    No problem! To answer you question, the CAD add-on will eventually be upgraded to version 1.6. However, I haven't found the time to do so. The CAD add-on is actually a part of the Extras packages,

  • I am still getting this error: I used XPtsp_v3.0.0.26_GUI.exe and selected the following options: 1.Integrate in a Windows Xp Source (Offline Mode) 2.Chose MSDN XP SP3 + XPSP3_QFE_UpdatePack Post-SP3

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I use User_hidden's QFE XP updatepack. When using the new version 1.1.8, I get the following prompts.

On XP Pro SP3 with integrated MCE I get the following errors using XPtsp GUI

KB955759 gets reported in WU/MU as a needed critical update (even though it's included).

KB969084 gets reported in qfecheck as "This hotfix should be reinstalled".

No errors without XPtsp integrated.

KB955759 - AppCompat update for Indeo codec: December 08, 2009

KB969084 - Remote Desktop Connection 7.0 client update for Remote Desktop Services (RDS) for Windows XP SP3

Edited by Mr_Smartepants

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Regarding KB969084 (Remote Desktop Connection 7.0 client update for Remote Desktop Services (RDS) for Windows XP SP3), I can take a pretty good stab at what is causing the "problem". Both the GUI and batch versions actually REPLACE some (if not all) of the Remote Desktop program with an "updated version", but this "updated version" is actually an older version number of those files than those in the UpdatePack. So, that is probably why KB969084 is being prompted for reinstall. A short-term fix for this is to remove the lhmstsc.exe, lhmstsc.mui, lhmstscx.dll, and lhmstscx.mui files from the Extra's package. I will release version to deal with this issue, probably this weekend.

Regarding KB955759 (AppCompat update for Indeo codec: December 08, 2009), I honestly have no idea at the moment. The files that the KB article lists aren't modified by the GUI or batch versions, so I don't see any reason that it would prompt for install/reinstall when it doesn't without XPtsp installed. I would have to do some more research to determine the cause....

UPDATE: In order to fix the Remote Desktop problem, those mentioned files are going to be removed and the GUI will duplicate the proper res files in order to correctly patch those files. This should take care of this problem, as well as problems caused by future versions.

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Okay, my tests indicate that the solution Fixit and I came up with has worked for the Remote Desktop hotfix. I am likewise able to reproduce the issue with KB955759, however, neither file that is in the hotfix is modified by the XPtsp patcher. I used Microsoft Update to install the hotfix several times and each time, it said the hotfix was needed again.

Searching Yahoo on KB955759 yielded hits variations on this solution, which is not a good answer (in my opinion). So I'm at a complete loss on how to fix this situation....

Maybe the clue to kb955759 is in what it fixes:

There are two parts to this update that help mitigate the risks associated with the Indeo codec. One is the update to Quartz.dll, which is the primary binary used by Windows Media Player. The second is the update that is provided by Application Compatibility Shim technology.

Maybe it's the changes to the wmp11 files that are triggering it? It's hard to tell.

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Later today, I'll rebuild my XPtsp test platform and omit the Quartz.dll from patching. If this solves this issue, I really don't know how I'll integrate the solution into the patcher.....

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It's always possible that the hotfix is flawed and M$ will release an update to it.
Well, it wouldn't be the first time that's happened.....

Okay, I've rebuilt my XPtsp test platform and omitted the Quartz.dll file from patching.... or rather, I tried to and the GUI patched it anyways. I went back in and manually replaced the patched copy with the original copy from the UpdatePack. Installed the new XPtsp test platform in a VM and went to Microsoft Update once it was completed. KB955759 still shows up as a patch to install, so obviously Quartz.dll isn't the culprit here.... (which to me is kind of a relief because I don't have to write some convoluted code to try to deal with that mess)

Running this test revealed a problem with the GUI, namely a unchecked file in the Component Selection gets patched anyways. So I think I've fixed this issue in the patcher, however, testing is still necessary to do to verify that the new code works.

I've also gotten some reports that patching the bootscreen on systems with KB977165 installed (a new kernel) results in BSODs. I can confirm that the bootscreen images can be patched on this kernel, however, I will also be testing to see if changing the color palette results in the BSOD. If it does, I will be adding code to omit patching the color palette of that kernel.

EDIT: Oh yeah, I'm holding off on releasing the version until I can get a few issues worked out of the code.... I'm apologize if this is an inconvenience to anybody....

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I've also gotten some reports that patching the bootscreen on systems with KB977165 installed (a new kernel) results in BSODs. I can confirm that the bootscreen images can be patched on this kernel, however, I will also be testing to see if changing the color palette results in the BSOD. If it does, I will be adding code to omit patching the color palette of that kernel.

I think I actually misspoke about my understanding of what's happening with the new kernel. I meant to say that I've heard some reports that indicate patching the color palette on systems with KB977165 results in a BSOD. I haven't confirmed that the problem exists with the patcher, but I will try to test this situation this weekend.

Work has just been really busy this week and I haven't had much time to do much of anything :shy: It's kinda getting annoying, but hey, it's a job and I can't complain too much! Either feast or famine.... no middle of the road for us... :rolleyes: But maybe this weekend..... :g:

Did you get time to update over the weekend? I have a few PCs to format and I'd like to use this.

I've fixed my KB969084 issue by removing the lhmstsc.exe, lhmstsc.mui, lhmstscx.dll, and lhmstscx.mui files from the Extra's package, like you suggested.


Just tried to install XPtsp on a live-unpatched XP Pro system in VM. Install went OK and everything got patched, but my XP Pro install is now patched as a XP Home (black boot screen, colored boot/shutdown/login screen, theme, etc.). Another bug with the live install is the /modify switch doesn't work anymore. "C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu\Programs\XP Theme Source Patcher\Modify XPtsp.lnk" doesn't work either.

Also, the KB955759 problem is gone with the live install. A source integrated with XPtsp shows the perpetual KB955759 problem.

Edited by Mr_Smartepants

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Did you get time to update over the weekend? I have a few PCs to format and I'd like to use this.

Yes, I did. I just updated the GUI SFX this morning. Sorry about the delay.

I've fixed my KB969084 issue by removing the lhmstsc.exe, lhmstsc.mui, lhmstscx.dll, and lhmstscx.mui files from the Extra's package, like you suggested.

Awesome. The newest version of the GUI deletes those files prior to starting the patching, so you should be able to use the next updated Extra's package once it becomes available.
  • Author

What's Changed in v2.1.0.2:

- GUI now reports errors during Reshacker and create error log with reshacker errors.

- Replacement Remote Desktop files in the Extra's folder gets deleted before patch routine begins.

- Modified Uninstall code to add back code that was removed in v2.1.0.0.

- Language file format moved around (P_04 thru P_08 moved to P_05 thru P_09).

- Localized some strings I forgot about on Source Selection page.

- Kernels are no longer hex-edited if bootscreen palette does not change.

- ISO Creation page now reports if ISO cannot be deleted prior to creation.

I tested patching the new kernel with the purple bootscreen and it works just fine. Not BSODs either prior to Windows GUI Setup, nor afterwards, so the BSOD problem is obviously external to the kernel.

Awesome! I've regressed back to using XPSP3_QFE_UpdatePack_1.1.8_20100209 with GUI to see if that fixes the KB955759 problem.

I'll post back in a bit after testing.


UP1.1.8 failed too. Going back to 1.1.4 (prior to KB955759 integration).

Just some visual bugs for you. Compressing Driver.cab is task 7 of 7, but there are two other tasks after that named:

8 of 7 : Starting to overwrite files in the I386 folder:

9 of 7 : Adding Optional Components


Also, there's a misplaced error text during the build .iso stage. My .iso destination folder is completely empty. So the error is in error. ;)


Edited by Mr_Smartepants

OK, I got the 1.2.0 updatepack to work with GUI by using 5eraph's removal addon here: http://www.ryanvm.net/forum/viewtopic.php?p=102546#102546

Then I added the KB955759 hotfix with a ROE script and everything works wonderfully! So there's something weird going on with U_H updatepack and that one hotfix, but I have a successful workaround.

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Quite interesting about the removal add-on! Later today, I'll post that information in the first post for those interested. It's good to know that the XPtsp GUI isn't screwing up the install (at least, that I can figure). This fix can be integrated into the GUI once user_hidden fixes his update pack, however, testing would be required to see if installing the XPtsp theme results in the same issue as integration....

Regarding visual errors: LOL! I'll fix the code so that they go away! The unintended error message on the ISO creation page has been fixed on my end, however, I'm still counting the tasks that need to be performed and correcting that code. Thanks for the report! :thumbsup_anim:

EDIT: I wonder if removing just the KB hotfix registry entries would result in the proper install of the hotfix via ROE.....

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What's Changed in v2.1.0.3:

- Fixed ISO Creation page to place correct text where an error message is shown in progress bar.

- Corrected number of tasks for Integration and Live Install.

- Fixed kernel patching problem with an XP install pre-patched with XPtsp.

- Fixed issue with XPtsp GUI and DSI during RunOnceEx by renaming the XPtsp SFX.

In case you're wondering why it took so long to count the tasks to perform, I've been working long hours at work. Yesterday, I didn't have time to make the corrections. Today, I was hit hard by a sinus/ear infection and am not going to be at work until Monday. :thumbsdown_anim:

OK, I have some more bugs with v2.1.0.3 to report (sorry!).

First, the issues I have with KB955759 are somehow caused by the use of CDImage (used by XPtsp) to build the .iso. If I use RVMI (which uses mkisofs) to build the .iso from the exact same source, it works. :blink:

This was first reported over at RVM's forums: http://www.ryanvm.ne...p=102587#102587

My second bug is that I cannot deselect the XPtsp boot orb from this page:


If I click the checkbox to deselect the orb, a white box covers the selection screen here.


If I click "next", I can continue the integration, but I get a filecopy error during txtsetup for missing xptsporb.bmp (both txtsetup.sif and dosnet.inf contain the line identifying the file which does NOT exist in i386). Deleting the line from both text files solves the problem.


I get the xptsporb.bmp filecopy error whether that option is checked or not. :(

Edited by Mr_Smartepants

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Thank you for the bug reports! And don't be sorry about reporting them.... bug reports are kinda annoying, but since we are striving for "perfection", bugs need to be fixed when possible....

Regarding CDIMAGE: I've replaced CDIMAGE with MKISOFS in the SFX package, and and used the command-line that you indicated in the RyanVM post in the code. Hopefully the problem with that hotfix will go away..... although why CDIMAGE creates the problem is WAAAY beyond me!

Regarding XPtsp Orb: Okay, here's what happened. Somehow, the Orb got moved from the Pics folder where it should be, so when v2.1.0.3 got compiled, it wasn't included. So I've added the Orb back to the XPtsp GUI, so that file shouldn't be missing anymore. I've also made some code changes to ensure this doesn't happen again.... :blush:

Regarding Blank POpup Window: This problem occurs when the GUI creates a control for a picture that doesn't exist. The control isn't created, so when the GUI assigns a function to the control that was SUPPOSED to be created, it got assigned to the checkbox control instead. Added the Orb back to the SFX fixes this issue, so the blank screen should not happen again. This also fixes the ability to deselect the Orb.

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What's Changed in Version

- Replaced CDIMAGE.EXE with MKISOFS.EXE, as well as related code in ISO creation page.

- Added the XPTSPORB.JPG file back to the GUI, since it was accidentally removed during testing.

- Added code to verify that XPTSPORB.JPG is present before modifying XP source.

- Fixed the Integration code so that options are not performed if they haven't been unchecked.

- Added some lines to language file that were missed in previous versions.

NOTE: The ability to download from the website has been problematic in the last few days. I apologize for any inconvenience that this caused. I've done a workaround to fix the issue, however, if these problems continue much longer, the website will have to be moved to a different hosting company. I guess we'll just stomach the monetary loss....

How odd I just downloaded new version.. tried it out and when I select live integration it just decides to switch to source integration

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What's Changed in v2.1.0.5:

- Fixed Install Method page so that Live Install can be selected again.

How odd I just downloaded new version.. tried it out and when I select live integration it just decides to switch to source integration

:doh: Thanks for the bug report! Oh, man! I can't believe that I incorrectly coded a in-between page that will show up in v3.0..... :doh: Right now, it skips that page and jumps to the appropriate page. I've fixed the code so that it functions correctly.