February 7, 200916 yr Author Oops! Sorry about the hex offset! I posted right before I left the house to go on errands and was in a little bit of a hurry.... I thought I'd show what I had looked for in the event you wanted to look for that string yourself. What you proposed will work as well. It's your choice on which to use!
February 7, 200916 yr well i understand the mentality of including more hex the sence of when patchign blindly by searching the code sequence, but when usinf offsets we can pinpoint the hex.ive made a hexer based on the taskmgr u made for me a while back,and it came in handy, plus it was a great learning experiance!lol
February 7, 200916 yr Uh... is anyone else having a problem with the Taskmanager not showing up when CTRL+ALT+DEL - or even going to system32 and double-clicking it?!This is the only program I've installed, hence why I'm asking here.Edit: Taskman had 0 bytes so I just replaced it with the one off my CD. Anyone else have this issue? Thanks. Edited February 7, 200916 yr by pen25jf
February 7, 200916 yr Author I haven't had a problem using TaskManager after patching before rebooting. I'll run a test in a virtual machine. Give me a few minutes.....EDIT: Task Manager works fine for me after rebooting. I'm using version to perform the patching.
February 7, 200916 yr Author Ok, I've got the Component Selection page (page 4) functioning, complete with collapsable menus, selectable files and options. I've still got to tie in the patching routine so that it only patches the requested files.I plan on replacing Page 5, currently the Options page, allowing the user to select the desired setup resolution and the color of both the bootscreen and Task Manager. For the bootscreens, I've got blue and green. For the Task Manager, currently I've got the original white and green. I'm going to try to get the hex codes from FixIt for the color settings he's using for the Blue, Purple and Black themes.I've attached the English.ini file, renamed to English.txt. If anybody would like to go through and seperate the Internet Explorer, Windows Media Player and Remote Desktop files into the proper INI sections, please feel free to do so. Right now, the selection page won't show those items because no files are present under those sections.
February 7, 200916 yr wmp only has one or 2 res files if i remember right.ill try and have a look at it.ok i think i was able to seperate them all..or at least i think,there maybe still some strange related/depedant files in the list that arent classed right.i left the spaces where i had cut out the files..1English.txt
February 8, 200916 yr Author I've found several files that didn't show up in the English.ini file, so I wrote a dirty little script to add any missing files to the list. Guess what! I found about 150 missing files! So, I've attached the updated file. I also downloaded OnePiece's IE7 and WMP11 add-ons and moved the file descriptions into the INI sections. If someone wants to check to see if there is anything else that needs correction, please feel free to do so.EDIT: Do not change the IE7 Files or the WMP11 Files sections!EDIT2: Oh, yeah! I also have two bootscreens, blue and green, as well as all the Task Manager colors from all the themes. So hopefully, once I get the Component Selection stuff done, I can rewrite Page 5 to provide the additional options that I can't show in the Component Selection screen. Thanks, Bober and Mr Fixit!.
February 9, 200916 yr but the wmp and ie7 files, are they to add them to setup of just to have a list of file that are being patched?
February 9, 200916 yr Author but the wmp and ie7 files, are they to add them to setup of just to have a list of file that are being patched?I based the IE7 and WMP11 sections on OnePiece's true add-ons. These strings in the INI file will allow the user to enable/disable patching/replacing various files, or enable/disable entire sections.The INI file isn't cosmetic, if that's what you're asking. Each string in the INI specifies a file that can be replaced or patching. There will be one or two groups that you won't be able to select specific files, like the sound files, but you generally want them installed as a whole (or at least, I would think.... XP and Vista-style sounds don't exactly mix well!)
February 11, 200916 yr dougie,just a FYI, you got some extra info. in your home page link for the changelog: http://\"/;http://home.comcast.net/~dougiefresh31/XPtsp_GUI.htm%5C"
February 11, 200916 yr Author Thank you for pointing that out. I've fixed the links in the first post.GUI Update: I've replaced TaskSwitchXP with WinFlip, just to let everybody know. I've finished writing the code for the Component Selection page and am working on getting the rest of the code modified to work properly with Component Selection.
February 11, 200916 yr Author What's Changed in v1.4.4.2:- Replaced INTRO.WMV with version that Kaylar provided.- Added Component Selection page (Page 4) to installation process.- Modified section building code to look through array for files to patch.- Gutted page 5 so that only resolution settings remain.- Replaced TaskSwitchXP program for WinFlip.- English language file included for Component Selection.- Included XPTSP.BAT in 7zip SFX and can be launched instead of GUI run by using "-ai" switch.- Altered SFX config to display XPtsp icon in extraction window.- Added "/NORESTORE" switch to disable creation of System Restore Point (Live Install only)- Added "/NOUXTHEME" switch to disable patching to be able to use 3rd-party themes.- Added "/NOSETUPAPI" switch to disable patching to disable unsigned driver messages during Setup.- Added "/NOFILES" switch to disable all file patching.- Added "/NOEXE" switch to disable patching all executable files.- Added "/NODLL" switch to disable patching all DLL files.- Added "/NOCPL" switch to disable patching all control panel applets.- Added "/NOOCX" switch to disable patching all OCX files.- Added "/NOAT" switch to disable patching Adminstrative Tools.- Added "/NOOE" switch to disable patching Outlook Express files.- Added "/NOIE" switch to disable patching Internet Explorer files.- Added "/NORDC" switch to disable patching Remote Desktop files.- Added "/NOMCE" switch to disable patching Media Center files. (Media Center only)- Added "/EXTRA" switch to disable all file replacing tasks.- Added "/NOMSC" switch to disable replacement of MSC files. (Doesn't work!)- Added "/NOOOBE" switch to disable replacement of OOBE files. (Doesn't work!)- Added "/NOSOUND" switch to disable replacement of XP Sounds. (Doesn't work!)- Added "/NOUAP" switch to disable replacement User Account Pictures. (Doesn't work!)- Added "/NOAERO" switch to disable installation of Aero cursors.- Added "/NOFONTS" switch to disable installation of Segoe UI fonts.- Added "/NOAUTO" switch to disable replacement of AutoRun program. (Integration only)- Added "/REPATCHER" switch to disable inclusion of resources in XP source. (Integration only)- Added "/NOPROG" switch to disable installation of included programs.- Added "/NOFLIP" switch to disable installation of WinFlip.- Added "/NODSI" switch to disable installation of Drive Space Indicator.- Added "/NOOEM" switch to disable running the OEM Info Generator.
February 12, 200916 yr Author I've received a request for the SFC_OS.DLL patch to be included in the GUI. So, it will be available come next GUI release. Just thought y'all should know....There will be several new switches: "/NOPATCH" will disable all patching and "/NOSFC" will disable SFC_OS.DLL patching. Similar options will appear on Page 4.
February 12, 200916 yr Author That would be nice to see! (Unless the magazine gives bad ratings, which would irritate me! LOL!)
February 13, 200916 yr Author What's Changed in v1.4.4.3:- Fixed Source Page so that it goes to Page 4 instead of Page 5 when "Next" is clicked.- Fixed endless loop that occurs in Source Page after browsing for destination.- Option now available in Component Selection to enable/disable SFC patching.- Hex-Editing options moved into their own group in Component Selection.- Eliminated duplicate files from "MISC\MCE" folder.- Added code to patch SFC_OS.DLL to the script, based on FixIt's script that he shared with me.- Simplified code to patch UXTHEME.DLL and eliminated section in XPTSP.INI.- Simplified code to patch SETUPAPI.DLL and eliminated section in XPTSP.INI.- Rewrote TASKMGR.EXE hex-editing to find current color theme instead of assuming original is in use.- "Cancel" button now kinda works during integration of patches. It'll just take a while....- Added "/NOHEX" switch to disable all file hex-editing.- Added "/SFC" switch to enable hex-editing SFC_OS.DLL.- Added "/NOSFC" switch to disable hex-editing SFC_OS.DLL.NOTE: The TASKMGR.EXE modification will come in handy later in the program's development.....Bober: Perhaps I should say that if the magazine gives the GUI a bad rap, that would annoy me!
February 13, 200916 yr Author What's Changed in v1.4.4.4:- XPSP?RES.DLL code re-enabled for Source Integration.- Added code to handle alternate filenames for mstsc.exe and mstscax.dllNOTE: The need for this was found here by FixIt. I just hadn't implemented until now.
February 14, 200916 yr Author MANIKANT.S.GUPTA: First off, please stop yelling! I've got a headache! LOL! Using capital letters in your entire message consists of yelling, which is considered impolite on any forum. (I'm not sure if all lowercase letters consists of whispering or not, though.....) Second, if I can get permission from the company/person that makes UberIcon (or if the program license permits), then yes, I will include it.EDIT: Just looked at the license. I can include it with the plug-ins. I just can't do it silently, but it will be be installed if the user wants it to be.EDIT2: Bober gave me the switches to install it silently. So it will be installed silently now.
February 15, 200916 yr Author What's Changed in v1.4.5.0:- Updated resources to match batch v1.4.5.- Option to create System Restore point now works properly.- Visual Themes are installed properly again.- "Cancel" button works better during integration of resources.- "Cancel" button disabled when installation of patched resources begins. (Live Install only)- Added option to disable replacement of Luna visual theme to Component Selection page.- Added option to disable replacement of Bliss wallpaper to Component Selection page.- Modified integration code to support disabling bootscreen, wallpaper & theme replacement.- Fonts and Aero Cursors installed correctly now.- When using "/?" on SFX, it will display a short help message detailing install options.- Modified code to allow bootscreen color selection. No options available on Page 5 at the moment.- Added timer and view log button to Integration Page 7.- Bootscreen installation code seems to be broken right now.- UberIcon program has been included. Options available to disable.- Added "/NOWALL" switch to disable replacement of Bliss wallpaper.- Added "/NOMSC" switch to disable replacement of MSC files.- Added "/NOBOOT" switch to disable replacement of bootscreen.- Added "/NOVISUAL" switch to disable replacement of Luna visual themes.- Added "/NOUBER" switch to disable installation of UberIcon.
February 16, 200916 yr Author After a long period of in-house testing, I've figured out why the bootscreen isn't being installed. It was simply being blocked from patching by two lines of code. I have gotten rid of one line that was blocking, the other is going to be done this afternoon. (It's 4:30am here). Once both problem blocks are removed, the bootscreen should be able to patched. Upon verification, I'll post the v1.4.5.1 release, updated with batch resources.Another problem, one with selecting items in Component Selection, will be fixed at the same time.
February 16, 200916 yr im happy u figured it out, i do know i said i would try to test and find out exatcly the steps needed to do a clean repalcement but i kinda got side tracked(again). also, it was gettign late last ngith and i made an error in the logonui i fixed,plus im gonna add ure fix to the addon.,i dont plan on updating to 1.4.6, ill just increment to
February 16, 200916 yr Author I've been giving this problem more thought. That 2nd line I mentioned shouldn't be removed because it determines which files will be patched. It will be VERY important later. I've have to figure out something else in order to get the bootscreen installed..... I don't think it will be long!EDIT: Successful patching & installation of bootscreen! Woo-Hoo!Bober: Awesome! I'll try to wait for the latest to be uploaded before I release the fixed GUI. Also, don't worry. I've just been beating my head against the desk trying to figure it out..... nah, just kidding! LOL! It's just frustrating when it works fine, then you add some code, and all of a sudden it don't work no more! It's especially frustrating when you can't figure out why it's broken! Oh well.....
February 16, 200916 yr i cleaned up the logonui res a bit, should be a bit smaller,i also made alot of changes in the inf for the cursors,changed the scheme's name to:XPtsp Aero largealso renamed all the cursor files and changed the path.(this means all 3 themefile.theme have ben editied to reflect the new changes of the cursors.