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Should the current shortcut arrow be replaced? 32 members have voted

  1. 1. Here are 2 alternatives for the current short cut arrow

    • [url="http://gamblerfexonlin.deviantart.com/art/Vista-Shortcut-Overlay-icon-48579825"]"soft round arrow"[/url][img]http://img200.imageshack.us/img200/5194/vistashortcutoverlayico.png[/img]
    • [url="http://rhetticus.deviantart.com/art/Black-Vista-Shortcut-Overlay-86950799"]"Black Vista arrow"[/url][img]http://img507.imageshack.us/img507/1460/blackvistashortcutoverl.png[/img]
    • No! dont change it. keep:[img]http://img195.imageshack.us/img195/9623/96709582.png[/img]

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The reason I opened this thread is because only moderators and admin have the ability to open new threads in this forum, per my request. The reason being is that the original thread for XP Theme Source Patcher became very confusing for our readers, including me. N1K created this wonderful forum solely for this project. Thank you, N1K!

If you would like to discuss things related to XP Theme Source Patcher, but NOT directly related to a particular thread, here is the place to do so. If you need to discuss things relating to a particular XPtsp theme, do so in the CORRECT thread!!!

XPtsp links to SPECIFIC themes:

Original XPtsp: here

Blue XPtsp: here

Black XPtsp: here

Purple XPtsp: here

NOTE: As far as I know, the original thread is going to be preserved so we don't lose any history about XPtsp, as well as a monument to the mess that the original thread became.

New Threads: If you want to create a new thread in this forum, please create your post in this thread and let me know which one it is and I can split the post from this thread. URL's are most helpful in this regard! Thanks!

Oh yeah.... I probably should mention that only new themes will get new threads in this forum and they will be moderator approved....

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  • Hi I'm found on My link animated wmw.file I think these could be good for intro. And the file size it's about 1.5 mb Vista Comets: And Vista Lights:

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Dougiefresh notes: Quoted post is from here..... Couldn't add to this thread because that post would usurp the original first post of this thread.

about current luna.msstyles being used...

startbutton looks a little cut off, so here is a new one, some of U may like...


also, the VS is overloaded with extra bitmaps for what is suppose to be different styles in it:

"Aero Green", "Aero Black", "Aero Blue", "Classic XP" ?

i tried to switch between them with no effect...

it could be in my case, can someone confirm styles changes or not ?

i may remove unnecessary bitmaps, if they are not being used, thus bringing the size from ~7mb to ~2mb.

here is amnesia.msstyles 1.71mb and nice (with the new startbutton)

408521m.png 406473m.png

i can confirm only 1 style, cause u didint incldue ure different shellstyle.dll files in ure Shell folder for Aero Green", "Aero Black", "Aero Blue", "Classic XP".

if you include in seperate folder thoses modifications i could maybe help and create ure dlls.

i can confirm only 1 style, cause u didint incldue ure different shellstyle.dll files in ure Shell folder for Aero Green", "Aero Black", "Aero Blue", "Classic XP".

if you include in seperate folder thoses modifications i could maybe help and create ure dlls.

i was asking about how many styles are in the current luna included with XPtsp...

i was asking about how many styles are in the current luna included with XPtsp...

ure not limited by what the original luna theme has, here ill upload ure theme that i modded just res edit the different shellstyle.dlls ...

winclassic is included in the msstyles

i was asking about how many styles are in the current luna included with XPtsp...

ow yeah i should re edit it cause there is some bulk, or atleast we should edit the other shel style in luna..i havitn gotten around this.

edit: give me a sec im uplaoding ure theme...

ok here are the steps, aero green is normal color aka default color scheme.

so u prolly dotn need to edit that shellsyle.dll cause it has ben generated from ure msstyle.

for aero blk and blu,there are also defualt generated from msstyles,so just res edit them to their specific color and ure good to go.


ok ,thx and i mis-red you,lol i edited ure theme for nothing.lolol but yeah ,again, ill have to edit xptsp's to make use of the other windows default themes and make them usable.

blue and black are working now...

i can edit luna.msstyles to remove Classic XP

should i change Inspirat2 to XPtsp ? :)

and do U want to point to \AeroBlue\shellstyle.dll and \AeroBlack\shellstyle.dll ?

should i include new startbutton ?

Edited by amnesia

blue and black are working now...

i can edit luna.msstyles to remove Classic XP

should i change Inspirat2 to XPtsp ? :)

and do U want to point to \AeroBlue\shellstyle.dll and \AeroBlack\shellstyle.dll ?

should i include new startbutton ?

ah well if ure workign on it yeah,thx.

do U stiil need Calibri font reference in it ?

is Segoe UI font included in XPtsp ?

i would just use Tahoma

which ever seems nicest,but Segoe UI is int eh addon version of XPtsp.

blue and black are working now...

i can edit luna.msstyles to remove Classic XP

should i change Inspirat2 to XPtsp ? :)

and do U want to point to \AeroBlue\shellstyle.dll and \AeroBlack\shellstyle.dll ?

should i include new startbutton ?

yes yes and yes please :thumbsup_anim:

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I looked at through the original XPtsp thread and found the post that sTon3r made about an alternate AutoRun program. So I experimented with the program a little and found that it will launch programs using environmental variables as well.

So, what I was thinking as to wrap the new AutoRun proggie with the modified 7zip SFX module, setting a variable to the folder it was launched from. That way, the XP source folder is clean. What do you think?

Download link: Setup.exe

MD5: 4cb794539c62bdee0d06d12dca9d75c2, Size: 1.18mb

RC5dHg4jxO.jpg 6TVSKGmr3U.jpg

EDIT: If we include the 7za.exe and .dll, we can create the 7zip SFX on the fly using the backgrounds for the current AutoRun progie....

yeah it does look nice. and yeah, it does make the root folder cleaner.

only 2 small fixes are needed:


Caption=OS: %ProductName% %sp% Build %Build%|Product Id: %PID%|CPU: %CpuName%|Number of Processor: %NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS%, Processor Architecture: %PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%|Memory: %MemSize% mb|Register user: %USERNAME%|Register org: %RegOrg%|Systemdrive: %SYSTEMDRIVE%

so then we would need 2 more versions for home and mce

ok i spent some time on making a mce autorun theme, i might re do pro and home so they also look the same:

mce setup.exe

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Well, I got kinda lazy when I packaged it up. The backgrounds can be easily replaced with the backgrounds from the current AutoRun program. Package it back up with modded 7zip SFX module and BAM! you got a self-contained AutoRun program. (You really need to use the 7zip SFX module, as it can easily set the necessary environmental variable for the actual AutoRun program!)


Well, I got kinda lazy when I packaged it up. The backgrounds can be easily replaced with the backgrounds from the current AutoRun program. Package it back up with modded 7zip SFX module and BAM! you got a self-contained AutoRun program. (You really need to use the 7zip SFX module, as it can easily set the necessary environmental variable for the actual AutoRun program!)

i getting this on trying to download:

Sorry, but you do not have permission to use this feature. If you are not logged in, you may do so using the form below if available

anyways, is it a newest sfx ? or 1.3 beta ?

Edited by amnesia

Well, I got kinda lazy when I packaged it up. The backgrounds can be easily replaced with the backgrounds from the current AutoRun program. Package it back up with modded 7zip SFX module and BAM! you got a self-contained AutoRun program. (You really need to use the 7zip SFX module, as it can easily set the necessary environmental variable for the actual AutoRun program!)

btw i belive you ment:


the sfx only has the icon

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Amnesia: Try this link.

Bober: You have to combine the 7zip SFX module, the Config.txt file and the 7z file together in order to get the compiled "Setup" program. I included the Config.txt with the attached 7z file....

Amnesia: Try this link.

Bober: You have to combine the 7zip SFX module, the Config.txt file and the 7z file together in order to get the compiled "Setup" program. I included the Config.txt with the attached 7z file....

i was under the impression that only the .txt was enough and any defualt sfx would have worked (cause the txt contains the program to be launched and the paths)but i just tested and ure right,we Do have to use the sfx...my bad

also an easy way to compile an 7z sfx on the fly,drop the 3 files in a folder and :

copy /b *.sfx + *.txt + *.7z ure_file.exe

but im sure im not showing you new stuff.but i do have one question,did you add ure variable and called the setup fromt he 7z gui and compiled it? cause i cant see much in the sfx when i edit it.(thus why at first i was convinced that only the .txt file was enough)


ok im finished editing the xp exes, i think they came out prety good, lol the install logo that i made cklicable was kinda of a pain, cause stimpy had made them and had alpha channel shadowing,and the way the setup software is made is that it does support it but the result was crap.but i realy wanted the logo to be clickable.i coulda just left in the original buttona nd just add simpy's logo on the background image..which probably would have illiminated the pixelation where shadow was..anyways im planning on includign the new exe's to the batch version. here they are:

xp setups.7z

huston we have a problem:

so i finaly edited and repacked the new releases of xptsp and then tested them...

and the setups dont work, they work if the original .exe .ini and support folder are in the root of the disc, but just launching the sfx dosent work ;/

edit i have done soem reading and the %%s should work as long as you are in a NON read-only enviroment.but there is a way around this; simply set enviroment variables, and then run it as a string after in run program...

ill try to fix it 2 night but it is realllly geting late and i need the sleep.


works fine if you rename ure archive to lets say xpsetup.exei nstead of giving it the same name(lol we wouldint want a loop here...)

20th edit(lol):

ok problem no1: our archive's name is setup.exe were extracting it to current dir..so right there thers a problem(plus the installer canot be renamed cuz for sum reason it dosent like it,but thats no trouble we can easyley rename the sfx instead"

2nd problem:like i said extracting to current dir is no good,but we have to cuz the paths from the setup.ini of then autorun need to be in the root.

so i think were prety much focked.(damn ini paths)

plus im realy bummed out that i edited the batch files to remove the old autoruns for the new one..was suppsowed to updated releases...i still like the new ones better and prolly will include them anyways... lol oh well.