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Edited by Guest

seems a nice tool

have alot of function

thx i will test it soon

and problems i will feedback


very nice tool!!!!!

keep it up.

welcome to wincert! :thumbsup:

thank is good tool thankyou very much rs90

hi rs90 can you add taskkill parameter to your prog

and this work with 8.3 file format


Edited by Guest

wow.. i'll have to try this out

Me too ;) . Thanks rs90 (oder danke sch

:welcome6ld: rs90 really useful tool.

I have one question : does it support duplicate files or files with the same name?

when I did a winamp true addon I used some batch files to find files having the same name and renaming accordingly. does your tool do the same? if so then bye bye my dear "batches" :P

keep up the good work :thumbsup_anim:


Edited by Guest

Thank you for your great Feedback. :thumbsup_anim:

@ mona

Yes i can add the taskkill parameter, but i must inform me about this parameter first.

The name of the *.cab and *.inf File are in the 8.3 format, the names of File's in the *.cab archiv must not be in the 8.3 format.

ok s

RunPreSetupCommands =Close.Program:1 ;<- The ":1" Flag Hides the taskkill.exe CMD window (does not need to be in section name)

;Closes program executable if running before uninstall


TASKKILL /F /IM Program.exe

;for XP Home compatibility use

TSKILL Program ;<- tskill fails if you add the file extention (bad example: tskill program.exe)

or see this post made by rick taskkkil


Edited by Guest


why must be the entry for XP Home without File Extension? :unsure:

i think taskkill.exe not included with XP Home

great tool .... thought I would try it on WinAVI 7.7, adding HelixSDK to program files ... worked perfect ... very user friendly.

many thanks :thumbsup_anim:

hi rs90

1.if you can add other key to program like this

Off-Topic Comment(Click to Show)
HKLM,"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\%AppName%","Comments",0,"Easy Duplicate Finder"

HKLM,"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\%AppName%","DisplayIcon",0,"%16422%\Easy Duplicate Finder\EasyDuplicate.exe"



HKLM,"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\%AppName%","Publisher",0,"Easy Duplicate Finder"




and sometimes dont need basic true addon so dont need regkey in program (only need to add manually from captured registry file) so if you can add

button for cheack uncheak add registy from Inf Addon Maker

and if you can add BeginPrompt for manually installation like kel_uberpack

and i think found two bug in your program

1.when create addon in the inf file in a CopyFiles and DelFiles section found free space betwen RootOrdner1.Copy, UnterOrdner1.Copy

when test with fgcba get alot of error so if remove space from RootOrdner1.Copy,UnterOrdner1.Copy

dont get problem

2.In shortcut section please see this videodddd.7z


Edited by Guest

this is my inf file from icofx1.1.7z

and about bug 2

this video noting from Startmenu/Desktop

is a from start menu shortcut

when i want create shortcut in a C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu

from EasyDuplicate.exe with name Easy Duplicate Finder

then i want create shortcut in a C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu\Programs\Easy Duplicate Finder

from EasyDuplicate.exe and Help.url with name Easy Duplicate Finder and

Help on the Web in a folder:Easy Duplicate Finder

only allow create one shortcut

please see again video thanks

Edited by mona


Edited by Guest


Edited by Guest

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