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Inf-Addon Maker


• Fix: the Tempfolder was not depleted if the destinationdir for the Addons existed

• Add: Inf-File can viewed and edited before building the Inf-Addon

• Add: Installprompt

• Add: [CloseProgram] Section

• Update: The Inf-File was restructured for the [CloseProgram] Section

Downloadlink is in the first Post.

@ mona

in your Inf-File is not a Bug, it works correct.

and by the Shortcuts can you not add two Shortcuts with same name to one Section. This let are not otherwise to solve.

thankyou verymuch for fast updating rs90

edit:ok good worked i sorry for mistake :blush:

when i want create shortcut in a C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu

from EasyDuplicate.exe with name Easy Duplicate Finder

then i want create shortcut in a C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu\Programs\Easy Duplicate Finder

from EasyDuplicate.exe with name Easy Duplicate Finder and in a folder:Easy Duplicate Finder

is not allow is different location

Edited by mona

I have few points for you to consider checking out

1) at "scan directory automatically"

you could have it scan a parent dir first in a suggestive way:

Read programfiles ?? [Read]

the parent dir that was selected from the drop down menu is scanned..listing all child folders Directories in names

then you simply choose one to process .. without the need to browse ..but optional


short cuts, dll, ocx are automatically suggested in options active\none active to select...[default anyhow]

adding all *.exe found to a suggestive path, by default-) start menu\group (the name from the child dir in from the previous step is used by default)

the group name in start menu are easily changeable .. to anything else (but for the automatic aspect of addon building it only makes sense to get the name of the parent dir at first (and present it as the default name)...

you can add a few basic Groups for the start menu groups for fast selection









for the other locations for shortcuts the same applies all *.exe are suggested with some select-boxes to activate\deactivate [deactivated by default]

same thing for [register dll\ocx] having all *.dll *.ocx auto suggested but not selected by default...

most of the parameters should be pre suggested for default parameters.

same for entries ini

date: "...." (by system date\time)

language: "English" (by Default)

version: "1.0" (by Default)

of course you make the "auto suggest" an optional feature in each tab or global in the general window

the tool is looking Good

thanks :)

Edited by ENU_user

  • 3 weeks later...

the "scan from:" can be from another location so it can be something other then system DIRID's ... ???

and more:

scan from:{ [%DIRID%] or ["Browse" ..to none DIRID] } { [..Mozilla Firefox..]<->[add destination box] or [browse-Select] }

Edited by ENU_user

  • 3 weeks later...


Edited by Guest


Inf-Addon Maker

  • Add: Dialog with the Licence on first Start
  • Add: Functions for search and replace in the Dialog with the preview of Inf-File
  • Add: Method to Build the Inf-Addon will be save in the Settings.ini
  • Update: 7-zip to version 4.65
  • Update: Shortcutsite overworked, will be extended from the User with XML-Files
  • Update: Inf-File will be write to create empty Folders
  • Fix: mistake in the English-Langage-File

Good evening,

Here is the update translation files for French users (Settings.ini & French.ini).

Thx Rs90.



Edited by Guest

Hi wallace1,

thank you for your translation. :)


i have installed a Wiki in english for english Users: http://rs90.german-winlite.de/en/index.php/Main_Page

It is yet not complete in english, i must translate ...

That's a very good idea. I would make some changes if you want.

I'll report you some problem that I encountered when generating the inf file. Syntax problem generally.

Here are the problems when I check the inf file using FGCBA :

- Unrecognized command in the UnregisterDLL section :

16422\Nero\Nero 9\Nero Burning ROM\.\regsvr32.exe /u /s NeroStarter.dll

but like that it works well :

REGSVR32 /u /s %16422%\Nero\Nero 9\Nero Burning ROM\NeroStarter.dll

- There are empty spaces between the copyfiles section names that generate an error when checking the inf file with FGCBA :


OptionDesc = %AppName%

Tip = %Beschreibung%

Modes =0,1,2,3



CopyFiles=RootOrdner1.Copy, UnterOrdner1.Copy, UnterOrdner2.Copy,........

but like that it works well :


- These commands also generate errors with FGCBA :

11,,cmd.exe,,,"/q /c md ""%16422%\Nero"""
11,,cmd.exe,,,"/q /c md ""%16422%\Nero\Nero 9"""

But perhaps FGCBA is limited with order management, exceptions and errors. It's a very useful tool yet

That's all

Edited by wallace1


Edited by Guest

  • 5 months later...

Nice Work Thanx :thumbsup_anim:

  • 1 month later...

hi can someone help me like i was able to make the addons and stuff but have no idea how to make them silent install cause i guess when i slipstream them with nlite and ran windows xp the only thing i saw on my desktop were shortcuts to the INSTALLERS.I just need to figure out how to make it install by themself :thumbsup_anim:

  • 5 months later...
  • 2 months later...


Edited by Guest

  • 2 weeks later...

Support will be here (English) or at "German-WinLite.de" (only German)

I would be happy about any Feedback and Suggestions ;)

PS: I speak not good english, sorry

I tried your tool (v1.0.4.2) recently with 1 simple addon task and have some feedback and suggestions:

1) In the shortcuts tab, can you translate the Destination menu in English?

I have set the Main Language in your tool to English but still show German Menu.


2) 'Inf Addon Maker.exe' throw up an error message if .Net 2 framework is not installed. It can't be started.

Can you allow your program to start properly even without .Net 2 framework installed?

As far as I know, it is use for .reg conversion to inf format only. You could give user a warning if user tries to convert registry

by placing some warning message in Add Regkey's tab when Net 2 framework is not installed.

3) The created nlited addon (.7z) has the following flaw:

-Entries.ini (As I know, it requires filename like Entries_progname.ini)

-Entries.ini are in Unicode BOM format (using notepad2 to open). It can't be read/parse properly in HFSLIP. (I dun know if it works in nlite/RMVi)

-But if Entries.ini are in UTF-8, it works on HFSLIP,RMVi and nlite (Have tested this myself)

-Can you create Entries_progname.ini in UTF-8 format instead?

If you have difficulty in translating German to English, maybe let us know so we can help.

Kind regards


Edited by Guest

Thanks for the reply. This is my feedback and suggestion for the inf syntax. Quiet a list, hope you won't mind...

In describing what I'm trying to say below, I shall refer my addon program as XYZ for simplicity.

1) cosmetic improvement: See screenshot


2) Entries.ini content

;generiert von Inf-Addon Maker
;Generated by Inf-Addon Maker



;generiert von Inf-Addon Maker
;Generated by Inf-Addon Maker


BeginInsPrompt = "Are you sure, that you install XYZ and all components?"
EndInsPrompt = "XYZ had been successful installed."
EndUnInsPrompt = "XYZ had been successful deleted."
BeginInsPrompt = "Are you sure you want to install XYZ?"
EndInsPrompt = "XYZ successfully installed!"
EndUnInsPrompt = "XYZ had been successful uninstalled."


Tip = %Beschreibung%
missing RunPreSetupCommands=Create.EmptyDirectorys ;<-- pls add this line please
missing RunPostSetupCommands =Del.i386 ;<-- pls add this line please
11,,cmd.exe,,,"/q /c md ""%16422%\XYZ"""


Tip = %Tip0%
[Create.EmptyDirectorys] ;<-- keep this line
CMD /Q/C MD """%1%\i386""" & COPY /D/Y """%1%\*.cab""" """%1%\i386""" ;<-- add this line please
[Del.i386] ;<--add this line and the next line
RUNDLL32 advpack.dll,DelNodeRunDLL32 %1%\i386,8 ;<-- add this line please


[XYZ] ;<-optional components section
Tip = %Beschreibung%


Tip = %Tip0%


missing Updateinis=SYSOC.EDIT ;<-- add this line pelase
missing Cleanup=1 ;<--add this line please



[SYSOC.EDIT] ;<--add this line please
%17%\sysoc.inf,Components,XYZ=* ;<--add this line please


Change (see screenshot below)
missing HKLM,"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\%AppName%","NoModify",0x10001,01,00,00,00
missing HKLM,"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\%AppName%","NoRepair",0x10001,01,00,00,00


HKLM,"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\%AppName%","NoModify",0x10001,01,00,00,00 ;<--add this line please
HKLM,"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\%AppName%","NoRepair",0x10001,01,00,00,00 ;<--add this line please


I created DesktopOK addon with your tool, with modification as I mentioned above. Thanks and have a good day :)

  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...
  • 9 months later...
  • 3 years later...

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