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I am really excited to see the final release of Windows 7. Just installed the latest beta I could find, previously had build 7000 and now onto 7022, all is hunky dory right now and I will be testing it more tonight.

Who else is running 7022 and what are your thoughts.

PS. Currently installed my my week netbook with atom and the performance is quite good. I will be curious to see how it performs once I get some more programs installed. As of now I have just basic stuff, utilities, FF, the works...

I had problems with 7000 and uTorrent, I dont have those with 7022. Actually I had problems with all versions of Windows 7 prior to 7022, it did not last more than two hours on my PC before I went back to Vista or XP

Some bugs like not being unable to delete certain folders until you restart and adding stuff to the registry (especially shell extension stuff) is hard if not impossible...but the bugs are barerable

OH! I forgot, everybody on the network can read my %UserProfile% files like Documents, Downloads, AppData, EVERYTHING! so if you are on a network watch out...they will be able to see EVERYTHING!

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Yeah I had some weird bugs in 7 which were quite annoying!

OH! I forgot, everybody on the network can read my %UserProfile% files like Documents, Downloads, AppData, EVERYTHING! so if you are on a network watch out...they will be able to see EVERYTHING!

Waaaa are you serious, how does that even happen :o

i would run build 7022 but its only in x86 :(

i need x64...

I forgot to mention the new partition creator during install sucks, it wants to create a 200 MB partition for system files or something...the workaround is to boot from a Vista DVD create your new partition/s then reboot again from your Windows 7 DVD and install

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Yeah I worked around that 200mb partition, I have enough dam partition lol

I think I found what may be a bug or one I created by doing some tweaks. A cool new feature if you drag a window off the screen is will maximize or if you drag the taskbar in it will then minimize. This feature was working, but now when I do it Windows Explorer quits working and has to restart.

Other than that all is good. I sent the one report to Microsoft :)

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open up five or six windows on the desktop, grab one by the title bar and shake left and right vigorously...

I don't get it?

Is that same thing what I was talking about above....??

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oh :blush:

7 won't save my credentials for my SERVER after logoff or reboot :sad01_anim:

I am testing 7 image backup to my SERVER atm.

No kidding...part of the Aero features that you are speaking of is the ability to grab a titlebar and toss to one side or the other and it changes to fit the height of the screen, grab and toss to the top and it will maximize. If you have multiple windows open on the desktop and grab one and shake it, all others will minimize. This is part of the Aero peek and there is a setting to enable it on the taskbar props, with show desktop using the small button on right end of the taskbar....

not able to edit my post for some reason...here is info to enable Aero...

To display Aero effects such as transparency in Windows 7, follow these steps:

1. Make sure that Windows Experience Index has been calculated and computed.

2. Click on Start menu.

3. Type the following text into the Start Search box: Aero

4. Click on a search result listing under Control Panel group that named as the following: Find and fix problems with transparency and other visual effects

6. Trick: If you don

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I have been eyeing up that 7048 x64 build :) not sure if I want to download and try it on my desk or not. Maybe I'll just wait for the 86 build for my lappy :)

I have been eyeing up that 7048 x64 build :) not sure if I want to download and try it on my desk or not. Maybe I'll just wait for the 86 build for my lappy :)

Don't be scared to try it out :type:

7048 x86 seems alot faster to me than 7022 or 7000.....

Seems like microsoft is finally listening to people.....

As of now... Windows 7 is VERY promising.....

Haven't tried that build yet. I had build 7000 installed. But this sounds very good so far :)

well 7048 is the first rc edition but not yet final

they say that they fixed alot of bugs thx to feed back

i`m planning to test the new 7048 along with 7000

i used to use 7022 but i got back to 7000 to see the test updates

since 7022 already have the updates

and 7048 seems promising just hope my net connection get fixed to download the last version

and thx for the topic

By what i have been hearing around the internet the past few days people are liking Windows 7 build 7048 x64

I can't wait till i download it and test it! :)

seems 7048 x86

got leaked as well

will download it

much smaller size for me


Edited by DaRk MaDnEsS

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