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Recycle Bin Start Menu by prx984

Adds The Recycle Bin to your start menu, also adds check box in Start Menu Properties and Folder Options to show/hide the Recycle Bin Icon in both Start Menu and Desktop


MD5: 9DC8D6BCFA9DBD00B7949829BA34217D

Size: 2.30 KB

Website: http://www.wincert.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=552

Very special thanks: Cygnus, Tom, VA(s)T, oxcoxp, Arnab and Sanjay for all your smarts

CCleaner Users:

; ### CCleaner Users Edit/Remove the SemiColon from the begining of the RegEntries

;HKCR,"CLSID\{2559a1f6-21d7-11d4-bdaf-00c04f60b9f0}\Shell\Open CCleaner...\command",,0,"%16422%\CCleaner\ccleaner.exe"

;HKCR,"CLSID\{2559a1f6-21d7-11d4-bdaf-00c04f60b9f0}\Shell\Run CCleaner\command",,0,"%16422%\CCleaner\ccleaner.exe /AUTO"


01/24/07 v0.4

Removed Rename From Context Menu

Added Optional Lines for CCleaner users Right Click Context Menu

01/20/07 v0.3

Added Empty Recycle Bin to Context Menu (thanks to Arnab)

Slimed down RegEntries (thanks to Sanjay)

01/12/07 v0.2

Added Right Click: Properties, Rename, Open and Explorer entries to Recycle Bin shortcut (thanks to oxcoxp, only Empty Recycle Bin left :P)

Thats twice now I've done that (check a topic, think about replying, get side tracked :P)

Anyway, thanks Rick. I gotta try this (hopefully tomorrow, it's late here and I'm tired). I will try this on a VPC, then I will burn a new nLite disc.

OOOHH! This is kool, can't wait until "Empty Recycle Bin" option is added :D Thanks rick for continuing to work on it :)

  • 4 weeks later...

Rick, I hate to say this, but how do I integrate this? I did it before, but now I forget :lol:

Edit: LMAO nvm, I figured it out within 2 seconds of posting this :P

Edited by cygnus

  • 2 months later...
CCleaner Users:
; ### CCleaner Users Edit/Remove the SemiColon from the begining of the RegEntries
;HKCR,"CLSID\{2559a1f6-21d7-11d4-bdaf-00c04f60b9f0}\Shell\Open CCleaner...\command",,0,"%16422%\CCleaner\ccleaner.exe"
;HKCR,"CLSID\{2559a1f6-21d7-11d4-bdaf-00c04f60b9f0}\Shell\Run CCleaner\command",,0,"%16422%\CCleaner\ccleaner.exe /AUTO"

hi rick! leme understand this correctly, if i use cclear (your addon too :) ), i need to modify reg entries as specified above? please correct me if i did this incorrectly ... i extracted both contents of the addon & removed the colons & saved the changes ... i then compressed the files again using 7zip (as opposed to the rar format used in the orig addon) ... then renamed it as is ... would this be right and ready for integration? i'm just thinking, would it be alright to have the same addon but with the ccleaner edit already incorporated? thanks! ;)

Edited by kiki burgh

  • Author

@Kiki, yes you did it right, you edited it correctly ;)

@Yadzil, you don't have to, this addon is supposed to show the recycle bin in your Start Menu. My only guess is that you are using Kels UberPack. He already includes this tweak but he stets it to turn off by default

@Kiki, yes you did it right, you edited it correctly ;)
thaks rick! i'm happy i finally did something right for repacking an addon (i really am interested in learning more about addon creation ;) ) ... i tried the repacked addon of course without altering anything else (aside from the colon removal & compression format) to preserve the credits and indeed i already have the Recycle Bin check box in the Start Menu properties ... if i guess it correctly, it'd only work of no tweak is applied to the Recycle Bin (i.e, renaming/deleting it) ... atm, i have my Recycle Bin renamed as "My Shredder" and it wasn't moved away from the desktop ... could there be some adjustments made to this addon? thanks rick!
  • Author

Yes you can enable renaming this recycle bin in your start menu also... Remove the semicolon from this line

; ### Renamable Recycle Bin on Start Menu (REG_BINARY)


The reason I turn this off is that when you rename the recycle bin in the start menu a second recycle bin pops up on your desktop(don't worry it disappears when you refresh your desktop)

thanks rick! ;) so does this mean that even if i already have Recycle Bin renamed (renamed it to My Shredder) via my personal reg tweak, the addon will be able to identify that as my real Recycle Bin?

hi rick! did just what you instructed me to ... however, i got 2 Recycle Bins now ... the 1 on the desktop didn't go away (or wasn't hidden) even if after refresh or even reboot ... he! he! how do i nail this 1? ;) just an fyi, my tweak for Recycle Bin is as simple as renaming it to My Shredder via my own .reg file ... i'm thinking what if i add some more tweaks via nLite (i.e., deleting Recycle Bin or Hiding Recycle Bin) ... i guessing it might just conflict with this addon? thanks!

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