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This is an autoit utility that gets all drives (Total & Free spaces) quickly.

Can be launch from Context Menu of My Computer only

Result is written and open for view on user's desktop , DriveSpaceDetail.txt

If run again, DriveSpaceDetail.txt will be replaced. So please rename it before running this utility again.

Data are displayed/aligned using default notepad or notepad2

I use to think that such basic info should be made easily but I can't find any utility that quickly grab space detail for all drives. Enjoy!


Size: 332.8 Kb (340,792 bytes)

MD5: 219123A739ED29D4F1E3399DADB5D690

Install to : %programfiles%\Show All Drives Space

Uninstallable: Yes



Displayed Result:


Edited by Geej

hi, iw as wondering, wouldint it be more conveniant instead of openign the text file at the end to pop a mesage box:

MsgBox(0,"Drive space usage", $ure_variables  )

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I did thought about this. I agree with you only if it is just 1 or 2 drives, maybe msgbox is more convenient.

In the end, I decided to record down in a text file as it would be too troublesome to manually record down all values.

It is useful to have a 'before' record, when user housekeeps their drives, they can compare with a 'after" value, assuming you have rename the initial file.

Beside, deleting it after that is so easy.(just drag to recycle bin.)

Just imagine if you mount 2 virtual drives (.iso), 1 truecrypt drive, 1 removable drive, plus some network drives etc

The drive list is going to be longer. So I feel putting it down on record is more practical.

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humm k.

but what i ment was, keep the text file but dont make it open up at then end, pop a message box instead.

Oh, I see. I can modify to pop a message box, maybe "Done" or something like that. Then you just open as you wish later.

Update to include %Free info. (Screenshot updated)

  • 2 months later...
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Updated script


1) Drives space info will align properly even if Notepad2 is set as default text editor. (Previously support default notepad only)

(provided HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options\notepad.exe exists)

2) Add uninstaller option via Add/Remove panel (Displayed name is : Show All Drives Space)

3) Change installed path to %programfiles%\Show All Drives Space

4) Icon change for main exe

5) Removed Start Menu shortcut. Accessing the program is thru My Computer context menu only.

As far as I know, it can run in W2K & Vista as well. (but tested in XP only)

Edited by Geej

  • 3 weeks later...

If you don't mind sharing the source, can you include it?

Generally the easiest way to just embed it into the file using the following syntax:

FileInstall(@ScriptFullPath,@TempDir & @ScriptName)

I'd like to create an output that isn't dependent on writing to a file and then displaying in Notepad.


Just to disclose my intentions, I'm thinking of doing something along these lines...

$swid = "display-drive-space";This is the ID. This is commonly used to prevent duplicate instances of the same program.
Global $output_container = GUICreate($swid, 800, 600)
Global $output_field = GUICtrlCreateEdit("", 2, 2, 796, 596, $WS_VSCROLL)
GUICtrlSetFont($output_field, 9, 400, 0, "Courier New")
GUICtrlSetData($output_field, "Hello World!" & @CRLF, 1)
GUICtrlSetData($output_field, "Hello World Again!" & @CRLF, 1)

That should be a good start for getting to show up in its own window, but it won't close properly just yet. You need to add a "Do Until" condition in a custom Close() function. Well, that's how I do it anyway. But don't add all of that verbatim. There should be some error checking, and there might be a way to dynamically change the dimensions of the output window and make the overall appearance a bit nicer. You follow?

Edited by Dumpy Dooby

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If you don't mind sharing the source, can you include it?
Sorry, closed source.
Generally the easiest way to just embed it into the file using the following syntax:

FileInstall(@ScriptFullPath,@TempDir & @ScriptName)

I thought of that but doesn't really achieve anything. Only make my installer source bigger. 7zsfx is fine.

Just to disclose my intentions, I'm thinking of doing something along these lines...

$swid = "display-drive-space";This is the ID. This is commonly used to prevent duplicate instances of the same program.
Global $output_container = GUICreate($swid, 800, 600)
Global $output_field = GUICtrlCreateEdit("", 2, 2, 796, 596, $WS_VSCROLL)
GUICtrlSetFont($output_field, 9, 400, 0, "Courier New")
GUICtrlSetData($output_field, "Hello World!" & @CRLF, 1)
GUICtrlSetData($output_field, "Hello World Again!" & @CRLF, 1)

That should be a good start for getting to show up in its own window, but it won't close properly just yet. You need to add a "Do Until" condition in a custom Close() function. Well, that's how I do it anyway. But don't add all of that verbatim. There should be some error checking, and there might be a way to dynamically change the dimensions of the output window and make the overall appearance a bit nicer. You follow?

I'm not into GUICreate func. But I can modify my script so that it puts the result in user temp dir. Will run silently w/o any visual indicator. And w/o the uninstaller part. U can create your own script (by manipulate the text file from there) to your liking. Ok? (Let me know)
  • 3 weeks later...
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This is an alternate version that only shows the info in msgbox.




Size: 341.17 Kb (349,361 bytes)

MD5: BEC50850BBD457F27C6F8C821EB65CFD

Edited by Geej

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